2017-08-12 - IT at the T

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IT at the T

Summary: Rose has taken up Beast Boy's offer of a job with the Teen Titans as a computer expert... Too bad he's not there when she arrives.

Who: Beast Boy, Hisako, Raven, Rose
When: August 12th, 2017
Where: Titans Tower


The information contained within this log is to be considered information gained Out of Character (OOC).
This information may not be used as In Character (IC) knowledge or in roleplay unless it has been learned in-game or permission has been granted by the parties involved.

Questions should be directed to staff.

While it's only mid-afternoon, a lone figure walks up to the Titans Tower. She looks up at the building and deadpans, "Wow... subtlety much," before she shrugs and walks on up to the front door, where she walks in and looks around the entryway. As she enters, she walks up to the desk as she looks around. "Hello? I'm here about an IT job?"

"IT job?" Hisako echoes; she was on her way to the elevators when she walked in behind the stranger, but the overheard question prompts her to pause, look, and query. "I didn't know we were hiring ... although I guess we could use somebody. Who had you already talked to about it?"

Raven suddenly ripples her way upward from some shadows near the desk. "Beast Boy. He's as "thoughtful" as always. Not even HERE for a full day before he's taking it upon himself to offer jobs to people...."

Rose looks over her shoulder before turning to directly face Hisako. "Ah, yes... Well, honestly, I'm not sure you had the opening officially so much as Gar thought you could use the help when I said I was an unemployed programmer..." The girl only looks 13 years old, however. She pulls out a business card that proves to be Beast Boy's as a way of identifying who it was that she talked to, even though she mentioned him by name already. She then jumps and spins again as Raven's presense is made known as well. "I, uh..." she pales slightly at the way Raven puts it... she was really hoping to get this job, and then the second person she talks to seems to think Gar overstepped his bounds? This is already going very poorly in her mind.

Raven sits herself on the 'customer' side of the desk. "Any idea how we'd interview an it person, Hisako," she wonders curously. Despite her gruffness about the whole thing, it seems she's willing to take a swing at it.

Hisako shrugs, "I'm not in charge of the computers. I guess Cyborg would be, but ..." She trails off, giving Raven a questioning look. At least Hisako isn't freaked out by the gothy sorceress. "Well ... what kind of skills do you have?" she asks Rose after Raven kinda pegs the ball back to her. "You say you're a programmer; what languages can you work in? What kind of skills do you have on the hardware front? What experience do you have in configuring software and networks and the like?"

Rose blinks. "Cyborg? Is that the 'Vic' Gar mentioned?" She then shakes her head. "I've some minor Java and C++ experience, but I'm kind of from a... more, uh, temporally advanced universe, and those are considered somewhat archaic languages by my time. I suspect what I have the most experience in don't exist yet in this timeline... Eltra, Tali?" She pauses a moment, not expecting any recognition of those names. "I've mostly worked in business applications from a network administration and security role, but for most part the basics should remain the same with a bit of reference materiel. Having been here only a week, I've not yet had the chance to get proper research done into what the common systems are and precisely how to run them, but I'm already well familiar with industry best standards and practices." She slips out of her initial nervous girl attitude from the beginning through that and a bit more into someone who sounds more practiced at business speak.

Hisako hmms. "Well, using programming languages - or operating systems - not in common use in this era could make our systems more secure. I guess we could work on getting you up and running and just do the orientation, evaluation, and any required training on the job. And we *do* need someone to help with the computers and stuff." She looks at Raven again. "Anything you know of that we should ask her? You know the Titans' normal needs better than I do."

Raven says, "...what will your reaction be if a strange person suddenly breaks down the door and comes right for you?"

Rose quickly reaches into a pocket sewn into her skirt and pulls out a taser. "...this, accompanied by loud yelling? If there's a panic button, hitting that? I'm not going to prentend to be a super hero."

Raven says, "Good...don't need a civilian getting killed for no good reason... Seriously though, we haven't even been invaded once since coming into the multiverse, and unless something's gone TERRIBLY wrong we'd have the problem taken care of before anyone's even gotten NEAR the door."

Rose opens her mouth as if to say something, then closes it and shakes her head slightly to herself. "I'd prefer not to be the one doing the fighting, though I do have some experience with ranged weapons if you really need some extra defense... but I don't have my own weaponry. My intent, however is to be focused on simply working IT and leave worrying over, uh, superhero business to the superheroes."

Beast Boy says, "Somebody say Super Hero?? How about one majorly cool green shapechanger!" A Green Rabbit hops into the room, "Or Hoppy the Marvel Bunny?" XD"

Raven says, "No. I'd rather you keep out of trouble. I don't want you needlessly endangering yourself..." She turns and gives a slight glare toward Beast Boy. "Or a green parrot that doesn't know how to keep his beak shut?""

