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The look on Nancy's face is mostly unchanged until she says the words 'my city' which makes the slight smile on her face widen. For a moment she looks like a child being praised, "Y-You like Neo-Edo!?" She seems to stand a little taller, her eyes almost sparkling. Then her old habits rush back, much like the air around Twisted and she calms herself - her hair and clothing of course not included in that statement as they whip around in the non-existent wind as always. "I'm sorry. I'm Nancy Dark." The young woman ponders explaining that she was, or might still be, part of Twisted's Council. If that still exists that is. "You... uh.... why are you trying to change the Institute?"
The look on Nancy's face is mostly unchanged until she says the words 'my city' which makes the slight smile on her face widen. For a moment she looks like a child being praised, "Y-You like Neo-Edo!?" She seems to stand a little taller, her eyes almost sparkling. Then her old habits rush back, much like the air around Twisted and she calms herself - her hair and clothing of course not included in that statement as they whip around in the non-existent wind as always. "I'm sorry. I'm Nancy Dark." The young woman ponders explaining that she was, or might still be, part of Twisted's Council. If that still exists that is. "You... uh.... why are you trying to change the Institute?"
The look on Nancy's face is mostly unchanged until she says the words 'my city' which makes the slight smile on her face widen. For a moment she looks like a child being praised, "Y-You like Neo-Edo!?" She seems to stand a little taller, her eyes almost sparkling. Then her old habits rush back, much like the air around Twisted and she calms herself - her hair and clothing of course not included in that statement as they whip around in the non-existent wind as always. "I'm sorry. I'm Nancy Dark." The young woman ponders explaining that she was, or might still be, part of Twisted's Council. If that still exists that is. "You... uh.... why are you trying to change the Institute?"
Luna nods her head, "It's a good place to live, though I've only lived in a few places during my current incarnation. I'm the mayor there." Since no one has stopped her from being so, or said anything differently to her since she started calling herself that. It was her past self's idea, but it's been working out well. She shifts her footing, her right ear twitching softly, "There are...I have..." How to explain it all? o O { Alas, I'm sorry... } o O ( It's okay! We're making amends and helping as much as we can to make up for what you did. ) "It's where my past life's thousand wives are living." She looks at Nancy more directly, lowering her orb to her side, then blinks again as she introduces herself. o O { Oh, it's her, yes? } "Ahh, of course. You're the one that guided Corinasia and Sift to me on Lunar with Gegoshi, and then showed my past self the Aslyum." No wonder she's wondering why she is trying to change it. o O ( Can we switch, please? You know her better than I. ) o O { As you wish, yes? } Luna's body morphs, growing taller, hair shifting,  to a beautiful pink, cat ears popping out of her head, and her entire wardrobe changing to a tight black fitting dress, complete with a bell choker. She twirls her hand and the glass orb disappears, like magic, "Yes well, greetings." She says, and to avoid confusion, "I am Luna's past self, yes? We are still working on merging together, but I am being careful lest I overtake her completely when it occurs, hm hm hmm...thank you for providing the Aslyum, alas, it would seem Twisted continually resets it every night to the dreary mess it is, so we're unable to clean it up for everyone, yes?"
Luna nods her head, "It's a good place to live, though I've only lived in a few places during my current incarnation. I'm the mayor there." Since no one has stopped her from being so, or said anything differently to her since she started calling herself that. It was her past self's idea, but it's been working out well. She shifts her footing, her right ear twitching softly, "There are...I have..." How to explain it all? o O { Alas, I'm sorry... } o O ( It's okay! We're making amends and helping as much as we can to make up for what you did. ) "It's where my past life's thousand wives are living." She looks at Nancy more directly, lowering her orb to her side, then blinks again as she introduces herself. o O { Oh, it's her, yes? } "Ahh, of course. You're the one that guided Corinasia and Sift to me on Lunar with Gegoshi, and then showed my past self the Aslyum." No wonder she's wondering why she is trying to change it. o O ( Can we switch, please? You know her better than I. ) o O { As you wish, yes? } Luna's body morphs, growing taller, hair shifting,  to a beautiful pink, cat ears popping out of her head, and her entire wardrobe changing to a tight black fitting dress, complete with a bell choker. She twirls her hand and the glass orb disappears, like magic, "Yes well, greetings." She says, and to avoid confusion, "I am Luna's past self, yes? We are still working on merging together, but I am being careful lest I overtake her completely when it occurs, hm hm hmm...thank you for providing the Aslyum, alas, it would seem Twisted continually resets it every night to the dreary mess it is, so we're unable to clean it up for everyone, yes?"

Latest revision as of 00:41, 11 July 2019

The Mayors of Neo-Edo

Summary: Been awhile, huh?

Somewhere during our impending time skip, Nancy resurfaces to see why Luna is trying so desperately to make Twisted's barrier go away...

