2019-10-19 - How about a slushie?

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How about a slushie?

Summary: Liyara's experiment outside the 24*7 goes awry.

Who: Liyara, Doommuffin
When: 10-19-2019
Where: 24*7 Exterior.


The information contained within this log is to be considered information gained Out of Character (OOC).
This information may not be used as In Character (IC) knowledge or in roleplay unless it has been learned in-game or permission has been granted by the parties involved.

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Space warps. Time fractures. Worlds Collide. How about a slushie?

The 24*7 convenience store is located a rather specific length of street away from the Usual Restaurant, and Liyara has been busy doing some calculations. "This should be approximately the right distance." A golden dragon tail swishes along the ground as she glides over to the front of the store, glancing up at the doors for a moment before looking back to the flaming book in her hands. She closes it, and it vanishes in a puff of smoke and sparks. "...Right then."

The scaly tail lifts up as the winged woman bends down and starts slowly tracing a sigil atop the concrete with a flaming finger. Concrete. That word is still new to her, but she's already decided she appreciates the value of the substance. Efficiency is something most humans don't appreciate where she's from, but she's quickly learning that they pick up around a certain point in their societal advancement.

The sigil resembles a red eight-pointed star with runic symbols adorning each point and the center. Once Liyara finishes it, she stands up, her tail lowering back to the ground, and dusts herself off for a moment. "...Maybe I should put a binding circle around it?" While the dragon-lady contemplates, she whips out her dagger and pricks a finger to let a few drops of her blood pool in her hand. It's worth noting that liquid fire is what comes out of the puncture - not traditional blood. So. That's hot.

"In my own experience, if you do wish for the enchantment to last longer than approximately 7.23 hours, some form of binding or seal is in fact preferred, yes. Though I tend to prefer runic etching, myself. And I of course presume that your magic is completely unlike anything I myself practice." The voice is both high and low... high in pitch, low in, well, altitude. It also sounds... not entirely right. It's as if there's almost a /pre/echo to the overly chipper voice. It's also practically next to the winged woman already.

Well, a lot of people do tend to miss gnomes when they show up.

"Hmm?" Liyara turns from her work to look around, and... completely misses the tiny person at first. A confused look crosses her face, but then she arches a brow and tilts her head decidedly downward. There it is! "Ah yes, well met and all that." She looks the little creature over with a casual glance. A gnome. She's fairly used to those, though it's the first one she's encountered here. Medieval armor; also similar to back home. Slightly off - an undead gnome? Decidedly less common, but one of Liyara's brightest students was a revenant.

"I didn't see you there. I can be horribly unobservant when I'm working." Liyara steps carefully out of the sigil with a smile, her vivid green eyes seeming to sparkle just a little bit. She resists the urge to suggest that the gnome gets missed a lot. "I meant the circle more to protect the surroundings from anything that might pop out." Oh? Probably not an enchantment after all, then.

The fiery blood smokes a little as it pools in her hand, but she seems to have forgotten it for just a moment.

Doommuffin peers over at the location of the sigil. "Ooooooh. So it is a fire /protection/ spell, then? Do forgive me, my own magical abilities are a bit... specialized. Fire is not an element to which my kind are well attuned." Does she mean gnomes? Or the type of undead she is? On the other hand... the light smirk on her face as well as the tone of her speech suggests that perhaps she isn't quite buying the 'protect the surroundings' line.

"Miao?" Of course, now that Liyara has actually looked at the gnome, the ghostly siamese cat at her heels is also readily visible, as well.

"Oh, sorry, I suppose I should clarify shouldn't I?" Liyara offers one of those apologetic smiles of hers that look really sincere because she's practiced them longer than most people have been alive. To complement the smile, she offers a compliment before discussing her work. "...Is it rude of me to mention that you've done an incredible job of upkeep? It's simply refreshing to meet someone with *standards*." Well, Liyara is pretty vain herself, it makes sense that she'd be appreciative of that trait in others, or anything resembling it. "...And you have..." Don't say a feline. Don't say rations. Don't say ghost-feline-rations. "...a kitty! And such a cute one!" Nailed it.

After letting the compliment hang in the air for just a moment, Liyara gestures towards the sigil with her hand. "It's actually a conjuration ritual. I've just set it up to be fueled by magical fire, because that's my specialty." And also really the only kind she uses, aside from a tiny bit of Shadow Magic. Noone's ever even heard of that though, and she's not going to bring it up.

