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(Created page with "{{Profile| |Image=Missing.jpg |Name=Cu |Series=Fate/Stay Night |Class=Lancer |Alignment=Lawful Neutral |Gender=Male |Species=Heroic Spirit |Age=Many Years Dead |Birthdate=Unkn...")
(added NPCs tag. Changing the profile to ProfileNPC breaks the page)
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|Series=Fate/Stay Night
|Series=Fate/Stay Night
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|Weight=70 kg
|Weight=70 kg
|Short=A man with red eyes and spiky blue hair in a pony tail, wearing blue armor and carrying a red spear.
|Short=A man with red eyes and spiky blue hair in a pony tail, wearing blue armor and carrying a red spear.
|Desc=You see nothing special.
|Desc=Here is a spiky haired bluenette dude of...some sort of young adult age presumably.  Aside from a few stray bangs, his hair is all styled upward and back, or tied in a long, thin rat tail that reaches to his mid back in length.  His eyes are a vibrant red, starkly contrasting to his hair color.  He has a pair of earrings that resemble large, thick, silver nails in shape and seem as though they are somehow hanging directly from the bottom of the ear rather than dangling from it like most earrings would.  One might also be able to notice that is incisors look slightly sharper than the average.<br /><br />The bluenette's body has quite an athletic looking build to it, not only does he have some muscle, but he looks like he could do good on a track field as well.  Most often he'll be seen wearing a green, Hawaiian style shirt emblazoned with large yellow, red, and orange flowers.  This is worn with black pants, a silver chain at his left hip, and black shoes.  However, in times of battle he will be wearing a blue and silver armored body suit with silver foot armoring and pauldrons.
|Skills=As a heroic spirit Cu is a magically existing entity.  He is technically dead, but technically alive, only here because of the ambient mana in the multiverse sustaining his existence.  He can become a ghostly figure at will, being invisible able to pass through walls, and other such things that would make sense of someone that's basically just a cloud of mana.  However, in his visible form his existence feels no different than a solid, living human's, and is only able to do anything different from such due to his own abilities. <br /><br />He is without master and has the pros and cons that come with that.  Being without a master means no one has near absolute control over him, but it also means that he doesn't get the temporary boost in power that comes from the commands of the command seal.  While he also doesn't have to worry about a master's life determining his ability to survive like this, it means that if the ambient mana is somehow gone or he's somehow cut off from it, he's in very big danger.  The only thing that'd keep him present at that point would be his own ability, battle continuation, to survive past the point he should already be dead.  Taking even the tiniest bit of damage in this state would destroy him for good.<br /><br />Cu's general skills are particularly useful for things like hunting.  On top of being able to survive longer, he also is rather quick on his feet, so quick that he's considered one of the fastest of all possible lancer class capable heroic spirits, as well as having no trouble at all with jumping 30 feet in one go.  As much as he despises using it, he has the ability disengage which allows him enough speed and sneakery to escape a battle he's already engaged in.  He's good at tracking through sound and smell.  He also has an inborn ability to predict and avoid projectile weapons through things like his hearing and general speed, allowing him to easily dodge or block incoming fire from a lot of projectile shots.  While it is HIGHLY suggested not to use seeable, and even unseeable projectiles when fighting him, he will be at a disadvantage against things that attack without hitting their target, such as things that explode before impact, or things meant to explode when he tries to block them.<br /><br />Even without getting into the special abilities of his lance, he obviously has a large amount of skill with it.  Even other heroic spirits are at great danger from just single strikes of his weapon, however this is balanced by the fact his range needs to be within a short amount of feet and the fact he has HORRIBLE luck. When it comes to his special abilities, Gae bolg has two special things it can do.  It can reverse casualty so he can always hit the target's heart and the WAY he does it is decided after, however this can be counteracted by different things such an extremely high amount of luck.  Ihe other is that he can hurl the lance from high upward, unleashing the potentials of the curse within it for a very powerful impact.  This also has an advantage on monstrous types.  There are also several abilities he has that are unavailable to him unless he is in Ireland.<br /><br />Finally Cu is very knowledgeable in runes, having obtained the 18 original Norse runes.  He can use these separately or combine them for different purposes.  Known things available to him with runes are a search spell on the other servants, a fire spell, a protection spell against mystic eyes, set a bounded field, improve his armor, and force an opponent into fighting with him one on one without retreat.  His knowledge of magic and runes also allows him a good ability to tell the strength of magics like bounded fields, and he has a minor magic resistance, but his speed tends to make up for that given the time and focus needed for spell casting.
