2016-11-29 - Some Serious Cleaning Time

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Some Serious Cleaning Time

Summary: Miyu, Jason, Rainbow Dash, and some others meet up to put an end to the situation causing the ruins down the forest stream to be off limits.

Who: Miyu, Rainbow Dash, Jason Inugami, Tony Stark, Twilight Sparkle
When: 11 28, 2016
Where: The Ruins of Castle Charis

Miyu-icon.gifRainbow Dash-icon.gifTony Stark-icon.gifTwilight Sparkle-icon.gif

The information contained within this log is to be considered information gained Out of Character (OOC).
This information may not be used as In Character (IC) knowledge or in roleplay unless it has been learned in-game or permission has been granted by the parties involved.

Questions should be directed to staff.

The Ruins of the Castle Charis The brook curves around the ruins of what was once a castle. A broken sign made of smooth dark wood has the name "The Castle Charis" engraved into its front. Broken blocks of marble and granite litter the area, scorch marks and magic burns defacing that which is still standing. A single decrepit turret still stands, all that is really left of Charis. The scent of decay and old magic still hangs about the ruined place. An ominous wind picks up, blowing harshly against you. You suddenly get the feeling that this isn't the sort of place one wants to stay around and that whoever wreaked such havoc is not someone you would want to anger....

Miyu is standing on the safe shore off the water, already transformed and eyeing the barrier that's keeping the mud held into place. Sapphire's in her actual wand form, held by Miyu, seeming much like a normal old (if toy like) wand. And a voice is heard from nearby, "Miyu I presume?" comes the voice of Jason Inugami. And the Harmonixer steps from the shadows and looks the girl over. He will admit, he's not keen on the idea of bringing a child into battle, but she is needed for this. And he looks at the barrier, "..I been strengthening it when I can." he says as he notes her eyeing it. Yeah, Sapphire probably told her about the guy that transformed and did that.

Miyu nods toward Jason. "Yes...thank you, Inugami-san" she replies before looking back toward the barrier. "Today the barrier should be able to come down again."

Rainbow_Dash zooms in from above! "Yo!" she greets, "Fluttershy thought I might be better at helping you guys out...so here I am! Rainbow Dash, ready to rock!

Jason grins, "Hey Dash." he says with a smirk, "Yeah, we're gonna need help." he sighs, "I've dealt with Heroic Spirits. But this." he sighs, "I never seen this one. Heard of him, but..no nothing of his skills. So..I'm in the dark."

Miyu says, "Thank you for coming Rainbow Dash-san." Miyu greets the pegasus, seeming to have already met her too, but her attention is pulled back to the barrier again, which is now glowing purple. "I'll stay out here and try to keep the barrier reinforced in case anything happens," another voice states as a certain, purple alicorn lands beside Dash."

Rainbow_Dash says, "Hey Twilight!" she grins, "I knew you couldn't resist..." she says, hoovering in mid-air like she does. "Should I run and grab Fluttershy?"

"You could," Twilight says uncertainly, "I'm not sure if she wanted to come back or not since she sent you." Rainbow_Dash says, "Well..we got this covered; besides, we gotta keep a couple of Ponies in reserve just in case. SO, what butt do we get to kick? Oozey thing, right?"

Jason hmms and nods to Twilight and looks at the ruins, "....Avenger." he says with a sigh as his eyes narrow. He remembers the stories from Shirou about that thing, what it's done to him and others. And he clenches his left hand into a fist, "Clarent." he says softly as the bracer on his left arm glows and the Athurian Blade appears in his grip. "...It's a Servant. It's called Avenger. Summoned in a 'Holy Grail War'." Yes, note the sarcasm and the eyeroll as he says that. "That mud is his trademark..pure evil in a solid form." he sighs as he shakes his head, "All I know about him. No powers nothing.."

Rainbow_Dash says, "Well..okay, what's the plan Twilight?"

"I keep things sealed while you help these two fight, but if things are looking back you guys can call for me," Twilight replies, "In this case it seems like Sapphire's going to be the one with a game plan." That said Miyu looks back toward Jason. "You can lead us to where the card is, right? And all of us can get to it without touching the mud?"

Rainbow_Dash says, "Twilight and I can help any non-fliers, she can magically lift who we can't carry too...she's awesome that way."