Beast Boy poofs into his usual self, "I dunno, Ravens are the quiet ones, am I right? Hey Rose, see you found the way to the building. Just where I said it ws, bewteen the the giant "S" and the Giant "U."

Rose smiles as she hears the familiar voice, looking back over at the sound of it...then down at the rabbit. "Hello again, Gar," she says, then looks back to Raven. "Good. Then your intent for me matches what I'd prefer, anyway. That said, if I am backed into a corner, the taser will still come out." She winces ever so slightly at the annoyed tone Raven gives Beast Boy, again feeling like that's a bad sign for her, but then she then proceeds to roll her eyes at the alphabet joke, perhaps unseen by Beast Boy as she's facing Raven at the moment.

Raven rolls her eyes a little as Beast Boy either misses her meaning, or turns it into a joke and brushes it off. "...you're fine new girl," she notes, having very well noticed Rose's discomfort every time she spoke like that.

Rose blinks, then suddenly realizes a major error she's committed. "Oh. I'm terribly sorry. I am Hitakino Rose." She then gives a bow as greeting rather than offering a handshakes.

Beast Boy says, "I'm ordering out Pizza, goin' veggie on mine and Raven's, anybody have any special wants? Please don't say anchovies....."

Beast Boy says, "They make me even greener."

Rose doesn't comment on pizza toppings, considering she doesn't consider herself included in on that as she considers herself to still be under interviewee status, despite her friendly relationship with Beast Boy.

Beast Boy says, "How about it Rose, you in? What do you want on your Tombstone...or round table...or Little Ceasars...or Straw Hat....."

Raven says, "I'll accept you on once some ground rules are agreed to...which is basically NOT trying to be a hero, like you said, and not going to any other floors in the tower without clearance until we've had some kind of... 'trial' period with you? ...I'd say that'd make you 'in' since I've proven to be more cautious than Batman of who comes in and out of this building...and no one else IN the building is anywhere near Batman's level....""

Raven says, "Oh and...seeing as we've never really hired some one, of course we should work out with you how you want your payments handled..."

Rose blinks and looks back to Beast Boy. "...Tombstone? Round... what?" Apparently those brands don't exist where/when she's from, but cause she's giving him a completely blank, lost look. She slowly turns her gaze back to Raven, then nods. "Of course. I perfectly understand all of that... Though if I'm working on your systems, I can't promise I won't accidentally stumble on something classified if it's not properly tagged." She glances to her side slightly, then blinks. "Wait. I've actually heard of him." She then looks directly at Raven with a smile and says, "Of course. I've already set up a bank account, and should be ready to have direct deposit shortly."

Beast Boy says, "Jeez...tough crowd...do you want Pizza and what would you like on it?" His voice sounding very monotone and Raven-y."

Rose says, "OH. Uh... veggie's fine with me."

Beast Boy thumbs up and begins ordering the afore mentioned pizza!

Raven nods in understanding. "We can do that," she replies, "I'd wait and pass you through the others, but...like I said, I'm the real barrier here... I'll keep an eye on you and everything will be fiiiinnnneeee...."

Beast Boy says, "So...worry nevemore...nevermore....."

Rose finally seems to let it sink in that she's basically been told she - provisionally, at least - has the job! She lets out a breath as if she were holding it, slumping slightly as she does so. "Thank you for this opportunity, I mean it. I was afraid I'd be a bit unhirable because of, uh, my age."

Beast Boy says, "We're the Teen Titans...not an issue."

Rose deadpans, "Right. I guess emphasis on 'teen'?"

Raven nods in agreement. "Granted, I probably shouldn't be a teen any more, after how long I've been in the multiverse, but....half demon, time move kind of odd between multiverse, who's even counting?"

Beast Boy hangs up the phone after making the order, he then flops onto the couch in front of the TV. "Universe, strange and mysterious it is..." in a not half-bad Yoda voice.

Rose blinks. "Half... demon?" She sighs and shakes her head. "Ugh. I really need to get used to the oddness of this universe..."

Raven floats herself over to 'sit' somewhere near by the couch.

Beast Boy flips, annoying through channels as he waits for the pizza guy.

Rose pauses a moment, then follows over to the couch. "Um... so... should I get started looking at the systems now, or... How do you want hour structures to work, the like?"

Raven says, "For now you can relax. We'll get everything set up for you by....as soon as you can come in tomorrow."

Beast Boy says, "Awesome! Welcome to Titans Tower, Rose! You'll totally love the crew here...just...don't go in Raven's room. Nobody should ever go in Raven's room."

Beast Boy says, "My room smells suspiciously of space dog."

Beast Boy says, "Don't ask."

Rose blinks. "I... Had no intentions of entering your private rooms." She then pauses a moment, then adds, "Unless you had computers that need to be monitered for updates and the like. Unless you have them on a seperate network entirely from the official ones?"

