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Lucifer Morningstar
Full Name: Lucifer Morningstar
Alias: The Devil

Occupation: Former ruler of Hell, current manager of Happy's Seven Treasures
Series: Lucifer

Threat Level: Tier 3

Gender: Male
Species: Fallen Angel

Short Description:

Lucifer Morningstar
Age: 13.8 billion years old
Physical Age: 42
Height: Weight:

Wickedly cool and devilishly handsome, Lucifer Morningstar could potentially look like whatever he personally desires but after spending some time in the likeness of David Bowie he decided to change it up a little. With deep dark brown eyes and perfectly groomed hair that somehow matches the shade exactly, Lucifer frequently catches the eyes of anyone who might look his way, and a few who normally wouldn't. Generally he keeps himself shaven but for the shadow of stubble to keep himself looking too perfect (in his own words). But, as they say, if it all seems too perfect there has to be a catch. Out of the corner of one's eyes his form sometimes shifts away from the carefully calculated manscape he tries to maintain into a dark red, almost decayed, devil face complete with horns and glowing red eyes. You could almost write it off as a trick of the eye if not for the fact his "Devil Face" shows itself whenever he loses his temper. He's also forever followed by the ever-so-faint smell of brimstone

Flaws:As mentioned, physically, he has almost no flaws to speak of but as you would quickly discover upon meeting him his ego is another story. He's prideful, boastful, and self-centered. He wants to indulge himself in the best of everything and so he generally sticks to the highlife of society. However he's also quick to lose his temper at the drop of a hat. His millennia of being the Devil also gives him the unquenchable desire to punish those who do wrong to others. It's not that he can't stop himself, but he enjoys it so much that why should he?

Despite his ego and his pride, there's another side to him he doesn't let anyone see - and it's not his so-called "Devil Face". Lucifer is a very emotionally broken character who wants nothing more than to be back in his father's good graces again. His latest act of rebellion is literally just a thinly vailed demand for attention after being cast out of Heaven's Silver City for so long. He often projects his own issues onto those he meets, perhaps looking for a kindred soul, and as such he can be easily manipulated if one can work around his supernatural charms. It also prevents him from going too far as he cannot stand seeing others hurt or suffering that don't deserve it.

Lucifer Morningstar
While most people never seem to believe him, Lucifer Morningstar is in fact the Devil. At least on the world he comes from. Originally one of the most loved and brightest of God's angels, Lucifer was cast out after starting a rebellion against Heaven and tasked to be the sole ruler of Hell and told to punish the damned for all eternity. The next part of the story is more widely known as for millennia his reputation grew darker as he was constantly the point of blame for the evils of mankind. The Devil, Satan, the Dark Lord, the Prince of Lies, names given to him by the mortals who misunderstood his purpose and his intent. He even befriended Lilith, Adam's first wife, after she was cast out of Eden and would go on to birth the demon race known as the Lilim which she sent to Hell to serve Lucifer as his own personal army.

Over time Lucifer began to take advantage of the fact he wasn't require to actually STAY in Hell, sneaking up to the world of the living to let free his more baser desires. Orgies with Caligula, friendships with Atilla the Hun and Oscar Wilde, he even helped inspire William Shakespeare with some constructive criticism. In the year 2011 he decided to simply "retire" from Hell all together and leave it to its own devices. Traveling to Earth one final time he made a deal with John Constantine to help release his most loyal servant Mazikeen from Hell to continue serving as his bodyguard on Earth. So dedicated to the idea of never returning back, Lucifer even cut off his own wings to signify the end of his old life yet his pride prevented him from throwing them away. His ego however leaves him more than happy to tell anyone and everyone who he truly is.

Lucifer isn't human, and he's fond of telling people that fact. His angelic nature causes him to be immune to being drunk or getting disease and as such he enjoys spending his time sampling as much of humanity as he possibly can in almost every possible way. Another quirk of his heavenly origins is that people just seem to fall for him as he is a piece of heaven literally walking amongst men. Yet another factor of his life he loves to take advantage of. If only he could stop indulging himself he could probably do something about that demonic temper of his, but that might take divine intervention.


Lucifer Morningstar
No matter where he might be, Lucifer Morningstar is the Devil. As such he has the ability to capture the attention of anyone he focuses on as well as get them to open up about whatever it is they most desire. Combine this with his ridiculously high angelically powered-charisma and ability to heal from any physical damage and it's easy to see how he manages to accomplish getting his way with almost everyone on Earth. Luckily he's more than content to just sleep with as many people as possible while running his own bar so he can ensure the party never stops. If only he had something to ground him to the real world and teach him responsibility?

His demonic form is also a force to be reckoned with. In addition to being incredibly strong, looking into the eyes of his true face can break a person's psyche and send them howling into the depths of madness and despair. There is something primal awakened in looking upon the true face of the Devil and thus far it's rarely a thing one can easily recover from.

Lucifer Morningstar-icon.gif




    @Morningstar - Posted from: Mobile
    No cover charge after 10pm @ Happy's Seven Treasures!

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