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MUFedit Help Screen. Arguments in [] are optional.

Any line not starting with a '.' is inserted at the current line.
Lines starting with '..', '."' , or '.:' are added with the '.' removed.
Sarting with '.|' will remove the '.' in the editor.

st = start line en = end line de = destination line

.end Exits the editor with the changes intact.
.abort Aborts the edit.
.h[elp] Displays this help screen.
.i [st] Changes the current line for insertion.
.l [st [en]] Lists the line(s) given. (if none, lists all.)
.p [st [en]] Like .l, except that it prints line numbers too.
.del [st [en]] Deletes the given lines, or the current one.
.copy [st [en]]=de Copies the given range of lines to the dest.
.move [st [en]]=de Moves the given range of lines to the dest.
.find [st]=text Searches for the given text starting at line start.
.repl [st [en]]=/old/new Replaces old text with new in the given lines.
.join [st [en]] Joins together the lines given in the range.
.split [st]=text Splits given line into 2 lines. Splits after text
.left [st [en]] Aligns all the text to the left side of the screen.
.center [st [en]]=cols Centers the given lines for cols screenwidth.
.right [st [en]]=col Right justifies to column col.
.indent [st [en]]=cols Indents or undents text by cols characters
.format [st [en]]=cols Formats text nicely to cols columns.
.mpi [st [en]] Tests the mpi code in the given lines.
.paste [st]=[db]/[lsprop] Grabs a list of strings and pastes them to the editor.
.sort [st [en]][=reverse] Sorts the list in order to being forward or reverse.
.scramble [st [en]] Randomize the strings in the list.
.ansi [st [en]]=[atype] Parses ansi to standard ansi for the lines. [1 = neon, 2 = mush].
.unparse [st [en]]=[atype] Unparses ansi codes for the given type. [0 = standard, 1 = neon, 2 = mush]
.escape [st [en]]=[atype] Escapes the ansi codes to be displayable. [atype same as .unparse]
.lhelp Shows a help screen for the program running the editor.

Example line refs: $ = last line, . = curr line, ^ = first line.

12 15 (lines 12 to 15) 5 $ (line 5 to last line) ^+3 6 (lines 4 to 6)
.+2 $-3 (curr line + 2 to last line - 3) 5 +3 (line 5 to curr line + 3)

Note: To run any command in the editor type: |<any command>
Type '|@set me=_prefs/lstoggle:alt' to change how this works.


.undo Returns the list to its last save state.
.save Saves the current list to its property.
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