Beast Boy says, "Maaaaaaaaaybe........"

Raven says, "No computers in my room...just a lot of stuff no one's alowed near..."

Rose sighs and hangs her head. "Well, I already know one of the first things I'll be doing... tracing the wiring so I can isolate the private rooms from the main network..."

Rose flumps down onto the couch as well, careful to give herself space.

Beast Boy elbows Rose playfully, "What'd I tell ya? I knew it'd work out," he grins, "Of course if Vic shows up, you'll have to butt heads with him. He's totally hard headed, too...like..half his skull is made of titanium...

Raven says, "BB...pick something and stay there already." She tires of the aforementioned level of channel surfing. "...he's not that bad.""

Rose mumbles, "Well, that's one stress gone," likely referring to not having a job prior to this... but then Beast boy goes and elbows her. She flat out JUMPS to the side, stumbling out of the couch entirely with a somewhat panicked look on her face.

Beast Boy says, "Whoa! You okay?? O.O"

Beast Boy says, "Oh yeah...you..uh..mentionrd something about that didn't you? I'm totally sorry, I forgot! Uh...gonna go see if the tentacle bts got the pizza guy again....."

Rose blushes a bit before coughing into her hand and pulling herself back up to her feet again. "Um, yeah. Like I said the other day... Do not like physical contact..."

Raven says, "I can sympthasize..."

Beast Boy says, "Got it! Uh,,,Rave, you might wanna let Star know about that...she's a hug monster!"

Raven nods. "I'll make sure to give her the leash warning..."

Rose looks at Beast Boy with a look of minor fear at the mention of another person here being a 'hug monster'. "Yeah... better let her know..." Because a Rose that is hugged is a Rose that tazes.

Beast Boy says, "Well, you two shouldn't have a prob! Me, I;m just an ol' Huggy bear!" *poof* he becomes a Panda, he strikes a Kung-Fu pose! "And it's Pizza time for Po' little me!" He rolls out the door!"

Rose says simply, "Please don't," at the mention of 'huggy bear'. She sighs slightly miserably and sits down again on the couch now that her heart rate is back to normal.

Raven says, "...sorry about that....he'll get used to it."

Rose mumbles, "I wish I could friggin' get used to it."

Raven says, "Some people just aren't huggers or huggees..."

Beast Boy comes back in as a Donkey, balancing the pizza on his head! "I spy wiyth my two eyes a Pizza-pie! Figured Id get my ass in gear and get in up here, but of course, I forgot the Don-Key! Hya hya!"

Rose sighs and nods. "A bit more extreme for me, I think. Like mother, like daughter." She sighs again, and finally really looks at the TV... for a whole two seconds before BB returns. She just looks at him for a few seconds before asking, "Do you ever stop with the dad jokes?"

Raven shakes her head. "He doesn't....ever....nope....."

Beast Boy poofs back into normal shape, setting the pizza down. "I'm pretty sure I don't have an off switch...believe me, I've looked," he opens up the pizza and takes a deep whiff. "Ahh...that's the stuff. Just hope those turtle guys don't try for it again."

Raven says, "We all know they buy thier own pizza and like meat too much to eat your pizza."

Beast Boy says, "You can never trust a ninja!"

Beast Boy gets out the plates and slides pizza over to the girls..."Eat up while it's hot!"

Rose raises an eyebrow. "Turtles? Do I even want to know? Or rather... are they a threat to cybersecurity, and do I need to know or not?" She pauses again at the mention of ninja. "Okay... Again... I need to get used to this universe..."

Raven shakes her head. "It's not a serious thing....well ninjas might be...and those guys might actually EXIST, but we haven't even met them if they do."

Rose pauses before nodding again, then looks back at the TV for a moment before reaching to grab a slice of the pizza. "Soo... What exactly do you guys... do. What is the life of a superhero actually like?"

Beast Boy sits across from the girls and begins muching down pizza. And rootbeer, "Still, we should totally do a team up. He looks to Rose. "We fight evil...you know...Super Hero stuff.....

Raven says, "Thanks to looking for some specific people at the highschool....mostly the same as anyone else...but with more fighting things."

Rose says, "So investigative work too, then, Raven? Well, I'm happy to say you won't see me there, I tested out of it."

Raven says, "Well, congradulations on that. At least it gets interesting when things like zompire attacks happen."

Rose looks back to BB again with a somewhat tired look. "You don't need to... give me a press kit fan answer Gar. I'm looking for what actually happens... It might help me get a better idea what the systems need to handle, as well as, you know... help me get to know my co-workers better."

Beast Boy says, "Well, you really have to live it...we're really just normal folks..." he turns into a Gekko, "But I can tell you how to save money on your car insurance!""

Raven says, "And yes. Some of us have been investigating a dangerous item that's being peddled like drugs. I heard rumor there was someone trying to slip them to teenagers at the highschool..."

