Blake Haushaeker

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Blake Haushaeker
Full Name: Blake Haushaeker (Blake House-Hawker)

Occupation: Mercenary
Series: Original (Oslund Saga)

Alignment: Neutral Good
Gender: Female
Species: Werewolf

Short Description: Tall, curvy, two-fisted, beer-drinking, tune-blasting, motorcycle mercenary babe! Oh yeah, and a werewolf. Ptffs, No big.


Blake Haushaeker
Age: Appears 27 or round-about Birthdate:
Height: 5ft9 Weight: 151 lbs of pure awesome

Tall and curvy, Blake is so much the picture of a rock-n-roll bombshell that it's almost cliche. It is impossible not to notice this woman. For one thing, she is built like a brick, all bust, small waist, and hips and her clothing do very little to hide that. Being the roving warrior she is, Blake's choice in wardrobe might tend towards the practical, but aesthetically can best described as rocker-biker chic. She favors jeans, tall boots, T-shirts, and almost always her trusty leather jacket. All of the above seem to have seen too many bad days. The jeans have holes along the thigh, her T - shirts, all of which have some kind dumb slogan or cheezy "engrish" saying on them, are loose, sleeveless or cropped, and her jacket and boots wear their battle scars proudly.

Blake's hair is as untidy as the rest of her. Her unruly mane of wavy hair is cut just above the shoulders in a vaguely A-line style and comes in a rare shade of very, -very- light brown. From under this wild mop, a pair of cat-like eyes in striking violet gleam with mischief. Curiously, they are slightly mismatched, the right one having a small area of discoloration just above the pupil making it a shade or two lighter than the rest of it.

Even putting aside her VERY noticeable, ample feminine "charms" there's just something about Blake that's winning. It's a kind of energy she brings to any room she saunters into - star quality, you might say. She's the kind of person who, in spite of possessing a stunning beauty, is also of an exceptionally warm nature. Her friendly, easygoing manner puts people at ease. She's got a crooked grin for all she meets. Everyone's a bud, if you're down for a beer...or 12. Even so, there is wildness inherent in Blake. Underneath that casual, careless air is a restless spirit that's just rearing for a good fight and she fights hard! She also drinks lots, drives fast, and parties like nobody's business cause, you know, YOLO.

Blake doesn't have much in this world - her looks, her rep, her bike, her tunes, and the clothes on her back. The other odds and ends of her life are all stashed away in a storage unit somewhere far from here. It makes no difference, though. Blake's a consummate citizen of the world...whichever one it is.

Blake Haushaeker


Blake Haushaeker

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