Jason nods, "The card is in the ruins proper. No where near the Mud." he says softly and he braces himself and pulls off one of those patented super human leaps. Clearing the brook and the Mud and landing on the ruins themselves. And he begins to hop scotch across until he's in the main part of the ruins. And yes, he marked the location. Spray paint, gotta love it.

Miyu does a super human jump of her own, suddenly landing in mid air. ....well it looks like mid air anyway. Close inspection would show that magical platforms are appearing below her after each jump, making it like climbing a VERY big stair way. She's following Jason's lead, being in NO rush to personally deal with that mud again ANY time soon.

Rainbow_Dash shoots across the mud-area with a quick beat of her wings! No problem here!

Twilight's keeping things secure, like she said, sooooooo she's closing things up once they get in...

Jason is standing near the card, which has been circled by some yellow spray paint. His sword resting against his shoulder. Yeah, he's ready.

"Oooooh, spooky!" Comes an electronically enhanced voice from overhead along with the sound of rockets as Iron Man drops down out of the sky to land in the middle of the crumbling, shattered ruins of what was once Charis Castle. "Sorry to just drop in on the party but I was just in the area and the purple pony outside told me something was going on in here. Which is probably why she was putting up that barricade outside." He pauses and turns to look at Jason out of the blue lenses of his suit, then down at the card with the yellow spray paint around it. "..." He stares at the card for a few moments, "...don't tell me that's it."

Jason hmms and looks at the Armored Avenger, "Yeah. Kinda, the focus yes. But the main part of it is..well..not really in this dimension." he says softly. "We're about to deal with it." he says as he looks around, "Also..nice suit."

Rainbow_Dash says, "Umm...hey, Iron-mane, right? Cool...um...yeah, that card's kind of the problem," she gestures with a hoof as she hovers in mid-air. "It's kinda polluting the area with evil...so, we're gonna shut it down."

Iron Man looks up at Rainbow Dash, "Mane...?" Then he shrugs, "Close enough." He then looks back at Jason and then at the card one more time with a small sigh, "See, this is one of those times I wish I had my Awesome Facial Hair Bro on speed dial. Even though I don't think he even uses phones anymore."

"Yes, that is it...technically," on arriving at the card, Miyu starts to cast a spell using Sapphire, "Annnd now's the time to brace yourself or leave...you won't get a chance easily after we're in the correct place to fight with it."

Iron Man says, "Leave? I just got here, we haven't even gotten to the fun part yet."

Jason looks at Miyu, "I'm in. I kinda owe Avenger a punch in the face for stuff he pulled in a friend's home dimension. So..I plan on collecting, with some interest."

Rainbow_Dash says, "This little blue pegasus ain't backon' down....besides, not the first time I've saved this town...or Equestria..."

"Alright," Miyu replies simply. The world around all of them proceeds to suddenly go topsy turvey and mirror like before it shatters and reveals a world that appears somehow the same, but also a bit darker. Somehow it's even DEADer than the current situation with the mud had the area outside of the ruins. It feels almost like the entire world is struggling for air somehow. In this place the mud is coating the inner walls TOO, but thankfully the floor is not 'lava'. Pacing in a far corner of the room is a rather feral seeming, shadow like form with red eyes. It pauses and glares over them all upon their arrival, seeming uncertain of how to react this exact moment. If it's like normal, though, that'll change quickly.

Rainbow_Dash says, "Um...now I'm kinda of regretting spotting for Fluttershy...""

Iron Man watches as everything momentarily seems to reverse before snapping back into place in a kind of tupsy-turvy way. He slowly scans the area, especially that mud coating the walls. "Friday? What are we reading?" "You've got me, Boss Man. It's certainly not Hershey's syrup." Iron Man makes an audible sigh, "Remind me why I keep you around?" "Company, Boss, company." The blue lenses of Iron Man then focus on the shadowy 'thing' pacing in the far distance, hard to make out distinctly even through technological imaging systems. "That doesn't look friendly at all. Who wants to say 'hi' first?"

Rainbow_Dash says, "I'll...give it a try.." she's seen the other ponies do it often enough, she flaps closer. "Um..hey there, I'm Rainbow dash, hi! Nice to meet you....we're here to help you...so if you'd like to not attack and just let us get on with the helping, we can work this out and totally go home and get some cider...what do ya say?" Rainbow_Dash grins bigly!

"Did she just...?" "She did." "Well..." Iron Man says to himself, watching tensely.

