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(Created page with "{{Logsummary| Title = NGE: The Arrival |Summary = EVA-02 arrives in Neo-Tokyo with a friend! |Who = Asuka Langley Soryu, Rei Ayanami, Tony Stark, [[Caracol]...")
Line 70: Line 70:
<Police> Rio says, "What.. the hell was that!? All my papers just shook off my desk!"
<Police> Rio says, "What.. the hell was that!? All my papers just shook off my desk!"
<Police> Captain Kara says, "|Dispatch this is car 54, we have.. well it's not a Kaiju but it's just as big... please advise"
<Police> Captain Kara says, "Dispatch this is car 54, we have.. well it's not a Kaiju but it's just as big... please advise"
<Police> Kats says, "Dispatch a patrol air unit, tell the heavy division to prep for possible emergency deployment"
<Police> Kats says, "Dispatch a patrol air unit, tell the heavy division to prep for possible emergency deployment"
Line 132: Line 132:
Victoria_Gundam has arrived.
Victoria_Gundam has arrived.
Iron Man tilts his head back to stare up at the strange series of floating rings with the Egyptian eye in the middle of them. "...oh. That's what was manifesting." <Scans reveal a very complex, possibily quantum-level structure.> "Annnnd, you're uncertain about it, aren't you?" <The data's insufficient to form a proper analysis, Boss.> "Thaaaat's what I thought. Have you ever seen Super Atragon, Friday?" <I can't say that I have, Mr. Stark.> "Good flick." <How does it help our current situation> Tony smirks, "Oh, it doesn't. Unless we're lucky enough for this thing to be vulnerable to 20th century naval canons. Can you launch me backup?" <What kind of backup were you thinking of, Boss?> "The big guns kind." <Got it, deploying the Mark 44 now.> "That's what daddy likes to hear."
<nowiki>Iron Man tilts his head back to stare up at the strange series of floating rings with the Egyptian eye in the middle of them. "...oh. That's what was manifesting." <Scans reveal a very complex, possibily quantum-level structure.> "Annnnd, you're uncertain about it, aren't you?" <The data's insufficient to form a proper analysis, Boss.> "Thaaaat's what I thought. Have you ever seen Super Atragon, Friday?" <I can't say that I have, Mr. Stark.> "Good flick." <How does it help our current situation> Tony smirks, "Oh, it doesn't. Unless we're lucky enough for this thing to be vulnerable to 20th century naval canons. Can you launch me backup?" <What kind of backup were you thinking of, Boss?> "The big guns kind." <Got it, deploying the Mark 44 now.> "That's what daddy likes to hear."</nowiki>
Hisako Ichiki had to rummage around to get some kind of ear protection before sortieing; she wound up settling on noise-cancelling headphones - which are currently connected to her radio transceiver, so she can communicate as well as give her ears some kind of protection. The mutant teenager is on her way south from Titans Tower, her exo-armor at about ten feet tall for now - although as she spots the biomechanical titan and the eldritch monster, her very first thought is that she can't get her armor big enough to fight at THAT scale. She does her best anyway, taking a deep breath, and scaling up to about fifty or sixty feet in height - so there's a colorful, holographic-looking 'armor' with a normal-sized girl floating around the center of it. "What're we dealing with?" she wonders, more over the radio than simply 'out loud'; until somebody in the know answers, all she can really do is try to help contain collateral damage.
Hisako Ichiki had to rummage around to get some kind of ear protection before sortieing; she wound up settling on noise-cancelling headphones - which are currently connected to her radio transceiver, so she can communicate as well as give her ears some kind of protection. The mutant teenager is on her way south from Titans Tower, her exo-armor at about ten feet tall for now - although as she spots the biomechanical titan and the eldritch monster, her very first thought is that she can't get her armor big enough to fight at THAT scale. She does her best anyway, taking a deep breath, and scaling up to about fifty or sixty feet in height - so there's a colorful, holographic-looking 'armor' with a normal-sized girl floating around the center of it. "What're we dealing with?" she wonders, more over the radio than simply 'out loud'; until somebody in the know answers, all she can really do is try to help contain collateral damage.

Latest revision as of 18:07, 14 May 2016

NGE: The Arrival

Summary: EVA-02 arrives in Neo-Tokyo with a friend!

Who: Asuka Langley Soryu, Rei Ayanami, Tony Stark, Caracol, Violet, Artanis, Alexa Donovan, Hisako
When: May 13th, 2016.
Where: Center of Neo-Tokyo

Alexa Donovan-icon.gifArtanis-icon.gifAsuka Langley Soryu-icon.gifCaracol-icon.gifHisako-icon.gifRei Ayanami-icon.gifTony Stark-icon.gifViolet-icon.gif

The information contained within this log is to be considered information gained Out of Character (OOC).
This information may not be used as In Character (IC) knowledge or in roleplay unless it has been learned in-game or permission has been granted by the parties involved.

Questions should be directed to staff.

[EXT. Center of NeoTokyo - EARLY EVENING]

Here you are in the epicenter of the insanity lovingly known as NeoTokyo and right in what seems to be the center lies the mysterious wonder known as Tokyo Tower, now seeming to have found it's way as an epicenter in this altered world. From here you can go in many directions to various streets and homes and wherever you may want to go. The area oddly enough seems to give off an odd aura from every direction.

[Exits  : <Up> into Sky (Locked), (A)rena, (C)entral Train Station, The (U)sual Restaurant, (To)kyo Tower, (S)outh, (W)est, (N)orth, (E)ast, and (B)us to the Narita Airport ]

[Things  : Spirit Gate of the Soul ]

[!] The normal early evening routine of the downtown area is suddenly interrupted by a 40 story rectangular dimensional doorway that slides open, bottom to top. The sudden portal opening generators a loud window shattering/rattling shockwave of audio; BWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!! Through this opening comes a 30 story bright red colored mecha, flying backwards off it's feet. A beam of white light is drilling it's way through the center of the waist, turning the armor into molten slag. In the mecha's hands is a huge assault rifle looking weapon which is being fired back through the portal, sending a stream of glowing tracer projectiles skyward through the portal. A long power cord runs back through the open portal which shows a scene of an almost identical Tokyo city skyline only in the sky above is a huge circular looking object of Alien origin from which the white beam of light is emitting. The mecha crashes back first into a downtown skyscraper, caving in that section of the building the mecha slams against. Debris rains down on the street below as screaming panic stricken citizens run for their lives. Some of the debri slams into the front of the Usual Restaurant. Cars on the street get crushed. CHAOS! Then the dimensional doorway slides closed, severing the power cable that runs to the back of the mecha. A few tracer rounds arc over the city and strike distant buildings creating explosions!

EVA-02 Before you is a monster of a humanoid mecha. It stands as tall as a thirty story building, covered in bright red painted armor plating. It has wide shoulders and a broad chest with two rectangular panels jutting up from the back of the shoulders. Sticking out of the back between the shoulder blades is some kind of plug with a thick cable running fom it. Perhaps this is what powers the machine? The chest rapidly narrows into a lanky but flexible looking torso and and waist with banded thick metal plates of armor wrapping around. The legs of this machine are long and equally covered in armor protection with the feet looking like mechanical running shoes. The bottom of the feet even have treaded soles on them. The arms of this machine are more lightly armored and have been painted orange and black. On theside of each shoulder is a green logo consisting of the number 2 withthe word 'EVA' written across it. The human shaped hands have squareshaped armored knuckles that look useful for punching things.

Resting atop all of this metal is the mech's head which when you look at it you get the eerie feeling that it is looking back with those four green round eyes, two on each half of the face. Four nostrils have been drilled through the front armor between the eyes. An elongated chin justs down and out giving the mecha a rather terrifying profile. The head is mostly red in color to match the body with the exception of a white band than goes from the lower jaw and up the sides to wrap around the back of the armored head. It looks like the jaws are hinged letting this mech open it's 'mouth'. When it does you can make out squared off plates of silver metal that give the appearance of teeth.


The inside of the cockpit turns a blood red with !ALERT! messages everywhere. A 5 minute timer starts counting down.

Asuka says, "Scheisse! Wo ist es hin?"

EVA-02 digs itself out of the building quickly and takes up a firing stance, scanning the sky, the front armor letting off steam from the damage sustained from the light beam.

