2018-04-18 (PostU) The New Council (Chambers)

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The New Council (Chambers)

Summary: Gegoshi shows off one of her most recent projects to Rayne. Has it been a year already?

Who: Gegoshi, Rayne
When: April 18th, 2018
Where: Park Road South


The information contained within this log is to be considered information gained Out of Character (OOC).
This information may not be used as In Character (IC) knowledge or in roleplay unless it has been learned in-game or permission has been granted by the parties involved.

Questions should be directed to staff.

Park Road South(#5090R)

The southern section of Park Road is densely populated with the buildings clustered around the center of Twisted City. These buildings of course begin to thin as you head north towards the school. Here is located the Twisted Public Library and the Nanukakan Hospital (which is currently closed for remodeling). Across the cherry-blossom tree lined street is a halted construction project to build a new road towards the TASK Building. ----

Probably the first thing that attracts your attention to the woman you're looking at is her hair; a full rainbow of color from red on her left to a deep violet on her right cascades down to her shoulders. Once you stop looking at her hair, you might next notice the odd color of her eyes, a violet color. Currently she is wearing what seems to be brown leather armor of utilitarian build. The shirt covers her torso well, but not her upper arms. Under the chest armor is a green tunic whose sleeves are tucked into her bracers. The collar of the tunic also pokes up over the armor, rising most of the way up her neck. Below, her tunic flares out almost like a short skirt, though her legs are well covered by the pants of her armor, with a holstered blaster on a thigh holster on her right. A pair of sturdy looking boots rise halfway up to her knees. Attached to a pair of crossing belts are a pair of sheaths holding lightly curved short swords on each hip, and a quiver of arrows is held almost horizontally at the small of her back. Oddly enough, there doesn't seem to be a bow to go with those arrows.

Gegoshi has asked Rayne here to Park Road after contacting her via the G-Pad VII, the older models all having been decommissioned. The synth is currently standing near a pair of cherry blossom trees, dressed in a kimono with rainbow colors splashed all across it, like someone threw it into a giant wheel and flicked paint at it over and over. She's also a few inches taller than normal, to make the kimono look more sleek! Her halo spins above her head slowly as she waits for Rayne to show up!

The rumble of an engine is heard before any visuals. Rayne's third 'baby' so to speak. Painted a greenish blue to match the hue of her armor, the sleek motorcycle comes into view around a corner fairly quickly as she pulls up in front of the Sakura trees. She drops the kickstand as she mumbles something about finding a proper anti-grav stand, then looks up at Gegoshi. "...Taller today?" she asks as she pulls off the helmet. While originally built as purely armor, the helmet has since been modified to act as a motorcycle helmet, containing now a bit more padding. "I'm here, though."

Gegoshi smiles and waves as Rayne comes down the street with her motorcycle! "Hello! Yes!" She says, and twirls around once, "It needed to be longer to make the rainbow effect more alluring to the eyes, so I increased my stature by two inches! If you prefer, I can change me height to something shorter or taller however while I show you the new Council Chambers!" She bounces up and down once, clasping her hands together in front of herself demurely.

Rayne blinks and watches as Gegoshi bounces in place, then shakes her head. "Excited about this, I see. Well..." She brings a smile to her face and shakes her head again. "Just threw me off guard, that's all. Be however tall you want to be." She takes a breath in and lets out a semi-stressed sounding sigh before she looks towards the new building. "But... yes. I'd like to see what a /real/ building for a center of government can be like. Before I came here, I'd been avoiding them since childhood."

Gegoshi giggles, "This will be the third one Twisted has had, it'll be fun to see how long it will last!" She winks at Rayne, "But with you at the helm, I'm sure it will last a very long time!" She steps to the side of the path and then bows, gesturing with her arms sideways for Rayne to proceed past her, "Please proceed, lady Rayne of The Council."