As the world shifts Jason narrows his eyes. Oh yeah, this place reminds him too much of the Graveyard. And as he sees Avenger his eyes flare brightly. "..Hey, you got the armor." he quips. "Besides..I think I better change." and then Rainbow Dash (feel free to laugh at the typist) goes to make the first move, and he blinks a bit at the speech. If that works, he's gonna well, his brain'll break. But just in case and his eyes seem to go distant as he searched the Graveyard for a good weapon to use in this case. And he nods ones he finds on..so he prepares it. And to Iron Man, "Yes..yes she did. I don't know whether to be impressed or shocked."

Miyu shakes her head. "You seem better equipped for the job," she replies to Rainbow Dash, "Like Sapphire explained, you can't reason with a heroic spirit in this state, you can only shoot them down..." She peers toward Iron Man after saying that, "...thank you for your help. Try to avoid touching the non-syrup though, touching it tends to get things destroyed in some form or another."

Annnnnd Rainbow Dash tries to take the talking method... With her approaching closer the figure leaps to the opposite side of the ruins from where it was. It's claw like hands seem to become sharper. It takes a full on charge toward Jason, Miyu, and Iron-Man, trying to swipe at all of them.

Right, as Avenger goes to attack. Jason moves, "Infernus!" he yells as his form explodes into light and energy. And when the light clears in his place is a being clad in a battered and damaged armor. Oh, and a flaming skull. Pulling it's bastard sword, which bursts into flames he goes to block the claw attack and respond with a blast of flame. Nothing too major. He just wants to force it back and also put a little hurt on it.

"Right. Mud Bad. Got it. Friday? Note that down, would you?" "Noted." "Thanks." Then the Shadow Wolfman-thing leaps all the way to the other side of the ruins before charging right at them, "Talking time's over, people!" He levels both hands at the rushing wolfbeast as blue energy starts to charge along the palms. Jason seems to already be rushing into things, transforming into a strangely familiar flaming skull thing while taking the creature's initial attack. . o O (No Motorcycle? Not even a horse? I guess it must be belt tightening time for the whole avenging ghost cadre.)

No horse, but there is...a Pony! Rainbow dash blinks as...it seems to ignore her all together, even though she was closer! did something she said get through?? She swoops low, grabbing a couple of rocks. Either way, she can't just sit by and let it hurt somebody! She tosses the rocks into the air and spins about with a kick, sending the rocks flying at the creature like large bullets! *pwing!* AJ would be so proud!

The shadow is pushed back some by Jason and Ironman's actions, keeping them both AND Miyu from taking any damage just yet. Angra gives an irritable growl as Dash pelts it with rocks, before he proceeds to dart back and forth randomly around the outer edge of the room. Miyu starts shooting little magical blasts at him from Sapphire, but it seems to be little more than a nuisance at the moment.

The shadow of Angra seems to find Dash the most irritating now, and LEAPS at her, attempting to catch her in it's jaws.

Miyu says, "...Alright, need to hit it a little harder then."

Iron Man is working to keep tracking the moving shadow of Angra Mainyu. It's not easy to do, however, it's fast and the way it wavers indistinctly and seems to match with the equally dark 'mud' makes a lot of the sensors in the suit blind to it. There's a *pchak* sound as the shoulders and upper back portions of Iron Man's armor grow a little bigger, countless tiny hexagonal nanomachine 'scales' reorienting and reconfiguring themselves until there's a large backpack-like construct rising just above his head with countless barrels sticking out of it almost like some technological WWII Calliope Rocket Launcher. The barrels all light up at once and then begin to fire, unleashing a barrage of rapid, high energy blue energy blasts streaking through the air to try and contain the shadow's movements, even a little bit. Tony can't track it, so, saturation fire should help.

And Infernus (Jason)'s head is darting this way and that. Yes, he can sense this thing and it takes a couple of steps and roars a bit as it releases a blast of fire aiming to try and cut off Avenger's movements and set it up for Tony's OMGWTFBBQ attack.

Well, at least Rainbow dash knows where it is and where it's going! She spins in the air as it ties to take a bite out of her ;and decides to let it dine...on her two rear hooves!

Miyu lets out a single, concentrated blast at Angra while Angra's getting fired at by Tony and Jason as well, not to mention getting kicked RIGHT in the muzzle like that. OUCH! Angra lets out a roar before seeming to just dissipate.... "...that's it," Miyu wonders in some unusually obvious disbelief as she stares at where Angra had been just a moment ago.