Traffic One flies in from the sky above.

EVA-02 sweeps the sky in a 180 degree arc from left to right with the rifle, looking for the threat that was there a moment ago.

Caracol has arrived.

Violet has arrived.

Artanis has arrived.

Alexa_Donovan has arrived.

EVA-02 looks down at all the damage and people running for cover and pops on the external speaker. A female's voice emits from the speakers, "Are you people stupid or something!? There's an angel here! FIND COVER IMMEDIATELY! Scheisse!"

Stark has arrived.

NT Police Car 54 comes to a screeching stop at the foot of the giant. Two cops get out of the tricked up cop car and stare up at the thing while one shouts into his radio.

EVA-02 looks at the rifle in it's hand. The digital ammo counter reads zero. The mecha discards the empty weapon then reaches back with one massive hand as a panel pops open on it's rear right fin and a knife ejects upward. The mecha grabs the knife and takes up a battle stance, looking left, right. It's looking for something.

Violet storms out of the UR, looking into the sky to the east. "I've got an ETA of a minute for Victoria to arrive..." She then glances up at the EVA. "Well, this'll be an interesting minute..."

NT Police car 54's cops yelp and dive back into their car which in turn reverses out of the way of the falling rifle the size of a naval gun.

The Evangelion Unit is being observed from about 5000 feet up as Iron Man blazes through the sky, dropping down towards the center of the city with his repulsor engines on full burn, flames spewing out of the back and upper shoulders of the suit. As the image on the screens in front of Tony Stark's face enhance he blinks and frowns sourly. "Friday...is that a giant red robot?" <It is, Mr. Stark> "That's just wonderful. Do I have copyright on the color red?" <You can't copyright a color, Mr. Stark> "That's even more wonderful, thank you." <You're welcome, Boss>

Alexa arrives just behind Violet, and while she's seen some strange things since arriving, this one's totally new. "What the... I think this is way above my pay grade, darlin'.

Artanis gives an affirmative nod to Violet's previous question before all hell breaks loose! "We are under attack!!" Being well accustomed to the art of warfare, the Protoss wastes no time to find cover. Sensing that whatever struck the city came directly from outside, he stands from his seat and engages his psi blades, rushing towards the exit alongside Violet and Alexa. As he steps outside, he glances up to the giant fallen robot that has laid waste to a good chunk of the city. "What is an EVA?" The green haired girl is the one in charge and thus the Protoss refrains from acting without a plan of attack, turning to Violet for guidance. "How shall we proceed here, Executor?"

EVA-02 looks at the two cops with it's four green eyes and from the external speakers the female voice comes again, directed at the cops as they run away in their car. "Where are you going you idiots!? Get these people out of here! It's going to manifest itself again!"

Traffic One beats it's way through the air onto the scene, circling the wrecked building and the EVA before it.

<Police> Rio says, "What.. the hell was that!? All my papers just shook off my desk!"

<Police> Captain Kara says, "Dispatch this is car 54, we have.. well it's not a Kaiju but it's just as big... please advise"

<Police> Kats says, "Dispatch a patrol air unit, tell the heavy division to prep for possible emergency deployment"

<Police> Corporal Nariwasa says, "Dispatch Traffic 1 is 10-8 to scene. eta 3 minutes"

<Police> Yuna grudgingly reports in. "Officer KAgurazaka, temporarily suspending leave, if Mech assistance is absolutely mandatory.

<Police> Rio says, "Ooooookay. There's a giant red mecha in downtown tearing up the city. News choppers have eyes on it now and are reporting on it. May want to get the heavies down there just in case this thing goes ugly."

[!] Alarms go off and lights flash down at police town tower as the doors to the HEAVY vehicle bays start to open, The sounds of massive amounts of metal getting into motion can be heard on the other side of the door. The Tank Police are on the Move!

<Police> Corporal Nariwasa says, "Dispatch, Traffic 1, Incursion is an Eva, from the Neon Genesis Evangelion series. It appears to be Unit 2 and the pilot is using german words in some of her statements."

<Police> Kats says, "Copy that. Any sign of orignal incurring force?"

<Police> Corporal Nariwasa says, "Dispatch, Traffic 1 sees no others, hostile or otherwise."

Violet says, "What's an EVA? That's an EVA! A giant robot made for fighting... well, I really didn't follow the series very well, to be honest It got horribly confusing towards the end." Being a mecha pilot herself, she's made a point to watch a lot of mecha related Anime in the past. She looks at the machine again as its pilot calls for everyone to run. "But it /should/ be... more or less on our side. I'm more worried about if its enemy showed up as well..."

"Friday, are those tanks?" <They are, Mr. Stark.> "Wonderful, just what this city needs." <Maybe you can offer to sell them ammunition?> A long sigh escapes Tony's lips, "I already told you I don't /do/ that anymore." <It's a joke, Boss.> Tony just stares at the corner of the holographic screen. "Of course it is." He takes a moment to collect his thoughts on the situation, his eyes drifting about the suit's screens as countless datafeeds pop up simultaneously, "All right, people. This is Iron Man. I'm breaking in to any kind of technological system you've got and sending a broadcast. Radio, subspace, iPhone, whatever. Let's get the civilians out of here and let's have four-eyes here give us the skinny on exactly /what/ is going to re-manifest itself." Iron Man turns to stare at Unit-02 as he says that, as if to drive home his point.

"I surmised it was a giant robot." Says Artanis with some dryness to his telepathic voice. "My concerns laid more towards knowing what are its abilities, despite the obvious size advantage." Ah, no matter, he can figure it out on the fly if needed be, and it looks like this thing is not unlike a Terran Thor, though far less bulky. Perhaps a mix between a Thor and a Colossus. The Protoss keeps his gaze up as he hears the pilot of the robot speak through a loud speaker and then begins to scan the vicinity in search of this supposed angel. "If this is not our foe then what is it?"

[!] Suddenly with a booming eerie Chorus of a 1000 piece Choir singing slightly off key, a 1000 foot diameter ringed object appears above the center of NT. floating perhaps a half a mile up. It has 5 rings that compose it's body, each ring spinning in opposite directions of different colors that keep changing as the rings spin rapidly. The center point looks like a freaky Egyptian hieroglyphic eyeball that opens up suddenly and a beam of white light comes right down on the EVA unit.

<Police> Rio says, "Holy Balls! What the hell is that over the city!? That looks like a freak'n UFO or something!? Ummm.. we may need something more than Police on this one!"

Alexa blinks and just stares, mouth open. "What in the hell is goin' on?" she looks around, and figures the best she can do is help with crowd control, helping to get civilians out of the way and to safety.

EVA-02 says, "SCHEISSE!!!" The Eva dive's out of the light and rolls behind a building for cover. The ground where the beam hits caves in like a million pounds was just thrust hard into the ground."

Hisako has arrived.

[!] The singing from the circular object is painful to the ears of those without protection and glass is beginning to crack, fracture and shatter for several blocks.

NT Police are familiar with Kaiju and they move into action. not to fight but to get the bystanders off the streets. "This way, please remain calm and get indoors...

Rei appears from a vehicle.

Rei has arrived.

Rei takes one look at the arriving angel and get's back into her jeep. peeling out and heading for the NTSDF Ground Base.

Rei Rei enters the JASDF Jeep

Rei drives JASDF Jeep to Umikaze Avenue.

It seems that Caracol's patroling for wormholes keeps randomly landing him on unrelated trouble. Thankfully, though he's not found of fighting, it's not that he minds getting his hands dirty if it's for the sake of saving folks. "Well, at least this isn't a horde..." he murmurs from the area where he just came to a stop above the center of Neo Tokyo, "But it looks like people have to be taught which way is GONE again."

Traffic One powers out and heads for higher sky. trying to get clear of the fighting space.

Traffic One flies up into the air.

Traffic One has left.

Violet says, "What it is, is a city defender, effectively. It fights these wierd things called-" That's as far as she gets in her explanaition before the Angel shows itself and she ducks down, covering her ears at the noise. "Bloody hell!" she yells out, then glances off to the east again, this time seeing what she's looking for. Still wincing in pain, she does manage to get a bit of a grin onto her face as the gundam's autopilot seeks out a landable area near her. With all the destruction around, and the massive turbulance from the giant explosion, it does manage to take longer than Violet would like for it to set down. She looks about, at Artanis then Alexa, and she shouts out, "Artanis, keep Alexa safe!" before running for the mecha."