Rose twitches at the mention of car insurance slightly. "Unfortunately, I can't get a driver's liscence to begin with." She looks back to Raven at the mention of the investigation. "Zompires? Someone's spreading... undeadness as a drug?"

Beast Boy says, "I can't believe it...another straight man..uh...girl....where's Robin> Where's Vic? They get my jokes..." he mock-weeps. "Raven gets my jokes, she just doesn't laugh.""

Rose sighs and hangs her head. "Pop culture jokes will fail on me. I'm too new here, I don't know what you're referencing."

Raven shakes her head. "The two are unrelated aside from both possibly happening at the school. ...it helps me not laugh that most your jokes aren't even funny..." Oh noooooooooo

Beast Boy says, "Oh...right...through the heart." He goat-faints. Becoming and actual goat. B-aa=a=a=a==a=a=a=h"

Raven smirks a little over the goat fainted Beast Boy. "That's better," she's actually just teasing, but most people wouldn't even get that.

Rose leans over to get a slightly better look at the goat-fainted Beast-Boy, apparently actually getting this reference for possibly the first time. "So I can expect a lot of melodrama around here, I'm guessing? Or is that kind of stuff just TV shows and Comic Books?" Rose is smirking as she looks at BB, as well.

Beast Boy Poofs back into himself, laying on the floor. "TV shows and comics are based on us, so...I'd have to say yeah.

Raven says, "Well melodrama from some of us...I'll just be in my room or reading a lot when I'm not working on something."

Rose says, "Huh. Really. I would have thought all that melodrama would have been pure artistic liscence..." She then grimaces, recalling the mess happening with her roommate that she found out the morning. "....then again, I guess not."

Beast Boy says, "It...can get pretty dramatic..and real." He's serious for a moment, maybe thinking about someone he's lost, "But, we bounce back...see..we Titans are more then a team; we're Family. We don't always get along...but we're always there for each other.""

Raven nods. "Even sometimes when we wish we weren't..."

Beast Boy snrks, "I'd noogie you, Raven, if I wouldn't draw back a stump..." :P

Rose blinks, then looks perhaps a bit whistful. "Well, that... Sounds nice. Well... I hope I can eventually be seen like that, even if I don't get that kind of... bond in combat thing that I hear happens."

Beast Boy says, "That's the thing about Families, they grow." :)"

Beast Boy says, "Huh! So, guess a group hug is out of the question," he laughs, then goes back to gobbling pizza."

Rose deadpans, "Please don't." This might become a catchphrase at this rate...

Beast Boy says, "Don't worry, I'm a goofball, not a Jerk. At least....I hope anyway."

Raven says, "I'd honestly be more worried about Starfire than Beast Boy. She means well but she's a bit....well...I'm not even sure how to put it..."

Beast Boy says, "You know what personal bounadries are? Yes? Good...because Star doens't...."

Raven says, "I'll probably have to use 'the leash' for a while...." She says for a while, but more like FOREVER. Star STILL gets away with hugging Raven to this day."

Beast Boy says, "But...Star's also really, really nice; so if shes blows it, cut her some slack."

Rose sighs and hangs her head. "I'll... TRY. But it's not exactly a voluntary reaction."

The 'leash' she's refering to, by the way, just referring to her attempting to restrain Star with her soul self....black energy field, that sort of thing.

Beast Boy says, "I'm just saying don't hate her or anything. Star's just so super nice. AND she hugs me."

Raven nods. "You can't really 'cut slack' when you don't mean to do something."

Rose deadpans, "I make no promises as to my reactions should she hug me out of nowhere, nor do I promise I won't reflexively 'defend myself'."

Beast Boy goat faints again.

Beast Boy says, "That could get ugly...please don't...Star is also really dangerous."

Raven says, "You can please don't all you want....if a person's scared, they're scared..."

Raven could probably try and give Rose some calm and kinda forced placation to the situation, but that feels very wrong to her.

Beast Boy pffts, "I know, Rave, I'm just sayin'...Star wouldn't mean anything bad by it, so, just...you know...don't be mad at her or anything.

Rose nods and sighs. "I'll try not to be. The first time or two, at least... But yelling may commense after that." She looks over at the TV again and then blinks... "....what the heck are we watching, anyway?"

Beast Boy says, "Ehh...I'm gonna go fumigate my room...again, you two can watch what ya like," he smiles, "Catch ya both later!""

Rose sighs and stands up. "I should head home, too... I'm worried about my roommate, she's... really badly depressed to the point that I feel I need to keep an eye on her..."

Raven frowns slightly at that. "...Let me know if things get any worse."

Rose pauses a moment and looks back, then nods. "Yeah. I will." The serious way she said that suggests that there's definitely a lot more she's leaving unsaid.

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