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Full Name: Caracol

Series: Original
Class: Time Patrol Agent
Alignment: Normal Good/Time Lawful
Gender: asexual
Species: Namek
Age: 16
Birthdate: Unknown date in age 775
Height: 4'9"
Weight: 120 lbs

Short Description: Caracol is a young Namekian warrior who's generally wearing the time patrol agent's uniform minus a shirt, along with a sedge hat and a dino tooth and claw necklace.

There is a young Namekian here that looks to be of the warrior caste since his body shows evidence of being trained for battle. Aside from that specific feature it's fairly obvious that he's rather young, short, or both based on his height. His facial features would suggest being young is at least part of the cause since he sports little to no wrinkles, has softer features in general, and larger (blue pupiled) eyes. He has a middle toned green skin and thick antena that arch over his eyes and taper off to soft points rather than ending in bulbous points like a snail's(as much as that would be more fitting to his name). He's wearing a sedge hat (the hat typically worn by travlers and rice farmers to protect from rain and sun) and a necklace that has what appears to be random claws and theeth of unidentified dinos hanging from it. Those are worn as extra accessories along with his Time Patrol uniform (minus a shirt), which consists of a weighted white cape, a blue jacket with the capsule corp logo on the left arm's shoulder, black pants held with a yellowish brown belt, and yellow and black boots.
To Be Expanded on Later

See Theme_Music for help with this section.


Caracol was born as the majority of nameks were. He hatched out of an egg and then joined his planet full of siblings in the nearly race wide act of planting trees or training for defense most of the time. When he wasn't involved in either of the two as he grew from his tiny, hatchling age, he oft heard stories of the people who saved the Namekian race multiple times many years ago. He grew up imagining Goku as some unattainable hero, and looking up to many of the other people who'd been on the old planet Namek as well. Between the destruction of Frieza, moving the Nameks to New Namek, and the times they'd saved New Namek from the tyranny of Cooler, the warriors had more than earned a legendary status with the Namekian race.

Despite all it's past troubles, the Namekian race still persisted upon being a peaceful race and continued their tree raising rituals. Granted, they have stepped up in training more warriors for protection, but they have no higher ambitions than to be left alone on their quiet planet. At least, that's the case for the vast majority. Caracol took much more interest in the stories of the warriors from Earth than most did. He tired of his quiet, repetitive life of training and farming. He day dreamed of space ships and all the other strange things his much more homebodied elders had told him of their brief time living on planet earth. Even the Namekian rituals of only consuming water made him feel as if he was missing SO much out there.

One day all of this came to a surprising halt as something went quite backwards of it's usual course. Shenlong, the wish granting dragon, summoned him and brought him before the warrior known as Trunks Brief. The dragon was gathering warriors for Trunks that had the potential to act as what amounted to police men of the time streams. They had to be willing and able to take on any possible dangers that came from anyone's attempts to sabotage the course of the different time lines. This meant that in some cases, they may even have to fight the likes of Goku himself, or worse.

Caracol, being all too ready to do something new with his life, was ALL too ready to agree to this offer. From that time on Caracol began meeting and training under the people he'd been told of all his life. Some people weren't quite what the stories had lead him to imagine...but for the most part he greatly respects those he saw as heroes. Despite this, he has a tendency to speak a bit too much and get snarky when lashed out at, which has lead to it seeming like he DOESN'T respect some people. This has gotten him in trouble very often with the likes of Piccolo and Vegeta, landing him in unique forms of punishment.

After unknown but rather long amounts of training and missions Caracol assisted in helping defeat a major enemy of the Kai of Time. Upon their victory, however, many worm holes were created, and the time patrol agents had to travel around, closing all of them. This eventually lead to Caracol being stationed in a tower outpost in the alternate reality called Metropolis, however some sort of shift in the bad lands caused the tower and everyone in it to relocate into Neo Tokyo. Here Caracol's continuing to patrol for any worm holes he is meant to close when he's not being sent off for other missions, or just hanging out, taking in Earth stuff.


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