Victoria_Gundam steps out of a swirling silver portal that appears in midair, and closes just as suddenly behind Victoria_Gundam.

Victoria_Gundam has arrived.

Iron Man tilts his head back to stare up at the strange series of floating rings with the Egyptian eye in the middle of them. "...oh. That's what was manifesting." <Scans reveal a very complex, possibily quantum-level structure.> "Annnnd, you're uncertain about it, aren't you?" <The data's insufficient to form a proper analysis, Boss.> "Thaaaat's what I thought. Have you ever seen Super Atragon, Friday?" <I can't say that I have, Mr. Stark.> "Good flick." <How does it help our current situation> Tony smirks, "Oh, it doesn't. Unless we're lucky enough for this thing to be vulnerable to 20th century naval canons. Can you launch me backup?" <What kind of backup were you thinking of, Boss?> "The big guns kind." <Got it, deploying the Mark 44 now.> "That's what daddy likes to hear."

Hisako Ichiki had to rummage around to get some kind of ear protection before sortieing; she wound up settling on noise-cancelling headphones - which are currently connected to her radio transceiver, so she can communicate as well as give her ears some kind of protection. The mutant teenager is on her way south from Titans Tower, her exo-armor at about ten feet tall for now - although as she spots the biomechanical titan and the eldritch monster, her very first thought is that she can't get her armor big enough to fight at THAT scale. She does her best anyway, taking a deep breath, and scaling up to about fifty or sixty feet in height - so there's a colorful, holographic-looking 'armor' with a normal-sized girl floating around the center of it. "What're we dealing with?" she wonders, more over the radio than simply 'out loud'; until somebody in the know answers, all she can really do is try to help contain collateral damage.

NT Police officers have shown up in a number of cars and are quickly setting up a cordon and doing their best to get citizens off the streets. Meanwhile in the distance the sound of more sirens mixed with the rumbling of heavy metal can be heard.

Artanis has little time to hear Violet's explanation about the EVAs or Iron Man transmitting directly into his telepathic link. He's too busy bringing his arm to shield his face when a giant monstrosity appears from the skies and shoots a blinding laser down in an attempt to vaporize the EVA. Thankfully, it misses, and Artanis adjusts himself in time to hear Violet's order. "Understood!" No questions or permission is asked. He reaches for Alexa just as she begins to stumble due to the impact of the blast. The Protoss picks her up bridal style and begins moving at blurring speed towards where the civilians are running to. "We must find you shelter if you are unable to acquire armor!" Thankfully, since Artanis communicates entirely through telepathy, Alexa should have no problem hearing him over the noise of everything. The Protoss is equally capable of ignoring the loud sound waves of the angle thus far having a lot more treshold when it comes ear drum endurance.

EVA-02 says, "And I thought Shinji sang off key!" Comes from the external speaker. The EVA scrambles as the white beam of light shines down directly toward is again. It narrowly gets out of the way as the crushing forward of a 1000x gravity flattens part of the 40 story building the EVA was using for cover in seconds and creates a perfectly round crater about 80 feet deep and 100 feet wide. Anything and anyone caught in the damage ring is a pancake.

[!] There is a crescendo of singing as the Angel fires it's gravity weapon again.

"Oooooh. That's bad...how fast can we buy that building, Friday?" <Working on it.> "And what's the ETA on the Heavy Support?" <Five minutes, Mr. Stark>

Caracol swoops down to help herd some of the civilians off to saftey once he has a better grip of the whole situation. Despite his strong hearing, his race seems SPECIFICALLY weak to high pitched noise rather than loud noise. If that weren't the case nameks would NEVER stand a chance in all those explosions. In any case, he's cringing at the singing whilst attempting to defend the same people he's trying to herd from any flying debris and energy beams.

"Oooooh. That's bad...how fast can we buy that building, Friday?" <Working on it.> "And what's the ETA on the Heavy Support?" <Five minutes, Mr. Stark> "Right..." The armor's thrusters flare as it shoots itself straight up into the air, stretching out its arms, hands pointed towards the central eye in the middle of the ring-like floating structure. "I guess we play Mosquito." The palm-mounted and wrist-mounted repulsors begin to fire, blue energy arcing through the sky as Iron Man begins to lay down a barrage of fire, trying to at least slightly annoy the creature, Angel, whatever it might be. Tony can be very annoying, really, he's confident of some matter of success.

NT Police's cordon is still a ways out but not nearly big enough to keep everyone clear of a fight this big and the police start pulling everyone back even further. Small parties of cops are still within the cordon trying to escort the slower of movement or wit.

As Ironman's energy beams strike for the eye of the beast they are deflected away at the appropriate angle and a visible rainbow translucent octagon shaped energy shield is visible for a moment, sending out little rippling shockwaves before vanishing from view again.

"HEY!" Alexa shouts. "Put me down ya gorram alien! I want to help!" She looks back after Violet until she can't see her anymore, but still wincing with the noise.

The sounds of several armoured vehicles are not so distant anymore as blue Hovertanks tricked out with white undercarriage lights and the standard police red and blue light bar come around the corner and begin raising their barrels to the threat.

Violet takes a running leap at her Gundam, getting far more air than physics says she should. Her flight path to the opening cockpit is slightly erratic as she holds her hands against her ears. Once inside, she closes the cockpit as fast as she can, sighing in releif at the dampened sound inside the mecha. "Oh, thank the gods..." She checks the comm listings, trying to see if anyone has taken command of the situation already. "This is Lt. Commander Karrde in Victoria, is there a command structure for the situation yet?"

Artanis ignores Alexa's racial slur in preference of following orders. "You will not be of much help if you are caught by the creature's gravitational blast, please understand!" All he knows is that the Executor of this place gave him some orders. Keep her wife- er, lover or whatever, safe, which Artanis intend to accomplish. Dashing through the streets and avoiding the panicking citizens by leaping clear over most of their heads, Artanis arrives at a nearby bunker looking structure to deposit Alexa. If anything it'll at least take the woman a good chunk of time to run all the way back to the engagement zone, Artanis appeared to have cleared miles in just a few seconds of running.

EVA-02 says, "Shinji!? Rei!? Answer me damn it!? Where are you! I need backup! Misato!? What's the status on getting me a new weapon!? I am out here with my ass hanging out!" The Eva does a series of backflips and cartwheels to dodge several rapid blasts from the Angel, each blast leaving a crater in the ground, destroying buildings, cars, concrete, people, that little dog over there!"

EVA-02> [OOC] Iron Man says, "Noooo! I liked that dog! ;_;"

Hisako Ichiki winces at the sight of that building getting flattened; her exo-armor might be able to stand up to gravity like that, but *she* would still have, as they say, a bad time. She focuses on looking around for something that she can use ... whether it's picking up debris to throw, borrowing a weapon from a giant robot, basically anything. "I'm not sure how much I can do to help," she admits over the radio. "Any suggestions?"

[!] The fourth outer wring suddenly locks into place and turns bright glowing yellow.

NT Police Tanks pass the cordon and once inside the area of engagement begin firing. BOoOm BoooM, 90 and 100 milimetre canon shells flying at the flying thing.

The shells explode against the angel's AT field, sending little rainbow color octagon shaped ripples across the field's surface.

Alexa looks more than rather annoyed at having been deposited. "Now what did you do that for? I could be helpin' out there instead of here in some ruttin' shelter! It's gonna take to damn long to get back!

