2017-09-28 - Sun, Star, Sword, and Lion

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Sun, Star, Sword, and GIANT ROBOT LION

Summary: Starscream causes trouble! Fight ensues!

Who: Kotal Kahn, La Pucelle, Hunk
When: September 23rd, 2017
Where: Streets of NeoTokyo

Hunk-icon.gifKotal Kahn-icon.gif

The information contained within this log is to be considered information gained Out of Character (OOC).
This information may not be used as In Character (IC) knowledge or in roleplay unless it has been learned in-game or permission has been granted by the parties involved.

Questions should be directed to staff.

It's a typical day in Neo-Tokyo~! The crew and scientists at Omnitech have been busyly studying a new find out of the badlands. Some form of mysterious glowing energy rocks that are emnating a unique radiation! When SUDDENLY the roof is ripped off above them, alarms begin to sound and a huge mechanical face looms over the newly opened home. "AT LAST! ENERGON! That synthetic stuff just doesn't have the right Kick!" Starscream reaches in to gram the container...making quite a show from the outside and attracting both the police and some of the city's defenders!

La Pucelle heard the alarms blaring a distance away hopping across the rooftop towards the area of the disturbance. She spots the mecha, mabye a robot she not 100% sure yet.. She stands on a rooftop nearby and point her sword at Starscream. "Don't you know it wrong to steal what not yours? I won't let you take it!"

The Decepticon turns to regard La Puelle. "Oh please...the least this pathetic city can do, is provide me with an acceptable challenge!" Other then that, he really doesn't consider La Pucelle any kind of threat. "Run along little fleshling, you'll get yourself hurt. At least." he wrenches the container out and begins to open his chest to stow it away.

Meanwhile, in the mountains up to the north, a man naps with his cat. Except instead of the cat sleeping on the man's lap as often would be the predictable case, man is sleeping on the cat's head. This is, of course, because said cat is a giant robot. As the sound of screeching metal and screeching voice both come across the valley, the cat-like head of the robot shifts ever so slightly, sending its paladin sliding down the side and off to the ground below. As he pokes his head out of the bush he landed in with a yawn, he looks up at his companion's head with a lowered eyebrow. "Hey, what was that for?" he asks, but then looks out at the OTEC complex below. "...Hey... Is that what I think it is, buddy? Come on, let's go check it out!" The robot lion's mouth opens and the somewhat portly man runs on in. As he clambers into the cockpit chair inside, he cracks his knuckles and sets his hands on the controls, while outside, the lion stretches in a very cat-like manner before raising its head into the air to ROAR.

"You be the one getting hurt!", Pucelle says and her sword extend to 5 times it size! Then the swings it Starsscream.

A typical day indeed when a giant robot is making a show of stealing a science lab whilst threatening a small girl. Never mind that the little girl is plenty powerful on her own right, it still doesn't make it right.

A challenge is what he seeks? Then perhaps the city can obligue.

"What is the meaning of this?" A booming, yet strangely calm, voice comes as a statuesque turquoise skinned man approaches the fight. Glowing eyes narrow as Pucelle starts attacking Starscream and for now Kotal Kahn merely watches.

Starscream laughs! "You're kidding me, right??" As La Pucelle leaps at him! "Alright...if you insist!" He raises his ram-mounted blaster and begins firing plasma bolts at her! "But don't say I didn't warn you!" People on the street begin screaming and running for thier lives! Nope, not a PR stunt and you don't want to be around when a Decepticon goes off! He doesn't even take notice of Kotal yet, he's having fun trying to vaorise this small uppity human girl-thing! jumps and dodges out of the way of Starscream's plasma shots. "I Never kid!", her sword shrink till it about twice her size and the she jumps up towards Starscream tying to get in close to her doesn't rain fire down on the civilians below.

Hunk smirks slightly as he looks down at what's attacking the complex. "Yeah, I think is is one of those Decepticon guys! Haven't heard from them in a while, have we?" The Yellow Lion leaps into the air, coming down onto a landing on the highway itself as it starts barreling down it towards the OTEC complex. "Okay, have to remember to try tokeep the collateral damage to a minimum. If that place goes up... man. That would be bad." Letting loose another roar to hopefully get the civilians out of the way of its mad charge, the Yellow Lion is there at the OTEC complex before too long. Stealthily? Not even remotely. Someone would have to be nearly blind and deaf not to notice this thing coming.

