2016-06-02 - To REtry Napping a Pony

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To REtry Napping a Pony

Summary: The red-eyes/collectors go after Fluttershy again, but this time they try to go for Spike and Twilight at the same time as well

Who: Fluttershy, Twilight_Sparkle, Spike, Nanoha, Minerva, Cu
When: 06/02/2016
Where: Outside of and Inside of Frey's Shop

Cu-icon.gifFluttershy-icon.gifTwilight Sparkle-icon.gif

The information contained within this log is to be considered information gained Out of Character (OOC).
This information may not be used as In Character (IC) knowledge or in roleplay unless it has been learned in-game or permission has been granted by the parties involved.

Questions should be directed to staff.

Kishima Avenue A quiet street, a few stores mingled in with the residential area that services the university.

The little ponies and Spike had gotten to Lake's Bakes safely a few nights back. While nothing had occurred on the way home they were, none the less, grateful for the added watch of one Nanoha. However, Spike had made the mistake of mentioning the magic shop to Twilight, and now she simply HAD to check it out. Unfortunately, settling in at the bakery had distracted the alicorn and she's only just getting to head toward the shop. ...only now when it's probably already closing and it's already dark out. She expects nothing would happen as the two places ARE not far from eachother.

Fluttershy says, "M-maybe we should've waited till morning, Twilight," she looks around cautiously, "It's a bit late to be heading out, isn't it?" Spike trots along side the other, "Don't worry, Fluttershy, we're together, so we don't hve to worry so much, right?" he grins."

Twilight_Sparkle says, "I just want to see if I can find out the shop's hours. They couldn't possibly be keeping such a close watch that they'd happen to show up in such a short walk... could they?"

Fluttershy says, "I...guess not..." she sighs a little, "I'm sorry...you should be here with someone brave like Applejack or Rainbowdash...." she lowers her head just a bit, "I just get...nervous sometimes..." she adds, her blue eyes darting about here and there. Unknown to the three, Fluttershy's worries are justified. In a nearby van a red-eye lurks in the shadows. 'There..we have contact...ready the squad.." says the team-leader.

Twilight_Sparkle says, "No, no...you're fine Fluttershy. It's ok....sometimes nervousness is a GOOD thing."

Spike patpats Flutteshy's wing. 'Don't worry about it, Fluttershy, actually, you're really brave! And you've made a lot of friends since you didn't let fear keep you hiding!"

Oh, there's the Place, Twilight! Looks like they're still open, I..." His sentance is cut short by what seems to be electrical webbing shot from the window of a black van! Spike "Aughs!" and tumbles back, the net tangling him and zapping him, though it doesn't really seem to be hurting him! Three more vans pull up and red-eyes jump out, there are six in total with varying types of weapons; No guns, per se, but capturing type stuff! Net launchers, freeze guns and gas-greanades!

Twilight_Sparkle narrows her eyes as her horn tip starts glowing. "I'll give you ONE chance to let go of Spike," she states as she gets between Fluttershy and the collectors.

Two of the red-eyes try and reel in spike, who's squirming and trying to free himself! Another Red-eye fires a freeze-ray at Twilight! (Think Dispicable me version) as the other two try to ready another net for Fluttershy! Fluttershy, seeing Spike in danger, goes into angry mode! "YOU LEAVE MY FRIEND ALONE!" she shouts, yes, shouts! They launch a net at her with a *pwiff!*.

A baseball-sized pink sphere of light floats well above the battle scene, then pauses and flickers out...

"WIDE AREA PROTECTION." A swirling pink dome of light intercepts the freeze ray blast as a young woman with auburn hair walks down the street towards the battle, her blue eyes narrowed and her face almost aggressively neutral. "Excuse me," she says loudly, her voice quivering despite the calm, "but what exactly do you think you're doing?"

The Reds' freeze ray has gone been stopped! The two dragging spike get clobbered by Twi's +5 Trash-can! and Twi's effect allows Flutteshy to get out of the way; The Pegasus filly stops suddenly and peers at the two Twilight smacks with the cans; something about her eyes...the two men just suddenly...stop! The Stare! The Freeze-ray guy fires at Nanoha now as his partner pulls out another Freeze-ray, which he aims at Twilight! Spike lets loose with a flame to try and free himself!

Twilight_Sparkle levitates the net that had been met for capturing Fluttershy and uses it to try and ensnare the guy trying to freeze ray Nanoha now. "Thank you Nanoha. Sorry we got in trouble like this. It's my fault for thinking such a small distance would be safe."

Nanoha says, "SET UP!" There's a hollow boom as a pink barrier swirls up around Nanoha, the freeze ray casting a hemisphere of ice along its surface, only to shatter as the barrier continues moving. The barrier soon blasts outwards, revealing a very unhappy Nanoha clad in her Barrier Jacket. Raising Heart has shifted into its arrowhead-tipped Excelion Form. Nanoha takes aim, does a quick calculation, then snaps her fingers. Pink hoops of light snap around the Red Eyes, pinning their arms to their sides and locking their legs together, assuming they don't manage to dive out of the way.

The Reds are completly out classed; two of them are held in check by Fluttershy's stare, Spike manages to scramble free, his eys narrowed and angry, "What'e up with these guys?!" Freeze-ray guy #2 is snared by his own net by Twilight and the others are snared by Nanoha's attack! They're going to have to up their game next time! Fluttershy calmly and deliberately says, 'It's time for you both to go to sleep!" The two men in her stare both just..lay down and start sleeping soundly. "Oh...my...I didn't know that would work..." she says in amazement.

