2014-10-08 (PostU) Searching for Lost Friends (part I)

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Searching for Lost Friends

Summary: In an on-going page #mail scene Nancy goes to speak to Gegoshi about Guarlesia's fate.

Who: Nancy, Gegoshi
When: September 7th, 2014 - September 16th, 2014
Where: TASK Building


The information contained within this log is to be considered information gained Out of Character (OOC).
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As the heavy fog rolls away and details begin to become clear, Nancy stands just outside the new TASK building. Her eyes focus on the seemingly endless tower. Her brow creases with worry. Something here doesn't feel right. That feeling only increases as she walks up to the large double doors and pushes her way inside.

A long dark hallway greets her with doors every few feet. Colored lines decorate the walls leading to one door or another. Even with the lack of light she can make out a reception area of sorts up ahead, and when she arrives at it there's no surprise for what she finds - it's the old TASK lobby with it's mix-matched floor and a receptionist desk. A smirk spreads across her lips as she leans against it and calls out, "Gegoshi? Are you here?" Briefly she wishes she'd looked for a light switch first...

A large red counter flickers into hologram life above the reception desk: 00:02:37:14 and begins counting down the two minutes and change. Halfway through, the clock speeds up, going faster than normal seconds, and then reaches zero, blinks twice, then disappears. A 2D image of Gegoshi's face appears where the letters floated, with a large bright smile and a shining halo, the synth's voice echo's out, "Hello! You've reached the help desk. We are currently under new management and dealing with construction. Please state your name and what you need and a representiative will be along to assist you shortly!"

Nancy's immediate reaction is to groan in annoyance, but the expression on her face betrays her. She's happy to see Gegoshi, even if it's just a recorded message. Trying her best to sound serious, but unable to get rid of her smirk, the councilwoman waits only a moment longer before responding, "Nancy Dark - and I want to talk to my friend." The woman glances around the room now illuminated slightly by the glow of Gegoshi's hologram. "...and some lights. It's too dark in here." Crossing her arms, she waits for whatever response may come.

(And now I forget my last poses cause I don't have backlog, ha ha, I more or less remember it though). - The 2D image of Gegoshi's face winks out of existence and then all of the lights go out, leaving Nancy in pitch blackness. There's a few seconds pause, and then hundreds of multi-colored lights come on, flashing all about, like a rave. Rave music starts playing from all around. It lights the place up quite erratically. Along with the reception desk and the polished black marble floors, walls, and ceiling, there are square windows lining the walls. Each window shows varying images of worlds, and these are in fact, portals. A few are stable, showing rooms, houses, or a world itself, but most seem to be spamming random images everywhere. They're not backlit, so they can't be seen without outside light! Cheapskates the people that made this place!!! A ton of the lights stop being spastic and focus down on the floor in front of Nancy. Then, pieces of a human, or in this case a synth, appear in the light, one after the other, flickering into view with each light that shines, until Gegoshi's entire body is formed, albeit in about a hundred different color strands. She's dressed in straight up raver gear, with tons of neon glowing bracelets, anklets, necklaces, and hair pieces. Her top and bottom outfit is a series of these woven together, leaving her decent, or at least close too it, "Hello Nancy Dark! Welcome to the currently un-named but once named TASK Lobby that should have a new name or re-given the old name! I am operating at full capacity today! Would you like to dance?" She offers out her hand and the music beat goes into overdrive along with the light show.

Wow. Just.... wow. Nancy can only watch quietly with wide eyes at the elaborate introduction. The lights, the windows. Just... wow. Once the show is over and Gegoshi's question hangs in the air, the woman enthusiastically claps. Who needs television or cheap magic tricks around people who can do things like that?
After a half minute of clapping the councilwoman remembers she has the ability to speak. Taking a few steps towards the Synth, she /almost/ hugs her, at least coming into hugging range, with an ecstatic smile planted firmly on her face. "Oh, I've missed you!!" She blushes realizing what she was about to do and chooses instead to put her hands together and hold them crossed across her lap. Taking in the full, brightly lit, costume the girl shakes her head slowly. "Well, you certainly seem to be doing well! I half expected you to be some kind of gothic slave girl with the shift in Councils."
Nancy has kept out of everything after all. She went into hiding the moment Twisted was re-booted and then started secretly building a new city out of phase under the assumption that Diablo and Gegoshi wouldn't be able to find her, or that they even knew she was still alive. An assumption that Senior Diablo recently proved to be incorrect...

The lower part of her outfit swirls out in colors, forming a large flowing skirt, which Gegoshi takes by the hem so she can curtsey to Nancy, "I have recorded your abscence one hundred fifty thousand seven hundred and ninety two times since we last met!" She releases her hem, and the colors swirl back up to a shorter, less decent style, "I haven't spoken with the new Council, in fact I believe they are giving me free reign in an attempt to let me develop my own free will and personality, which isn't possible, however I can simulate having one, which if one considers, may be the same thing as having one. However, if you wish me to be your gothic slave girl, I can easily accomadate you! Furthermore, sans you, there is only one Council member, unless you count me, in which case there is no Council, but rather an Overseer." She tilts her head to the side and puts a finger to her lips questioningly, "Do you think Senior Diablo is doing a good job?"

Nancy's eyes express an entertaining multitude of emotions from sadness to surprise with a huge amount of embarrassment in the middle, but as always she remains silent until Gegoshi finishes speaking and has to stand a moment blinking as she tries to formulate a response to the ever-hyper synth. "Err... um... Please don't change for me! I fine however you look! I was just being silly." The comments about the Council worries her. She was of the impression that Senior Diablo didn't have an actual council for Twisted anymore. Wasn't that the point of the open forum he'd started with the pantheon-looking town hall? Still it does trouble her because it sounds like something secretive Diablo would have done. Didn't he task the cat girl over something involving council members?

The woman stands silent as she ponders all of this, probably giving Gegoshi something else to be confused about. In fact she's so lost in thoughts that she jumps a little realizing she had spaced out. "I-I'm sorry. Where were we? Oh, right. Diablo.. Frankly I don't know. Things seem well, and Twisted certainly seems more stable than it did before - but that's probably your hand more than his." The woman crosses her arms and sighs. "Honestly? No. I'm worried that something bad is going to happen and if it does we'll be no better off than we were before him." She shakes her head, not really expecting a response but feeling obligated to be truthful about it. "Anyways... I wanted to ask you about something else." Since she's still within arm's length she nervously places a hand on Gegoshi's shoulder - almost like she was expecting to be bit. Once the hand touches her, Nancy's confidence seems to be restored. "You are one of the only two people left I consider to be my friend." She takes her hand away and holds them together over her lap again. "The other was Guarlesia." She pauses a moment, looking down at the floor as her fate plays out in her mind once more. "...is there anything we could do to bring her back?"

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