<Energy build up within the structure, Mr. Stark. It increases exponentially as each ring locks into place.> Friday points out as Tony continues to twist and dart about the sky, dodging the cannon shells from the Tank Police as much as he is everything else while unleashing everything the suit has. Missiles, Repulsors, Pulse Lasers, Unibeam, you name it. "At least it telegraphs its attacks." Tony switches to universal comms, "Each time a ring locks into place the thing's energy level grows until it pops one of those blasts! Everybody keep an eye on it and clear out." A loud rumble can be heard in the distance as a massive suit of black armor sails through the sky like a shot from a canon. "It's about time." Tony stops firing as Iron Man zips back towards the black suit. "Friday, let's Armor Up!" <Roger that, Boss. Armor Up protocols engaged. Stand by for link." The massive black suit splits open, laser linkages guiding it until it slams into the back of Iron Man's existing armor. Energy crackles along its surface as armored plates expand and clamp into place, massive arms fitting over the suits existing arms as huge hydraulic legs slam into their positions. "Status?" <Link complete, we are Armored Up. Mark 44 engaged." The huge suit's arms slam together, "Right! Let's do something about that thing's stupid music. Put on something fitting, Friday." <Yes, sir. Switching to AC/DC Power." Suddenly the radios and other communications equipment of everyone in the area switch so that a certain tune is playing in the background. < https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pAgnJDJN4VA >

Victoria_Gundam quickly takes aim with its beam rifle at a point on the outermost ring. Violet broadcasts over the comms, "EVA Pilot, calm down! You have backup! Another EVA unit should be inbound!" . o O ( At least I hope they've got that thing ready to go. ) She opens up with the beam rifle, firing on the ring. Hey, it might work right? Right? She's powering up the back thrusters anyway, ready for the worst to happen next, while already setting the beam shield to full power, as well. "And who the hell is flooding the channel with music?!" At least it's not a particularly noisy song.

All of the Gundamn's weapon fire deflects off the AT field at the appropriate angle lighting up that rainbow colored shielding with each impact.

Unit Zero has arrived.

"That is the plan." If Artanis had any mouth to speak of he would be grinning right now. Sure, he told Violet that he would keep Alexa safe, that did not mean that he was going to relinquish the opportunity to engage in glorious combat. Even in this strange dimension, a Heirarch's place is in the field of battle, not hiding in the back lines. As Alexa starts to complain about being deposited far away from the engagement zone, Artanis turns and gives her some parting words. "May Adun hide you!" Then he's off, breaking the sound barrier in a full sprint to get back where the Tokyo police is engaging against the angle. "Ah, Terran siege tanks. Now this is starting to become more familiar." He says just in time to hear the AC/DC music in his mind as well. "Far /far/ too familiar." This is apparently a song he heard the Terran soldiers playing at some time too. It is no consequence, what matters is that he's finally getting some tactical information about the creature and he responds to Iron Man telepathically. "Acknowledged! I will get closer and attempt to find a weak spot!" Artanis responds to everyone on the radio before he jumps to a nearby building's roof top in one bound. "Zira'vek kryor!!" He yells in Khalai and uses his limited fly to reach up towards the sky where the angel floats, choosing a spot where the Terran military isn't currently shelling. Engaging the angel in melee, the Hierarch unleashes his psi blades and begins to rain a storm of slashes across its surface.

An SD Iron Man appears on one of Violet's screens, raising a hand. "That would be me." Tony Stark says, "What? You don't like classic rock? You want me to put the helium angel choir on again?"

Unit Zero arrives on the scene and radios "Normal weapons cannot breach an AT field. We must Cancel the field first. Asuka! I'm here. I have 15 minutes of battery time and 5 rounds for this rifle.

EVA-02 says, "About time you showed back up wondergirl! I am zero'd on ammo and Misato and Shinji are out of contact! And someone is jamming our comms with American rock music!"

EVA-02 says, "Dummkopf!" She dodges another series of blasts. The faster the fire from the angel the smaller the craters it makes. It is obviously choosing speedy attacks now over mega blasts in order to put as much pressure on the EVA as possible. "Damn it! This thing is really pissing me off! I only have 3 minutes left! We have to bring it down to us!""

Alexa starts cussing up a storm in both both English and Chinese, kicking a few rocks, obviously not happy. She gives up, sitting down on something nearby, scowling.

"I'm not jamming anyone's comms!" Iron Man says in his own defense, "It's background piggyback carrier wave replacing background static. Honestly."

NT Police's tanks keep firing there's more shells where the first came from.

As Artanis flies up to bravely (foolishly?) engage the angel in melee combat with his PSI weapons, each punch makes the AT field ripple and then a small cut in the AT field? Impossible! The eye of the angel suddenly looks at Artanis. OUCH TIME. A focused stream of gravity waves is directed at the alien.

Violet groans before speaking into the comms again. "You're just adding to the noise and making it hearder to listen to commands! EVAs, at least tell me I'm distracting it!" The engines on the Victoria's back light up as the unit jumps, sending it flying into the air as she tries to get a higher angle while moving erratically to avoid incoming fire. She's fully aware her weapons are useless against this thing, but she's keeping the fire up anyway, continuing to light it up with the beam rifle.

Hisako Ichiki grimaces as she spots the ring glowing brighter and brighter; the flying thing is too big and WAY too high for her to do anything productive about it. She could try to scale her exo-armor up that big, but she'd probably pass out within a few seconds from the effort - too quickly to do any good. For now, she picks up some of the pieces that are left of the gravitationally collapsed skyscraper, winds up, and flings them at the glowing ring, unable to tell (until she hits, or doesn't) whether the AT Field they were talking about is up or down. "Bringing something that big down," she calls out to Eva-02's pilot, "we'd probably flatten even more of downtown in the process ... but I haven't got any better ideas!"

"It is working!" Artanis yells over the radio as everyone starts arguing over the music. "I am successfully penetrating its shields!" Of course, the Hierarch of the Daelaam expects that if his strikes are having an effect on the angel he is going to draw its attention. Fortunately, the angel is not the only one with shields, and Artanis engages the shield battery floating on his back to go into shield overload. "No victory without risk!!" He unleashes a warcry and goes into a boxing guard just as he takes the graviton blast square on the face. The Protoss goes flying backwards and smashes through several buildings before rolling on the ground until friction mercifully brings him to a stop. After laying on the ground for exactly a second, he shakes his head and stands up again to fly directly back at the angel, his PSI shield having taken the brunt of the damage. "For Aiur!!!!"

Unit Zero moves closer to Unit Two "Shinji and Misato are...out of range, it is just you and I and what we have. Perhaps I could toss you?

EVA-02 is happy to no longer be the target of the angel and takes that time to maneuver into a better position. "Toss me? Are you crazy!? That's like a half mile up! It's...." She's cut off short as the Angel suddenly drops from the sky and then stops on a dime just 500 feet from the ground. The middle (3rd) ring locks into place and glows blue. Anything directly under the angel (1000 feet diameter) suddenly feels twice as heavy as the gravity changes to 2x in that area. The choir also goes up a few more octaves and is now debilitating to anyone not in a mech, a building or with proper ear protection. The choir sounds even more erratic now in it's notes. Simon would not send this angel to the next round on X-Factor.

EVA-02 says, "We better think of something quick! I have a bad feeling that when those rings stop spinning.. game over!""

Unit Zero points at a multi-story building. "Is that tall enough to get us close?

EVA-02 says, "Maybe if we scale that sky scrapper over there!" The Eva points to one of the taller office buildings."

EVA-02 says, "What ever that thing is attacking the angel said he found a weak point! Lock on to that point Rei and maybe your rifle can open up the gap and let me through!?""

Unit Zero says, "Affirmative" and begin unfolding the bipod and setting the rifle up with the roof of a multistory building as a rest."

Victoria's attacks do nothing but light up the rainbow AT field and the debris hurled up at the angel just breaks on the same shield. The Protos warrior seems to be the only one having any effect but it's on a small scale.

The good news; Artanis has remarkably good ear protection for someone who doesn't have ears to begin with. The sound waves hit the Protoss once again and he seems to completely ignore the screeching inside his mind. The bad news; he gets hit by the angel when their trajectories intersect and he once again goes flying downwards to smash against the concrete. "Agh!!" The only reason why the Protoss hasn't been liquified already is because of his own shield battery, as it is still keeping strong. "Curse this creature." The Hierarch rolls back and jumps to a nearby sky scrapper to use it as leverage and fly up to the angel once more.

"Everyone! Focus fire on my location!! My Psi blades are able to weaken its shield! If we concentrate enough firepower on one spot we may be able to break through!" Artanis doesn't wait for a response, if these Terrans are trained military they will understand the strategy behind this ploy. Therefore, he charges right into the spot he attacked previously and begins to unleash another barrage of Psi blade slashes. "GRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAHHH!!!"

