2016-09-02 - Thy Pie Consumed

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Thy Pie Consumed

Summary: The Doom Slayer is hungry... for pies.

Who: Doom_Slayer, Talia, Usami, Fluttershy, Bridget_Lake
When: September 02, 2016
Where: Bridget's store


The information contained within this log is to be considered information gained Out of Character (OOC).
This information may not be used as In Character (IC) knowledge or in roleplay unless it has been learned in-game or permission has been granted by the parties involved.

Questions should be directed to staff.

Bridget_Lake can be found leaning against the counter, looking out of breath. SOOO MANY SNACKING TEACHERS. And teens. She loves that it's so busy, it helps her bills, but... first chance she's had a moment to breathe all day. Smear of flour on her forhead. But, Bills paid! And the display case is full! So what if it's been a full 12 hours of work and, the way things are looking, another three? She can sleep when she's dead. "Phew. Finally... maybe I can run upstairs, quickly wash my face? I really need to hire some help..."

Probably not the best entrance ever. Outside a whistling sound gradually increases in pitch as it gets nearer, followed by a rapidly worsening shout and a fit of expletives to match- and then KRAKK as something hits into the wall outside! A waddle here and there, and a coppry woman in business suit makes her way inside the bakery, right arm busy holding her lower jaw. Another loud crackle and a snik before she releases it and makes testing mouth opening and closing. "Look before you leap next time." she murmurs sarcastically, mostly to herself.

There had been a large group here before. That made a little bunny very curious. As such, a small white, bunny like creature, dressed like what one might imagine a magical girl baby might be dressed like, comes wandering into the bakery. "So many teenagers..." Thankfully there's adults this time. She's been surrounded by teens with her as the only chaperone once. That was one time too many. The bunny starts to waddle toward the counter before she's distracted by the string of expletives from outside. "...that doesn't sound very nice," the bunny girl objects with a pout. Bridget_Lake nods. "That's generally good advice. Welcome to my shop," she says, straightening up and putting on a 'not tired, really' expression on her face. "I take it your day hasn't been the best?" She gives Talia a wry smile. Deal with the customers first, then go inspect the damage. .... Bunny? BUNNY! No, wait, control. Bridget closes her eyes and takes a deep breath. Okay. "Well hello there." She leans over the counter to look at the cute bunny. "Anything I can help you with?"

The suited woman shrugs. "Was a bit too sober to judge how much windup I needed to hop those last couple blocks, wound up smacking into your wall. Sorry about that." she says in apology, "Jaw's set again though, that's good." she then begins glancing over the displays as the expedient... tiny.. dinnerlike thing makes herself the center of shopkeep's attention.

Usami waves up at Bridget. "Hello! I was just curious what's going on here today! There were a lot of people, so I thought maybe I missed something." She does some sort of magic with her wand, causing her to float up onto the counter to make up for her small size...which makes it all the more apparent the wings she's wearing really are just for decoration. "You can take care of this lady before me."

Bridget_Lake blinks. Too... sober? Is this a mutant genderswapped Tony Stark? She looks back towards cute little bunny. "School. Seems like everyone had meetings or whatnot. Rushes like that happen every once in a while." She smiles charmingly. "The name's Bridget Lake, and this is my bakery, so warm fresh cookies and pastries with coffee lures in more than you'd think."

Talia inclines her head gratefully to Usami, flashing Bridget a warm smile. Then she spends a moment of increasingly less warm consideration on her face. "I just remembered.. I haven't gotten around to converting my currency." she murmurs. "Sorry again.. wasting time and customer attention." a raise of her left hand to excuse herself from the interaction between bunny and shopkeep.

Usami says, "That's fine! I'm sure we can work around that." She waves her wand around in Talia's direction, not pointing it AT her mind, just guesturing it in her general direction. "I'm Magical Miracle Girl * Usami! I'm a huggably soft travler for now!""