The gall of some of these mortals. Metallic or not, one does not ignore the God of War when he addresses you.

Kotal is far too used to this level of impudence though. Rather than smite the Decepticon where he stands with a much deserved blast from the sun, he opts to defend his worshipers aka how he calls the civilians.

"Skin of Stone!" The Aztec God calls out and summons a totem which begins to chant, sending pulses of energy that protect the civilians from the blaster fire. This protective spell also happens to envelop Pucelle, Hunk and his Lion, giving them extra defense against Starcream's attacks.

Starscream is still pretty focused on La Pucelle as she leaps, dodges and comes down at him with her strange weapon! And...what is that roaring noise? not sure WHAT that obvioulsy not-normal sword is likely to do, he rips up a nearby lampost and tries to hit a home run with the incoming magical girl! This of course might leave him open to what ever attack is incoming.....

La Pucelle doesn't want let the lamppost hit anyone else so she going to try and grab it! Thankfully a bubble surround her and take the impact of the lampost! "Oh Thanks!", she runs towads Starscream going in to slash at one of his legs!

Hunk blinks at some of the readings on his moniters. "Looks like your armor just got stronger, I didn't know you could- What do you mean it's not you?" Seeing he's coming up from behind Starscream, the Yellow Paladin smirks as he pushes forward on his controls. "I'm thinking what're you're thinking, all right, buddy." With that, the Yellow Lion leaps UP into the air, its thrusters firing to raise it further, leaping over the structures of OTEC in an arc. An arc that is aimed rihgt for Starscream. No, Yellow isn't going in claws first, it's headed straight down with all four legs spread wide... yes, we have a belly flop incoming. Cue the imposing shadow.

La Pucelle swings her sword at the incoming lampost trying to parry it! She glad she has Starscream attention now focused oh her now. She just going to hold him here and mabye some help will come. Seems some has as a protective bubble has surrounded her! "Ah Thanks for the proection, who ever did that!"

Huitzilopotchli gives a simple 'hmm' sound to Pucelle when she thanks him for the added defense. No thanks are necessary, after all, it is a God's duty to defend his warriors.

So what if none of these people actually worship him, they still fight and that counts!

As amusing as it is to watch this metal man struggle against the young girl, Kotal is not fond of chaos that he cannot control and decides to help put an end to this.

"Begone from my city, creature!" Commands the Aztec and clears the distance with Starscream with a single step.

Kotal's hand glows with the fire of the sun and makes a grab for the Decepticon's leg whilst his busy dealing with Pucelle. With power that could break a mountain asunder, Kotal aims to grab hold of Starcream's leg and wrench the metal apart with his burning hand, more than capable of ripping the Deception's ENTIRE leg off with one hand and toss it aside. This, combined with Pucelle's efforts, more than likely will prevent Starscream from moving again from the Yellow Lion's belly flop.

Starcream, well, screams as he's leg is suddenly almost torn from his hip, which causes him to topple, which causes him to get body-slammed by yellow! He dissaperes under the mass of the lion! There's smoke and dust and debris that shoots up in all directions! The street is pretty well decimated!

La Pucelle winces as the Lion slams ontop of Starscream. She take a step back. "I don't think he getting up from that one.."

The Yellow Lion stands up and shakes, much like an animal shaking dust or water off its fur. It takes a step off to the side before it looks down at what might remain of its enemy.

Kotal dusts his hands and relaxes his position as he too watches if Starscream survived the blow from the flying robotic lion.

There's no sign of Starscream; there is a big hole in the street! Either being body-slammed through or having blasted his way down at the same time! THATS when the chaos hist next! A gas main below the street has ruptured and gyesers of flame explode up all up and down the area! BOom! Ka boom kaboom! HOPEFULLY the lemming public as gotten way out of the way, beacuse the entire area is going up! AND also exploding up from the ruined street, not too far away, is a sleek jet that speeds up into the sky! Looks like it's not over yet!