Nanoha is taking no chances. She points Raising Heart at the ones Fluttershy just stared down and Binds them as well, then snares the one in the net with a point of her right hand. "Raising Heart, we're going to need transportation." "YES, MASTER. HOLDING NET!" A glowing pink web swirls around the Reds, bagging them up neatly. Then, and only then, does Nanoha turn to the ponies, face shifting from frighteningly determined to warm and friendly. "Are you three okay?"

Twilight_Sparkle nods in reply. "Thanks to you showing up so timely, Nanoha," she answers, "Are you ok Spike? Do you need any help?"

Fluttershy says, "I-I think so...." Spike wows, "Was amazing, Fluttershy!" he grins, then looks to Twilight, "And Twilight was all, ZAP! with her powers and Nanoha was all, 'Zap zap! with those light thingies, and those guys were all, like! Whoa! And then they were all, like, aaah! That was SO awesome!"" Spike hmms, "They're gonna think twice about messing with My Little ponies in the future!

Nanoha continues to cheerfully smile as she loads the protesting Red Eyes into the back of their own van, slamming the doors behind them. She hums a merry little tune as she climbs up into the driver's side of the van and starts it up. "Why don't you three follow me to Frey's shop? I'm sure it'll be much safer there."

Twilight_Sparkle says, "I was actually just trying to get there to see what the working hours were if it wasn't open. I suppose we can return to Bridget's later."

Frey's Shop: Main Area Walking into the shop, you're struck at how homey it feels. The walls are nicely paneled. Looking to your left you see a counter with the register set there, along with a display case built into the counter that shows off some baubles and trinkets for cell. Along the walls there's several books on beginner magicks, books of magical theory. Dotted around the large room there's several display cases that carry more trinkets...necklaces, rings, there's even one with a few swords in it. And yes, for anyone that can sense magic, this place is filled with it.

"Exactly," Cu agrees with Mina on something before getting up and looking toward the door. It's just before the sound of some company arriving.

There's a tinkling noise as Nanoha opens the door. Nanoha is not in her civvies. Nanoha is in full Barrier Jacket with Raising Heart Excelion at the ready. Behind her are two ponies, a purple dragon, and a glowing pink net with a bunch of Ring Binded guys in black paramilitary outfits. "I'm back early," she says cheerfully, the expression on her face somewhere between faux cheer and icy rage. "There was a bit of trouble..." There is foreboding in the air. The White Devil is Not Happy.

The stressed people haven't even arrived yet and Alastair the dog is ducking back behind the counter, only to emerge holding several baskets of cookies dangling from his mouth. He makes a small wuff towards the door, and tries to look as cute as possible, considering he's a very muscular dog. Then, he starts trying to distribute baskets of cookies to everyone but the prisoners.

"Hi Twilight," Mina calls out cheerfully, waving one hand. "Looks like it, Nanoha. Police, or NTSDF?" Fluttershy would look pale if it were possible. "Umm, hi there Alastair," Spike says to the dog, 'Could you maybe get Fluuetshy some tea? I think she's going to come unglued..." Yep, she's starting to hyper ventilate now that the dangers over.

Twilight_Sparkle is poking and prodding at Spike with her muzzle a bit as she wanders in. He seems ok, but she can't help feeling worried for the baby dragon after that attack anyway. "Oh, Mina! Hello," she greets in surprize. "It's ok now Fluttershy..." she states, "...you've made it out through this safely twice now." She smiles at Alastair with the offered cookies. "Oh, thank you!" She'd levitate one for herself.

Nanoha says, "Mina, be a dear and tend to Fluttershy," Nanoha continues walking, the glowing net trailing after her as she manages to drag five fully grown men behind her in it. She moves the five into an open space in the middle of the shop and dismisses the Holding Net spell. "Now, let's see... right." Cheerful face is gone now. Righteous anger is currently in charge. "You five are under arrest for attempted kidnapping of a sentient, conspiracy to kidnap a sentient, harming an endangered magical being, possession of unlawful weaponry, possession of mass-based weaponry, assaulting TSAB personnel during peacetime, and whatever other crimes you qualify under in this dimensional world..."

Fluttershy says, "And Pony-napping..." in her loud-very quiet voice. Spike hmms..."Hey...you guys didn't already catch any ponies did you??" he asks, arms crossed, 'Don't mess with me, I'm a fire breathing dragon!" He tries looking mean, but just comes off as cute. Fluttershy tries to collect herself, the dog helps. She loves animals of course. "Oh..hello there, aren't you a good dog?' she says more brightly.

Minerva coughs. "You... really don't want any tea that I'd brew. The last batch I tried turned out to be good rust remover." She shakes her head. "But ... I can bring in iced tea?" she offers. That stuff wasn't done by her, so it should be safe. Still, there's a bit of irritation on her face. Is this all she's good for? She disappears into the back rooms in search of iced tea, while Alastair happy tail wags at Fluttershy. "Wuff!" Why yes, he IS a good dog!

Cu shakes his head a little. "Yeaaaah, I knew you scum couldn't have been too bright," he states as he looks toward the netted folks. He raises a brow at Mina wandering off with that sort of reaction.

Fluttershy says, "Oh...dear me," to Mina, "We haven't met...I'm..Fluttershy..." she introduces herself in her soft voice, "Don't worry yourself about tea...I'll be okay..." The dog seems to be working wonders. The pegasus Filly gently pets him with her delicate hoof. Spike chirps up, "Fluttershy's a lot tougher then she thinks she is..." he grins, "She's one of the mane six after all!"

Twilight_Sparkle is nibbling at her cookie and settling down herself. Everyone seems ok and more of these collectors that'd gone after Fluttershy have been caught. "Oh, and I'm Twilight Sparkle. Nice to meet you, sorry for any trouble I might have caused."

Spike chirps up, "I'm spike!"

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