|MusicEmbed= See [[Theme_Music]] for help with this section.
|MusicEmbed= [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wcRVZBeM3ek Muv Luv Alternative Total Eclipse OST - Go to the Top]<br />[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A_f_PQ1QRNs Kiske/Somerville - City of Heroes]<br />[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ppZJTxJGjOw Takanashi Yasuharu - Final Dead Lancer]<br />[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O6tuVjc_C94 John Keegan Casey - The Rising of the Moon]
|}}<br />
|}}<br />
Cu began life as a young boy named Setanta.  Born as the child of  Deichtine and the god Lugh, he was also the nephew of Conchobar mac Nessa, the King of Ulster.  He'd asked from a young age to join the boy troop of Emain Macha, but was not allowed and eventually went on his own to join them.  Due to breaking a custom he got into a fight with all the other boys and had been single handedly defeating them before his uncle intervened.
His name as Cu Chulainn had been given to him at sometime in his young age when he killed a smith's guard dog in self defense and offered to take the guard dog's place in until a new guard dog was raised in it's place.  At 7 years old, he partially overheard a prophecy from Cathbad that claimed anyone who took arms on that day would have everlasting fame, however they'd also have a short life.  As he'd only heard the first part he tried for some time to get a weapon from his uncle that didn't instantly break in his use of it.  It took Conchobar's own weapon before they had a weapon Cu could use.
On growing older, Cu set his sights on marrying a girl named Emer, but her father was opposed and  sent Cu away to train under a warrior woman named Scathach.  This was done in hopes Cu would die, but Cu survived and succeeded in training under her.  Within this he faced off against Scathach's rival Aife, who he was on equal footing with.  Eventually, however, he succeeded and asked in turn that she have his child.  In time Cu returned home and tried to take Aife's hand, only for her father to refuse to let her go, despite the mutual feelings between them.  Cu responded by defeating and killing 21 of her father's guards and stealing her away before her father fell to his own death.
It is unclear the order of events after this. Some years later, a stranger arrived and refused to identify himself due to geases, causing Cu to fight and kill him, realizing belatedly that he'd just killed his own son from Aife.  He'd been involved in many battles, performing unbelievable feats.  He had gone into and been brought out of several bouts of frightening berserkerism.  There are MANY different tales of different battles and deeds he'd done. He had made many enemies while doing his tasks as a night of his country, and the different tales of him contradict how many wives he took.  Some claim there were only 3 or 4 women that Cu took relations with, while some claim many many women.  Emer is only noted to have become jealous in one case in spite of this, but that case had to be wiped from everyone's memories and undone for various reasons.
Over the course of his life Cu'd had several geases upon him, and that and his previous successions eventually came back to haunt him.  The children of those he'd slain gathered together along with Medb, who was a powerful woman he'd refused due to issues of loyalty to his land.  Medb used her knowledge of Cu's geases to weaken him for the gathering of those out to kill him.  The group succeeded in killing him, thanks to Medb's interventions, but before death Cu tied himself to a pillar so he continued to stand.  Due to this, even in death he killed some more of his enemies.
His tales are still very popular in his land of Ireland, which has brought him to become a heroic spirit when coupled with his inhuman feats.    As a servant he has been summoned in multiple forms, however the most common is the form he is here as in Neo Tokyo.  This specific summoning of him was first called forth by his descendant Bazzet Fraga McRemitz in Metropolis Universales, where he helped in his who know how manyth grail war, since the grail wars are generally forgotten.  However, due to the mysteries of the multiverses and having the same original master over again, Cu is capable of remembering the various different realities of the LAST time he was summoned, during the Fuyuki grail war.  With the amount of mana present both in MU and NT Cu somehow managed to be transferred over to NT without Bazzet, but still continues to exist just fine without the support of a master.
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Latest revision as of 20:14, 17 April 2019