What? He can change into a jet too? "Looks like he going to make a pass at us.", she returns her sword to it's normal size. Normal being almost as tall as her! She holds in out in front of her hoping to try to proect herself a little from Starscream incoming attacks.

The Yellow Lion looks down into the hole. "Oh, man, did he get away already?" Asks the pilot over loudspeaker. The Lion then looks calmly upward as the jet screams (get it?) out of another hole in the street. "Aaaand of course he can fly. He had wings." Rather than make any attempt at matching the jet's speed, the lion instead raises its tail to point at it, firing a blue laser in a sweeping arc to try to make a hit against it.

The Aztec warrior takes a step back and looks around as the streets begin to explode from the underside. "Damnation!!" He strengthens his energy totem so that the civilian can run away unscathed, even though the damage to the city is done. "That is a lot of property damage." How dare this metal man destroy HIS city! There will blood-- err, oil to pay for this!

Much like the Yellow Lion, Kotal doesn't bother to try and match Starscream's speed. Instead he invokes the sun in the sky above and makes the great burning star do its bidding. The light of the sun shines ever so brightly now as does Kotal's tattoos.

"Enough of your insolence, cretin!!" Calls Kotal as he uses the sun itself as his personal Death Star and points at the Decepticon. The sun itself glares hotly at Starsceams and shoots a beam of searing hot light right at the bot, coming directly from the other side where the Lion's beam is coming from.


Starscream is nothing if not fast, there's the blue beam coming in from the Lion and then, impossibly, there's another beam coming from...the sun?! One of his thrusters are not working quite right, but he's still manuverable enough...to swing down over the water and under the nearby Seito bridge! If his plan works, not only will he make a clean escape...with SOME Damage...but the busy bridge full of commuters will be vaporised...sun beams or blue lion laser, it's all the same to him! This energon had better be worth it! He really needs to wake up his cronies!

"He's fast!", Pucelle says. She doesn't have any ranged attacks so she can't hit him at all! She looks a bit frustrated.

Hunk cries out, "Woah Woah Woah!" as the jet fighter swings down towards the horizon. The tail laser turns off as the Lion leaps back up into the air, hovering as it gets Starscream back into sights again. He doesn't really think he has a chance of remotely catching up, but he's hoping now to get a clearer shot. There's no way he's going to attempt to shoot when the bridge is in the line of fire! "Man... I could really use Keith right now, he'd totally be able to catch up! ...Or Shiro in the Black Lion..."

The sun is a destroyer just as much as it is a life giver. For such is the nature of Huitzilopotchli, the God of War. He gives life as much as he takes it away.

Kotal admits that it is a sound strategic manuever and perhaps there might be more to this obnoxious metal man than he admits.

Nevertheless, there is little a legitimate God cannot do and he directs his sun rays to follow Starscream-- right across the Seito bridge!!

But what's this? Even though the rays of sun pass through the bridge and its people, they don't burn! If anything the people at the bridge feel strangely revitalized all of the sudden.

"Hold still, damn you..." Mutters Kotal to himself as he continues to try and hit Starscream with blasts from the sun, not having to worry about friendly fire at all.

"If any of you have a plan to stop this fiend, do it now!" He commands to the others whilst still trying to strike the Decepticon down from the sky.

Starsceam is clipped by the sunbeams! he spins out and hits the water with a tremendous splash! SPooOooshhh!! Then bubbles......theh nothing!

La Pucelle watches Starscream hit the water and sink into the murky depths. "I would says he dead. But I know better, and he a robot..", she doesn't think this a much of victory... He bad guy got away..

Hunk calls out, "What, plans? This guy is way faster than the buddies of his I fought before!" Still, the robotic Lion is off flying through the air, lumbering as it is in comparison to Starscream's speed, off towards where he spotted the decepticon jet falling off into the water. Arriving there, he hovers the Lion on its thrusters over the water. "Come on, where are you..."

Kotal knows better than to leave the Decepticon where it lays and though he rolls his eyes at Hunk he opts to follow as well. "Come, warrior! We must ensure this creature has met its demise." He commands to Pucelle.

Giant eagle wings sprout from Kotal's back and he flies up where the great Yellow Lion is, also surveying the scene. "Spread out!" He tells Hunk. "He must not make fools of us again!" Quick to take command isn't he? Leave it to a God to think he's always in charge.

