2016-11-30 - Dreams in the Darkness

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Dreams in the Darkness

Summary: After her brush with All the Evils of the World, Rainbow Dash had not yet woken up, but some friends come to help.

Who: Fluttershy, Rainbow_Dash, Twilight_Sparkle, Miyu, Jason_inugami, Minerva
When: 11 30, 2016
Where: Rainbow Dash's Tree House

Fluttershy-icon.gifMiyu-icon.gifRainbow Dash-icon.gifTwilight Sparkle-icon.gif

The information contained within this log is to be considered information gained Out of Character (OOC).
This information may not be used as In Character (IC) knowledge or in roleplay unless it has been learned in-game or permission has been granted by the parties involved.

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Dash's Tree You see nothing special.

Fluttershy dabs at Rainbow dash's brow worriedly, she still hasn't woken up after going to sleep...'Oh my...wake up, Rainbow, this is my fault...i should've been there...."

Twilight_Sparkle frowns and pats at Fluttershy's shoulder. "It's good you weren't there," she replies, "And I'm sure we can help Dash through this somehow."

Fluttershy says, "But still....I should've been there..." she hangs her head, 'After all, we always do this sort of thing together....that's where are real strength is....and...I know Pinkie Pie and I were in reserve in case it got out...but still...." she dabs Dash's brow again as the camera moves closer and closer towards the blue pegasus and then...into the darkness and into Rainbow Dash's fevered dream.....

Twilight_Sparkle says, "It's not your fault, and mulling over it probably won't help Dash right now. Let's try talking more positively. Ponies are supposed to hear you at times like this, so she'd probably want to hear nice things..."

Elsewhere, some pony had been feeling a rather LARGE disturbance in the dreamscape. They weren't sure what was going on, because it was the first time it'd ever taken them so long to reach a dream. Was this even from Equestria?

Rainbow_Dash hears nice things...nice things....and she opens her eyes back in Sweet Apple acres! Home! She yeahs! "Home sweet home!" she shoots into the air and flys a loop the loop! "AJ! Hey, AJ! I'm back!"

AJ peers out of her bed room window, groggily. "Huh, whaddaya mean you're back? Did you run outta jam again?"

Rainbow_Dash glomps her friend, "What d'ya mean, Pony? I've been gone for like, months! Twilight, me, Pinkie pie! Don't tell me I came back earlier then I left...but..." she looks around, "Huh, how did I get back? last thing I remember ther was some kind of oozy stuff...."

AJ wonders, "Oozy stuff? ...did you eat something that was a bit off, sugar cube?"

Rainbow_Dash says, "We were in another place, AJ, and we couldn't get back....and this evil attacked, and..." "Oh, Dashie," chimes up another familiar voice, "You just had too much cider, darling," Rarity teases, "But...who can resist going a bit over board occasionally, isn't that right Applejack? You're home now, Dashie-darling, so there's no need to worry about anything," she smiles brightly and hugs Dash. "Yeah...maybe you're right.." she hugs back, "I really missed both of you SO much...but...I have..we have to get Twilight and Pinkie and Fluttershy back too....""

AJ nods in reply. She looks horribly confused again though. "Why do ya'll keep talking like ponies have been missing?"

Rainbow_Dash says, "But...." she blinks, "Huh, maybe I was dreaming..." she blinks, "That kinda makes sense..." when Applebloom comes bursting in, "Sis! the orchard's under attack by some kinda slimy goo! It's eatin' up all the trees!"

"Some kinda Slimey Goo," AJ wonders irritably, "Is the Smooze causing problems again?"

"No, No, Sis!" Applebloom squeaks, "It's worse then that, it's eatin' up all the trees and everything!" Dash blanches, 'Oh no!" and heads out the door, the entire orchard is being consumed by the blackness. 'We have to stop it...." she gasps, "We have to get the others!"

Fluttershy dabs dash's brow, "Twilight. her fever is getting worse....what can we do?"

Twilight_Sparkle frowns and shakes her head. "I'm not sure, this is something I've got no experience with or information about." AJ goes running out and attempting to lasso the mess....which is about as effective as one who knows the stuff would think.

