2019-09-03 - The Queen Arrives

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The Queen Arrives

Summary: Jack's out on patrol as a newcomer arrives - and promptly knocks her memory straight to the curb.

Who: Jack Hawksmoor, Nora Valkyrie
When: September 3rd, 2019
Where: Fukuoka Court South

Jack Hawksmoor-icon.gifNora Valkyrie-icon.gif

The information contained within this log is to be considered information gained Out of Character (OOC).
This information may not be used as In Character (IC) knowledge or in roleplay unless it has been learned in-game or permission has been granted by the parties involved.

Questions should be directed to staff.

Fukuoka Court South(#5204R)

Fukuoka is a pleasant crescent-shaped street that runs alongside the school, and is rarely referred to by its proper name. Frequent foot traffic is broken here and there by gaggles of students during the day, and a large parking lot squats opposite the Academy entrance. From the early evening, this place is almost eerily quiet.

It's probably a good thing that it is night considering what is about to happen. The street lights running down the Court flicker as the roar of what might sound at first like a jet engine comes blasting across the sky. At least at first. The sound begins to sputter as the 'engine' runs out of power. A comical "Uh oh" might be faintly heard as a girl in a pink skirt comes falling out of the sky standing atop a rocket-propelled hammer - or at least what should have been rocket-propelled? With a giggling scream the girl hits the brick wall that surrounds the school face first and collapses like a cheap cartoon character in a heap on the sidewalk. Welcome to Twisted!

It's a quiet night, and that's probably exactly why there's a guy perched on a rooftop opposite the school like a suited gargoyle. He's in a light, easy crouch, eyes half-closed. It might almost seem that he's asleep. Until those eyes snap wide open the precise moment the street lamps flicker, as if the man is hooked into the same circuit. He moves, swiftly, to the edge of the roof. As the girl hits the ground, he jumps, landing on his feet lighter than any cat. "That looked like it hurt."

Maybe she really is a cartoon. Her eyes are spinning in a spiral and if you squint it almost looks like little rockets are dancing around her hea-With a shake of her head the illusion is gone and the girl rubs the back of her skull. "Y-yeeeah. Yeah it did." She peers around and then up at the man. "How... How'd I get here?"

"Eh, same way I did, fell through a hole in the sky." The man glances up, then offers a hand to the girl. "Probably a way back. Eventually." He's pretty nondescript. An ordinary looking Caucasian guy in a scruffy suit and no shoes.

The girl takes the offered hand and pulls herself up, and then dusts off her butt. "The sky is full of holes, silly! I mean, it's one big hole, isn't it?" She looks up and picks up the massive hammer with ease. "Wait, none of that looks familiar." She's talking about the stars of course. "I don't think I'm from here." Yes, he just said that basically. Give her a moment.

Given he needed more than a moment himself, he's definitely willing to do that. He's being nice. He's not telling her the stars are actually fake yet. "Take a moment," he suggests, his voice quiet and gentle.

The girl glances around. Stares. You can almost hear the clock comically ticking away. "NOPE!" Nope what? Dammit, Nora! You're not making this easy for your player!

Jack Hawksmoor tilts his head. "Was that aimed at me or yourself?" he can't resist asking. Whoever this girl is...she's clearly not a mundane human...she seems almost as shaken as he was, and he had, well, a disadvantage.

The girl tilts her head to the side and knocks on the side of her skull. "I was saying I have no idea where I am! I thought if I waited a moment I might remember, but-pfffffffft. Nope!" Well that explains that. Without looking the girl folds up her hammer, converting it to some kind of hand-held gun which she somehow clips onto her belt. "I hope there's food around here somewhere! Wherever here is."

"I can take you somewhere with food," the man offers. "Lead you, anyway." He doesn't have a vehicle of any kind, after all...he much prefers his own means of transportation.

"HAH!! You're not supposed to talk to strangers! Don't you know that?" She looks at him with a shake of her head, "Duuuuuuuuh." She waits a moment and smiles, "So, you're gonna have to tell me your name ain'cha?"

"Jack Hawksmoor," the man introduces. It won't mean anything to her, but it's a name. It's even his real name!

Nora grins, "Cool, cool. Nice to meet'cha Jack Hawksmoor." She blinks, "Oooooooh, do you turn into a hawk or something?!" No, no. Wait. Focus. "Sorry, my name's N-" Blink. Blinkblink. "Nnnn-. Huh. It's definitely an N word." The girl starts rubbing the back of her head again, "I musta hit my head harder than I thought."

Jack Hawksmoor shakes his head. "Nah, I don't turn into a hawk." And, oh dear, amnesia. "We might have to take you to the clinic, get you checked out...I think you have concussion." Always an ow.

The girl shakes her head, "Nuh-uh. Nooooo. Nope." She shakes her head defiantly. "No doctors. It's probably nothing, I mean what's a name anyways!?" She struggles to remember her name again, "It'll come back to me. Nnnnecktie. Nnnnewt. Nnnnnormandy." The girl frowns. "I normally know this."

"You hit your head hard. And the doctors here are used to weird stuff," Jack argues. "Unless you're as weird as me." They can't exactly fix him. They don't know how.

Nora bends sideways at the hip and looks him up and down. "You don't look very weird to me. I mean, you don't seem to have a weapon on your hip - so you're not a hunter. And you-" She blinks, "A HUNTER! See?! I remembered something!!" She does a victory fist pump in the air. "I don't remember what that means, but it seemed important!" Oh boy.

"I don't use weapons," Jack says. "And a hunter of what, I wonder." The question sounds almost entirely rhetorical, as if he doesn't expect an answer.