"I doubt it." Iron Man says, "If it is, that's probably the weakest shadow thing I've ever run into." There's a beat before he adds, "Not that I make a habit of it."

And Infernus looks around. Yeah, that was too easy. Way to easy. And it casts it senses out, trying to make sure that thing is gone. And the Soldier of Hell's grip on his sword tightens as it looks around and it nods in agreement with Tony. Yeah, this isn't over yet.

Rainbow_Dash gets a bit higher up...she can't maneuver to full potential here. "I have a feeling this thing's got it in for me...and I did just kick it in the teeth...and nobody gets over THAT quickly, maybe triangulate on me...chances are, he's gonna want to take another bit outta me!

For all senses, aside from the logic anyway, Angra really does seem to be gone.... Aside from ONE thing. That mud doesn't seem to have gone anywhere. Miyu hesitates, but starts to approach the card. "Actually there's another possibility," she murmurs as she reaches a hand out for it.

Iron Man raises a hand as Miyu starts to move towards the card, "Wait a second here, kid! I don't think that's a good until until we're completely sure that thing is gone."

And Infernus turns and looks at Miyu and moves towards her growling out a warning. Yeah, he's really wishing he could talk like this but still. But then, he figures it could go for the card or be hiding in it.

Rainbow_Dash considers AJ might've been the best choice for close quarters fighting....of she were here...dash just doesn't have the room to really get into gear.

Miyu raises a brow, looking at the two men flatly while speaking as if this was all just common sense. "Of course it isn't safe, but it's the most likely way to make sure it's not playing hide and seek." ...is this REALLY just a little girl? She renews her efforts at reaching for the card, and predictably as she picks it up, Angra shows himself again. Or is it himselVES? Four smaller shadows (that are even more wolf like than the one here before) come bursting out of the mud, all aiming straight for Miyu due to her grabbing the card.

Rainbow_Dash kicks into high-gear; as best she can, doing her best to slam into the mini-wolves coming at Miyu, front and back hooves as she twirls about in the air like a dervish! She can't get up to full speed, but she is small and agile!

And Infernus is also there, as it charges foward to slam ino one of wolves and if possible, it'll go to throw the thing away and blast it with fire.

Dash SLAMS her hooves into one of the shadows, causing it to howl out as it smashes right into another one...literally. They've become one, slightly bigger wolf now. The shadow Infernus is attacking is successfully thrown and blasted with fire. Miyu throws up a shield, causing the last shadow to bounce off of it before she hits it with another volley of small blasts. It writhes along with the one Jason's set on fire, but all 3 come back to their feet, circling the outer edge of the room yet again.

As the wolves merge into one, Infernus finds himself getting a mite peturbed and it roars as the flames around it's skull kick up a notch. Yes, do not piss off a Demon Knight of Hell, one of the Soldiers of the Inferno. And he moves foward. See, one thing about the fusions. Each one is good at something. Water: That's the healer and magic attack class. And Fire: Well..it's very good at beating things down. And it goes to prove that as it goes to attack the wolf and goes to lash out with it's sword for three lighting fast strikes.

Rainbow_Dash decides to protect Miyu as best she can; since she has the card and all and can probably / hopefully wrap this up! The blue pegaus begins flying in a tight circle, faster and faster, pushing her maneuverability, if not her speed, to the limit; she creates a ring of rainbow trail circling around Miyu and hopefully keeping the wolves at bay, and if not, hopefully clocking some of them good....

With Dash's protection, Miyu attempts taking more focused shots at the two remaining wolves other than the one Jason's slashing into. Amid the attacks the smaller two wolves flee toward the other wolf, all 3 of them starting to look less like wolves and more like formless blobs trying to recombine with eachother. Miyu hesitates slightly, wondering if it's really a bad thing to reduce things to ONE target again. On the other, how many times will they have to blow this servant up if they do?

Once Infernus's enemy pulls back and becomes a blob it tilts it's head and gives a questioning growl at the two and notes Miyu's hesitation, and looks at it and roars as it waits. And it's flames flare up brightly as it gathers his powers. The flame around the skull getting brighter. And once the thing begins to fuse into one again, to become Avenger again. The Fire fusion strikes as it releases a veritable firestorm at the Heroic Spirit, a near continuous blast of fire from it's jaws.

Rainbow_Dash continues spinning in her tight circle....as Infernus fires into the beast just as she was considering slamming into it herself; BUT it's way too late to hit the brakes, so, she'll just have to kick in the afterburners, close her eyes and slam right into the thing....in fact, she really has no choice at this point....

