2017-07-16 - Castles From the Sky

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Castles From the Sky

Summary: In the Mushroom Kingdom, Bowser's at it again! Meanwhile on Jabberwock Island, Usami gets a surprise!

Who: Luigi, Usami
When: July 16, 2017
Where: Jabberwock Island


The information contained within this log is to be considered information gained Out of Character (OOC).
This information may not be used as In Character (IC) knowledge or in roleplay unless it has been learned in-game or permission has been granted by the parties involved.

Questions should be directed to staff.

"Ghhhh... ow..."

The last thing he remembered, Bowser had attacked Princess Peach's castle (again) in an attempt to kidnap her. But then he'd been pulled into some odd swirling anomaly, despite his best efforts to get away from it. He couldn't run fast enough. So... where was he?

Luigi groaned, and pushed himself to roll over onto his back and then sit up. It looked like he was still in the castle. But... the castle wasn't. Both ends of the hallway were ruined and crumbled, made impassible. But it looked like there was a wall BEHIND those crumbled walls. And it didn't look like the rest of the castle.

Slowly getting to his feet, Luigi looked around. "...Mario?" There was no way he could have been heard, not by normal hearing. Maybe... he was afraid to call out too loudly. Afraid someone -- or someTHING -- that WASN'T Mario would hear him. Or maybe...

...He was afraid of silence...

Either way, it's not silence he hears. "Luigi! Are you there?!" This from his earpiece, which he realizes he's still wearing.

"Ah!" Startled at first, but then intensely relieved at hearing the Italian spoken by his brother. "Mario? Where are you?"

"That's a question I should be asking you!" Mario answered. "The whole wing of the castle disappeared! Where are you?!"

"I, uh..." Luigi pauses, looks around. "...I don't know, actually. I'm still in the castle, but... the castle is... not there. Well, THIS part of the castle isn't. I haven't gone outside yet..."

Somewhere outside of all this, a plushie like creature with the apperance of a bunny dressed as a magical girl proceeds to go into a flailing panic! Her flailing arms and legs somehow manage to propell her out of her tiny house before she pauses and clutches tightl to her magical staff. "What in the WORLD! That better not be my fake stupid headed brother again!!" Her face goes a slight tinge of angry red at that thought, but she's quick to abandon that thought to go about looking for what made that horric noise.

Eventually her search leads her to one of her least favorite parts of the islands. "...wait....wait...it's Nezumi castle...but that's not all Nezumi castle... Something crushed part of it!" She frowns and shifts from one foot to the other. "I don't still don't want to go in there...maybe I can just make a door in this new place..." With that she'd swing about her staff, causing a rainbow heart spray of magical energy before a makeshift door opens on the 'front' of the newly appeared part of the castle.

And what should Usami see when she makes the new door? The interior of a ruined castle hallway, broken from its far too close for comfort brush with the rest of the castle. And inside it? A short fellow with messy brown hair and a large mustache, putting a green 'poor boy' cap on his head. He wears a green shirt and denim overalls, with large brown shoes on his feet and white gloves on his hands. And he looks confused, lost... and more than a little scared.

In fact, when the 'door' opens, the short man's wide, startled blue eyes quickly turn to the door, and he yelps, jumping back away from the new opening. But far from running away, the man raises his fists! "O-okay, I'm-a w-warning you! Don't-a try anything funny!"

Usami might also hear the screeching of another voice in his earpiece; if her hearing is particularly good, she might hear a man's voice screech from the earpiece, "Luigi, what's going on?!"

Usami blinks a little at what's inside this mysteriously arriving place. "Oooh, a REAL castle," she says in surprize, "...well part of one." She blinks as the stranger goes on the defensive though. "I'm not some comedian mister," she replies as she puffs out her fluffy cheeks a little, "I'm Magical Miracle Girl * Usami!" Which might make the fluffy little thing seem angry, but she does what...MIGHT be a curtsy (her thick form not quite being able to make a full on bow makes it difficult) and continues. "And YOU destroyed some of Nezumi Castle! Thanks!"

When Usami starts to puff out her cheeks, Luigi seems to hide behind his fists a little more, his brows drawing down into a frown. Well, if she wants to fight...

But then she introduces herself! Luigi pauses at the mention of having destroyed a castle. "Wha?" He blinks, standing properly. "Nez...umi? I've-a never heard of that kingdom. Is-a that near Sarasaland? Beyond it?" He reaches to scratch and the back of his head.

Also, he jumps when Mario calls out to him over the earpiece. "Gah! Um... s'cuse-a me." He speaks into the earpiece. This time he's missing that verbal tic. "I think it's fine, Mario. I'm... somewhere else. Ask the Princess if she knows about a 'Nezumiland'. This part of the castle fell onto another castle." Pause, sigh. "Yeah, yeah... 'castle while you castle', I know. Ai yai yai..."

Usami tilts her head. "And I've never heard of a Sarasaland....I'd say that must make me a horrible teacher but I might know the problem," she says before doing a needless little balarina like spin. "Oh, and it's not Nezumiland, that's just what that horrid castle is called. This is part of Jabberwock Island, but I should also explain it's in a GREAT big CONFUSING place called Neo Tokyo that is some sort of multiversal place."

"Ohhh, I see," Luigi notes to Usami. Relaying it, "No wait. This is somewhere called Jabberwock Island, and it's..." Pause. "...In some other world, it looks like. I think I've met one of the residents here. The hallway's still... kind of intact. I'm safe. See if Professor Gadd can find this place, and I'll check back in later, okay?"

A moment later he looks to Usami. "Sorry," he offers. His voice is accented now. It's probably just force of habit. "But-a you see, the Professor was-a testing these." He points at his earpiece. "And of course-a Bowser had to butt in. We couldn't-a get back to the foyer in time to stop Bowser's spell. Guess he messed up. It got-a me, and this wing of-a the castle."

And also! "Well. I'm-a Luigi. Sorry about-a the misunderstanding earlier." If it IS one! He's still not sure yet.

Usami gives another attempt at bowing. "No problem! Apparently most people get here in REALLY confusing ways like that. You can call me Usami, and your place is on the amusement park island of Jabberwock. I could hear and feel the landing from my house! It was heart thumpingly scary at first...and now I'm close to Nezumi castle... my heart is going super hyper ultra mega fast!"

Luigi tilts his head at Usami. "Nezumi Castle... it's a bad a-place?" He looks uncomfortable all of a sudden too. "Is it... haunted?" he asks. "And me without-a the Poltergust!" he laments. But if he's still in contact, maybe he can get someone here to make it if it's needed. But well. One problem at a time.

"We can a-get away from here, if you'd a-rather?" he suggests, rubbing at the back of his head. "Need to get-a my bearings anyway."

Usami shakes her head...and then nods it...both rather enthusiastically! "No, it's not /bad/ it's just....named after rats, and I'm scared of rats. If I go in there rats might come eat my poor, sensitive ears." She peers back toward her self made door. "I could show you around Jabberwock."

Luigi actually looks quite upset by this notion! That of the rats eating Usami's ears. "Mamma mia!" he exclaims, putting his hands up over his mouth. "There's-a rats in there?! I'll a-have to set up some traps!" Pause. "Well... since it looks-a like I'll be here for a while yet, anyway." He nods. "Yeah. Let's a-go, get away from all-a the rats!"

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