2020-02-07 - You Missed a Spot...

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You Missed a Spot...

Summary: Adam's still injured, but hasn't been asking Shiro for help... which is sort of why they decided to stay in the same apartment. So Shiro has to call Adam out when he notices there's some problem with Adam trying to do everything.

Who: Takashi Shirogane, Adam Weissman
When: February 7, 2020
Where: Integra's Arms - Takashi Shirogane's Apartment

Adam Weissman-icon.gifTakashi Shirogane-icon.gif

The information contained within this log is to be considered information gained Out of Character (OOC).
This information may not be used as In Character (IC) knowledge or in roleplay unless it has been learned in-game or permission has been granted by the parties involved.

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Adam winces as he sits down in one of the chairs in the living room. Though he tries to hide it, because he doesn't want Shiro to worry about him. Honestly he's fine, just... yeah. His leg has more or less healed, but his ribs are still injured. It's not like one can put a cast on ribs, after all. One just has to wait for them to heal.

Of course, the ache is partly his fault this time -- he'd refused aid in the bath every time, citing the presence of a shower chair as being enough to assure he'll be fine. Unfortunately it's really hard to wash his back like that. Not to mention trying to dry his hair -- he can't reach up to his head without pain, and bending his body down also hurts his sides.

Which brings us to this point... a sore Adam with still mostly-wet hair sitting down in one of the chairs, trying really hard not to show that he's in pain. Shiro might remember his expressions well enough though... the way his brow pinches between his eyes, the slight tension at his jaw that indicates his teeth are clenched. Of course, the biggest giveaway is probably the shallow breathing.

Shiro kind of slinks in behind Adam with a raised brow. "Is it just me...or is your hair still dirty..." he wonders curiously, "Did you do alright?"

Adam tilts his head back, though winces again when his head turns a little too far. "What?" He blinks, rather automatically raising a hand to his head to check... and then wincing again. He can't hide it this time, it just hurts too much. Adam pauses a moment, pausing to take a few breaths. Which also hurt, but well... he needs to breathe. "No... I'm sure I got it," he finally says, his voice taut. It's not an angry sort of tautness, though.

Shiro raises a brow. "If you're sure...I mean...I didn't know soap in the hair was an in thing these days," he states, "That part really isn't a big deal to help take care of, you know..."

Adam blushes, and reaches up again -- this time more slowly, so it doesn't hurt as much. "...Damn. I thought I got it all," he mutters. A sigh -- a short one, mind -- and he puts his hand back down, and stands. Again, slowly, because ow. He pauses as Shiro mentions helping, though, and blinks. "Maybe I'm just a bit slow on the uptake, but... wouldn't that require you to be in the bathroom while I was taking a bath?"

"This part we could actually handle at a sink but....was your hair ALL you missed," Shiro wonders, "I mean...assuming it's somewhere that isn't too invasive, I could help with that too."

Well, there's that, at least. Shiro seems to be at least respecting that it would be awkward as all hell for him to be in there after things went the way they did between the two of them, and that makes Adam relax a bit. He thinks about the situation a moment, and finally admits, "...It's a little difficult to get to my back." With his usual flair for understatement; there's no way he's reaching his back until his ribs heal a little more. But he doesn't like admitting that he needs help with something. Particularly not something that's supposed to be so easy under normal circumstances.

"Yeah I can handle that," Shiro states, "I mean it's not like I'm seeing anything I haven't before anyway, but I would guess our situation would leave you uncomfortable with me seeing more than your back."

That comment does not help Adam's blush go away. But he's definitely trying not to draw attention to it. Rather than looking away, Adam draws himself up a little straighter. Shiro can probably hear what's coming before Adam even opens his mouth -- "That's not the point." Whether it's 'anything he hasn't seen before' or not. "It's really not appropriate, given... the situation."

"Yeah, yeah, it's fine...it's not like I'm pressuring you or trying to look," Shiro states, "I just know you need help and you're being stubborn about it...we can do it so nothing unappropriate happens...it'll be fine."

Yeah, Adam realizes he's being stubborn. Though it's more for Shiro's sake, honestly. The problems that drove them apart don't really exist anymore, that's true, but that doesn't mean there wouldn't still be problems. Hence Adam's insistence on keeping that distance between them -- they're friends now, not in a romantic relationship.

It doesn't really occur to him until just then... their breakup was years ago for Shiro. For Adam, it was about a year, give or take. It's fresher in his mind than in Shiro's no doubt. A bit of logic slaps Adam in the face here... Shiro's dealt with the breakup. He's moved on. It's him -- Adam, that is -- who hasn't.

Adam's shoulders slump a bit, and his eyes close. He shakes his head. "...I'm sorry. I'm an idiot. It must seem like I'm just... needlessly putting walls in the way," he says quietly. He seems like he wants to say something else, but then seems to change his mind. "Well. Just... I'm sorry. I'm not trying to be difficult."

Shiro pats at Adam's shoulder carefully. "Eh, it's fine...the time is strange between us and you haven't had as long to process all the strange things that have gone on." He also still doesn't even know the whole story for obvious reasons.

Most definitely. There are things that Shiro probably wouldn't want Adam to know about. Though Adam points out, with a little bit of a smirk, "I didn't get to experience any of those strange things. I died." That's right, his craft was shot down during the real 'first contact' with the Galra. He wouldn't have any way of knowing about what happened afterwards, anything about the Alteans, anything about any of the other alien races that came to help Earth throw off the Galran occupation.

Takashi Shirogane says, "Exactly, you're just figuring it out...I've lived it for a few years...and you 'died' you didn't die. You showed up here is all."

"I'm still trying to figure that out..." Adam notes, sitting back down. "I mean... have I been here that long and just didn't know it? Or did you get pulled backwards through time? Or... is this place noWHEN as well as being noWHERE?"

Takashi Shirogane says, "I would think it is the last, given what little we have learned of this place."

"That it's just... not just spatially disconnected, but temporally so, too?" Adam inquires. "That's... I don't know if I can mentally process that." He shakes his head. "I think I'm just going to be glad I got away with burns and broken bones instead of completely dead, and not think too hard about the method behind it."

"That's for the best," Shiro agrees, "After a while you've gotta just agree that something is outside of your grasp and roll with it, as helpless as that feels."

Adam nods. "And you know how I hate feeling helpless," he notes, with a bit of a chuckle. Since that's... well, that's kind of what started all this anyway, Adam being stubborn about accepting help...

Shiro nods in reply. "And you know how I am about it as well..." he states, as that started this even FURTHER back, being a part of what caused them to seperate.

"...Yeah," Adam recalls. His smile does fall a bit -- he definitely does remember. But then he reasons, "If you can be at least enough at peace with it not to let it bother you, then I don't see why I couldn't do the same." Since... well, he doesn't want to think about whether people disappear the same way they appear. Because where would he go? Apparently he never was seen again, from what Shiro knows. So if Adam disappeared from here...

...Yeah, Adam doesn't want to think about that...

"Yeah...so, let's get this taken care of," Shiro murmurs before gesturing and making his way off.

Adam nods. "Right, yes... the soap," he recalls. Having dried soap in one's hair isn't pleasant. He stands slowly and heads into the kitchen behind Shiro.

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