Doommuffin waves a hand dismissively. "Oh, pishaw! I always make sure to torture something daily to keep myself in top shape." Torture? "You would be surprised how well one can perform proper upkeep on one's self through inflicting pain on even members of rodentia." She looks down at the ghostly feline. It certainly doesn't appear to have any form of corporealness to it. "Yes indeed! This would be my feline companion, Deathcake. I had raised her myself." This leads to the question... did she raise the cat when it was alive... or did she raise the spirit from its corpse into the ghostly form. "Oh! Do forgive me, I have not introduced myself. I am known as Doommuffin." She pers over to the sigil, then asks, "And what is it you intend to conjure, if I may ask?"

"Raised her yourself..." Liyara actually giggles a little at the double entendre, and puts her un-bloodied hand to her mouth. One must appear dignified, after all. She doesn't seem to react poorly to the mention of torture, and decides that she likes this one. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Doom... muffin?" She sounds the name out, only processing it once she's said it. She has a real problem with that.

As it turns out, even fire-blood still flows and drips like the real stuff. There's an arch of Liyara's brow as she goes to answer Doommuffin's question, but feels just a little bit of something move in her hand. It turns out the blood has pooled enough to overflow, and she glances down just in time to see a single drop of blood run off her palm and fall into one of the points of the sigil below. Flames lick off of it as it descends, and her vertical pupils dilate for just a moment as her brain registers what's happening.

"Oh... Xsio."

She doesn't get a chance to provide a translation, as the flaming-plasma touches to the sigil, and the entire thing lights up, filling the street with a brilliant orange hue. The runic symbols at each point flare up an instant before the one in the center does, and then with the sound of glass shattering, a five-foot-tall gash simply opens up in the air above the sigil. Liyara falls backwards instinctively, and avoids being caught up in it.

The gash reveals a world of light brown rock and green flora on the other side of it, but it doesn't look quite right. The greens are too vivid, and the brown is too brilliant, all the colors over-saturated enough to almost hurt to look at. Liyara furrows her brow. "...Well. The good news is, it almost worked." What is 'it', and what does she mean 'almost'? Questions for later. Or now! Now works, too.

Doommuffin says, "It is a pleasure to meet you as well." There is a look of slight expectation as she looks straight at Liyara's eyes for a full second. Of course, there is a fine distraction from DM's mild annoyance at not having the sharing of names be mutual. She looks over as the sigil lights up and the gash in reality forms, seemingly not particularly concerned. "Oh! I do believe I am well familiar with this trope. 'What is the bad news?' is what I am supposed to respond with, am I correct? I will presume that it is more than simple pre-mature conjuration?" Her eyebrows raise and lower twice as she says this. "I understand it happens to a lot of mages."

Before Liyara can really answer, a curious black cat-head pops through the gash, looking around. It resembles a panther, but the ears are closer to bat-ears than to a feline's normal ears, and it tilts its head as if trying to hear better. It's definitely a large 'cat', and when it sees people milling about, it calmly takes a step out of the hole in the air with its front paw. And then its other front paw. And then its other, other front paw. And then its fourth front paw. Wait, what?

There's a kind of shadowy after-image between each step, and the creature flickers as if it's in two positions at once, which is a bit disorienting. It finishes stepping through, and what looked like they might have been strange wings coming off of the shoulder blades actually reveal themselves to be large tentacles with teeth on the end. Looks safe enough! Also, it has six legs. Or maybe twelve? The flickering makes it hard to tell.

Liyara stands up, trying to recover her dignity with her tail all out of sorts, and clears her throat. "I was going to say, 'I didn't make a binding circle yet', but I think your way works just as well." The creature orients itself first on Doommuffin, then on Liyara. The way it flickers makes it seem like it's looking at both of them simultaneously with two necks. This draws a sigh from Liyara. "...And apparently it didn't open where I planned for it to." She had been *trying* to open a portal to her Solace Bole; well. Right plane, wrong location. "There must be some variables I didn't account for." ...She doesn't seem concerned.

The beast's head(s?) both converge after a moment, to look at the ghost cat. Both tilt in unison, meaning there's only one head for a moment. Another kitty! Surely they will be best friends and this will have a happy ending.

Doommuffin tilts her head as she looks at the odd creature poking its way through. "I see. So. The next question I feel would be appropriate to ask would be 'Is this an adorable friend for Deathcake, or is this a horrid abomination that I should use as a method to gain sustinance for the evening?'" The hand on her greatsword(really, it looks too large for a gnome her size to even use properly) suggests which she assumes this will be. On the other hand, she doesn't seem concerned, either.

"Well. Displacer beasts don't seem like they would make lovely pets; I've never tamed one, and I'm not fond of the idea of my cats getting gropey." ... Liyara has a point, there. Cats are invasive and destructive enough without having additional flailing appendages covered in teeth.

