Northern Mountains

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Mountain Road

In Game Description

This quiet winding path creeps it's way slowly up the mountain. To either side lush woodlands seal one off from the outside world. From here the road curves upward toward a large structure in the distance. As you walk along there also appears to be a clearing just beyond a clump of bushes to the east.


  • Kotal's Palace
  • Gated Driveway
  • Hot Springs(To Outer Courtyard)
  • Gravel Path
  • Tomoe Mansion
  • Into the Forest(To Into the Woods)
  • Dark Path
  • Ishikiri Yashiro Shrine
  • Up into Sky
  • Mountain of Power
  • Clearing(To Mountain Clearing)
  • South(to Heisinonei Highway)

Mountain of Power

In Game Description

Reputedly a once beautiful mountain and sacred place, this area is now dark and malignant. The sky is permanently overcast in thick swirling black and red clouds. Statues of trees and animals and plants are everywhere as if a woodland paradise had suddenly been turned completely to stone. The air is cold and an aura of fear cloaks this dark mountainside.

Legend has it that this formerly sacred place was home to great power or wealth. A jealous god, angry at human attempts to seize this treasure, cursed the land and sealed it in darkness.

((OOC Destructive Magic used here will be doubled in effect, while Healing or Aiding magic, halved.))


  • A Gaping maw in the mountain
  • Dungeon Gates
  • Cliffside
  • Sabin's cabin
  • Back to the Mountain Road(To Mountain Road)

Into the Woods

In Game Description

A small path is the only clear area in this wooded mess. There are trees everywhere, grass growing in between the small rocks that make up the path itself. Barely visible through the trees is what appears to be a structure of some sort, perhaps a house, but one can't be certain. Whatever it is, it doesn't look to be in that good of condition.


  • To the Road(To Mountain Road)

Mountain Clearing

In Game Description

You are now standing in a large clearing amongst a wealth of trees. Off to one side of the clearing is a large cliff overlooking the city. Back off to the west is a path leading back to the main road. To the Northwest is a narrow path, leading off into the darker trees, a chill fog rolling about along the tree trunks further up the path itself.


  • Down the Cliff
  • Misty Path
  • Up into Sky
  • Back to the path(To Mountain Road)
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