Rarity runs out as well, "Oh...my..this is so gross, how can anyone even think about..." as she's complaining, a sudden waves of the mass washes over her, she screams out, but it's too late! Rarity gets sucked into the mass....and seconds later, a huge tar-black version of Rarity's head rises angrily from the mass. "This is YOUR fault Rainbow dash! You brought this upon Equestria! You failed to stop this and now you've brought it home...and it will consume all of us! I thought you were my friends...now look at what you've done!" "Rarity!" she calls out, finally managing to get the words out, "AJ, keep back! You can't just lasso it, we have to help Rarity...where's Twilight!" back in the real world, she calls out Twi's name, there's really fear in her voice...

There's suddenly a crack of lightning as a certain figure with blank looking eyes, glowing white, appears on what remains of one of the trees within the mud. "RAINBOW DAS---" She pauses and shakes her head a little. "Rainbow Dash! Can you hear me?"

Rainbow_Dash rockets down fast as thought, snatching Applebloom out of harm's way, she's about to dash to save AJ as well, but her attention's caught by the familiar voice. "Princess Luna! am I glad to see you...we have to help Rarity, she's been sucked into the goo! This mess is all my fault!"

"I think you know better than that, Rainbow Dash," Luna says firmly, "Why would it be your fault?"

Rainbow_Dash stops in mid-air, "Uh...wait a second..." she looks around, then down at AJ who's about to get sucked in, Applebloom is begging Rainbow dash to save her sister! "I'm...not back home at all....this is a dream, isn't it? I touched that goo...and it..." she looks to Luna, "So are you really here or am I just dreaming you're in my dream?" she puzzles, "I *AM* dreaming, aren't I?"

Luna nods, mess free exploding the Rarity head directly after, as if to prove it. She then magically RIPS Rarity safely from the mud. "You aren't at fault for this."

Rainbow_Dash says, "Why do I feel so awful about everything, though..I feel like I've let everyone down..." she slumps. The Dream Rairty shakes the ooze off herself, "That's the ooze talking, Dash, it's..awful nasty evil stuff...if you don't believe me, just ask Applejack, she'd never dream of lying to you, Dear, isn't that right Applejack?""

"Darn tootin," AJ replies, "Since when would you let us down in a situation like this, Dash?"

Rainbow_Dash says, "Hey...that's right...I'd never let you guys down, and you guys would never let me down!" she smiles, then wipes a hoof across her eyes, she lands and hugs them both. "I really miss you guys...hope to see you soon...y'know, when you're really there..." "But we are really there, Dashie, we're all part of each other....and even when we're a universe apart, that won't stop us, now will it?"

"Yeah! We're not leaving you behind, not now, not never," AJ insists, "And ya'll best not forget that again."

Rainbow_Dash nods, "Yeah, I promise!" she looks to Luna, "So....how can I wake up? I feel...sorta stuck...." she looks to Aj and Rarity, not wanting to let go of the dream quite yet either. "Huh...wait a sec...if Princess Luna is here, and I'm here, then....maybe you guys are dreaming this too?

Luna shakes her head. "Not entirely. The darkness was twisting your perceptions of what they were doing before I interfered. The key to getting past this is your will. If you can keep going and not give in to the urge to commit evil. Your tie to the other elements should be enough to save you until you've found a way to remove it."

Rarity smiles, "We have faith in you, Dashie, if anybody can do it, you can," she says, "and we'll have your back, like we always do~."

"It is a deep darkness, more powerful than what you've faced so far in Equestria...but I'm certain you can find a solution in that world," Luna explains, "It may even be possible that you have a strong enough will to completely defeat the darkness with your own power, thanks to the others supporting you." AJ narrows her eyes and nods in agreement with Rarity. "Ya better not give in Dash, or /I'll/ drag you back here and buck the tar right outta ya myself."

Rainbow_Dash smiles, hugs both ponies, "I miss you guys....and we'll be together again, I promise!" she looks to Luna, 'Okay...gonna try and wake up...and I think I know just how to do it," she grins, "just gotta do the ol' Sonic Rainboom and that should knock me awake...."

Luna nods in reply. "Best of luck...remember, use your will and do what you do best...just keep moving forward. You'll solve this."