Bridget_Lake grins a bit wryly. "You think I'm local with a name like Bridget? I may not be from off-dimension but this isn't my native country, either. If it's american dollars I can take it, and convert it later, honest. I'd rather go through the effort than have someone leave here hungry." Fluttershy steps out of a swirling silver portal that appears in midair, and closes just as suddenly behind her. Fluttershy has arrived.

Talia offers a perhaps nervous smile. "I'm not sure if the standard WU credit is analogus to the... american dollar? Or whatever standard is used locally, a digital fiat currency is hard to exactly make meaningful in a foreign place. The best I could do now is write out a check or an IOU to be cashed in once I've gotten this whole money situation sorted."

Fluttershy comes trotting in, carefully looking about as she does, for anything that looks like it might be..scary..."Um...hello..." she greets as she steps through the door.

Usami hrmms thoughtfully. "Maybe I can do someth...but what to do?" She tilts her head and then her ears pop straight upward as Fluttershy comes in. "Hello miss pony!" Bridget_Lake looks up, and grins. "Fluttershy! It's good to see you again. Please, make yourself at home." She nods at Talia. "Check is fine, honest." She tilts her head to one side. "So, what are you hungry for? Sweet, savory? Just made some delicious spinach and cheese filled turnovers..."

Fluttershy says, "Hello Miss Usami, Miss Lake, how are you both doing?"

An unspeakably evil presence is felt coming from outside and the winsome bell of the front door rings to welcome a new patron. In comes a man that is wholly clad in green metallic armor. His facial features concealed entirely by the thick helmet he wears and the orange visor that covers his eyes. All across his armor he seems to have red, boiling claw and bite marks, still hot, as if they had been recently done. The obvious soldier looks around slowly and begins walking towards the counter.

Fluttershy says, " Hello Miss Usami, Miss Lake, how are you both doing?" as she enters, unaware of Doom Slayer coming in directly behind her. 'It's been so long, Miss Lake, it's very nice to see you again; my freinds and I were concerned about you," she smiles, then looks to the counter, eyeing the goodies. She then sees Doom's reflection in the glass...and she freezes up....".......""

Talia nods and slips a hand into her pack to pull something out. Ripping sounds, hand pulled free, paper rectangle! It's held against her right palm as a pen is produced from her right lapel, penning something in. She then sniffs at the air.. curious, continuing to do so, freezing her penmanship as her eyes rest on the armoured... person. "You, uh, alright there? Haven't smelled anything like that since ... a curious adventure." details omitted!

Usami is sitting up on the counter since she's so small. "Welcome Fluttershy! How are you?!" The little bunny waves at Doom too, not seeing scared by his appearance. "Boy, you don't look good! Do you need help?"

As the marine enters, the lace curtains flutter, and the patterns almost writhe. Bridget eyes the curtains. "Gonna have to replace those soon," she mutters under her breath, and stamps her foot, once, against the floor. Curtains settle down. "Fair warning, this is a no-combat store. That said, welcome to Lake's Bakes. What can I help you with?"

As if possessed -and probably quite likely is- the marine slowly approaches the counter, sightless gaze fixated upon the rows of confectionery placed across the display the glass. He seems to be unaware of any stares he might be drawing, or just how out of place he might look showing up at a bakery dressed in full suit of military armor. He at least responds to being addressed however, the Marine slowly turns to Talia and her question, staring blankly at the woman. "I'm fine." A garbled almost demonic voice is heard from the man's radio helmet. To the talking bunny plushie, the soldier turns slowly again and stares at it.. her. "I'm beyond help." He's a grim one he is. As Fluttershy simply continues to be petrified there, the marine pays her no mind and stands next to her, visor looking towards the apparent clerk and owner of the store. He listens to her warning though answers not, except with a question of his own. "Do you have pies?"

Fluttershy stands rooted sweatdropping, her eyes wide. She gulps. "Um...um...I'...fine Miss Usami, how are you..." she stammers out at last...and she anime scoots to one side to get a bit of distance between her and the scary guy. "Um....coule I please get some mushroom pies, please....." she whispers nearly inaudibly.