Miyu doesn't even get off a blast yet this time... As the blob reforms to have the other two SLAM it, causing it to go flying. The shadows dissipate, but this time it's more like the shadows were knocked away from the thing they clung to, because from inside of the disappearing shadows, a dead eyed humanoid stands to it's feet. A dark tan skinned, youngish looking man, with spikey black hair is what's finally revealed. His skin is covered in red and black colored carvings that seem to pulse in a beat that matches any movements of the mud. He wears very little and is carrying two unearthly looking daggers that appear more like the claws of the shadow beast they were fighting before. The man's dead eyed body stares at them from a slumped, zombie like position before it holds the daggers up before itself. "I get the feeling this'll be the last of this one...which is odd cause this STILL feels too easy," Miyu states. "Yes, something about this servant feels startlingly weak...." Sapphire has to agree, "It seems it can only take a few more attacks, but I don't know if it will revive from the dead again or not..."

Rainbow_Dash huffs, landing on all fours and spinning around, looks like only she and Miyu are left! But, this guy seems to be on his last legs...she hopes....she springs at the withered looking figure, spreads her wings and tries to deliver a (literal) flying kick!

Miyu takes another concentrated shot...she really wishes she had a card to install already. This is doing damage, but it feels so slow... She'll have to deal with it anyway. She's probably gotten a bit TOO used to installing really. The man gurgles and shambles around, barely seeming to keep balance at all. Unfortunately with Dash in so close, he SWINGS out with his daggers and grins ferally...oddly swinging in a way where it plunges RIGHT into his own gut on the downswing. Strangely though Dash would find SHE is the one who's feeling the stabbing pain that was just inflicted on him. The mud, meanwhile, seems to SURGE to life, making a quick advance inward, threatening to engulf the floor if something doesn't stop it quickly.

Rainbow_Dash says, "'AAahhh!" and staggers back, somewhere inside, she's really glad she took over for Fluttershy here. She grits her teeth and tries to bear through it, seeing the mud writhing around and below, falling is not an option!"

Miyu winces, trying to keep away from the mud and trying to keep Tony (For who knows what reason) and Jason (who'd passed out) protected from it as well. She's getting so distracted that Avenger rushes forward and takes a maddened flurry of slashes toward her. His speed is notably lagging down with every slash though. Miyu's trying to protect people AND stay out of the mud, so she can't really fight back right now. "Can you make it, Rainbow Dash," Miyu asks. "Rainbow Dash-sama," Sapphire calls, "You are still uninjured!"

Rainbow_Dash says, "I'm...okay...but I'm gettin' kinda sick of this guy!" she hurls herself backwards, kicking the wall and shooting herself back at the zombie-looking guy, aiming her hooves to his head in the re-bound!"

Miyu gasps as Dash chooses to kick off the wall, she's already in motion and moving quickly, so it doesn't stop the pegasus, but that tiny little touch into the mud is enough to cause a STRONG burning sensation in her hooves. Her mind would be assaulted with a short, but horrible wave of ...negativity in short. It's like suddenly being swallowed by darkness and being surrounded by a violent will that POWERFULLY wants you to suffer and die. But thankfully, for how strong and horrible the sensation is, it ends almost immediately, allowing the pegasus to feel her hooves impacting against the zombie like Avenger's head. He falls, twitching slightly before going completely still and finally starting to disappear, dissipating into mana sparkles. Miyu, despite her usual lack of much expressiveness, would rush over to Dash as the mud starts to sink and disappear much the same way avenger's body just did. "Rainbow Dash-san, please listen to me, don't let it eat you inside!"

Rainbow_Dash says, "That...was dumb..." she says, laying on the floor in a heap, the memory of the vile destructive thoughts and burning pain running through her mind. But Ponies are tough and Dash is one of the toughest. "I think I'm okay...just...had the stuffing knocked outta me...""

Miyu frowns and nods. "...please, be careful..." she murmurs as she handles Dash GENTLY. "I know how bad that mud can be..."

Rainbow_Dash says, "I'll...be okay...let's get outta here...and Twi can get me home..."

Miyu nods, but frowns again as she peers toward Jason and Tony. "Well, at least the mud is gone now. Hopefully Twilight can help us on this front too." She retrieves the card as well. Thankfully the land is /already/ starting to show improvement now that the mud is gone.

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