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NPC: Debbie

One of at least two robots created by Medical Mechanica which runs the front desk at the Integra Arms Hotel. Tampering with it showed they where similar in design to Gegoshi.

"CuRRenTlY MeDiCaL MEchANiCa iS ofFerRing DisPLAced TRAVELERS a PLaCe TO StAY aFtEr tHeRe arrival HeRe ON TWISTED! ThE CoMpANy HaS alWaYs bEEn HerE TO HELP YOU frOm tHe SHalLOWs. ThIs uNit Was IMplANtEd wIth ProtOcOLs PRior To DiSTRibutION BuT dOes Not ConTAin a STApleR or PHotoCOpier."

~ Debbie's answer to "who is Medical Mechanica" while under Gegoshi's control

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