Usami looks thoughtfull. "Boy you're popular today Miss Lake," she peers over the others, "I don't actually need to eat anything if that helps! I was just being curious." She stands up and starts looking curiously at any items on display or at whatever is on the menu."

Talia's scribbling finishes and she tucks the pen away, setting the czech on the counter. "Anything powdery and with creme." she comments with a winning wink to Bridget. Then she'll let the hostess take care of the swarm, turning her eyes back onto the armoured one, waiting for him to get his answer before she goes on interrupting. The man wants pie, afterall.

Bridget_Lake nods. "Yes, we have pies. Apple, peach, pumpkin, texas pecan, chicken pot, shepard's, and the mushroom pie." Which, she steps back towards a metal door, and opens it, pulling out said mushroom pie and plating it before handing it over to Fluttershy with a warm smile. Then, Talia gets a plate of eclairs, the traditional kind with a specific dough that's been baked, the interior scooped out, filled with creme, and sealed shut with chocolate icing.

The soldier looks satisfied by the response. Though its hard to tell considering how the entirety of his face is covered. He barely notices Fluttershy scooting away from him and focus solely forward, past Bridget and down somewhere behind her, where that which he craves lays. Is he cutting in line? He doesn't even realize it anymore, what are manners to a Demon? Particularly when he's set his sight on something yummy? "Give me one of each." The marine's garbled voice comes and he sets a wad of bloodied credits on the counter. "No. Two of each." Then he puts another wad of crumbled credits that look as if they had been looted from a corpse or something. Even his money smells like fire and brimstone.

Fluttershy produces some bits and puts them on the counter...next to Doom's bloody messy money. The yellow pastel Pegasus goes totally green..."Oh...m-my..." she stumbles back, looking like she's gonna hurl. "P-please..u-um..." she bolts for the door! X.X

Bridget_Lake is going to have to put salt in the water when she cleans the store at closing, she can tell. Maybe smudge as well. Aaand there's Fluttershy bolting. Definitely catch up with her later. Bridget nods at Doomydoomdoom. "All right. Just a sec. Are you setting up at a table, or am I wrapping the pies to go?" she asks curiously, none of her thoughts on how to restore the proper energies to her shop showing on her face. Usami frows at Fluttershy runs off. "Oh dear, that's not nice at all," she murmurs with another pout. She waves her wand at the money, making it all nice and not bloody again. Probably should have thought to do that before Fluttershy ran off, huh? Fluttershy dissaperes outside and can be seen taking deep breaths to center herself.....

"For here." Answers the soldier in his garbled, demonic voice. He seems fully intent on taking care of those pies right here and now. When Fluttershy makes a mad dash for the door, the Hell Dog actually scoots to the side to let her pass and follows the pony's escape with his gaze until she exits the store. "What's her problem?" Yeah, because clearly the one with the problem here is Fluttershy. The marine turns around just in time to see Usami do her little magic trick on his money and he nods at her approvingly. "That's pretty cool."

Talia accepts the eclair and steps to the side for nibbles, a nice bit of chew and a contented exhale as it goes down. "Not everyone's used to brimstone and carnage." she comments up to the marine. "Haven't been down to anywhere with that smell in decades.. not that home wasn't worse at times." she comments. More eclair! More yuss~

Bridget_Lake smiles. "Easily spooked, and, if you follow the news, the pony that was hunted by collectors, so she has reason to be." She turns and starts stacking the pies on her arms, though not all of them at once, because that way leads to Marx Brothers shenanigans. Once grabbed, she'll step out from behind the counter and start stacking said pies on a nearby table. Turns out the shepard's pie is filled with a mix of ground beef, peas, and carrots, and topped with mashed potatoes that have been browned on top. Still a pie, it's in a pie crust! Usami says, "I wish I wasn't used to people being violent, but that's just what kids are like these days! ...please don't hurt eachother.""

