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Panty Anarchy
Full Name: Panty Anarchy

Series: Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt
Class: Ghost Hunter
Threat Level: City Smasher
Alignment: Chaotic Sexy
Gender: Female
Species: Fallen Angel
Age: Legal
Birthdate: Nah, but tie a ribbon around it and we can pretend. <3
Height: 5'4" (164cm)
Weight: 104lbs (47kg)

Short Description: Heaven on high heels, with a big mouth and a bad attitude, Panty is the real heroine of the story! Together with her kid sister Stockin' (the goth one) she fights the forces of evil wherever they may dare to infringe upon her prolific and very important sex life. Ghosts and demons beware, she's got a pair of explosive transforming panties with your name all over them.

Repent, motherfuckers!

Panty Anarchy
Hot, hotter, hottest.


TWO PARAGRAPHS?! Shit! This is the last time I do anything for you, Stockin', I swear to holy fuck...

So uh, once upon a time there was this rockin' hot blonde called Panty. Everyone wanted her, except the girls who weren't dykes who I guess just wanted to be her or whatever. Even though she cut school and didn't really apply herself (see, Stockin', I'm that self-aware thing you're always tellin' me about!) she was totally rad and awesome, and that's probably why she got kicked out of heaven to go hunt Ghosts. Oh, and she had this weirdo goth-freak of a sister who really needs to watch her figure before her tits expand to swallow the Earth and fuck up this whole big thing we have goin' on. She's super into bondage, too. What's up with that? Girl needs her hole filled, pronto.

Any-fuckin'-way, these two totally badass angel sisters were basically the best thing to happen to this dive of a planet. Everyone loved Panty Anarchy, she kicked ass, took names, and even starred in TWO hit movies. It all would've been perfect if not for this fat black asshole of a boy-botherer named Garterbelt. Every morning, he'd wake the two beautiful sisters (I said she eats too much, I didn't say she wasn't hot) by screaming outta both sides of his face about 'blah blah sacred duty, blah blah Heaven coins'. So we went and kicked ass, I guess.

The end.

That's two paragraphs, right? I'm done, right? Why do I even fucking care? Smell you later, jerkoff, I've got a hot date with my sister and four stinky rubber wheels. Woohoooo!


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