Who: Luna, Nancy
When: April 11th, 2018
Where: The Twisted Street - One Way(#1856RL)


The information contained within this log is to be considered information gained Out of Character (OOC).
This information may not be used as In Character (IC) knowledge or in roleplay unless it has been learned in-game or permission has been granted by the parties involved.

Questions should be directed to staff.

The Twisted Street - One Way(#1856RL)
Putting the wastelands behind you and traveling east from the city center brings you closer to the bay. The air smells better, the temperature is cooler, and occasionally a seagull passes overhead. It's no surprise that the main government of Twisted has been set up here. On the Northern side of the street the Pantheon called the Town Hall rests beside the local clinic. The opposite side of the street sits a convenience store known as the 24*7, and along the side of it is the sandy path that takes you to Zeku-Kari beach.

Luna is standing at the edge of Plowse Bridge, and off to the side, to avoid blocking any travelers, vehicles, or what not that wants to pass by. Not that the bridge is small or anything. In both of her hands she holds a glass orb, swirling with magical energies of blue, yellow, and red. Her eyes also have a faint glow, matching that inside of the orb she holds. She looks from it and towards Twisted in front of her. This field...protection...barrier? Is powerful, and after the entity calling herself Power sent a warning across Twisted that an entity called Order was coming if things didn't become less...orderly...she thought it might be a good time to see if she could maybe...nudge this barrier to go somewhere else. Sweat drips from her forehead as she concentrates, pouring magical energies around to just get a feel of the barrier. o O { It is difficult, yes? } Her past self thinks inside of her head, o O ( You're better at this than me, shouldn't we switch bodies? ) o O { Mmm, perhaps, yes? Let us keep trying this way. }

Depending on the amount of focus, Luna might notice the temperature becoming slightly colder as a thick fog rolls in obscuring the view of the bridge behind her. Just as soon as it arrives however, it fades away leaving Nancy Dark standing calmly with her head tilted to the side. She watches Luna quietly a moment before looking up and down the bridge to see if anyone else driving or walking upon it is being affected by things. Satisfied that nothing else is happening she inches closer, her hand raised as if she was about to touch the woman's shoulder. Hesitating for only a moment, Nancy puts her hand back down and calmly asks, "...what are you doing?"

Once Nancy has manifested, o O { Behind you, yes? } Luna's ears twitch and she maintains her focus, not saying anything after Nancy appears. Who knows who it is, she's sure her past self would have told her if it was someone she'd known. Once Nancy speaks though, her ears twitch again and she places a hand on top of the glass orb, above and below, and the light from her eyes fade as she stops trying to do things to the barrier. She takes in a breath and wipes her brow, turning to look at Nancy, "I'm attempting to solve problems, miss." She glances past Nancy towards Neo-Edo, but she doesn't recognize her. o O { She may be a guardian of some kind. } She lightly nods to herself, "There is a barrier, or protective field, invisible to the eye, but that exists here. I'm hoping to move it onto Neo-Edo, yes?"

Confused, Nancy turns towards Neo-Edo as well and then back at her new friend. She's missed a lot between focusing on building her island and following-um... she's been busy. This however perplexes her, so playfully she strolls around Luna to stand on Twisted's soil within the barrier. "Why would you want to do that?" She points up at the sky as it suddenly seems to collapse in on itself. It's simulated and calm blue being rushed by chaotic and nightmarish darkness as the barrier vanishes for the briefest moment only to return a moment later. The whole effect is similar to opening a door on an airplane. All the air seems to rush into Twisted for one very brief moment before everything returns to normal. Did she turn it off somehow? Move it? Is it an illusion? For now she won't tell, but feel free to ask.

Luna smiles as Nancy comes over closer, showing one of her fangs, "Well..." Then it's obvious Nancy manipulates the barrier, or made it go away? Her ears twitch widly and she hops! "Ah! Ah! Would you be able to do that again, please? I wasn't actively examining it." o O { Careful, yes? It's possible this is another entity similar to Power. } She turns her glass orb a bit, bouncing on her heels, "Or..." She tilts her head, "...maybe you'd just move it for me? I'm hoping to do things two-fold! I want to do what Power has said, in case it's true, and make my city more stable. I've had an unfortunate time trying to keep the Akira Institute from resetting, so it's impossible to keep it clean. Oh, I'm Luna, by the way." She curtseys.

The look on Nancy's face is mostly unchanged until she says the words 'my city' which makes the slight smile on her face widen. For a moment she looks like a child being praised, "Y-You like Neo-Edo!?" She seems to stand a little taller, her eyes almost sparkling. Then her old habits rush back, much like the air around Twisted and she calms herself - her hair and clothing of course not included in that statement as they whip around in the non-existent wind as always. "I'm sorry. I'm Nancy Dark." The young woman ponders explaining that she was, or might still be, part of Twisted's Council. If that still exists that is. "You... uh.... why are you trying to change the Institute?"