One of the heads (the real one?) turns to look at Liyara, who just rolls her eyes and takes a short, quick breath. One of its tentacles starts to orient on her like it's going to give her a good thwap, and lowers her gaze to meet the beast's. "No." She throws the hand with her fiery blood in it towards the creature, and as she does so, the blood bursts into much brighter, magical flame, and coats the beast right in the eyes, all 'four' of them which... as it turns out, are now on fire. "Bad. Hiss." ...That's actually more than a little mean. Maybe Liyara isn't a cat person.

The tentacles flail about wildly, striking at where the displacer beast last saw Liyara and Doommuffin, and spreading a little bit of that fiery blood around, which ignites upon contact with any surface, dealing mild fire damage. Liyara calmly sidesteps the first strike of the tendril coming her way, but then has to drop straight to the ground in a hurry when the beast follows its strikes up with a wide swipe. She clears her throat again, and swallows nervously. That's a lot of teeth on that tentacle.

Doommuffin nods and says, "I see. Well then, it is time to perhaps approach the status of actually being serious for once." The rune blade is now in hand, and as the magical flames burst outward... the sound of a frightened cat is heard and the ghost kitty has already started running away. Siamese cat may be a ghost, but it noped the heck away from there. Not dealing with the flames and giant mean kitty and... yeah, just no. The runes on the sword glow a sickly green as the blade is covered in a black mist, and then as the beast makes a wide swipe, the blade makes a similar wide swipe to meet it. "Now now, kitty. That is a bad kitty. You're going to have to be /punished/." As the last word is said, her goggles glow an icy blue. The goggles... or perhaps the eyes behind them.

The displacer beast itself is harder to hit because of its illusions, but the the tentacle heading through the air is not so-glamoured. The tentacle splits cleanly in two along the end, not really designed to be slammed hard against the sharp edge of an enchanted, runic greatsword. It gives two sounds at once, a roar like that of a mighty beast, and a caterwaul, like that of the cat that wakes you up at 3AM because you haven't fed it in two hours and the world is ending.

Liyara hops off of the ground a little bit to hover and throws out a hand, taking careful aim in between the two necks. The center mass isn't really as hard to hit as the rest of it, and she's not going to splash more blood on the flaming crying kitty. Instead a brilliant, white-hot bolt of flaming elemental energy is conjured in her hand, and she sends it flying right into the center mass of the creature, which it turns out, is not fireproof. The beast is properly seared and takes a step back, roaring again, before looking like it's trying to figure out where to run. Dinner isn't supposed to be sharp and burny!

Doommuffin's eyes glow brighter as she drinks in the creature's pain. She grips the greatsword with a single hand, freeing the other to grasp outward towards the creature. Okay, her aim might not be quite what it should be due to, well, it's a freaking displacer beast, but if she's on targer, chains of ice will erupt from the ground to ensnare the creature. "Do not think that you will escape us." Okay, she doesn't think the thing actually can understand her, but she doesn't care. "I am hungry, and your pain feeds me." Two of the runes on her blade glow blood red as if to emphasize her point.

Almost presciently, the displacer beast takes a step back before the icy chains burst out of the ground, but its second set of front legs get caught by the chains, and it's not going anywhere. It gives off a duality of sounds, both whining and angry, and then shakes its head, finally getting the burning blood out of its eyes. It doesn't look very steady, but then again, Doommuffin cut its tentacle and froze it to the ground! It turns all its attention onto the diminutive daughter of death, both tentacles flying in an attempt to ensnare her legs AND nom her head in the same motion. Nom nom!

Liyara is fine with the beast ignoring her, she simply charges up and fires another bolt, but this time, it flies through an after image of the creature, missing. She murmurs something below her breath, and a second bolt rips out of the first one, catching the displacer beast under the ribs and causing the stench of burnt fur to fill the area. The whole thing is looking pretty haggard now. "Did I mention they don't pick their dinner wisely, either?" Yeah, who fights dragons and death knights? Dead people do. ... Present company included?

Doommuffin's eyes glow more brightly again as she brings down the blade towards an approaching tentacle, its vampiric strike likely to draw blood into the blade were it to connect. "Oh, it is attempting to make a dinner out of me? That is quite the jovial notion as I am already gaining sustinance from the pain I am causing it!" She giggles... a sound more fitting to a gnome than a deathknight, but, well, she /is/ both. Normally, DM would be letting her armor do most of the defending for her in a situation like this... after all, this /is/ heavy, enchanted full plate. This is fine under normal circumstances, but this time it's trying more to ensnare her. "Oh, bother!" she cries out as she dodges just too late to avoid stumbling slightly, losing her stance proper as the thing still manages to shove her leg slightly away from where she had intended to place it.

