2020-05-02 - A New Experience

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A New Experience

Summary: Vergil explains and uses his bonding ability on SilverSight

Who: Vergil Madox, Silversight,
When: May 2nd, 2020.
Where: Maebase library.

SilverSight-icon.gifVergil Madox-icon.gif

The information contained within this log is to be considered information gained Out of Character (OOC).
This information may not be used as In Character (IC) knowledge or in roleplay unless it has been learned in-game or permission has been granted by the parties involved.

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Vergil Madox has come back to the library once more. feeling a bit tired, which is unusual for his species. which is why the ochaziss is actually crawling in his orange blob form under the door instead of as a human going through. he starts undulating towards another shelf, a good book or 7 is what he needs to relax he thinks.

SilverSight seems to be working with the main reception computer today. Possibly entering in various book information and the like. Though he's not using the keyboard or mouse it seems. His horn is glowing and his eyes are looking all about the screen.. and sometimes something only maybe even he can see?

Vergil Madox gathers a few tomes on his "back" before depositing them on a table. "good evening silver." vergil ripples. "how are you this evening, I hope you don't mind but I let myself in." he states, a small pseudopod lifting a cover on a book entitled "Almanac of Ferocious Beasts of Pandora by Sir Hammerlocke" just one of many in the stack he plans on going through tonight.

SilverSight blinks a few times and looks over the counter to the orange gloopie holding books, "Oh, hello again Vergil. It's quite alright. The library is open to everyone at just about any time. I haven't posted official hours yet after all, Find some good things to read?"

Vergil Madox nods a pseudopod. "indeed. I have and your collection has as of right now been quite a good read as of so far having gone through ten of your books already." he says "I'm doing 7 over the next hour because I'm a bit tired." he says "which is unusual." he says "though it's likely because I have not bonded or eaten in a long while. probably a month." he muses

SilverSight ooohs and nods, "Well that's.. actually pretty impressive even compared to my own records." He tilts his head curiously at the last bit, "Well what do you normally eat then? Anything a regular human or pony may eat or do you have a special diet?"

Vergil Madox ripples "I can eat just about anything but I don't like to, adds to my mass and makes being smaller creatures much more difficult and getting rid of that mass is a painful procedure so... rather not but I will if this keeps up, I prefer my bonding. much more efficient but I shouldnt expect anyone to take me up on that for qutie a while." the blob says seeming to cover the book as a page turns every other second.

SilverSight watches the book pages flick so rapidly. Even he doesn't read that fast! Clearly the orange one should have the book cutie mark, "Hmm. Well many people seem to have some issue with ending up fat, yet hate exercising to work it off. I was actually relatively malnourished before I ended up in Neo Tokyo." He rubs a hoof under his chin, "What's this.. bonding procedure like?"

Vergil Madox ripples once more "there is no way for me to get rid of mass without literally destroying it which means... essentially the equivalent of you taking a slice out of you. it's not fun in the slightest." he states. he is flipping through them quite quickly but his absolutely perfect memory means he only has to skim the pages essentially to remember the entire book by heart. he can recite Shakespeare if that means anything. "this is the part I kept secret. I am a symbiote. that means I work with other organisms for a common benefit. I can give them some of my powers, the shape-changing, my memories, an improvement to theirs, for the price of some of their metabolism, in the end you feel tired for a night, wake up refreshed, I get another solid month of alertness."

SilverSight could probably shoot a nice beam of disintegration magic at a big that the blob has broken off for the purpose of reducing mass, but he has a feeling the guy wouldn't go for it. He listens carefully to the bonding process and hmms, "Curious. Can't say I've ever met a symbiote like that before. Do you connect to the other person's nervous system somehow?"

Vergil Madox would still feel it, he can break himself into many pieces and feel every bit so unless disintegration magic is painless. likely not. "I do, I absorb through the skin and have some things of my own and also bond to your body. Are you simply curious or weighing the options of offering?"

SilverSight does have doubts that it would be painless, sadly. At least everyone he's shot at seemed to be quite unhappy as they turned into a pile of glowing pink dust. A small shrug is given, "Well you say it'd just be.. what a day's worth of activity and a nice nap and you're good for a whole month. Not sure what I'd do with such abilities though."

Vergil Madox states. "well its about 5 now, if you go till about 11 with me I'll be set." he says coming down off the table undulating toward the desk. "anything you'd like I can modify your form, help you remember important things. even use your mind as your own personal movie theatre." he says "if you trust me that is. I can't hide inside you so I'll have to put my mass somewhere." he mentions.

SilverSight chuckles softly to that, "I don't think I need much in the way of modificiations and I honestly doubt that you would enjoy the movies that would play in MY head, assuming you get to watch them too. Where would your mass be going?"

Vergil Madox comes and climbs up the desk "anywhere you would like or I can choose a location or two." he says "all modifications are temporary, once I leave you will be back to how you were before I interacted with no ill effects other than maybe a bit of fatigue that will go away over time."

SilverSight reaches a hoof to gently pokepoke at the orange critter, "Well I guess I don't have any particular location in mind. I guess you could chill out on my back or something?"

Vergil Madox says "I'd have to become a part of you, which means adding over a hundred and fifty pounds to your back would both look and feel awkward I think. though if you trust me enough I have a few theories we can try. you must allow me in however, if you try to push me out you will succeed."