Full Name: Cu

Series: Fate/Stay Night
Class: Lancer
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Gender: Male
Species: Heroic Spirit
Age: Many Years Dead
Birthdate: Unknown
Height: 185 cm
Weight: 70 kg

Short Description: A man with red eyes and spiky blue hair in a pony tail, wearing blue armor and carrying a red spear.

Here is a spiky haired bluenette dude of...some sort of young adult age presumably. Aside from a few stray bangs, his hair is all styled upward and back, or tied in a long, thin rat tail that reaches to his mid back in length. His eyes are a vibrant red, starkly contrasting to his hair color. He has a pair of earrings that resemble large, thick, silver nails in shape and seem as though they are somehow hanging directly from the bottom of the ear rather than dangling from it like most earrings would. One might also be able to notice that is incisors look slightly sharper than the average.

The bluenette's body has quite an athletic looking build to it, not only does he have some muscle, but he looks like he could do good on a track field as well. Most often he'll be seen wearing a green, Hawaiian style shirt emblazoned with large yellow, red, and orange flowers. This is worn with black pants, a silver chain at his left hip, and black shoes. However, in times of battle he will be wearing a blue and silver armored body suit with silver foot armoring and pauldrons.
As a heroic spirit Cu is a magically existing entity. He is technically dead, but technically alive, only here because of the ambient mana in the multiverse sustaining his existence. He can become a ghostly figure at will, being invisible able to pass through walls, and other such things that would make sense of someone that's basically just a cloud of mana. However, in his visible form his existence feels no different than a solid, living human's, and is only able to do anything different from such due to his own abilities.

He is without master and has the pros and cons that come with that. Being without a master means no one has near absolute control over him, but it also means that he doesn't get the temporary boost in power that comes from the commands of the command seal. While he also doesn't have to worry about a master's life determining his ability to survive like this, it means that if the ambient mana is somehow gone or he's somehow cut off from it, he's in very big danger. The only thing that'd keep him present at that point would be his own ability, battle continuation, to survive past the point he should already be dead. Taking even the tiniest bit of damage in this state would destroy him for good.

Cu's general skills are particularly useful for things like hunting. On top of being able to survive longer, he also is rather quick on his feet, so quick that he's considered one of the fastest of all possible lancer class capable heroic spirits, as well as having no trouble at all with jumping 30 feet in one go. As much as he despises using it, he has the ability disengage which allows him enough speed and sneakery to escape a battle he's already engaged in. He's good at tracking through sound and smell. He also has an inborn ability to predict and avoid projectile weapons through things like his hearing and general speed, allowing him to easily dodge or block incoming fire from a lot of projectile shots. While it is HIGHLY suggested not to use seeable, and even unseeable projectiles when fighting him, he will be at a disadvantage against things that attack without hitting their target, such as things that explode before impact, or things meant to explode when he tries to block them.

Even without getting into the special abilities of his lance, he obviously has a large amount of skill with it. Even other heroic spirits are at great danger from just single strikes of his weapon, however this is balanced by the fact his range needs to be within a short amount of feet and the fact he has HORRIBLE luck. When it comes to his special abilities, Gae bolg has two special things it can do. It can reverse casualty so he can always hit the target's heart and the WAY he does it is decided after, however this can be counteracted by different things such an extremely high amount of luck. Ihe other is that he can hurl the lance from high upward, unleashing the potentials of the curse within it for a very powerful impact. This also has an advantage on monstrous types. There are also several abilities he has that are unavailable to him unless he is in Ireland.