The displacer beast was already not so steady on its feet after being ignited, roasted, frozen, and dismembered in places. It really wasn't prepared to have the blood sucked out of it next. It wobbles a bit, looking like it's about to fall, and just in case 0 hp isn't enough, another firebolt catches it *right in the mouth*.

The beast just collapses, looking like a dead tentacled cat for the briefest of moments before it sort of splits into two completely separate illusions that both drift off in opposite directions and fading from sight. It dead. But didn't stick around, apparently.

Liyara clears her throat, coming to a landing on both of her feet and smoothing her skirts out. "My apologies. Terrible manners for a first meeting, absolutely unforgiveable." Right, who drops displacer beasts on people they just met? That's more of a second date kind of thing. Once Liyara makes sure that she looks composed again, which is ever so important to her, she continues. "My name is Liyara. My mother was a dragon. It's a whole thing. Pleased to meet you!"

Doommuffin frowns as she sees the thing draw its last breath. "Awwww. It is dead already? I wanted to make it suffer more." She sighs and shugs. "It has been too long since I have had a chance to make somthing truely suffer in battle. I suppose I have lost my touch." She looks back to Liyara and smiles. "Ah, well, my mother was a gnome, though I suppose that comes of no surprise. My father was, as well." She giggles at that, then makes a beckoning motion with her hand. The ghostly cat reappears, stepping through a wall. "If I were expecting a battle, I would have had Deathcake prepared, as well." She looks up to Liyara with another smile again and says, "But it /is/ a pleasure to meet you, too, Liyara."

As both of them just sort of calmly ignore that they had to fight a tentacled cat monster, and get back to normal conversation, the gash in the air starts to fade. Liyara moves to take a peek in it, and shakes her head. "That's not even the right feywild. This place has some strange rules. It worked just fine in the Usual, but as I thought, the further away..." What worked just fine? Her ritual? So it didn't drop a giant cat-squid on people?

As the gash is about to finish closing, two teethed tentacle-tips slip out of it and seem to try and grab onto the edges to pull it wider open, and for the briefest of seconds, it looks like they might be about to fight another displacer beast... but Liyara just fires another firebolt through the gash, and a startled beast on the other side releases its hold on the shrinking portal, which promptly shuts.

"Wait, sorry, just processed that. Your..." Incorporeal Eatable. Ectoplasmic Entree. "...Kitty... comes into battle with you?"

Doommuffin says, "Oh! So the portal spell worked /properly/ within the usual? Interesting. I wonder how a Death Gate would react there..." She pauses, then shrugs, watching with only mild interst at the second beast attempting to come through. "Oh, yes. I have built him a battle form. One suited to a... warrior spirit like him." She looks down at the cat as she says this... the sarcasm in her voice apparent. That cat RAN at the first sign of trouble. Still, she reaches down and scritches under his chin before standing upright to look up to Liyara again. "The turbines were surprisingly annoying to get to work properly. And I had issues with finding just how much to tension the spring-loaded knives."

"Turbines?" Liyara sounds surprised, probably because she is. She only JUST learned about the word this week, and now it's being used to describe a cat? Her eyes glass over for a moment, like she's reading things, and she pauses at 'spring-loaded knives', but when her eyes finally come back into focus, she doesn't seem like she understands any better. Apparently nothing she's read would give her any understanding of a cat with turbines and spring-loaded knives. Someone needs to give her more mecha manga.

"...I'm afraid I don't understand." She blinks, remembering she didn't answer the earlier question. "Oh, but yes, in the Usual I was able to access... well, not my Solace Bole, but at least *a* Bole." ... Ok? What's a tree got to do with the portal, again?

Doommuffin tilts her head. "Bole? Well, it seems we are similar in not understanding each other in this instance. But in my situation, I had built Deathcake an automaton body based more in size to a large lion. The claws are spring loaded, and there is an additional jet turbine propulsion system, though it does double for underwater locomotion, as well. Does this clarify things?"

"Bole." Liyara nods. "The ritual is supposed to open into a large, hollow tree trunk in the Feywilds where one can get a full night's rest in under an hour of time in the material plane." ... Neat! ... The material plane is here, right? This is the material plane? Awesome if true.

Unfortunately, Liyara takes a moment longer to fully understand what Doommuffin is suggesting. "...A construct body? To be piloted by your ghost kitty?" That's the subject of conversation, yes. "...Why does it have jet turbines?" She is definitely not quite on the same page. But that's ok!