The girl rubs the back of her head again, "I don't know." She blinks, "Y'know, I-I feel like I'm someone important. Maybe I'm the hunter?" Her eyes narrow as she concentrates, "Out stalking the night, seeking my prey." She feels the need to make spooky hand gestures as she recites this. "Out for food out for..." The girl suddenly gasps, "MAYBE I'M A VAMPIRE!?!? Wait, no. That'd be stupid. Vampires are afraid of hammers."

"You're important, I suspect, or you wouldn't be here." Maybe he's got a point. Taking her seriously about no doctors, for now, he's going to try and steer the girl to the Usual. "Also, I don't *think* you're a vampire."

Nora allows herself to be led, after all she's got no one else to talk to. "Yeah, see. I'm just not thinking big enough." She pauses mid-step and palms her fist. "I'm a queen! I mean, obviously!" She gestures down at herself, "Look at how I'm dressed!" In a cropped jacket and a pink skirt? "Of COURSE I'm royalty! HAHAHAHAHA!!!" There's something disturbingly manic in that laugh. "I must rebuild my empire! The Valkyries shall rise once more!! You can be my new general!" She holds her hands out, seeing all this in her head in vivid detail, "You will have armies at your command! A massive room in my castle! Your own personal servants! WE SHALL LIVE AS KINGS!!" Of course this makes her giggle, "Well, I'll live as a Queen, but you get the idea."

"I wouldn't be a very good general," Jack says, wryly. "No experience commanding armies." Maybe she is a queen, but Jack knows his own limitations, as arrogant as he can be at times.

The girl pats him on the back, "Don't sell yourself short! In all the time I've known you you've proven yourself to be knowledgeable and dependable! Why, you even led me to remember my calling in life! You're a born leader!" She pauses to reflect of course, "Not as good of a leader as me, obviously, since I'm the Queen, but if I were NOT the Queen, you would be my first pick for King of this Kingdom! Obviously that makes you the best choice for a general!" Yes it all makes sense. N-no it doesn't. Not at all.

Jack Hawksmoor shakes his head a little in obvious amusement. "I suppose that's logical." Probably shouldn't enable the delusion, or whatever it is, but at least it's a *fun* delusion. His back, by the way? Very solid.

Don't encourage her! "So where are we going?! Is the food good?! I'll have to get some new servants so they can bring me pancakes at all hours of the night." She pushes up both her sleeves, "WE SHALL FEAST UNTIL OUR BELLIES ARE FULL!!" She cackles happily, "Then we shall FEAST SOME MORE!!"

"It's called the Usual, and I'm sure they have pancakes." Jack might not pay a huge amount of attention to the menu, but it does seem like you can order anything there.

About two minutes go by before she cries out, "We've been walking FOREVER! How long is this street? Is this 'Usual' even on this street? Should call for a bullhead? I've probably get the number of a good place on my scroll." She's not even aware that these words don't make sense to anyone else. At least she's remembering things.

"No, it's around the corner. And I suppose I *could* call for a cab." She did have a head injury...

Nora takes out her scroll and starts tapping on its screen. Basically it looks like a cellphone but made of a pane of glass and can be compressed smaller with the push of a button. "Huh. No signal here either." She puts it back in one of the pockets of her jacket and starts goose stepping comically. "Entertain me! Where do you live? What do you do around here? What's this place called?"

"You'll need to get it reprogrammed," Jack says. "You're in Mabase, although you might also hear Twisted City...kind of a nickname." He shrugged. "I'm a detective."

The girl lets out a laugh, "Wait, it's Twisted City AND Mabase? What is one like a Kingdom or a province? Maybe a neighborhood?" She barely lets the question sit in the air before she detours again, "A detective, huh? That's a weird day job for a general. I guess it'll make it easier for you to stop threats to the kingdom. None shall get past your keen eye and detective skills!"

Jack Hawksmoor shakes his head. "You haven't been somewhere that had an official name and an unofficial one before?"

Nora starts walking backwards, "I don't remember!!" The girl folds her hands behind her head, you know, in case she falls. "I can't remember much before that wall. Why was there a wall there anyways? Who puts walls around schools? Are they worried Grimm are going to start attacking the students? See, that wouldn't happen if people would stop over reacting to everything." What is she on about now?

"I *think* it's decorative," Jack muses. "I haven't asked." Overreacting? "What's a Grimm?" he asks, finally.

The girl balks at that, "What's a GRIMM?! Souless black monsters covered in bones who march around the outskirts of cities feasting upon-!" Her eyes go wide and she stumbles, but catches herself turning it into a cartwheel. "I CAN REMEMBER SOMETHING!!!" She pauses and frowns, "Wait. I think. Why don't you know what a Grimm is?" She elbows him in the ribs, "You're TESTING ME, aren't you?"

Jack Hawksmoor laughs. "You aren't where you're from. There aren't any Grimms here. Yet, anyway." If one shows up, he'll know who to ask about them...

The girl just laughs along with him. "Of COURSE I'm not where I'm from. I don't have amnesia there!" Abruptly she reaches out and hugs him - possibly tighter than he expected and will lift him off the ground if he's not careful. "You're the best general ever, Jack." Letting go of him, the girl goes back to walking with or without him. "WHERE ARE THE PANCAKES!?!"

Jack Hawksmoor may be a tiny bit heavier than he looks. Just maybe. Not that it'll be a problem, but she might notice. "Not much further." They're about at the junction with Twisted Street now.

Nora will hum an off-tune melody the remainder of the way. No matter where the rest of the night takes her, at least she hopefully made a new friend. WHETHER HE LIKES IT OR NOT.

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