Luna nods her head, "It's a good place to live, though I've only lived in a few places during my current incarnation. I'm the mayor there." Since no one has stopped her from being so, or said anything differently to her since she started calling herself that. It was her past self's idea, but it's been working out well. She shifts her footing, her right ear twitching softly, "There are...I have..." How to explain it all? o O { Alas, I'm sorry... } o O ( It's okay! We're making amends and helping as much as we can to make up for what you did. ) "It's where my past life's thousand wives are living." She looks at Nancy more directly, lowering her orb to her side, then blinks again as she introduces herself. o O { Oh, it's her, yes? } "Ahh, of course. You're the one that guided Corinasia and Sift to me on Lunar with Gegoshi, and then showed my past self the Aslyum." No wonder she's wondering why she is trying to change it. o O ( Can we switch, please? You know her better than I. ) o O { As you wish, yes? } Luna's body morphs, growing taller, hair shifting, to a beautiful pink, cat ears popping out of her head, and her entire wardrobe changing to a tight black fitting dress, complete with a bell choker. She twirls her hand and the glass orb disappears, like magic, "Yes well, greetings." She says, and to avoid confusion, "I am Luna's past self, yes? We are still working on merging together, but I am being careful lest I overtake her completely when it occurs, hm hm hmm...thank you for providing the Aslyum, alas, it would seem Twisted continually resets it every night to the dreary mess it is, so we're unable to clean it up for everyone, yes?"

There's a moment of confusion on her face as Luna explains she already knows her and honestly the transformation into another woman doesn't help much. But the faint chime of the bell as it appears, intentional or not, sparks a memory. "OH!!!! The dragon-lady!!" It's as accurate as anything. The memory of Guarlesia floods back and her shoulders drop a little. "Oh... right." At least it doesn't last long as Luna provides her with another reason to be distracted. "Uh-oh! No, haaah. That's... that's not Twisted resetting it. I-I'm sorry. I think that was my fault." The young lady crosses her arms and walks back onto the bridge. "I think I was trying too hard to keep it safe. I probably locked it by accident." She raises her hand as if to wave at Neo-Edo and then lets it fall to her side. "That will probably fix it. I'm sorry." As she turns back to face Luna again she forces a smile, "Mayor? That sounds important. What does a mayor do?" She's not exactly book smart, remember?

Luna tilts her head and looks back towards Neo-Edo as Nancy simply gestures at Neo-Edo. Her left cat ear twitches. It's interesting that someone with the kind of power Nancy is displaying needed to seek her in order to ressurrect someone. o O ( Everyone has different things they're good at? ) { Indeed. } "I'm jealous, yes? If you're able to manipulate Twisted so freely. Ah, of course though," She quickly curtseys, "Thank you, yes? It will make things easier. Although, some of them will be upset they don't have things to constantly clean, I'm sure there will always be something, hmm hmm hmm..." She smiles fangedly, "In Neo-Edo? I attempt to continually make the city run better and be a pleasant place for its citizens to live, yes? I also try not to ask TASK for help with things, since I'm unsure how reliable they are from my past experiences here. I prefer us to remain independant, yes?"

Nancy can't help but smile at Luna's explanation of a mayor and it's goals. "I think you embody everything I was hoping for by putting it together. I guess that makes me a mayor too?" We told you she doesn't get it. "Mayors like us should stick together." With a nod to herself she looks back at the island city proudly. "I can't really manipulate Twisted. If I could I wouldn't have let Diablo do to it what she did." She turns back with a much more serious expression. "My father gave me this.... ability." She wanted to say curse. "It lets me take things from other worlds and change them. Every time I bring something I have to steal it from something else. People, places... memories." A brief pause. "I've done a lot of things I regret and I wanted to give back to the people I stole so much from. That's what Neo-Edo is. I wanted a place where people could live free and not have to exist under Diablo's control. It's sorta /my/ place like that." Suddenly she looks scared, "Oh, but I made sure it was built from places that where lost. I didn't hurt anyone this time! I don't want to do that again..." A moment later she smiles again at Luna, "But if you want to make the people happy and protect them, I'll do anything it takes to help because I want that too."

Luna nods her head at Nancy's words. Well, if she wants to be the mayor as well, she supposes that's fine. It's not like it would disrupt things overly much, and Nancy seems kind enough. Although, there's always the danger of her doing things unwanted thinking she's helping, still...hm... "Normally there is only one mayor of a city, yes? However, it sounds like you are more of a founder. Nevertheless, either helps the city to thrive." She nods as Nancy explains her powers. Dimensional shifting one place to another, which is similar to what Twisted does by itself. Her ears droop slightly as she mentions her past, "Yes well, because of my own past I have no choice but to believe our future deeds can make up for what's been done, yes?" She really wants to know how Nancy does it. If it was something given, maybe it can be learned? "Perhaps we can go somewhere comfortable and speak, yes? And perhaps talk about moving the barrier?" Assuming Nancy agrees, she'll head back to Neo-Edo with her.

With a wide smile Nancy agrees. "I'd like that." As the two walk back towards the city she mouths that word quietly to herself. "Founder." It has a nice sound to it.

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