2016-05-13 - NGE: The Arrival

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NGE: The Arrival

Summary: EVA-02 arrives in Neo-Tokyo with a friend!

Who: Asuka Langley Soryu, Rei Ayanami, Tony Stark, Caracol, Violet, Artanis, Alexa Donovan, Hisako
When: May 13th, 2016.
Where: Center of Neo-Tokyo

Alexa Donovan-icon.gifArtanis-icon.gifAsuka Langley Soryu-icon.gifCaracol-icon.gifHisako-icon.gifRei Ayanami-icon.gifTony Stark-icon.gifViolet-icon.gif

The information contained within this log is to be considered information gained Out of Character (OOC).
This information may not be used as In Character (IC) knowledge or in roleplay unless it has been learned in-game or permission has been granted by the parties involved.

Questions should be directed to staff.

[EXT. Center of NeoTokyo - EARLY EVENING]

Here you are in the epicenter of the insanity lovingly known as NeoTokyo and right in what seems to be the center lies the mysterious wonder known as Tokyo Tower, now seeming to have found it's way as an epicenter in this altered world. From here you can go in many directions to various streets and homes and wherever you may want to go. The area oddly enough seems to give off an odd aura from every direction.

[Exits  : <Up> into Sky (Locked), (A)rena, (C)entral Train Station, The (U)sual Restaurant, (To)kyo Tower, (S)outh, (W)est, (N)orth, (E)ast, and (B)us to the Narita Airport ]

[Things  : Spirit Gate of the Soul ]

[!] The normal early evening routine of the downtown area is suddenly interrupted by a 40 story rectangular dimensional doorway that slides open, bottom to top. The sudden portal opening generators a loud window shattering/rattling shockwave of audio; BWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!! Through this opening comes a 30 story bright red colored mecha, flying backwards off it's feet. A beam of white light is drilling it's way through the center of the waist, turning the armor into molten slag. In the mecha's hands is a huge assault rifle looking weapon which is being fired back through the portal, sending a stream of glowing tracer projectiles skyward through the portal. A long power cord runs back through the open portal which shows a scene of an almost identical Tokyo city skyline only in the sky above is a huge circular looking object of Alien origin from which the white beam of light is emitting. The mecha crashes back first into a downtown skyscraper, caving in that section of the building the mecha slams against. Debris rains down on the street below as screaming panic stricken citizens run for their lives. Some of the debri slams into the front of the Usual Restaurant. Cars on the street get crushed. CHAOS! Then the dimensional doorway slides closed, severing the power cable that runs to the back of the mecha. A few tracer rounds arc over the city and strike distant buildings creating explosions!

EVA-02 Before you is a monster of a humanoid mecha. It stands as tall as a thirty story building, covered in bright red painted armor plating. It has wide shoulders and a broad chest with two rectangular panels jutting up from the back of the shoulders. Sticking out of the back between the shoulder blades is some kind of plug with a thick cable running fom it. Perhaps this is what powers the machine? The chest rapidly narrows into a lanky but flexible looking torso and and waist with banded thick metal plates of armor wrapping around. The legs of this machine are long and equally covered in armor protection with the feet looking like mechanical running shoes. The bottom of the feet even have treaded soles on them. The arms of this machine are more lightly armored and have been painted orange and black. On theside of each shoulder is a green logo consisting of the number 2 withthe word 'EVA' written across it. The human shaped hands have squareshaped armored knuckles that look useful for punching things.

Resting atop all of this metal is the mech's head which when you look at it you get the eerie feeling that it is looking back with those four green round eyes, two on each half of the face. Four nostrils have been drilled through the front armor between the eyes. An elongated chin justs down and out giving the mecha a rather terrifying profile. The head is mostly red in color to match the body with the exception of a white band than goes from the lower jaw and up the sides to wrap around the back of the armored head. It looks like the jaws are hinged letting this mech open it's 'mouth'. When it does you can make out squared off plates of silver metal that give the appearance of teeth.


The inside of the cockpit turns a blood red with !ALERT! messages everywhere. A 5 minute timer starts counting down.

Asuka says, "Scheisse! Wo ist es hin?"

EVA-02 digs itself out of the building quickly and takes up a firing stance, scanning the sky, the front armor letting off steam from the damage sustained from the light beam.

Traffic One flies in from the sky above.

EVA-02 sweeps the sky in a 180 degree arc from left to right with the rifle, looking for the threat that was there a moment ago.

Caracol has arrived.

Violet has arrived.

Artanis has arrived.

Alexa_Donovan has arrived.

EVA-02 looks down at all the damage and people running for cover and pops on the external speaker. A female's voice emits from the speakers, "Are you people stupid or something!? There's an angel here! FIND COVER IMMEDIATELY! Scheisse!"

Stark has arrived.

NT Police Car 54 comes to a screeching stop at the foot of the giant. Two cops get out of the tricked up cop car and stare up at the thing while one shouts into his radio.

EVA-02 looks at the rifle in it's hand. The digital ammo counter reads zero. The mecha discards the empty weapon then reaches back with one massive hand as a panel pops open on it's rear right fin and a knife ejects upward. The mecha grabs the knife and takes up a battle stance, looking left, right. It's looking for something.

Violet storms out of the UR, looking into the sky to the east. "I've got an ETA of a minute for Victoria to arrive..." She then glances up at the EVA. "Well, this'll be an interesting minute..."

NT Police car 54's cops yelp and dive back into their car which in turn reverses out of the way of the falling rifle the size of a naval gun.

The Evangelion Unit is being observed from about 5000 feet up as Iron Man blazes through the sky, dropping down towards the center of the city with his repulsor engines on full burn, flames spewing out of the back and upper shoulders of the suit. As the image on the screens in front of Tony Stark's face enhance he blinks and frowns sourly. "Friday...is that a giant red robot?" <It is, Mr. Stark> "That's just wonderful. Do I have copyright on the color red?" <You can't copyright a color, Mr. Stark> "That's even more wonderful, thank you." <You're welcome, Boss>

Alexa arrives just behind Violet, and while she's seen some strange things since arriving, this one's totally new. "What the... I think this is way above my pay grade, darlin'.

Artanis gives an affirmative nod to Violet's previous question before all hell breaks loose! "We are under attack!!" Being well accustomed to the art of warfare, the Protoss wastes no time to find cover. Sensing that whatever struck the city came directly from outside, he stands from his seat and engages his psi blades, rushing towards the exit alongside Violet and Alexa. As he steps outside, he glances up to the giant fallen robot that has laid waste to a good chunk of the city. "What is an EVA?" The green haired girl is the one in charge and thus the Protoss refrains from acting without a plan of attack, turning to Violet for guidance. "How shall we proceed here, Executor?"

EVA-02 looks at the two cops with it's four green eyes and from the external speakers the female voice comes again, directed at the cops as they run away in their car. "Where are you going you idiots!? Get these people out of here! It's going to manifest itself again!"

Traffic One beats it's way through the air onto the scene, circling the wrecked building and the EVA before it.

<Police> Rio says, "What.. the hell was that!? All my papers just shook off my desk!"

<Police> Captain Kara says, "

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