Five hundred feet? Still problematic - but *that*, Hisako can do. Especially with so much at stake, so many allies, and the handful of friends she's made here as well. "HaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!" Hisako's voice rings out as she gathers herself, and her exo-armor grows, then grows further, coming up to a little over the Angel's altitude. Her ears are ringing from the effort, but the mutant teen reaches out anyway, grabbing hold of the outermost ring on either side of Artanis's target point - assuming the AT Field has been countered to the point that she can reach out and *touch* the Angel's body - and she starts trying to, from all appearances, tear it apart between her projected armor's hands. Or bend it. Or pull it off-center from the others, or *SOME*thing - anything that would disrupt the alignment and/or structural integrity of the Angel. "Whatever you can do," she calls out to her allies, "do it!"

NT Police Tanks redouble their fire, aiming at the spot hi-lighted by the Protoss and hopefully not hitting him.

Caracol would finally come back into the scene after sometime of helping folks and wishing to go deaf. "Okay folks, how are we doing here," he wonders as he floats to a stop. "I haven't fought one of thes before. However, he doesn't wait for an answer given the words of Artanis and Hisako. The namek puts two fingers to his forehead as his purple hued aura starts blazing up around him. "Ok, I can roll with that....well not on your exact location, but-"

Caracol would finally come back into the scene after sometime of helping folks and wishing to go deaf. "Okay folks, how are we doing here," he wonders as he floats to a stop. "I haven't fought one of these before." However, he doesn't wait for an answer given the words of Artanis and Hisako. The namek puts two fingers to his forehead as his purple hued aura starts blazing up around him. "Ok, I can roll with that....well not on your exact location, but-"

Violet flies her machines around towards the spot Artanis has weekened, trying to line up a shot... She licks her lips inside the cockpit as she takes aim and fires! Unforunately with all the distractions, including people coming into melee range, she just can't seem to get the angles of fire right, and the shot is slightly wide, hitting the AT field at full strength. "Damnit!" she says inside her cockpit without transmitting. "I'm really missing those ocular implants right now!"

EVA-02 starts moving and climbs up the backside the office building, out of the sight of the angel. "You there... whatever you are.. punching the angel! You have the biggest balls on the planet or you are moron! Keep punching it! I think we have a solution! Some shots are going to come your way to the point you weakening so be ready to get out of the way, got it!?" Then Arantis announces his plane, stealing the red heads thunder. She frowns and yells, "Yes! That's what I said! Focus all the fire on that point!" She keeps climbing and gets on top of the buildilng. "Maximum AT field! Get ready Rei! Everyone is attacking one point. Hit it with all you got!" As Hisako tries to tear through the gap, the angel 'SCREAMS' and the 2nd ring locks into place and it looks at the two that are trying to force the AT field open. Sparks shower from Hisako's hands contact the rapidly spinning last ring. Gravity increases by 4x under the angel and it is no longer singing, it is just screeching at the top of it's lungs... if it has lungs.

Unit Zero patiently waits watching for the moment the AT field shows a gap. Then.... BLAM. clickClack BLAM... two rounds the size of 16 inch naval gun shell are launched. bracketed by the clanking noise of the world's largest rifle action. Followed by a second 'double tap' and finally a final solo fifth round.

EVA-02 says, "INCOMING! CLEAR!""

Violet, already frustrated by her poor aim, doesn't seem to be getting any better at firing on the tight constraints. In the end, she has Victoria put away the beam rifle on the hip plate and pulls out a beam saber instead, waiting until after Unit 2's attack to see if she's needed at all.

NT Police makes love like battleships "Boomboom Boom Boom"

"En Taro Adun! I am Artanis!" The Protoss hails Asuka over her frequencies, taking an uncharacteristic moment to introduce himself whilst in the middle of a battle. If anything, because being called a 'thing' is starting to really irritate him. "Do not make this battle about your personal glory, Terran." He continues to talk through telepathically through Asuka's radio. "Simply finish this fight!" And it does seem like that's what everyone intends to do. Artanis even grips the AT field with his Psi blades and stretches it as far as he can to let Hisako through "Strike and move!!" He says to the mutant just as he senses the incoming artillery from everyone coming their way. The Protoss taps Hisako's shoulder to let her know he's disengaging and jumps out of the way just as Neo Tokyo defense's combined blasts fly into the exposed area of the angel.

Caracol is making quite a bit strangled noises of pain and irritation as his aura keeps flickering like something's giving him trouble holding it. However, despite whatever is causing this issue, his aura eventually focuses on his finger tips before he moves them to point at the weak spot on the angel, careful not to aim in an angle where anything ELSE is between him and it. "MAKANAKOSAPPO," is called out amidst his attempts to swallow the noises of pain, before a drill shaped energy beam goes speeding into the weak point the others were working on.

Hisako Ichiki is still wrestling with that outermost ring at the moment, but with the AT Field getting torn open by a joint effort - Artanis's psi-blades plus the two Evangelions' countering with their own - she sees reason for optimism again. With another loud but wordless shout, she redoubles her efforts - and tries to reach past the outward rings, to try and grasp the one that HASN'T locked yet. Maybe that one will be more susceptible to wrenching it out of alignment with the others, defying the Angel the chance to launch its finishing strike - or at least stymieing it long enough for the Evas to finish the job in favor of the city and its people.

"Okay, we've got a big hole in the impenetrable field and we're supposed to unleash everything? I can do that." </We/ can do that, Mr. Stark.> "Of course, I meant we, Friday. I was using the royal 'I', you know?" <...> "Don't give me such a sour face. Oh, and can I get big red button?" <I'm fresh out of those, Boss.> "Owww, cheeky. Right, then." Panels begin to open all over the massive black armor, 20mm miniguns, missile launchers, pulse lasers, palm and wrist-mounted repulsors, swarm missiles, high-powered laser cannons. The suit is loaded for bear. "All replication systems on at full strengh, let's give this thing everything we've got. Give me 400% power, babe." <Pushing Repulsor Node to 400% power, have at them.> "Having at them." The Mark 44 opens up with everything, repulsor beams, swarms of missiles, a blanket of quad 20mm cannons, unibeams, barrages from a pair of shoulder-mounted, massive laser cannons. The entire back of the suit has shifted to thruster mode with the central Repulsor Node glowing a bright, baleful red from the sheer amount of overload power being pumped into the weapon systems. The suit blazing out with a wall of pure firepower.

Hisako digs into the last hyper spinning ring which kind of comically doesn't stop spinning but does slow down and sends her going around and around if she doesn't let go. The Protoss gets out of the way as all the firepower plows into the same spot, which keeps the AT field from closing back. All five of Rei's sniper rounds go through the gap and impact on the rings inside. The AT field buckles and shatters into a sparkle of colors which would be pretty to behold if not for the seriousness of the situation. At last the final ring stops.. but not from Hisako's efforts. It locks into place and starts to glow a bright purple. At that very second Asuka crouches down in that heroic leaping crouch then pushes off with all her might leaping skyward. The top three floors of the Sky Scrapper she leaps from has all it's windows explode out from the downward stressing force put on the infrastructure from the mech leaping. She gives her best Asuka battle cry, leading her flying upward leap with her Progressive Knife leading the way. With her own AT field maxed out she bullies her way up and slashes right through the eye and explodes out the top with the angel's core impaled on her weapon. The angel shrieks as the core cracks and then shatters. All the rings on the angel turn black then bubble up grotesquely and finally exploding in a shower of angel blood that rains down on the city covering 4 city blocks in red ichor. Eva-02 lands gracefully in a nearby street, sending a splash of blood shooting in all directions.

Caracol pants a little, lowering to the ground as if he excerted himself heavily. "Thank Guru...if it screached any longer I would have had to ruin my own ears before IT did."

There's a sharp intake of breath as Unit-02 drops from the sky after leaping up to the Angel, slashing through its cute with her knife and causing sparks everywhere just before the Core cracks and the Angel lets out an inhuman screaming sound before the rain of blood starts to fall from the sky. "Ooooh..." The patters of crimson flow down Iron Man's suit in growing crimson rivulets, following the panels and plates of the armor. "I hope no one is wearing anything expensive. SOmething tells me this is going to be murder to wash out."

Caracol says, "Oh I'm used to getting blood out of things. I can give tips if they're needed!"

The Protoss lands on the ground feet first and watches as Unit-02 eviscerates the alien creature in mid air. Artanis' shield protects him from the impact that gallons upon gallons of angel gore falling upon him, though he inevitably ends covered in thick, black blood. That is fine for him though as he raises his arms to the sky, Psi blades extended, and gives a victory cry whilst being covered in angel blood and guts. "Khassar de templari!!!"