Rayne winces slightly at the mention of this being the third and the insinuation that it won't last particularly long, but at least there's some recovery of her expression from Gegoshi's confidence in Rayne. "Thanks, but... I'd say I'm more just on the bridge than being at the helm..." She secures her helmet to her motorcycle before stepping onto the path to make her way in.

The Council Chambers: Steps(#3071R)

The ground here is lush and fertile, with many different types of plants from various worlds and dimensions. Some are simple roses, while others are rainbow patterned foilage that changes color as the wind blows across it. A cobblestone path here twists, turns, and winds its way all around the foilage, similar to Twisted Street but on a much smaller scale. The path terminates at a stone escalator of pink, red, yellow, black, and garnet. While made of stone, its function is silent, taking anyone who steps on it up towards a large doorway with an arch that says 'Council Chambers' in whatever language you're able to read.

Gegoshi follows in behind Rayne, bouncing over to be next to her on the path towards the stone escalator, "Ta da!" She says, gesturing outwards, her kimono sleeves billowing in the soft wind. Fireworks suddenly explode up into the air, lighting up the sky with red, black, blue, and grey colors! A dragon flying above roars and veers off to another direction.

Rayne is looking around at all the... Rainbow themes around everywhere, unsure of how she should feel about this. Is it a coincidence, or is it because of her? Is her thought that it could be paranoia or vanity? She's not even sure anymore which is more likely. She shakes her head again, then looks up at the sudden fireworks and blinking. "...I... what was..." She shakes her head, then looks over to Gegoshi with a light, but definitely now nervous looking smile. "Nice and welcoming. I like it. No need to be imposing like the Arena was..." She looks up towards the building again, asking, "With all the changes, I've forgotten again... Were we going to try to put the Welcome Center here, or give it its own facility?"

Gegoshi smiles brightly and spins around, bouncing along in front of Rayne as they walk, "Hooray! Thank you for the praise! It's been my understanding that the current Council members are seeking to be more approachable than the past two!" She turns, facing Rayne as she hops backwards softly, changing directions in her hop as the path twists and turns, "I'm uncertain if that decision was ever finalized! However, if you ask lady Setsuna and lady Tabitha, and share with me their desires, I can adjust things! Or if you'd care to make a unilateral decision, I will enact those changes."

Rayne sighs and shakes her head. "Honestly, I'm pretty sure it was decided and I just... forgot it. Like it slipped through everything else going on." She looks to Gegoshi with a tired smile and says, "Maybe I'm just getting old. But my father would still probably call me just a hatchling." She looks up as she reaches the escalator, stepping on and letting its pace determine hers for the moment. "But... Yes. We're here for the people. It does us no good to seperate ourselves from them all."

Gegoshi hops on the arm of the escalator, sitting on it to ride it up along with Rayne towards the doorway, "I'll check with the others then myself and contact you on the G-Pad-VII!" She turns and looks up towards the approaching doorway, her hair flowing behind her and her halo gently spinning, "May I present to you The Council Chambers waiting area!" She says and hops off the escalator as it takes them inside!

The Council Chambers: Steps(#3071R)

The ground here is lush and fertile, with many different types of plants from various worlds and dimensions. Some are simple roses, while others are rainbow patterned foilage that changes color as the wind blows across it. A cobblestone path here twists, turns, and winds its way all around the foilage, similar to Twisted Street but on a much smaller scale. The path terminates at a stone escalator of pink, red, yellow, black, and garnet. While made of stone, its function is silent, taking anyone who steps on it up towards a large doorway with an arch that says 'Council Chambers' in whatever language you're able to read.

You get on the stone escalator and ride it up through the archway, a soft chiming of bells sounding in the far distance.

The Council Chambers: Entry(#3067R)

The stone escalator deposits you inside of a large waiting room. Couches, recliners, and even a few beds are decorated all around, though there are three distinct different areas, separated by colors painted on the walls, ceiling, and floor. The first is garnet themed, with a large mural of nine planets orbiting a single sun and stars dotted everywhere. The second is a mixture of grey and purple, with couches that have cat ears popping out of the sides. The third is rainbow colored, with a large phoenix painted on the floor that travels up the wall, exploding into a giant rainbow fireball.