La Pucelle nods to kotal his speech getting her all psyched up again! She leaps up onto a nearby rooftop heading toward the riverbank. He's not going to get away!

Starscream, meanwhile, is nursing some damage and making a hasty retreat under the water...at least trying to get away as fast as he can without making waves (ba-dum!) and sticking as close to the riverbed as he can.

Hunk is, much to the contrary of Kotal, very much not the kind to take charge! "Got it, Blue Guy!" he says over the loud speaker as he flies out a bit further, shifting the stance of the Lion to point both of its business ends, the tail and the head, down towards the river. "Oh, man. If only we had Lance here in Blue..." He looks about, slightly frustrated at the murkiness of the water below. "I'd say he'd have to come up for air eventually... but I guess he doesn't, does he?"

Starscream can be sensed as hes about to make his way out into the estuary and into the bay and picking up speed....

"No, I imagine not. Being a robot and all." Kotal mutters towards Hunk who would still be able to hear him thanks to his naturally booming voice.

Whilst he floats in the air he closes his eyes trying to sense all warrior souls nearby. He's never truly sensed a robot before even though there are cyborgs in his world of origin. But Starscream's own 'uniqueness' ends up working against him as Kotal manages to sense something distincly different lurking in the murking waters.

"There!!" Kotal suddenly points to where Starscream is trying to make a run(fly) for it. "Seize him!"

La Pucelle leaps to where Kotal pointed hopefully coming down on Starscream trying to stab her sword into him!

The Yellow Lion suddenly forms a backpack out of nowhere with additional thrusters on it, sending the Lion flying out at the indicated spot. "Come on, come on," Hunk mumbles as he rockets in the direction... He's only got one shot at this! If he doesn't tackle Starscream, he's not going to be able to maneuver to get a second try, not with Yellow's mass! Luckily, his path sends him right past La Pucelle, to whom he calls out, "Hop on! I'll need your help if I miss!" before he gets to her.

La Pucelle hops onto the Yellow Lion! "This is pretty awesome!!!"

Hunk calls out over loudspeaker, "Get ready to jump and strike!"

"CURSES!" in his Gen-1 voice, his own built-in sensors picking up on the in-coming Lion! Time to stop skulking around! he erupts into the sky, spinning and sending a volley of missles at the bridge AND the Yellow Lion, while he, himself hits the afterburners rockets off in the opposite direction! "We'll meet agan, fools! Hahahahahaa!"

Kotal flies towards the bridge and parries the missiles heading there to save his worshipers, aka, the civilians. In so doing though he allows Starscream to escape seeing as he's focused on saving the people.

Hunk shouts out, "Craaaaaap!" As he suddenly spins the Lion around. He'd like to get in the way of the missiles heading towards the bridge, but getting over his momentum is pretty much impossible for him at this point. On the other hand, the additional moment of the spin might give La Pucelle some additional speed for a leap if she's able to take the dizzying motion. Regardless, the tail laser fires out, trying to hit a few of the missiles if he can. "Ohhh, no... that spin was not a good idea," he says inside the cockpit... this time without sending it over loudspeakers.

La Pucelle holds on for dear life! A normal person would have fallen off to there death! Thankfully Pucelle is no normal person. She uses the momentum of the spin to attempt t leap onto Starscream! Trying to slash at a few of the missiles in her way.

He's waaaaaaaay out of range, Pucelle. Starscream escapes! But he took a lot of lumps! And the people on the bridge are saved as the missles are taken out...so the day is saved! Though there's an awful ot of collateral damage all over!

La Pucelle is falling.. "Dammit!", she says and mutters to herself that magical girls don't curse. She hits the water with a loud splash!

"Bah.." Kotal grumbles in annoyance and throws the missiles he caught into the river-- though away from la Pucelle. "Next time, I shall burn his metallic heart in my temple."

Hunk manages to right the Lion enough to make a controlled landing, but he's now being strangly quiet to the outside world as his Lion just stands there for a few moments.

La Pucelle swims to shore, she a bit wet but that can be fixed with a quick transformation. She sighs and think she going to get something warm to drink..

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