EVA-02 kneels down, lowers it's left arm with the palm up, forming a ramp with the arm. "EVA-02, shutdown!" The unit powers off with 1m37sec left on the timer. The head pulls forward and the back armor opens and a long tube like device spins up out of the neck. A hatch opens on the side and a little ladder is deployed. Out climbs a young girl with fiery red hair and piercing blue eyes. She can't be more 14 or 15. She flicks her hair back behind her shoulders and surveys the gore with a huff. "Stupid angel...."


Before you is young attractive girl, somewhere in her teen years most likely. She stands at a short 5 foot 1 inches and looks to weigh a little over a hundred pounds. You can tell right away looking at this girl that there is something special about her facial features that puts her above the common riffraff. She's a mix of two races, most likely Japanese and some Caucasion race, perhaps German. She was lucky enough to receive the best of both races all rolled into one pretty face. She has the sharp jaw lines of her German ancestry while slightly oriential influenced blue eyes stare back with an air of superiority, whether its true or not. Thin eyebrows arch sharply over those big blue eyes, having the same color as the long straight red hair that cascades down to mid-back length. She leaves her bangs straight and messy up front, cut to a length the leaves her eyes unimpaired by her fine strands of hair. Some of her hair is clipped back on either side of her head by a pair of red metal triangular shaped hair ornaments with black colored grooves cut through their middles.

Right now she is wearing some kind of high-tech looking body suit that hugs every one of her feminine curves leaving little to the imagination. The suit is made of some kind of bright shiney red leather looking material with several circular metal caps embedded on the shoulders and another pair just under her breasts. Each breast seems to be protected by slightly off color red armor plates. Stenciled in black between her breasts are the numnbers '02'. Above that, the red of the suit gives way to a green wing shaped piece of detailing. The suit has a high neck collar on it with metal reenforcing it around the top to make sure it stays securly in place to protect the neck. Under the red leather parts appears to be a black underbody suit which is probably far more comfortable against bare skin than the leather would have been. Two black stripes follow the curves of her shapely rear in the back and cut across her thighs in the front. The suit has two large rings around each wrist which seem to have button controls on them of some kind.

Victoria_Gundam falls to the ground, giving its engines one last pulse to enable a soft landing. "Good job, everyone," Violet says into the intercom, but it's clear from her voice that she's frustrated - probably with herself. "But damn, cleanup is gonna be horrendous." The machine looks left and right as if looking for another attacker.

NT Police Tanks quickly batten hatches and turn off their fans to ground and ride out the flood.

Hisako Ichiki got swung around some, but she loosened her grip enough to let the ring rotate *some*. She was more focused on trying to wrestle it off-kilter than stopping its spin, anyway. As fo what the spinning did - well, a giant robot or similarly giant organism would have taken MAJOR damage to its palms from grabbing something spinning that fast, and Hisako is favoring *her* hands as if she had to deal with something similar ... but the exo-armor's palms and fingers look relatively unscathed, apart from a distinct different in color compared to the rest of the projection.

With the battle over, Hisako can finally relax - and her exo-armor shrinks rapidly, back down to about eight feet in height in a matter of seconds. "Nnnnngh ..." She looks ready to topple over and nap for a while, but she stays awake by dint of pure willpower. She's not too happy to be this close to ground level again, either, with all of the 'blood' sloshing around at street level ... but she couldn't maintain the larger size any longer, either.

Unit Zero shoulders its rifle and walks over to EVA - 02 and adopts a similar parking position. From behind it's bowed head a similar tube spins up and disgorges another 14 year old. this one with short blue hair.

Asuka looks across at Rei. "Nice shooting. What the hell took you so long to get into place? And where is Shinji! I am going to kick that idiots ass!"

Unit Zero says, "There is something you need to know."

Rei twitches a bit and turns off the mic on her plug suit. "There is something you need to know" she says more quietly.

Caracol seems to have regathered himself already. Honestly, it wasn't the attack that had him so out of sorts, but just the effect that screaching had on his poor hearing. Have a high enough pitch and you'll have a pretty darn useful weapon against the little green dude (or any other nameks). "I was part of the mess, so I'll stick around and help with that...but I don't think I can do a whole block by myself. Did everyone make it out ok? Anyone hurt?"

Victoria_Gundam turns its head to look down at the two 14 year olds before shaking it like it was itself human. Over the comms, Violet says, "Victoria, RTB." The mecha crouches as the engines on its back come to life once again, then leaps up into the air to make its way back to the NTSDF ground base.

"I'm looking at all the feeds right now, looks like they've got some kind of company that does clean-up in the city that should be in place in a few minutes." Iron Man says, pausing and glancing down at the UR. "Seems they mainly get their cash from repairing that bar. Fancy that."

Artanis sloshes through the blood soaked streets and towards where the Terran machines are parking to deposit their pilots. "No casualties thus far that I can see, Caracol." He responds telepathically to the Namek whilst he senses the area about for any dying brain waves. Unable to spot any he returns his focus on the city's defenders to see what is the clean up protocol.

Asuka watches the space-aged looking mecha blast off. That was definitely not part of the NERV arsenal. She looks around at the others in the area. Nope, none of that was here at the start of the fight. She then looks back at Rei with an annoyed look on her face. "What... is this mess? Who are all these people....? AND WHAT IS THAT!?" She points at Artanis with her left eye twitching. That was DEFINITELY not anywhere in the fight.. or on the planet!

KLUNG! There's a reverberating sound and small waves of blood as the Mark 44 sets down in the middle of the street, the roughly nine foot tall black suit turning its head to scan the area before it focuses on Asuka, "You're not in Kansas anymore, Dorothy." Iron Man says in that echoing, reveberating voice. "Welcome to NeoTokyo."

Rei waits until she's a little closer since she doesn't shout "This isn't...the Japan you know."

Caracol nods at Artanis' telepathic responce. "That's great," he responds honestly, "I didn't manage to get my hands on any sensu this time and my stock is low, so I couldn't have done much if anyone /was/ hurt." At Stark welcoming Asuka, Caracol gives a little smile and wave. "Hello, my name's Caracol. That armored guy's...umm...sorry it takes me a while to remember names I can't connect to anything..."

Iron Man actually sounds somewhat disappointed at Caracol, "Iron Man."

Artanis sighs as he's referred to yet again as a thing by Asuka. "This is going to continue happening, isn't it?" The Protoss doesn't chime on as the group begins to explain to the red head the details about her dimensional displacement, its not his place considering he just recently arrived to NeoTokyo as well, though it -is- refreshing to see someone more confused than himself for a change.

Asuka runs her hands through her hair, taking in a deep breath. Just a bad dream, right? But then she opens her eyes wide in recognition as she recounts the events. The angel had been opening these dimensional doors all over the place and was using gravity force to push Rei, Shinji and her around and trying to force them through the different gates. Doctor Akagi was screaming over the coms not get het knocked through one. "Gottverdammt!!!" She exclaimed angrily. 'Don't let the angel push you into the doorways! According to my readings they are alternate dimensions! If you get thrown through one you may be lost to us!!!' the blonde scientist had been squawking out her warning when the beam at struck Asuka's EVA. She crouched down with both legs into a squat, hugging her knees then sat down, resting her chin on said knees. "So... I'm lost....."

Iron Man's head turns to regard Artanis, "It could be worse, at least you're humanoid. Remind me to tell you about this one girl I ran into while I was running with the Guardians of the Galaxy." There's a short pause before Iron Man adds, "Actually, wait. Remind me /not/ to tell you about that girl."

Rei pauses as if looking for the best way to answer this. "Not Entirely. but you are no longer home."

Within the suit, Tony converses privately with Friday. "Hey, Friday?" <Yes, Tony?> "Remind me to start researching Manga. File it under Anti-Angel Armor, something like that." <Filing it now, Tony> "You're a doll."

Hisako Ichiki musters enough strength to wave. "I'm Hisako, a.k.a. Armor. I'm glad we were able to take that monster down ... an 'Angel,' you called it?"

