Neo-Tokyo Arcade Machine

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Spoken of in legends but existing in our meeting room - the Neo Tokyo Arcade Machine was made as a tribute to the fallen MUCK of the same name

Originally conceived as a joke about the wide variety of characters there where on Neo-Toyko, the N.T.A. machine was created shortly after the completion of the original ChronoMUCK grid and still exists to this day even after Neo-Tokyo MUCK was reopened in 2016. Version 2.0 of the machine received an update to include locations from Chronos.

Players of the game are allowed to pick from any character (past or present) from NT/CM/TM's history and are expected to treat them like proper fighting characters. Finding someone willing to participate as player two is a whole different story.

Occasionally our staff will still use the machine to test or train new players in the style of free-form combat our MUCK utilizes.

Neo Tokyo Arcade Machine(#1901)

Johnny C faces off against Terry Bogard

Welcome to the Neo Tokyo Arcade game, v2.0!

You see before you the legendary Neo Tokyo arcade machine. For just 50 cents you can choose from dozens of anime characters and battle against opponents in actual locations in and around Neo Tokyo!! Currently the demo screen is displaying. Rumor has it that if you win six hundred and sixty six consecutive battles you'll unlock Datenshi!!

Stage Select Screen(#1906R)

Welcome one and all to the ultimate fighting game! In the world of Neo Tokyo ANYTHING is possible! After selecting your character you find yourself on the stage select screen. Choose your battlefield and enjoy!

(1) UR: Gym
(2) The Arena: Dojo
(3) Nibel Mountain Range
(4) Center of NeoTokyo
(5) The Arena

ChronoMUCK Exclusive stages!
(6) The Throne of Zeal
(7) Leene Square
(8) Guardia Castle - Throne Room


UR: Gym

This is not your average gym as the ceiling expands well above the normal heigth of the main UR. The walls seemed to be lined with an odd material that seems practically indestructable. Equipment of every kind is spread all around the sides of the gym from weights, ranging from wimpy to those even a Saiyin might have trouble lifting, to jump ropes. In the middle of the room is a large pad that could adequately fit ten people fighting at once for those big training sessions. Numerous other pads rest here and there and some are on the walls, there is a small table like object in the corner that lets you change the gravity of the room ranging from 1-100, along with tons of warning labels preventing you from sueing the UR if you get hurt. Near the back right corner is a large trunk filled with all kinds of fighting weapons. The rafters of the roof have been left exposed to practice those overhead arial attacks. Also against a wall is a large panel where can you generate a holographic opponent.

The Arena: Dojo

This appears to be the typical interior of a martial arts dojo, the floors clean and the walls containing various estoric weapondry mounted on racks. However you can tell by certain aspects of the construction and the holo displays set up for access near the walls, that this is a very high tech training area. A strange vibration in the air fills you with unease. Anyone directing any sort of attack at the structure itself will notice that the attack seems absorbed somehow, but to where is unknown.

Nibel Mountain Range

You are very close to the mountain range. As you look around, you notice that there is a small town, nestled at the foot of the mountain. A dusty road leads to it, almost doubling back on itself, winding it's way around the base, until it reaches the gates. To the north, you can still see the faint outline of the bustling city of NeoTokyo. In your immediate vincinty, wisps of fog trail about your feet, and the air is colder, looking only to get more so if you head up into town.

Center of NeoTokyo

Here you are in the epicenter of the insanity lovingly known as NeoTokyo and right in what seems to be the center lies the mysterious wonder known as Tokyo Tower, now seeming to have found it's way as an epicenter in this altered world. From here you can go in many directions to various streets and homes and wherever you may want to go. The area oddly enough seems to give off an odd aura from every direction.

The Arena

The air about is grey and still, brownstone walls rising up silently about you. The area you are standing in is surrounded on all sides by the silent walls, dark doors and empty windows gaping in them like mouths of some long dead ravenous beast. The ground is solid, stone, packed with sand. On the sand there are marks of combat, scuffs here and there, and spots of old dried blood. The entire atmosphere is gloomy, and reeks of old death and decay. A strange vibration in the air fills you with unease. Anyone directing any sort of attack at the arena itself will notice that the attack seems absorbed somehow, but to where is unknown.

The Throne of Zeal

High atop an endless void sits the throne of the universe. The center of the Kingdom of Zeal where the almighty Queen overlooks all of existence. The throne itself is elaborately carved in red and gold, and much like the fabled kingdom, the platform on which it rests hovers over that ghastly darkness below it. To give the illusion of walls, large woven tapestries hang from the high ceiling and tie to the rear of the floating platform. Leading away from the throne is what appears to be a long red carpet suspended on nothing, and quite sturdy to the touch. Behind the throne is a small set of floating steps leading down to the only other platform allowed over the void...

Leene Square

The highlight of the Guardia Fairgounds, here there is a tall monument with a large bell hanging beneath it. Named after Queen Nadia, the XXXIV Queen of Guardia Kingdom, to commemorate the day that the future was saved by a young group of heroes during the Millenial Fair of 1000 AD. The inscription reads, "May our prayers for peace ring on for eternity..." To the south you can clearly see the entire fairground with the village of Truce in the far distance.

Guardia Castle - Throne Room

Before you stand the thrones of the great Kingdom of Guardia! Highly exalted and revered, they stand upon multiple levels of platforms so that the King and Queen are seated nearly 6 feet above the main floor level. A gorgeous crystal and gold chandelier lights up the entire room, the brilliant light dancing over the walls, textures, and gleaming thrones. A royal purple and gold carpet runner flows up the stairs and around the platform of the thrones, continuing back into the entrances leading up to the Chamber Towers. The two thrones themselves, one a few feet higher than the second, are covered in a satin red fabric matching the color of the Guardia crest and flag. In fact, two crests with the familiar design adorn the walls above the royal chairs. Two guards stand at attention on either side of the thrones at all times, perhaps this is why this room has been chosen to hold some of the most prized possessions of the Kingdom. Along the left and right walls stand two long, ornate, glass cabinets. Glittering in the light from the torches and chandelier, the brilliant jewelry, famous weaponry, and other pieces of value line the glass shelving. The King and Queen have seen fit to place old reminders of their travels together in these cabinets. Queen Nadia's bows, royal jewelry, and artifacts from ancient and present times. Too many things can get lost in a big castle like this, don't you think? When the Royal couple are seated in their thrones, this room seems to come alive with love, unity, and peacefulness.

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