At the center of the three areas is a small pedastal. The words 'SUMMON' in red letters hover in the air above a large red button. Written on the pedastal itself: are the words, "WARNING: Summoning The Council can result in Apocalypse. Please use with extreme caution."

In the far back of the room is a single door where the three colors of the room meet up, though there's no knob, handle, or card key entry. This door only opens when it wants to.

Rayne nods once as she steps off the escalator. "Thank you. I'm anxious to get it out of what looks too much like a military isntallation." She steps into the building, then looks around. "It's... wonderful, really." Well, this time there's no question the rainbow section is inspired by her... but in this case, it only makes sense. It's the three of them... the knowledge of which makes her wince. Wasn't there supposed to be Seven originally? She steps up to the button in the middle and pauses. "...Apocalypse? Should we... really have something this dangerous just.... sitting there?" She rubs the bridge of her nose, recalling the last time someone managed to summon her. Well, at least her old friends appeared to have been doing well without her, even if she doesn't remember the end of what happened there at all. Her eyes follow along the phoenix up the wall and to the door. "Well, it's still good to keep it comfortable in here. Make people less likely to hit the button."

Gegoshi walks over towards the pedastal and button, then looks towards Rayne giggling, "The button will send a message to each of the Council members G-Pad VII's informing them that someone wants to speak with them, along with a bio reading, picture, and any other information about the entity that pushed the button. The warning is because when the original council was summoned by Crux Caedon, it was a triggering point that led to the first Apocalypse of Twisted, and eventually the death of every existing Council member at that time. So," she smiles, "I thought a warning would be prudent, even if summoning you three might not lead to an apocalypse, it is possible!" She then nods at all of the furnishings, thinking that maybe she'll add a way for people to get food and drink. But, then you might get Hobo Joe, King of the hobos and his ilk setting up in here.

Rayne's shoulders relax visably now. "Oh, so it's a joke reference... Okay. I do feel a lot better about it now, yes. Well, it does make it less likely people will bother us over trivial things when we're off doing something else." She looks to the door again before looking to Gegoshi again with a light smile. "I think an e-mail isn't very likely to bring about another apocalypse. At least not the method of communication and 'summoning' itself." She plops down onto one of the couches in her own section. "Ooh. Comfy. My cats would probably rip one of these to shreds."

Gegoshi tilts her head back and forth. Joke reference, maybe? The synth really does believe that it might start an apocalypse if somone came and summoned the Council, but maybe it's a joke and a warning at the same time. She'll have to run that through a few processes! She runs over and jumps down on the couch near Rayne, but not right next to her, "Thank you!" She holds her hands out, force fields summoning into being around her, "Would you like a massage before proceeding to the Concil Chambers? You seem to be suffering from stress, which can cloud ones actions and emotions!"

Rayne actually blushes at the offer of a massage. Oops. Stress levels just went up instead! "Wh-what? No, I'm fine, really!" The force fields trick doesn't work, unfortunately. Mental quirks and all that. "L-let's just go on into the chambers and see where I'll be working." And with that said, she's already back up on her feet and walking towards that door.

Gegoshi drops the force fields and hops up! She's pretty good at reading body language, actually it's one of her purposes of being created to know what people want without them having to ask. She follows along after Rayne, "I'm very sorry!" She catches up, moving over to the doorway with her, "I have researched and found a creature known as a Glizzlelag that is shaped like a sphere the size of a fist, it is non-sentient, but will immediately react when placed on ones skin and begin a full body massage by spreading itself out and applying pressure in various areas. Would you like to know its dimensional coordinates so you can hunt it down for personal use?" As the two near the door, it simply disappears, allowing the two access. It's setup to automatically allow any Council member that approaches access.

