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Full Name Seth Dark
Series Original
Gender Male
Species Human
Age 21
Birthdate 7/14
Height 5'10"
Weight 175

Seth is an inventor with bad luck. He has minor pyrokentic abilities, an obsession with steam machines, and tends to dress steam punk-ish.


Seth was the youngest child of a renowned inventor, though he grew up constantly being told about his mother and sister. He doubted they existed since he had known no one but his father his whole life. At a young age he started he started helping his father in the workshop building his gadgets. One day when his father was unveiling a new creation it exploded and took the inventor with it. No remains were ever found. It was presumed the flames burned hot enough to destroy the body.

From that day Seth worked to continue his father's work and try to find the error that caused the explosion, only he changed everything from normal mechanic's to steam power. Having the ability to create small amounts of fire helped in this task, however he did not have his father's luck. Nothing that Seth made ever worked, though he always kept trying he could never quite get there.

Despite his work and failures, he remains mostly positive and cheerful that his next projects will turn success. Though as the record shows, it's not likely.


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