SilverSight chuckles softly, "I may not look it, but I do promise that we ponies are stronger than we look. Since you have more knowledge of the concept, I'm quite willing to listen to your ideas and theories."

Vergil Madox states. "if you want a more even layer I can add muscle or fat all over or grow you overall. if you dont mind more centralized weight I can grow out body parts like your hooves or belly." he states. "though any combination of them is possible as long as all my mass is accounted for."

SilverSight hmms and nods, "Alright.. that's fair I suppose. It would help carry such a weight if your mass was used to make me even stronger to handle it to begin with. An overall increase, with extra attention to the legs would probably be best so I don't end up unbalanced." A soft chuckle is given, "I might even end up looking like Big Macintosh."

Vergil Madox states "if you're ready then put your hoof on me and I'll absorb into you." he says

SilverSight stands up from the chair he's in and lifts a hoof on the table to poke into the jell-o mass once again.

The orange mass begins to disappear as it is absorbed into the pony's hoof and begins spreading a warmth and tightness entering the pony's body as the muscles begin to tense and grow, the soft shape of Silversight slowly becoming toned as each muscle group grows slightly larger bit by bit as more of vergil comes in.

SilverSight would probably wiggle fingers at the tingly sensation if he had any. ... maybe he can see what the big deal is with fingers now? He shifts on his hooves as he feels his body changing and getting a little bigger and stronger.

Vergil Madox continues pouring in as all 160 pounds of his body absorb into the pony. all 160 pounds of that being made into pure muscle turning the fairly average pony into a bodybuilder version of himself, thick neck, ripped haunches and forelegs, and deep chest. he was a beastly looking pony. "how is that?" Vergil asks, his voice seeming to come from every direction, echoing like a cave when in reality it was all in silver's head, Vergil was unable to be heard outside.

SilverSight meeps and wiggles ears at the sensation of the.. not even surround sound. Inner voice? He starts moving around curiously, seeing how the muscles flex as he moves and the deeep thumpthump on the floor with each hoofbeat, "Well now.. that sure as hell feels different."

silver has full control each of his muscles rippling, even this famed macintosh might have to stand aside for the new powerhouse. it is more like an inner voice really . "different good I hope." Vergil states. "I can of course readjust as needed, less in one area, more in another, or something different."

SilverSight shrugs giant shoulders, "Oh it's fine.. just taking some getting used to. Do you have any control of my body like this? Or do you just.. kinda hitch a ride?

Vergil Madox states "I only have control if you want me to, your body understands your desires. but if you don't want me to you have full control and yes, I'm merely a passenger." he says. "though I am able to change where my and your mass goes. if you wanted to get even more muscular I can shrink your overall size to add to your impressive build"

SilverSight goes for a walk around the library to get a feel for the size and shape, "You needn't worry about that. I was never terribly interested in trying to get any bigger than I already was, so this is plenty."

Silver would feel the power of his new form, athletic and strong, much like a stalion should and then some. his unnatural bulk showing quite well. he is a bit wider too. "simply mentioning the nearly infinite biological possibilities."

SilverSight finds a place to lay himself down and streeetch out to relax, "Mmrph.. I guess I make my own pillow now. You said you shared memories? Anything interesting to watch?"

Vergil Madox states. "It depends on what you find interesting." he admits. "are you enjoying your new bulk?"

SilverSight hmmms, "well I myself am a fan of the fantasy and sci-fi genres for the most part. The humanoids come up with some pretty interesting stuff that never occured to ponies of my timeline. And the muscles are fine. I feel a bit heavy, but that's to be expected and I can manage the extra weight."

Vergil Madox begins shifting. "I'm going to try somthing." he states as the pony's giant muscles fade, but his lower legs and hooves are growing by significant margins in return, the pony now back to normal but with giant hooves nearly as big as his own body. "well its not exactly a movie per-say, it plays memories like a movie. and allows you to be in a dream like coma with me using your mind and imagination as the basis. I do not suggest that for first time bonders however."

SilverSight... suddenly has giant hooves! Well that also feels quite strange. And yet he's somehow able to walk around with them.. modrately okay, "Huh.. Well if it helsp any, I'm well-practiced in the art of lucid dreaming and memory spells."

Vergil Madox seems impressed. "all that is, is basiccaly an induced lucid dream state. interesting, we may have to dig a bit deeper." he says. "another time perhaps. as you can see modification of your form is easy." he states.

SilverSight nodnods to that, "Very much so. I'm quite impressed that it doesn't cause any pain or physical damage. Do you create the additional tissues and bone structures to use?"

Vergil Madox confirms "yes, I do create new structures as long as they are organic." he state, or modifications of ones that already exist depending on what the change in question is." he states "I'm decent at my job here. and therefore I do not cause discompfort."

SilverSight hmms and nods, "Well that is quite nice, yes. I imagine that I'd be more entertaining for you if my imagination was all that great. It's part of why I enjoy reading so many books. New ideas and thoughts to be had."

Vergil Madox smiles internally. "well if you don't mind I'll keep you like this for the night and recharge, I very much thank you for the oportunity and your trust." he states. "You do not know how thankfull I am. should you need my service you know what I can do if need be." he says.

SilverSight chuckles softly, "I'm glad to be of assistance. I would like for my friends to be well-fed and healthy. As has been stated, at least I take no lasting damage for allowing you to temporarily share my body."

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