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Full Name: Scourge

Series: Archie's Sonic The Hedgehog
Class: Fake Green Punk?
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Gender: Male
Species: Hypersonic Hedgehog
Age: 16
Birthdate: June 23rd
Height: 3'3"
Weight: 77 lbs

Short Description: A green quilled anthropomorphic hedgehog with blue eyes. Wears red sunglasses (even at night), a flame printed leather jacket, green and black boots, and white gloves.

This is a 3 foot and 3 inch high, green quilled, anthropomorphic hedgehog. He has blue eyes, assuming they can be seen at the time, given he's generally wearing a pair of red shades over them. A black, leather jacket with a flame print is all he's wearing other wise aside from a pair of white gloves and a set of green and black boots.
Super Powered Hedgehog - Scourge is a Mobian hedgehog. For reasons yet unknown, he was born with the ability to do things at speeds impossible for any ordinary living being. Because of this, the dangers of his abilities as a hedgehog are even stronger. As a hedgehog he has sharp spines (or quills), which he can use as both offensive and defensive measures. When he's rolled into a ball he can use the spines as armoring against some forms of attack. However, he can also bounce upon opponents, hitting them with the same sharp spines. This, when combined with his speed, allows him to spin and throw himself at opponents for all the more damage.

Super Speed - Scourge was mysteriously born with ability to run at speeds faster than any normal living being without being damaged by it. His speeds can even surpass that of sound and he can run backwards as well as forward. Due to this he is able to do things like propel himself through the air much farther than most when he is running. The force of his speed allows him to do things like burst through walls unharmed as well. Having had insanely high speed since birth, Scourge is used to these speeds and is able to do all sorts of tasks in the course of his high speed movement. He's experienced enough to stop instantly, in spite of how fast he is. The difficulty comes in making sharp, precise turns, as suddenly changing direction tends to keep tugging him in the direction he'd been going previously before his momentum allows him to go in his new direction. This is worth note, however, as this is still a faster method than stopping and then changing direction, and Scourge is likely to use it despite the dangers it could cause him in some situations. Offensively, Scourge can use his speed not just for attacks, but as a means of overwhelming and confusing his enemies.

Super Scourge - When absorbing the power of all seven chaos emeralds, Scourge can ascend into his Super Scourge form. Not only does this raise his already incredible speed, as well as his strength and stamina, but it makes him seem invulnerable. To top things off this form gives him the ability to fly. However, this form relies on the energy of how many power rings he has collected, thus Scourge's ability to hold this form is very limited. Due to having an appearance with colors introverted to Sonic's, his super form is red with gold eyes as opposed to gold with red eyes. (Yeah not like the canon colors)

Chaos Control - Due to absorbing chaos energy from the master emerald itself, Scourge has better control of chaos abilities than Sonic. This doesn't put him to the level of expertise of Shadow, however. Scourge can use chaos control for limited distances and not suffer from the wear Sonic does and he also absolutely has to have a chaos emerald to accomplish it. He has a range of different chaos powered abilities other than the known Chaos Control. One other ability is using warp rings. Other abilities are not so well known.

Affinity to Magical Objects - Scourge, being Sonic's evil counterpart, seems to have some innate nature that makes him more open to absorbing the power of mystical items, just like Sonic. This is most easily noted in his ability to absorb the power of the chaos emeralds, such as how he drained energy into himself from the master emerald itself.

Con-Artist - Scourge, having Sonic's charisma, but using it for all the wrong, self serving sort of reasons, is something of a master liar. Due to his 'wonderful' personality, he lies to the point he manages to fool /himself/ in rare cases. Between his abilities to fool people and being an alternate version of Sonic, he has great ease in pretending to be Sonic for reasons of infiltrating places he shouldn't be able to, or just for the sake of screwing Sonic over somehow. However, he mostly just uses this for his own self serving purposes…such as using it to hit on women since he's got such bad luck with it in his own reality.


Scourge was born in a world that mirrored the world of Mobius, hence forth called Anti-Mobius for sanity's sake. In Anti-Mobius a great peace had been build. It was SO great a peace that the world was falling into stagnation. One of the creators of this peace was Jules Hedgehog, who was so dedicated to the cause that he gave his own son no real time. His son, Maurice (Sonic) had eventually made acquaintances with the daughter of King Max and several other children who, like him, had become fed up with the peace for various reasons. In time they rose up against their parents, with Sonic murdering Jules and himself and Princess Alicia throwing King Max into the Zone of Silence. After that Sonic, Alicia and the others started doing what they could to spread anarchy against Anti-Mobius.