Rainbow_Dash smiles to Luna, "If anybody knows about this, it's you! Thanks, Princess," she says, "Rare, AJ, I'll see you guys soon! Tell everypony what's going on!"

"The best thanks is you coming out of this fine," Luna replies. "See ya later Dash," AJ calls with a wave.

Rainbow_Dash takes one last look, then flies up over the dreamscape. "Okay, Sonic Rainboom! No problem!" she kicks in the afterburners and begins pushing herself faster and faster. "You can do it, Dash! You can do it!" she tells herself....

AJ continues waving enthusiastically, but given what's coming Luna has to escort the other two off to safety.

Rarity watches as Dash rockets off, 'Go, dashie! Go! You can do it, girl!" she then hurries off as she's ushered off by Princess Luna. Dash narrows her eyes, holds the thought of all her friends in her mind, focuses on that and rockets faster and faster, she's little more then a blur....

Of course, now Luna and other others have left Dash's dream, so all that's left is the moment where she wakes up...

As Dash's eyes open, Twilight seems to be returning from outside of Dash's tree. "It seems like someone's coming Fluttershy...are you going to be ok with her for a little while?"

Fluttershy says, "Oh yes, I can watch over her," she nods and hugs Dash, "You rest! that's an order! Um...if you don't mind..." Rainbow Dash sits up, looking around, glomped by the yellow pegasus, "I'm back...that...that was...pretty scary...and awesome at the same time....."

Twilight blinks a little. "What timing, umm...Welcome back Dash! Hold on a minute, we've got people coming, I'll be right back." At that, she hurries along toward the front entrance to greet the others.

Rainbow_Dash says, "Wait..I'm not even dressed!" :)"

Fluttershy says, "Oh my....."

And yeah, there's people at the gates. And well, Jason's following Sapphire. "Mina..remind me to get to work fixing that bike." he says with a grimace. Lotta walking.

Sapphire has lead Miyu and the others to what looks like a LARGE tree, partially circled by 6 smaller trees. Miyu stands at the door, seeming awkward and hesitant about knocking at it. Her hand's just kind of frozen a little bit away from the door before the door opens on it's own, revealing a certain purple alicorn.

Twilight_Sparkle says, "Oh! Mina! Miyu! Sapphire! ..." She pauses, not recognizing Jason. "....and it's nice to meet you. I'm Twilight Sparkle...what brings all of you here? ...is there something else causing a problem we can help with?"

Minerva blinks, then grins. "Miss Sparkle, allow me to introduce Jason Inugami. We came to check up on Rainbow Dash, if she's up for company. I've brought along a couple potions that might help, and even if they don't won't make things worse."

Spike trots up behind Twilight, "Hey everybody! Wow, so many visitors today," he grins, "Rainbow dash just woke up actually."

Jason nods, "Miss Sparkle." he says as he shifts into that gentleman mode he can when he has to. Hey, he had a good upbringing, just kinda buried it. But it shows up sometimes. And he nods to Spike, "Hey there." pauses, "That's good." he says with a sigh of relief.

Spike adds, 'And technically, It's 'Princess Twilight,' he grins toothily.

Twilight_Sparkle says, "And this is my assistant Spike." She introduces quickly before moving aside, "Please come in and we can show you to Dash's room." She frowns a little when Spike adds that, but she doesn't bother to speak about it since he's only telling the truth. It's not like she should scold him for correcting her lies by omission...even though she'd really rather NOT have her princessness advertised around new friends."

Miyu seems unaffected by this reveal and simply gives a bow of greeting before coming in. She's followed by Sapphire, who's doing her best imitation of a bow. "Nice to see you again Twilight_Sparkle-sama." Finding out Twi's a princess would make the imitation bow deeper...but she can't really DO that, so there's no apparent reaction.

Spike says, "Nice to meetcha, but...I dunno...Rainbow has had bad luck with healing potions before...she might not want to take the chance...though I think it had more to do with her taking two potions at once or something like that," he puzzles.

Jason returns the bow, "My apologies." he says with a grin, "I didn't know." he looks at Spike, "..Yeah, that sounds like it'd be a problem."