The Protoss watches calmly as Asuka proceeds to lose her bearings and curse when she finds out she's been dimensionally displaced. "That is a natural reaction." Artanis did a bit of cursing himself when he found out where he was. Artanis then turns to Stark when he tries to lift his spirits in a way that only Iron Man. "I am not sure of the meaning of your words, Iron Man. Is that supposed to make me feel better?"

Caracol titls his head at Ironman sounding dissapointed. "Sorry...it's not that I'm not trying," he insists, "I'm bad at names." "And...Miss red head, it IS kind of rude to keep calling the warrior a thing...but don't worry, you aren't /lost/, just misplaced. We know where you are!"

Asuka looks over at Hisako and nods. She looks a bit concerned, maybe even afraid, certainly worried. She doesn't even want to look at 'The Thing' or the person trying to berate her for calling it such. She looks back at Rei. "How are you here then?"

Iron Man looks back towards Artanis, "It was an attempt, at least? I'm saying that there are aliens that have a harder time fitting in than you. Give this place a couple weeks and you'll be right at home." He tilts his head, "Well, unless we find your home and get you back to it, I mean."

Rei walks over to wherever on EVA 2 Asuka is standing and puts her hand on her shoulder. "I am...glad...you are here.

Asuka is on the shoulder of her Eva, so it's a bit of climb for Rei to get up there but she's assisted by the angle of the arm. Rei being glad about anything definitely means not the same reality. "So.. what happens to me now? Are you from my reality or another one? Is there a Nerv here?"

"Oh, it is not me who has any trouble adjusting, sir." Artanis responds to Iron Man. "I am a spacefarer and I am well versed in the studies of foreign cultures. It is everyone else who seems have trouble adjusting to me." The Protoss feels like that is a fair complaint, particularly noticing how Asuka is pointedly avoiding looking at him as if he were some kind of grotesque mutant- no offense to Hisako. In the end, the Protoss simply shrugs. "Ah, well, I suppose everyone grows accustomed to it." Meanwhile, Artanis continues to look at Asuka interactions with Reid. It seems they know each other. This is very curious!

Iron Man's massive arms lift up, shoulders rolling in a shrug, "I still wouldn't worry too much about it, Art. People around here will get used to anything. Believe me, all you have to do is read the newspaper to figure that out."

Rei marshalls her thoughts. "I am not sure I think I am the fifth, perhaps the sixth. There does not appear to be an agency named NERV here." answering the first question last she says "You may decide what happens next. You will have help to do whatever it is"

Caracol shakes his head slightly at Artanis. "I wouldn't say /everyone/, but it DOES look like you and me are on the bad list for now. Armored guy is right."

Better late than never, the JSDF starts to arrive over head and military vehicles. Asuka sighed as all the commotion started to pick up. This was not going to be a fun way to start her evening.

"Time will tell, I suppose." Artanis looks up again to Iron Man and nods. "Now that is far more reassuring, I will endeavor to indulge in the local news media then. The perspectives of other cultures is something that has always intrigued me." The Protoss sounds a bit more cheerful when he then turns to glance towards the Namek. "Do the Terrans here also judge you harshly on your appearance, Caracol?"


The sprawling ground of the NTSDF ground base lay here, with mostly wide open spaces on Either side of the road as you drive past the front gate, and an airfield complete with runways and hangars off to the left, with a radar tower high above it.

[Exits  : (La)unch, (B)ehind the base, (H)angar, (M)ain (C)omplex, and (G)ate ]

[Players : EVA-02(#4842VXZ) (Vehicle) (Puppet) ]

[Sleepers: Rei, and Unit Zero (Vehicle) (Puppet) (Listener) ]

[Vehicles: JASDF Jeep(#14445VX) (Vehicle) (Listener) ]

[!] It has been two hours since the arrival of EVA-02 and the angel attack. Once the military showed up they convienced Asuka to load up her EVA unit on their flatbad hauler and tow it back to the NTSDF ground operations base. It felt like the military liason asked Asuka a million questions of which most of her answers were appropriately 'That's classified'. The convoy has now arrived at the base and begin the task of unloading the new EVA unit.

Rei climbs down off her Eva and procedes to walk climb, whatever to where Asuka is.

Asuka is leaning against the front of a jeep with two guards nearby. She's watching the military untether her EVA unit and crane lift it from the flatbed carrier to set it on the ground. A couple of hours ago it was chaos and a fight for her life. Now it's just a peaceful night in a strange place with a starlit sky.

Rei watches what Asuka is watching, without saying anything.

Asuka never looks away from her EVA but knows Rei is standing nearby. "What?"

Rei looks blank. "I said nothing." She looks Asuka over to see if she's carrying anything. luggage, baggage something. And draws the same conclusion she made about herself. "You need clothes."

Asuka says, "Oh there's the wonder girl we all know and love! Of course I need clothes! And I need a home! And I need someone to tell me how the hell I'm suppose to get back to my own reality! Ich kann diesen Mist nicht glauben!" She smacks a hand on the hood of the jeep. The guards look over at the disturbance for a second then resume their guard stance."

Rei pauses and adjusts her plugsuit minisculy "The Badlands. are said to be 'everywhere'"

Asuka turns to Rei with hands on hips and shouts, "What the hell does that mean?! Don't tell me this reality version of you is more annoying than the one I know!? Great!"

Rei says, "I meant that perhaps a route home maybe sought through these 'badlands'... However it would be unpleasant and difficult."

Asuka folded her arms across her chest. "Still talking riddles wondergirl! What badlands? "

Rei turns her head points at the high wall behind the base. "Beyond that wall, things and places from 'elsewhere' are found. I was found there.

Asuka looked to where Rei was pointing. "Twilight Zone much?" She huffed. "So what's so BAD about the badlands? Other than them finding you out there?"

Rei shrugs "It appears connected to...all the bad places... where monsters and such things roam.

Rei says, "When I was there I only encountered human madmen. however..."

Asuka says, "However...?""

Unit Zero says, "Kaiju, Dragons, other monsters that have brought other earths to states as desperate as our own against the Angels."

Unit Zero says, "They are all supposed to be out there."

Rei says, "Kaiju, Dragons, other monsters that have brought other earths to states as desperate as our own against the Angels."

Rei says, "They are all supposed to be out there."

Rei frowns and gives her throat mic a firm double click.

Asuka says, "Okay.. so... I am standing next to a wall that seperates the Disneyland from Hell and us then? That sounds fun...." She sighs and looks back at her EvA that is getting spray washed clean of blood. "I hope they don't expect me to go charging out there all gung-ho! I have a minute and thirty-seven seconds left on my power then nothing. I don't suppose these people know what the hell an EVA is or how to charge one, do they?""

Rei says, "They have Successfully recharged Unit Zero but they are not fitted to provide us infrastructure." She gestures to the smaller more common 50ft mechs pulling in and out of the otherwise large hangar. "Nor do they seem to wish to .. use us. So far they have just provided shelter."

Rei says, "they know who we are""

Asuka says, "They don't want to use us!? Those idiots! They do know that we're the BEST defense the Earth has against ANYTHING!" She stomps. Yes.. she just included Rei in the WE. "Who's in charge of this place!?""

Rei says, "The NeoTokyo Space Defense Fleet. I believe is run by a woman named Commander Mitsuo"

Asuka says, "Well I want a meeting with this ... Commander Mitsuo! They can't keep us out of action! What if another angel shows up!? Those little tin cans over there can't do a damn thing to an Angel's AT field!""

Rei says, "I see, you Misunderstand." She takes a breath "They have no problem accepting our assistance. or helping us. but they are not using us to their own ends."

Asuka says, "We'll see how long that lasts when the next angel shows up and flattens half of their city in a few minutes time while their little pop guns go off." The two guards are eyeing Asuka and she takes note. "What!? You have a problem with my assessment of the situation here!?" She glares at them. They both look away and say nothing."

Rei says, "I'm fairly certain they are not trying to create their own favourable version of second impact."

Asuka looked back at Rei with a sigh and then... her stomach growled. She hadn't eaten since breakfast... that was almost 12 hours ago? "So where are they hiding you at? I need a place to stay.. and food.. and clothes... and someone to talk to me that's in charge! Not one of these jackasses has said a word to me since they made me put my EVA on the flatbed to transport here."

Rei says, "I have taken advantage of their MessHall and need clothes myself." She looks at Asuka curiously "Perhaps we should go buy some?""