Fluttershy is outside, but the pie she needed is still inside! Oh my! she wishes she could just teleport in like twilight! Or, she should be brave like Rainbow Dash! But..no. she's just Fluttershy! She paces back and forth for a moment, deciding! she finally gears herself up...and hurries back in! She b-lines to her pie, quickly puts it in her saddle-bag, 'Thankyouverymuchseeuousoon; she says quickly and quietly and then spins on her hoofs and b-lines back to the door quick as she can!

The marine glances slightly sideways to Talia as she speaks of carnage of brimstone, a subtle twich on the man's helmeted head. "No." He agrees. "Not everyone is used to it." Says he before turning to the ever smiling Bridget and her explanation of why Fluttershy seems to be so scared for no particular reason - at least as far as he's concerned. "Hm. Shell shock is a real pain." It almost sounds like he's talking from experience. He follows Bridget to the table and would have offered to help her if it did not look like the woman had that covered. Sitting down just as he hears Usami plead him -again it seems to him for no reason - to not hurt anybody, the soldier can only be heard giving a garbled chuckle under his helmet. "The only thing I'm gonna hurt right now.." He starts and removes his helmet, echoing moans and what appears to look like tormented souls flying off. "Is some freaking pies." The Doom Marine is revealed! And he looks, just like a regular guy actually, slightly brown skin and brown hair. He unwraps the sheperd pie and starts taking mouthfuls of it, eating it in great chunks. He doesn't even seem to realize Fluttershy's quick in and out.

Talia urgs.. a man after her own heart. Or, if there was any of that organ leftover to give. Her wife has a rather good stake in that stock. Meanwhile, eclair and devoured luxuriously while Talia stands off to the side, eyes glinting contentedly.

Which is all Bridget needs, to be honest. People enjoying her food. Making enough money to pay the bills off of it is secondary if she was to be completely honest with herself. "Worked up an appetite out there?" sbe asks good naturedly as she ducks back behind the counter to get the rest of the marine's order and places it on the table in front of him. "Out of curiosity, what's your name Soldier?" And it's an effort not to say Jarhead, but... army brat and all that.

"You don't know the half of it." Said Soldier answers to Bridget about his particularly ravenous appetite. He is still listening though, despite the fact that he's chomping almost a quarter of a pie off in one bite, and by the time Bridget gets to her next question he's already almost done with his first victim of a sheperd's pie. "Dunno." He answers truthfully about his name. "Forgot." He licks his fingers nosily and opens the next pie. "Folks just call me Doom."

New Activity ---------

Usami says, "They should call you something nicer than that..."

Bridget_Lake nods. "Yeah, no kidding. Wonder how many people have sung the Doom song from Invader Zim at you?" She shakes her head in annoyance at the thought. "Donald Jarhead? Jerry Dorsey? Englebert Fistibuns? Slut Bumwalla? Ted? You literally have all the options when it comes to having a name, and you could get as silly as you want. I mean, if someone can go their whole life with the name Ima Hogg..."

Talia listens to that list of names.. Fistibuns was what had her attention, and then it was just terrible from there. "W-what.." she murmurs, "I don't think I want to know." shaking her head with nibbles finished! She rubs her right hand over her jaw.. not falling off, so that's good.

"Far too many." Answers Doom as he tears through his second pie. "You know Zim?" Asks he whilst briefly pausing from his pie massacre to glance at Bridget. "Met the little alien once. He's annoying as all Hell." He scoffs. "And I don't use that word lightly." Doom then resumes his pie slaughter and tears through his first batch, annihilating the apple, peach and pumpkin, and just about to begin obliterating the texas pecan when he grunts at the long list of offered names. "Doom works just fine really. It suits my purposes."

Usami says, "Right now it looks like the most fitting would be Mr. Pie-acide... Those pies never stood a chance!"

Bridget_Lake chucklesnorts deep in her throat. "Erm, right.." apparently what she's picturing is both hilarious and not something to be shared with little ears in the room. Maybe a room with a moose in it? No, wait, that's terrifying not funny.