Doommuffin nods. "Ah, I see. That does sound useful! ...If one still needs sleep, of course." It sounds like she doesn't. "Feywilds... Hrrrm. From the mere sounds of it, I wonder if there is a paralell to my own homeworld's 'Emerald Dream'. It would be interesting to compare the two, but I do not, nor have I ever, nor do I expect to ever have the ability to access the Emerald Dream myself... That appears to be an ability locked down by druids." She looks up again to answer Liyara's question. "Yes, precisely! Oh, that would be for straight line speed. It also has a pair of retractable blades, one on each side, for scything through targets in passing."

"Oh, nothing's truly locked down by any one caster." Liyara says this statement casually, as though she's had the conversation a million times before, even though she knows nothing about the druids from Doommuffin's homeworld. "I've crafted a ritual to create their little moon-laser before." Ok, maybe some similarities though. "...Just takes a disproportionate amount of study." Uh-huh. Sure. Just like finding someone to create a portal home would be easy, right?

As she listens to the description of the robo-kitty, she makes a low sound. "...So it's a cat... tank... plane... submarine?"

Doommuffin shakes her head. "Oh, no, he can not fly. I have not added /wings/. That would be silly. No, no, it is merely a speed boost along the ground." As for the cross-discipline spellcasting? Doommuffin isn't one to comment on that. She is not a standard mage, afterall.

"Of course. Wings would be silly." Liyara attempts to agree, without revealing that the entire idea of a mechanical jet-propelled cat is... already quite ridiculous. Her expression is carefully neutral. "Anyway, I apologize for involving you in my experiments, but thank you for your assistance. Things with tentacles often sabotage my dignity." ... If you say so.

Doommuffin nods firmly, then says, "Oh, think nothing of it. As I may have said, the ability to actively fight something has been perhaps a bit too sparse in this location of late. Why, it has not been since Muradin and his family left that I have truely seen regular combat. It is a shame." The light behind her goggles blinks off and back on again before she says, "Your... dignity. Hrm. And I thought that was a myth."

"You thought my dignity was a myth?" Liyara raises an eyebrow, and unconsciously smoothes out her dress. "Well. I dare say that's the most damage I've taken since I got here."

After a moment, her eyes glass over, but when her focus returns, there's still nothing. She doesn't get it. Whatever her mental library is like, it's not Google.

Doommuffin giggles and says, "Oh, no, not that, I meant the whole, well, tentacles violating and such thing." Yes, she laughed as she said that. Not the most... 'good' aligned of people. Well, she'd never claim it, anyway.

"Vio--..." Liyara stops in mid-speech, and then shakes her head. "I just meant it's undignified to be wrapped up. Is that..." She pauses, tilting her head. "Is that a myth around here? How absurd." She straightens her hair, clears her throat, and then starts fluttering her wings so she can float once more. "At any rate, I've more experiments to perform, so I'll take my leave. Unless you wanted to come along? I can't pay for an escort, but there might be more violence." ...It DOES sound like that's the only thing Doommuffin is looking forward to, anyway!

Doommuffin nods a few times. "Not so much a myth as something that comes up often in, well, the more risque side of entertainment around here. In the animated form, really. It has come up in some research of my own at one point, but that whole line went nowhere even without that particular undesired sidetrack." There's a pause, then she says, "The living can be quite odd, sometimes. But, alas, no, I have some tuning work to do on my own. Also, I do work as a mercenary of sorts, so when it has been put in the manner of which you stated things, it would be inappropriate for me to do 'pro bono' work, as it was. And no, I do not consider what just occured to be in that role. I did, after all, interrupt your intended results with my arrival, did I not?"

Liyara looks confused, but before she can glass out, Doommuffin is explaining a lot of things at once. She decides just to listen, instead. Uh huh. The living are odd. Tuning work. Mercenary makes sense, what's 'pro-bono' mean? Things to check out in a moment. "Oh. Well yes, I suppose, but the fault was still mine." The dragon-lady clears her throat. "But thank you for your understanding." She starts to drift off in the direction of the Usual. What else works inside the restaurants mysterious confines? Or pseudo-works? "I look forward to seeing you again some time!"

Only once she's turned away from Doommuffin does Liyara start processing. "Risque Animation?" What's that, sexy zombies? That's gross. Well. Humans are into weird things. What can you do?

Doommuffin offers a wave as Liyara makes her intent to leave clear. "Yes, I will see you again, I suppose! If you ever do need the muscle, do seek me out! If the idea sounds fun, my prices may be quite on the cheap side!" She then looks down at her ghost cat and says, "Okay. Let's continue, Deathcake."


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