Asuka says, "With what money idiot? I left my NERV credit card in my other pants." Is that a joke or is she serious. Her face gives nothing away."

Rei produces a small wad of local currency.

Asuka blinked at the thick wad of bills. "How'd you get that?"

Rei says, "Autographing 'merchandise'""

Asuka stares, her left eye twitching. "What-?"

Rei says, "Many of the personelle here are 'otaku' they will pay money for you to sign a figure of yourself with a felt pen."

Rei says, "I said They know who we are?"

Asuka says, "Get out of here! This isn't a movie you know! Or some stupid Japanese manga! This is real life! And besides, who would want figures of you when I am obviously superior!?""

Rei says, "Since mention it." She gestures a few young men in offduty uniforms clutching Asuka figures still in the package."

Asuka double takes as the fanboys walk up holding 1/8th scale figures. She swipes one out of the guy's hands and looks it over. "When... how.. what!?"

Rei says, "Explaining requires the use of multiple universes""

"It is an honor to meet you Miss Soryu! I am one of your biggest fans," the soldier spoke with a respectful bow. The other soldier bowed and offered up his statue box. Asuka just stared. "That angel got into my head somehow... this is all a bad dream. I must be in my entry plug unconscious while that angel is messing with my mind!" She throws the statue on the ground and stomps it, grinding her heal into it. The fanboy turns to stone and cracks apart at the horror of his lost merch. The other soldier yanks his back and hugs it protectively.

Rei says, "Aparantly they know us is this world as anime characters"

Rei notes belated "The Anime seems to be fairly close to my memories. At least the original series."

Asuka says, "Anime characters!?" She snaps at Rei then points at the guy hugging his statue. "Do I look like some animated Japanese fap porn to you!? Well!?" He drops to the ground and pleads, "Please don't destroy my figure Miss Soryu!" She threw up her hands and squealed in frustration and just walked away, "I have ALREADY had it with this reality!""

Rei shrugs and says quietly to the young men "Perhaps it is bad time." and follows Asuka on her rampa...walk.

Asuka stops abruptly then turns around and storms back up to the man getting up and swipes his statue and then..... signs it and shoves it back into his chest then turns back to Rei. " I am hungry! Take me someplace to eat!"

Rei nods "I am told the Usual, will serve anything.

Rei heads over to a battered and shot up looking Jeep with JASDF plates.

Asuka follows Rei and jumps in the passenger seat. She looks down at the weeping soldier who is lamenting his destroyed Asuka. She feels bad. "Hey... just... get another one and I'll sign it. Sorry. It's been a bad day..."

Rei starts up the jeep and with a grinding of gears, aparantly she's unfamiliar with standard, get's it in motion.

Rei drives JASDF Jeep to NTSDF - Front Gate.


Center of NeoTokyo(#231RL) (Listener)

Here you are in the epicenter of the insanity lovingly known as NeoTokyo and right in what seems to be the center lies the mysterious wonder known as Tokyo Tower, now seeming to have found it's way as an epicenter in this altered world. From here you can go in many directions to various streets and homes and wherever you may want to go. The area oddly enough seems to give off an odd aura from every direction.

[Exits  : <Up> into Sky (Locked), (A)rena, (C)entral Train Station, The (U)sual Restaurant, (To)kyo Tower, (S)outh, (W)est, (N)orth, (E)ast, and (B)us to the Narita Airport ]

[Players : Rei ]

[Things  : Spirit Gate of the Soul ]

Rei says, "They appear to be very fast with clean up here."

Asuka eerrrs as they drive up. "How the.. hell.. did they clean.. this place up already!? It's only been a couple hours!"

Rei says, "I do not know."

Rei says, "food is this way."

Rei walks into the Usual Restaurant.

You walk into the Usual Restaurant.

The Usual Restaurant

You walk into a well lighted room, it's high ceilings lit by dozens of fluorescent lamps hanging from the ceiling. To the south and west are windows, which you would normally expect to see the outside world from, but looking out of them, you see only a misty gray haze. On the walls to the north and the east of the inn are an eclectic collection of paintings, photographs and even holographs of many cheap 1970's to 1980's B-movies. The bar on the east side is made out of hardwood, it's surface polished and shiny. Behind the bar, the various beverages that are served here are kept in relatively neat containers on wooden shelves. There is a large stage in one of the corners of the restaurant with a impressive sound system and a few microphones strung about it. Multiple round wood tables are in this room, near the north wall, is a double swing door that leads to the kitchen. On the east wall is a door leading to the UR's dance club and on the west one leading to the Gym. To the south, is the exit to the outside. A recent addition to the UR is a large fireplace against the west wall, it matches well to the rest of the restaurant and looks like it should have been there all along.

[Exits  : UR's Workout (G)ym, UR's (D)ance Club, Private Booth(2), Private Booth(1), [K]itchen, and (O)ut ]

[Players : Rei ]

[Things  : The Usual Pinball Machine, and The Banned List ]

Rei leads the way into the UR and looks for a table. It seems there is a lot of choice.

Asuka walks in with Rei in the lead and the two security guards in tow. "You two just.. wait at the door. I don't need to following me while I eat!" She then resumes following Rei and slides into the booth.


Pale blue hair cropped in an untidy 'page boy' is probably the first thing you notice about this quiet young woman. Next might her eyes.They're red, not bloodshot, but the iris is nearly crimson. The heart shaped face has a snub nose and a pale pale complexion. You imagine from her habitually serious expression that she is older than she looks, Which would be early teens judging from her height and a little older judging from her feminine contours.

She's dressed in a vacuum tight white body suit with black trim. It completely covers her from neck to toe and fingertips. heavy wristbands seem to be part of the suit, That and some strange reinforcement bar along the lower ribs are the only parts of the suit that do not cling like a second skin. A little colour comes in the form of orange buttons on the wrist band and red fastenings at the neck and the front of the chest. Perhaps it's some sort of hi-tech spacesuit?


Rei sits down at the booth and passes the menu over. "I am told, they make anything here."

Asuka looks at the menu then over the top of said menu at Rei. "You are buying."

Rei says, "Of course, you didn't collect your money."

Rei to the waitstaff says "300grams of deffatted cottage cheese, 200 grams of unsalted crackers and 300 cc of orange juice please."

Asuka is feeling a bit homesick and wants something normal. She kind of cringes at Rei's order then says, "I'll have a the Cordon Blue with Pommes Frites and red cabbage. ANd bring some cheese fondu and bread."

Rei waits patiently for her food. She watches Asuka curiously.

Asuka strums her fingers on the table, giving the place a look over then notices Rei staring at her. "What?"

Rei arches an eyebrow. "I said nothing."

Asuka says, "Well you are staring at me. Do I have something on my face?""

Rei says, "no, there is no problem with your face."

Rei ponders

Rei says, "It is good, not to be alone."

Asuka smirked, "Did you come up with that one on your own? I'm so proud of you Rei! You are becoming a regular psychologist!"

Rei says, "even your sarcasm is welcome."

Asuka has the wind taken from the sails as Rei defuses her sarcasm with acceptance. "Wow.. you must really be hard up for companionship. You don't have an army of fanboys wanting to buy everything of yours right down to your undewear?"

Rei says, "I have neither sold my underwear nor signed a 'hug pillow'"

Asuka says, "Oh I bet you are eager to unlock that achievement!" She snickered."

Rei says, "I have not needed that much money"

Asuka suddenly gets a look of disgust on her face as she realizes, "Wait.. are there.. hug pillows of me that otaku are humping at night!?"

Rei says, "I would presume yes?"

Asuka groans and just "Ewwwwws... well... at least.. they have good taste in girls."

Rei says, "More alarming they know all of Commander Ikari's secrets."

Asuka leans across and whispers, "What secrets?"

Rei says, "Everything."

Rei ponders... "for example Nerv is not trying to prevent second impact but engineer one that meets specific parameters. Ikari is attempting to betray them with his own plan for impact.

Asuka says, "Wha~? Did you read that in some lame fanfic?""

Rei says, "no I have been well aware of Ikari's secrets for some time."

Rei says, "I am instrumental to his plan. But I shall rebel."

Rei says, "At least that is what they know here."

Asuka says, "I am still convinced I am still sitting in my entry plug under some kind of screwed up mind attack....!""

Rei says, "I believe that happens at some point"

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