Contrary to popular belief, a room with a moose /is/ really terrifying. Unless you have a double barreled 12 gauge shotgun, that always even the scales no matter where you are. Doom then nods slowly to Usami and offers no further comment, letting his actions speak for himself. In naught but a scant few extra minutes, the dozen or so pies lay scattered and broken, crumbles left as mute witness to the Doom Marine's utter brutality. "Ugh.." He burps and pats his belly. "I need a beer now."

In immediate response to the needing a beer, Talia pulls a nice 20oz bottle of 'Sham Adams Premium Lager' from her pack and sets it on the table next to the marine. "On me." she says with a wink.

Bridget_Lake shakes her head. "Sorry, no liscence to sell alcohol here. That new nightclub, Kracken, I think? Might be a good place to try though." Not that she's likely to ever go there, when the opening involves ninja attacks. She prefers a much calmer life.

Doom eyes Talia, checking the woman out almost as if he had just noticed that she was there. "Hm, not bad." If he's referring to the offered beer or the Talia herself though is up to debate. He glances at Bridget when she says she can't sell liquor and gives a shrug. "Won't mind me kicking back a few here will you, miss?" The info about the Kracken gets a frown though. "Yeah, I heard that's a real happening place nowadays. I'll have to check that place out eventually." His focus remains on Talia though and almost smiles as her, as much as those grim lips seem capable of smirking. "Sure you don't wanna join me, beautiful?"

Talia tugs a seat out with her heel and settles in to join, tugging a second bottle from her pack with a wink. "No reason why not. Still too sober, this should help." she comments, though before making any other move, her glowing eyes flick over to glance at Bridget, permission perhaps?

Bridget_Lake shakes her head. "No, I can allow that." And she ducks back behind the counter, running a damp cloth over the surface and humming under her breath. And Doom, having slowed down might notice that the pies had small buffs, speeding the healing of injuries and in gaming terms adding some points here and there to random stats. Individually not really noticeable, but... that many pies, it adds up. As for the eclairs, small intelligence buff.

Usami is a terrible customer cause she wasn't actually here to eat, but at least she adds decor to the counter! "Ninja attacks? This place never seems lacking on things happening!"

Doom's lips spread a littler further away, teeth barely showing behind. Apparently he's grinning! And let's just say it hurts his cheeks slightly as its not a gesture he does often. Only when he's ripping off a head from a Baron or when he picked up that sweet sweet BFG. "Well then.." He turns to his companion and clinks his bottle with hers. "Cheers." Doom then opens the cap of the bottle with just his hand. "Haven't been around here too long myself, but I'd remember a pretty face like yours. What's your name, babe?"

Talia clinks glasses, then her thumb crackles the neck of her bottle, other hand prying the upper half away, tilting back to just guzzle that bottle down, pausing partway to peek down at Doom. "Talia. Hagane if you care for surnames. Not like it meant anything at home." her thumb moves away, trailing a bit of red on the jagged lip she's spouting into her maw, downing it all in quick succession and setting bottle on the table with a content purring.

Doom whistles being suitably impressed. He recognizes a tough broad when he sees one. "Doom Slayer." He says in turn as he downs his own bottle. It seems fitting he would give his own surname since she gave hers to him. "Don't be so sure of that. Sometimes you don't so much as get a name but you earn one. I should know." Needless to say, Doom Slayer is not actually the marine's real name. At some point he simply started being called that way.

Usami says, "Well to make up for my own use of time..." The bunny stands up and waves her wand, spewing rainbows and hearts and stuff that cause some of the day's mess to DISSAPEAR (or suddenly be clean in the case of dishes). "There we go!"

She leans back in the chair, "I understand that. Know a few people who started being called titles. Not tha-" RAINBOWS! GAH! oh wait.. "You're a really terrifying pillow, you know that." she murmurs to Usami. "Think I might have kinked my shoulder in that landing." as if to announce her point, she rolls her right shoulder some with a few cricks and a little pop. "Gonna have to see if I need to set it later."

