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Lee Mavwoin
Full Name: Lee Mavwoin

Series: Original
Class: Artist
Alignment: Lawful Bacon
Species: Khasashte (AKA "dinos")
Age: Twenties
Birthdate: 5 June 1994
Height: 5'7" (with long-ish neck)
Weight: 146lb (with dense tail)

Short Description: Bubbly bipedal feathered serpent

Lee Mavwoin
Lituiri looks clearly like a person, somewhat like a human being, and more than a little like a snake or lizard.

Lee's face bears some resemblance in shape to that of a skink, but has a more intelligent brow, a much blunter and more rounded snout, and generally ample ability to express emotions in the nostril slits, thin lips, subtly marked eye-ridges, and the rest. The often-seen cheery smile is not unlike a human's, but it is more toothy, and two of the four pointy canines are marked with a short vertical stripe that faintly glows blue. The voice is high but still darkly resonant, and the tongue is a human-like shape, just a bit longer to accommodate the short snout. The accent is something like that of the southern US with a hint of Scots. Around the ear holes are shallow whorls but no projecting ears. The large, bright, and rather human-like eyes have dark brown irises.

Over the crown of the head is a short mane of frizzy thread-shaped feathers that, depending upon how the light hits them, appear a dark but intense shade of either green or violet (or if completely waterlogged, muddy brown). The mane extends partway down the long curved neck that makes up a foot of the nearly six-foot height. The feathers are often bobbing to the birdlike bounciness of their owner.

Lee's smooth skin is covered in tiny, slick, identically-shaped scales that show a beaded pattern up close, but from any distance show a glossy tan and dark brown design resembling light refracted onto the bottom of a pool. Despite the reptilian features, there is no suggestion of that the ambient air having any power over Lee's high body temperature or high energy. If Lee has worked up a sweat (or the observer has no sense of personal space) one might get a whiff of fresh tortilla chips from the skin.

The shoulders are slender, as are the snakey hips and everything in between; Lee is lithe of form and wirey-muscled in the long limbs. The limbs bend the same as a human's. The hands end in five long nimble fingers with short ivory-colored, claw-like nails (filed as blunt as possible), and on the feet are five vaguely avian toes-- long, clawed, and slightly splayed apart.

The serpentine lines of the neck, chest, and abdomen continue smoothly down into a tail that begins thick and gradually tapers off. The muscular tail is quite flexible enough for pushing or pulling, but not dextrous enough for grasping. The tail is usually held close to the backs of the legs and swishes out of their way in time for each step while curving for balance. The tip of the tail is usually held just off the ground; otherwise it would drag the ground a bit. Despite an overall fit appearance, no abs are ever visble through the shirt. But if the shirt hangs just so, a thin strip of shallow depression is visible, running down the midsection from beneath the breastbone.

Lee often wears midnight blue pants of lightweight fabric, styled to hang in loose pleats along the legs but more snug at the ankles and waist. A thigh-length portion at the top of the tail has a sleeve of its own. The pants are covered partway down to the knees by the bottom of a long-sleeved tunic (of similarly loose, lightweight forest-green fabric) that is split to the waist up the sides and the back. Lee's rubber-soled leather-strapped sandals have wide front ends to accommodate wide-spaced toes. This outfit might be more fashionable if it weren't accompanied by what looks like a military tactical vest with various pouches attached in front and behind, all of which have been dyed black and liberally splattered with primary-colored drips.

Lee Mavwoin
Learned skills: Visual arts and crafts, a little music, minor welding, being nosy

Natural magics: 'Venom' Spitting, Healing Refuge

See Theme_Music for help with this section.


If the family in the old country is saying it, the name is "Mavwoin-cha Maghuile-Naisre-ke Lituiri". If the Alleganian government wants something for the tax forms, the name is "Lee Mavwoin". If someone insists on street artists having funky name, it's "'Leet Weirdie". But most of the time, "Lee" works just fine.

Lee grew up in an alternate Earth fairly similar to our own and a culture not so different from the modern-day US. Lee's grandparents immigrated from another alternate Earth that's quite different. Where they come from, magic is possible.

Lee recently squeaked out a degree in art education to keep the folks happy, but being tied down to long-term responsibilities is generally not Lee's thing. The exception is when doing art. Lee is very serious about spreading murals and found-object decoration far and wide and also enjoys creating smaller works. Sometimes people even pay for it. And speaking of pay, Lee has worked various other jobs to finance some couch-surfing international wandering.

Lee is usually pretty easygoing, adaptable, and mellow... but getting dropped unexpectedly into a strange universe is bound to be unsettling for anyone. Lee does now believe that it's real and has not yet freaked out. We'll see how that goes.


Lee carries a few minor magical gadgets, but doesn't know how to make them (or to do any learned magic, for that matter). The magic Lee does have consists of two skills that come naturally to the species. One is the ability to spit a magical 'venom' that causes pain but not physical harm. Another is the ability to escape to a simulated personal place while the body is healing. (Details are available if they're needed for RP.)

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