Finally Cu is very knowledgeable in runes, having obtained the 18 original Norse runes. He can use these separately or combine them for different purposes. Known things available to him with runes are a search spell on the other servants, a fire spell, a protection spell against mystic eyes, set a bounded field, improve his armor, and force an opponent into fighting with him one on one without retreat. His knowledge of magic and runes also allows him a good ability to tell the strength of magics like bounded fields, and he has a minor magic resistance, but his speed tends to make up for that given the time and focus needed for spell casting.


Cu began life as a young boy named Setanta. Born as the child of Deichtine and the god Lugh, he was also the nephew of Conchobar mac Nessa, the King of Ulster. He'd asked from a young age to join the boy troop of Emain Macha, but was not allowed and eventually went on his own to join them. Due to breaking a custom he got into a fight with all the other boys and had been single handedly defeating them before his uncle intervened.

His name as Cu Chulainn had been given to him at sometime in his young age when he killed a smith's guard dog in self defense and offered to take the guard dog's place in until a new guard dog was raised in it's place. At 7 years old, he partially overheard a prophecy from Cathbad that claimed anyone who took arms on that day would have everlasting fame, however they'd also have a short life. As he'd only heard the first part he tried for some time to get a weapon from his uncle that didn't instantly break in his use of it. It took Conchobar's own weapon before they had a weapon Cu could use.

On growing older, Cu set his sights on marrying a girl named Emer, but her father was opposed and sent Cu away to train under a warrior woman named Scathach. This was done in hopes Cu would die, but Cu survived and succeeded in training under her. Within this he faced off against Scathach's rival Aife, who he was on equal footing with. Eventually, however, he succeeded and asked in turn that she have his child. In time Cu returned home and tried to take Aife's hand, only for her father to refuse to let her go, despite the mutual feelings between them. Cu responded by defeating and killing 21 of her father's guards and stealing her away before her father fell to his own death.

It is unclear the order of events after this. Some years later, a stranger arrived and refused to identify himself due to geases, causing Cu to fight and kill him, realizing belatedly that he'd just killed his own son from Aife. He'd been involved in many battles, performing unbelievable feats. He had gone into and been brought out of several bouts of frightening berserkerism. There are MANY different tales of different battles and deeds he'd done. He had made many enemies while doing his tasks as a night of his country, and the different tales of him contradict how many wives he took. Some claim there were only 3 or 4 women that Cu took relations with, while some claim many many women. Emer is only noted to have become jealous in one case in spite of this, but that case had to be wiped from everyone's memories and undone for various reasons.

Over the course of his life Cu'd had several geases upon him, and that and his previous successions eventually came back to haunt him. The children of those he'd slain gathered together along with Medb, who was a powerful woman he'd refused due to issues of loyalty to his land. Medb used her knowledge of Cu's geases to weaken him for the gathering of those out to kill him. The group succeeded in killing him, thanks to Medb's interventions, but before death Cu tied himself to a pillar so he continued to stand. Due to this, even in death he killed some more of his enemies.

His tales are still very popular in his land of Ireland, which has brought him to become a heroic spirit when coupled with his inhuman feats. As a servant he has been summoned in multiple forms, however the most common is the form he is here as in Neo Tokyo. This specific summoning of him was first called forth by his descendant Bazzet Fraga McRemitz in Metropolis Universales, where he helped in his who know how manyth grail war, since the grail wars are generally forgotten. However, due to the mysteries of the multiverses and having the same original master over again, Cu is capable of remembering the various different realities of the LAST time he was summoned, during the Fuyuki grail war. With the amount of mana present both in MU and NT Cu somehow managed to be transferred over to NT without Bazzet, but still continues to exist just fine without the support of a master.


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