AAAH SHIT! RAINBOWS! Talia isn't the only one that winces to that display as Doom also flinches. Fortunately, although rainbows are quite annoying they aren't exactly the cackling fiery skulls that used to attack him, and so he doesn't pull out a gun on the stuffed talking rabbit as he would have done normally. He just.. tries really hard to ignore it. "Uh, yeah." He agrees before returning his attention to Talia. "Hm, I'd offer to help but I fear I'd only make it worse. I ain't no medic." Doom does exactly the opposite of setting bones in place actually.

Usami says, "I'm not a pillow! I'm Usami! I'm an adorable little girl who's sweet like milk! Usami!" Despite the repition at the end, she doesn't seem to have any irritation in her voice at the moment. Granted, no one here has HEARD her irritated, so it's not like they can be all that sure what an irritated Usami sounds like."

The suited lass winks. "Don't worry. While I might have the bulk of my experience in cracking heads and shredding things barehanded, I'm also a field medic. Probably more, but you can't claim those sorts of titles without certification." ... Talia's expression blankens, "You don't exactly ring lots of recollection to what I know little girls to look like.. more like a pillow. One of those fancy, expensive ones that otaku keep under the bed or something." she murmurs in observation.

Usami makes an over exagerated experession of shock at being told she resembles a pillow. THAT kind of pillow no less. "Ahh!!! No! I'm an innocent little girl! Those kind of dirty things need to just go away! I'm too little for that!"

"Ugh, consider me lactose intolerant." Grumbles Doom when Usami claims to be sweet like milk. He can't help but chuckle at Talia's suggestion though and further more by Usami's reaction, even he knows what Talia is talking about. He gives another chug of his drink to finish the rest and then eyes Talia a bit. "So, maybe you need help taking off those clothes to check yourself out?"

Talia smirks. "If you were that innocent, you would have _no_ idea what I'm on about. I'm gonna guess you're not quite an organic either, so I won't fault you for trying to enforce your projection. Consider what you know also contributes to what y'are." she murmurs with Usami on the ropes. She glances at Doom and smirks herself, licking some red off of her left thumb. "Maybe you'll catch me later making sure I didn't break anything else." she chimes.

Usami flails her arms and over exageratedly cries in protest. "No! No! I'm too innocent to deal with those things! But I have to know about those things because I teach teenagers! It's a huge contradiction! Dirty things like that aren't allowed in class!"

"Heheh, she got you there, bunny." Comes the rumbling dark chuckle from Doom. His mannerism aren't quite there with a normal person though as it seems that every movement he does is full of evil intention. Even something as simple as a laugh comes as diabolic. Still, its clear Doom is as normal as he can be in this kind of situation and he simply shakes his head and scoffs to Usami. "Innocence is.. overrated." He says strangely. "A layer to be shed in the path to.. understanding." Yes, understanding, that the world is nothing but pain, agony and cruelty and only the toughest mo fos get to live in it. He cracks a smile to Talia nonetheless. "Maybe, I do hope to catch you later." He winces, the red runes on his helmet starting to glow. "But I think.. I need to go do.. something.. right now." The Killing Time draws near no doubt and those pies and the beer only manage to muffle the voices, not shut them up completely. Doom hastily goes to put his helmet again and stands. "Thanks." He mumbles awkwardly and heads for the door. "I'll see you all around."

Usami says, "It's my encoded character though, I can't just 'grow up' like that. I have to be cute and trustworthy and huggable forever."

Talia smirks, "Ever consider that you aren't in the classroom right now? And if you tell a teenager you don't know about something, that's going to prompt them to figure it out on their own." she comments in reply, listening to Doom's statements. "Understanding keeps people safe from what lies just beyond the borders, it cements them in their reality." she responds. She waves her left hand. "Later, tug out a spine or two for me." she bids.

Usami says, "But it's my encoded character...it's what I do, even if it doesn't make sense! Dirty things are icky!" That said she waves after Doom. "Good bye Mr. Pie-acide! I should probably go too, I'm not being a good customer.""

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