Rayne blinks and looks back again. "I... what? No... I have an electric one at home... and if I lie on my stomach, half the time my cats will end up walking on my back for a moment before lying down anyway... I'm fine, really, that's more than good enough," she says as she now almost stiffly walks her way to the door. There's a slight pause as the door just... vanishes, but she assumes this is 'working as intended' from the lack of any response from Gegoshi, and walks on through.

The Council Chambers(#2778R)

A great swirling universe hovers in the air above The Councl Chambers, constantly changing from one plate to the next, one could stare at it for years and never see the same place. Below this is a round table with three distinct chairs.

Setsuna's chair is made of garnet, with a pair of staff keys as arm rests that curve up around the back of the chair and branch together in the shape of a heart at the top.

Tabitha's chair is in the shape of a giant cat face for the seat, with blue eyes that stare up at the ceiling. It's almost more of a lounge chair than something that should be placed at a table, but the height is so one can comfortably lay back and still be eye level with the other tables occupants. The colors shift from grey to purple, and the fabric is a cushy velvet.

Against the back wall opposite the entry door is a giant G-Pad-VII, serving as a television, communicator, and whatever else Gegoshi uses those for.

Rayne's chair is an actual rainbow that's been made semi-solid and lengthened out, allowing one to sit on it without falling off. Spiraling up behind the rainbow is a phoenix with wings outstretched and fire burning almost like a crown across its brow, serving as a backrest.

Gegoshi follows Rayne in, moving over to stand near the oversized G-Pad VII, nodding at Rayne's response. She has personality matrix's for each person she interacts with, and Rayne's is difficult, because it's hard to find a way that she can actually please her. But, it seems like any attempts to make Rayne comfortable tend to have the opposite effect. Maybe she'll have Rayne run through a setup procedure with her, something she does whenever she got a new owner. Except of course, she doesn't have an owner anymore, which she's still working out. Free will isn't something built into her.

Don't feel too bad, Gegoshi. Even Rayne hasn't figured herself out yet, and she's had over four centuries to try. She's looking about the room, looking up for a while before finally down at the table. Okay, her chair is a bit gaudy for her liking, but she has the feeling that the other two might feel the same way. These are chairs that represent themselves to others in a way that's clear, she's guessing. And the Rainbow Phoenix motif is something that people know well about her, so it will do, she supposes. She steps on over to what is very clearly her chair and takes a seat on it, a light sigh of acceptance audible as she does so. "It's funny. I keep thinking like none of this is actually real, still, and that I'm just some... temporary thing, someone holding a place until who's supposed to be doing this is here. I guess this... kinda helps me solidify things in my head."

As Rayne sits down in the chair, the rainbow colors move, creating a spiral of colors underneath her flowing in a slow mesmerizing pattern. The fire above the phoenix flares a little bit brighter, its shape becoming just a little more crown like, though remaining unshaped enough that you couldn't just say, yeah, that's a crown.

Gegoshi giggles, "Welcome to the Council room! I hope everything is to your liking! If there are any changes you'd like, feel free to inform me and I will make them for you!" She bows!

After looking down at the patterns, then up at the flaring phoenix, she looks over to Gegoshi again with a somewhat tired looking smile. "Oh, don't worry about it. It's maybe a little flashy, but if the others' do something like that, well, then we're at least still on the same page, right?" She looks up at the phoenix again and frowns slightly. "I'm just... For over four centuries, this was something about myself I hid. To have it just so... out in the open like this... It's... taking a lot of getting used to, still."

Gegoshi nods her head, walking over to be closer to Rayne, though not too close, since she knows she likes her space, or at least, not to be physically touched. She looks up at the phoenix, "I have much information on phoenix's, however, most of them don't contain stories of them taking human form, or being a mix of phoenix and something else." She looks back towards Rayne, "I'm gateful that I'm able to extend my knowledge database about them by interacting with you!" She puts her arms in opposing kimono sleeves.

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