Minerva nods politely. She figures that if Twilight had wanted that title used, she would have used it herself. "One's a healing potion, yes, the other's something that helps, erm.." she pauses. "Exactly how should I describe the effects of Thera plant extract? Mana replenishment doesn't quite cover it..."

Twilight_Sparkle smiles toward Mina and the others before leading them up to the landing and then into the door marked with Dash's face on it. There'd be some form of walk way beyond it leading to one of the other 6 trees that were seen outside, and then they'd be in the tree with Dash and Fluttershy.

Fluttershy is mothering Dash, who's complaining just a little, but actually loves being taken care of. "Whoa....it's not my birthday," Dash jokes, albeit a bit weakly, "There's be Pinkie Pie and cake if it was."

Twilight_Sparkle, now having returned from welcoming the guests, would take her own turn to glomp Dash, rather Dash likes it or not.

Jason grins a bit, "Well..Miyu wanted to check up on you Dash." he says with a not at the magical girl. "And so did I when I heard you got hurt." he sighs a bit, "Sorry I wasn't much use..just been ages since I used my powers and I exhausted myself."

Miyu offers another greeting bow. "Hello Fluttershy-san, Dash-san. Yes, I was worried since you touched the mud. ...you helped a lot Jason-san."

Rainbow_Dash merfs as she's glomped by Twilight, but doesn't struggle, she hugs back. "Heh...don't worry about it Jason, this happens to me a lot," she kids, "Twilight, I was just telling Fluttershy about the dream I had...Princess Luna was there, and AJ and Rarity...this evil glop...THAT evil glop was eating up sweet apple orchards...Rarity got sucked in...then Luna appeared and helped out...everything was fine before I left. It..was a pretty intense dream." "Oh...um..hello," greets Fluttershy in her usual shy manner.

Minerva grins a little bit, and nudges Jason's shoulder with her own. "Life's been so peaceful you haven't needed to, isn't that a good thing?" she asks in a gentle voice, then smiles towards Dash. "You look like poop, but you're alive, so, I'm glad. Is there anything I can do?"

Jason nods slowly, "You're lucky Dash." he says softly. "I've heard of what that stuff is..and what it can do. You." and he grins at Dash as he bends down to pat her head gently, "Are one lucky pony."

Twilight_Sparkle lets go of Dash and backs up a little so the others have better access to her. Miyu just kind of stands there for now, letting the others talk. "It's very good that you are still alive, Rainbow Dash-sama," Sapphire states, "You will have to be very careful not to let that mud consume you..." Sapphire tilts slightly, however. "It seems like you have further power than I previously saw...maybe you can make it through this."

Fluttershy says, "Our Rainbow Dash is quite tough," she smiles, "I'm sure she'll have no problem with letting that horrible stuff take her down..she has all o us to keep her spirits upm after all...and...um..this does sound like a job for Pinkie Pie..." Dash maybe blushes a teeny bit, but it's fleeting. "Hey...we ponies are tough...besides, AJ said she'd kick my butt if I let it get me down, no way I'm ticking that pony off.""

Minerva nods. "It sounds like you have great friends to inspire you so." She beams at Dashie, barely resisting the urge to ruffle her hair. Must... not pet... MUST NOT. Resist. Control the cute, do not let the cute control you.

Jason looks at Mina and sighs as he rubs the bridge of his nose, "Oh boy. I shoulda seen this." and to the others, "Mina's got a massive weakness to cute. And I can see her about to squee."

"It'll be alright Mina..." Miyu says with her general flatness. Twilight frowns slightly. "Do be careful around Fluttershy? We had to talk some temporary live in guests into leaving after they insisted on treating Fluttershy like a pet."

Fluttershy says, "Um...it's wise to not make Applejack angry," she smiles, 'Um...Spike, would be so nice as to get Rainbow dash some tea?" The small dragon salutes, "I'm on it! and maybe some carrot cake too..." . o 0 (and maybe some for the little dragon as well.....heheheh)"

Minerva twitches. "Of course you're not pets." She pauses. "For one, I doubt any of you would knock my feet out from under me and sit on me to keep me from rushing headlong into trouble. I'm fine, I'm fine. Can't control my magic if I can't control myself."