The years passed with the now teenaged Freedom Fighters (fighters AGAINST freedom) having gained several enemies. The most common of which was Dr. Kintobor, a kindly vet that kept coming to the rescue of the Freedom Fighter's victims. At some point an alternate Sonic (the prime Sonic we know) appeared and started a new rivalry with the blue, shade wearing hedgehog. This rivalry continued as several different trips between the realities happened on the part of one Sonic or the other. All of this eventually lead to Anti-Mobius' Sonic taking a job that tasked him to steal the master emerald.

In an accident caused by the presence of the Master Emerald and the fight Anti-Sonic had with Locke, who was protecting it at the time, Anti-Sonic managed to absorb some of the emerald's power, changing in colors and earning a scar from the battle. He took this as a time to put himself apart from the other versions of himself and dubbed himself Scourge, throwing away all this other names. After this the rivalry still continued, with Scourge being slightly more powerful, but still not really applying himself until Sonic made him consider his potential seriously for once. This caused him to decide to go back home to Anti-Mobius, (taking a fox girl from the prime reality known as Fiona with him) rouse his old gang, and successfully take over the planet. However, after a time his own gang turned on him.

After some time a large group had gathered to take on King Scourge. All but two of BOTH Freedom Fighter squads (except Scourge obviously), Shadow the Hedgehog, Metal Sonic, and Silver the Hedgehog all joined in battle against Scourge once he'd transformed into his super form, but they all lost until Sonic tricked Scourge into dropping his transformation, causing him to collapse out of exhaustion, barely able to move due to an alternate reaction to the super form. He was then transported to the jail in No Zone until escaping somehow, disappearing into various multiverses.



Being an opposite version of Sonic, Scourge has almost all of Sonic's traits in a more sinister form. Those he doesn't have are actually reversed rather than nonexistent. He's got Sonic's ego to a far worse extent, being prepared to go to any lengths to prove his self supposed superiority. Scourge has Sonic's charisma, but instead of being a nice guy with several admirers, he's a con-artist that completely plays women and pits people against each other for his own amusements. He has Sonic's lack of patience and his love of fun, but his idea of fun is sadistic and self serving.

Scourge has no hesitation about harming any enemy that stands in his way. His morals are completely broken compared to Sonic's. Thus, Scourge has no trouble with the idea of killing people, he doesn't care about playing fair, he's too tied up in himself to care about the welfare of anyone else but Fiona. Then again it may be because he has no friends. Rather by his own design, or by the design of others having caused him to become the way he is, Scourge was never any good at keeping friendships. He tends to see most friends or partners as nothing more than pawns to use to his own ends. A partnership with Scourge is almost definitely destined to be short…if not ending with a figurative knife jammed into it's bleeding back.

Oddly enough, even though Scourge's attitude would make it seem other wise, he does not have the animosity that the other Sonics seem to hold toward him. Amongst his own selves he tends to be found disgusting. Yet, Scourge himself has expressed the desire to actually work with his other self before, at least, that is, provided that his other self becomes evil like himself. This being because Scourge believes his other selves to have lots of unused potential going to waste because of how they cling to their morals. Rather than finding his other selves sickening, he just expects them to become HIM…because of course, in his mind, he's the best they could hope to become. He also assumes he's hated by his other selves because they know that it wouldn't take much for them to become like him.

Scourge's relations with his own family were even sour. In canon he had a meeting with Jules and that meeting lead to Scourge being accused of being a coward, among other things. It ended with Scourge actually leaving in tears for once, making a comment about Jules not actually being all that different from his own father. Thus one can assume part of Scourge's 'beautiful' personality came from having never had anyone to accept him as Fiona does, which is likely why he's so attached to her in spite of how incapable it'd seem for him to care about anyone at all.

Like most sociopaths, Scourge seems to think life owes him, that he should rule the world. He's one of the sociopaths that can honestly say they HAVE ruled the world, however. Between thinking so highly of himself and being able to lie out of his ass so much that even he'd be capable of believing it, he usually sees himself of being entirely guiltless of things that aren't to his liking. He's got plenty of other sociopathic tendencies, such as his womanizing, the bit about using others as pawns, his lying, and still other qualities.

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