2017-05-31 - Not Every Green is Goblin

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Not Every Green is Goblin

Summary: Nivira and Robin, two people familiar with goblins, come across a short green individual. He's not a goblin.

Who: Caracol, Nivira, Robin C
When: May 31st, 2017
Where: Chisaikawa Boulevard

Caracol-icon.gifNivira-icon.gifRobin C-icon.gif

The information contained within this log is to be considered information gained Out of Character (OOC).
This information may not be used as In Character (IC) knowledge or in roleplay unless it has been learned in-game or permission has been granted by the parties involved.

Questions should be directed to staff.

It's relatively early evening and from one of the many dark alleyways steps... a mildly bishounen red-headed guy in a hoodie. The hoodie is down, mind you, but still. Apparently the warmth doesn't bother Robin much, because he looks like he could be dressed for the fall or early spring. In the meantime, he stretches his hands out in front of him and yawns before looking around with a slight frown. "Hrrm. I guess it's too much to hope for two days in a row, isn't it?"

Regardless of whatever happened before, NeoTokyo is not light on the excitement as Nivira bolts out of an alleyway, stopping just before colliding with the hoodie wearing red-haired one. Not that she notices him, as she turns around checking behind her for... Something that doesn't seem to have followed her. "Gone again. Good."

Caracol on the other hand, is in his usual state of shirtlessness, but otherwise being fairly heavily dressed. Pants, boots, vest, and a big, thick cape. ....and he probably looks like he should be a lot taller with that set up of clothing, but he's a shrimp. He's just walking for now, peering over the apartment buildings with his usual curiousness as he takes a break from patroling for wormholes that need closing. He raises a brow, being alert enough to notice the NEAR situation with the other two and the hurried state that seemed to have caused it. "Is everything ok?"

Robin jumps forward as he hears the unfamiliar voice right behind him, and spins around and reaches behind the small of his back as if grasping for a weapon there. "Gah!" He says as he looks... up slightly at Nivira. "You, wait, what's gone?" Okay, he looks a bit spooked now, then looks back over to the little... green... elf with antennae. "...They're... fine with me?" he says uncertainly before looking back to Nivira again.

Now that she's very much contented with the fact that she's not about to be stabbed in the back, Nivira puts away her claws. "Long story." she sighs, turning back to who she nearly ran into. "Well, long enough." Not sure what the goblin was there for, that wasn't there before. "The goblin with you?"

Robin looks around. "Goblin? Where?" Apparently he doesn't associate Caracol as being a goblin... Then again, he is very different to the goblins that used to try to raid Robin's family farm when he was growing up.

Caracol pushes his sedge hat back a bit, as his antenna are barely keeping it from falling too far down and getting in the way of his upward vision. His rather youthful looking blue eyes (by Namekian standards at the very least) peer over them both closely. "There's a goblin here? Is that what you were running from?"

Nivira points at Caracol, who likely NOT a goblin, but she's never seen an alien before, so close enough. "That goblin. And no offense, but a goblin, no matter how short would be the last thing I'd ever need to run from. Gnawing on my ankles ceased to be a valid stratagy the moment my ankles stopped being able to bleed."

Caracol tilts his head. "Oooh, you think I'm a goblin...I've never SEEN a goblin now that I think about it. I'm not a goblin, no!" He blinks at the rest of the comment though. "But...you're ok now, right?"

Robin looks back and forth between the two, looking a bit confused. "Yeah... uh, 'a' goblin isn't a threat. They're only bad in numbers and, uh... I still feel like I missed something somewhere." He mumbles the last part before sighing. "You don't look like any goblin I've ever seen... too tall and... you have antennae."

"Closest thing I could think of on short notice. Though, seems like I'm in the clear... Can never tell sometimes." Nivira shakes her head. "I gotta get my mind back in this is not Seattle mode. There's about a billion things here that don't follow the same rules. Like height/weight proportions."

Caracol says, "Oh, that's cause I'm a Namekian. No Goblins on planet Namek, that I know of. ...but sorry, I just thought she looked kind of like she was in a rush from something. Wanted to make sure there wasn't some kind of trouble."

Robin narrows his eyes slightly. "...Yeah, you keep talking like something's following you," he says as he looks back into the alleyway again. "Namekian, huh?" he asks fairly distractedly.

Nivira leans against the wall with a shrug. "I guess you could say that. It's just not always physically, which probably unnerves me more. And it's not always me, sometimes it's 'me'." She raises an eyebrow at Caracol "Namekian? Well, that's new. Most green things I've seen usually have tusks and overly bad tempers."

Caracol says, "Hah, well a lot of people say we look angry and intimidating all the time?" He replies with a shrug to Nivira's comment. Nevermind he probably looks everything BUT those things...unless you consider the fact he's somehow wearing a necklace with rather large fangs hanging from it. "...I'm not sure I understand, but I guess I do?" His antennas twitch a little. "But if something dangerous is coming, don't hesitate...""

Robin deadpans, "Sometimes it's... you." He gives Nivira a blank look before suddenly seeming to realize what she means. "You mean there's another you around that's stalking, uh, you?" Wait, was that a spark of familiarity behind his eyes with that?

"Something like that. Weather or not something shows up, by this point is almost pure chance. Kind of hard to track something that can-" Nivira starts,

Caracol blinks at the pause before glaaaaaring in the direction that Nivira came from, as if he's trying REALLY hard to see or sense something.

"Jump in and out of time." Someone like Nivira, but slightly different finishes, taking up the spot Nivira was. Same voice however. "Oh, hey, you again. Well, now that I let that little bit slip, might as well tell you you can relax. Even if those alien buggers appeared here, they wouldn't be able to do anything."

Robin warily looks at the new Nivira. "And... hello... You two didn't see... nevermind, not important..."

Caracol narrows his eyes at what comes out of this. "...and why did jumping in and out of time get involved in this?" He ignores Robin's question as he sort of said to.

Caracol says, "...I haven't seen any wormholes pop open here, so I'm not assuming you're a problem, but....still have to check in on this sort of thing...""

"Because she doesn't know jack about what's actually chasing her. I do, though. Funny what you can learn by stealing an alien chronometer. Also funny the kind of places you can be when you get one as well." The not-Nivira says. "Though these guys probably don't work the way you think they do. No wormholes here. The other me will be back, once I'm gone. What do you know of time travel?"

Robin just looks lost, then looks back and forth between the woman and the alien. He takes a step back, feeling somewhat out of place. "...Absolutely nothing?"

Caracol says, "That the kind of stuff I've been dealing with tends to be traumatic enough to the time line to leave giant rips in the time space continum....and WHOOOOOOOLE lot of stuff I can't just stand around talking about?"

"Oh, good, you'll be able to deal with these things then. If you happen to see em, they're called Time Splitters aand they like fiddling with stuff that's supposed to happen. Me? I'm just the messenger here. Other times I just make sure they don't break things." The not-Nivira adjusts her mask. "Hmm, Introductions wouldn't have gone amiss. Whoops. Oh well."

Caracol tilts his head some. "Time splitters...thanks for the info then. If there's some way you can describe them to me, or allow me to take the information for myself, that'd be VERY useful, apparently to us both."

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