Jason watches Spike as he leaves, "You might wanna introduce Spike to the Dragons I met on Dragon Beach. Pretty friendly sort." he says as he goes to ruffle Mina's hair, "And Mina wouldn't go THAT far. She's probably hug and do your bidding." he says to Twilight.

Twilight_Sparkle looks a little surprised. "A group of nice dragons, huh? I think Spike would like that. Most of the dragons from our world weren't very friendly...it left him with a lot of situations where he felt left out."

Jason hmms and pulls out a pad and pen from his satchel and writes down the location, "..Here." and he goes to offer it to Twilight. "Dragon's Beach..just off the main beach. Nice place and again, pretty friendly types there. Even though one about Spike's size kept wanting my coffee."

Fluttershy says, "I'm sure there are other nice dragon's where we come from,,like..um...Princess Ember, isn't it?"

Twilight_Sparkle smiles more brightly than she had yet since Jason and the others arrived. She takes the information gratefully. "Thank you," she replies, "I will definitely take him there some day soon. Yes there was Princess Ember...but mostly there weren't so many that Spike could make friends with."

Rainbow_Dash says, "Raised by ponies...kind of makes him an outsider."

Minerva walks over to examine the walls. In a tree? This is rather awesome. And helps her focus on avoiding a Squeepocalypse. "Culturally if nothing else I would imagine."

Miyu approaches Dash as the others are talking about Spike and other dragons. She looks like she wants to say something, but just kind of furrows her brows and keeps standing there quietly.

Jason sighs and nods to Dash, "I know how that feels. I was a outsider myself. My mother was born in another land and well.." he gestures to his eyes. "These didn't help." and he hmms as he looks at Miyu. "Something on your mind Miyu?"

Spike trots back up with a tray of tea and carrot cakes for all. A bit of frosting on his lip indicates he's had one or two already. 'Refreshments for all, have to be a good host you know!' he says, serving dash first of course. "Dash, you said you saw Applejack, and Rarity?" there's something in the way he says 'Rarity'. Ahh. Crush.

Rainbow_Dash says, "Yeah...and Princess Luna. She said..." she thinks, "I should avoid doing evil things to keep this stuff from messing with me. I think I can handle that...that is, unless that gunk is gonna try and make me do bad stuff."

Twilight_Sparkle takes her own drink and cake before she attempts helping Spike with passing it all out with her magic. Miyu nods toward Jason, but still seems like a cat has got her tongue. Rainbow_Dash says, "I...don't *FEEL* evil...." she munches a cake, "Unless wanting more cake qualifies."

Jason hmms, "I dunno how the Mud works. A lot of info I got was spotty, but I think you'll be fine. Trust me, if there was darkness in you..I'd sense it."

Minerva takes one of the drinks, and sips lightly. "I really don't see you doing evil, I'm sure you'll be fine. You're too strong to let this beat you," she says encouragingly.

"She seems even stronger here for some reason," Sapphire notes. She can't magically notice the bonds of frienship and all the stuff with the elements and so on and so forth, but she can tell SOMETHING about Dash's mana levels is a lot higher than when she met her before.

Fluttershy says, "Maybe seeing our friends helped...I miss Applejack and Rarity and all the others too...it must've been so nice seeing them, and having them help you in that situation...I'm sure that must have something to do with it...."

Miyu still looks bothered somehow, but shakes her head a little and looks toward Jason. "We should probably let her get some rest. Thank you for coming though." With that she waves after Mina and Jason taking their leave.

Fluttershy says, "Yes, Rainbow dash, you've been through quite a bit...you should rest..."

"...I've been in the mud," Miyu states, "But I think I was protected because of being a 'child of the gods'. I don't have my wish granting power anymore, but...if there is anything I can do..."

Fluttershy says, "I think she needs rest more then anything else...um...if you don't sense any darkness in her, she should be okay...and we'll be able to tell pretty quickly if something isn't right..."

Rainbow_Dash says, "I'm fine, I'm fine..well..nothing that some more Daring-Do books couldn't fix anyway...IF you're listening, Discord!"

Miyu nods a little. "I don't sense anything no...but since she got hurt helping me, ask if you need anything." She gives a little bow of her head before starting to make her own way off.

Rainbow_Dash says, "Take care, Miyu, thanks!"

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