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Miyu Emiya/Edelfelt
Full Name: Miyu Emiya/Edelfelt

Series: Fate/Stay Night
Class: Magical Girl?
Alignment: Neutral Good
Gender: Female
Species: human(?)
Age: 11
Birthdate: July 20th

Short Description: A young, taciturn seeming girl with slightly past shoulder length black hair and amber eyes. She looks to be not yet in her teens, and of Japanese descent.

Miyu Emiya/Edelfelt
Here is a young girl with black hair that's just past shoulder length, tied back, and held in place at points by white hair snaps. She looks to be of Japanese decent and has light brown eyes. She is generally wearing a school uniform or a simple white, collared dress shirt with a brown skirt and brown shoes.

In battle, however, her hair is tied up into two pig tails by large, white bows. A white cape (that is split in the middle in a way that makes it almost look like fairy wings) is attached over her shoulders. Under that, she's wearing a purple unitard with a sort of partial black skirt attached that doesn't cover in the very front. Matching purple and black leg warmers cover those areas and a pair of white boots that cut off in the top that resemble fairy wings finishes the outfit. There is also usually a round, golden object with a star in the middle, looking like it's wearing a blue bow somewhere in her possession.
Miyu Emiya/Edelfelt
Basic Magical Blasts, Magical Platforms for Climbing into the Sky, The Ability to Install Class Cards


AVENGER: Angra Mainyu- This card allows the use of the weapons Tawrich and Zarich. They are strangely shaped weapons, resembling a beast's fangs or claws, and and are held in a reverse grip. Their primary use is as sword breakers, but are also capable of being projectiles or slightly inefficient short swords. This card also grants use of the curse Verg Avesta, which allows for the user to grant the same pain they are feeling on a single target that inflicted that pain.

ARCHER: Robin Hood- This card grants use of a yew bow and bounded field as well as summoning of the yew tree. The bow is obviously useful as a bow, but when partnered with the tree, it is capable of inflicting poison. Summoning the tree also allows the user to create a bounded field, trapping it's target within the local area with them. Finally, with the bounded tree active, she's capable of flooding the area with in with poison from the tree itself.


Born Miyu Sakatsuki, Miyu was born with a great power that lead to her being referred to as a 'child of god'. Her powers granted her the ability to grant any wish, up till a certain age. The children with this power, within the Sakatsuki clan had always been isolated and protected, and as their power was waning the person in charge of them would make one wish of them, only that they would grow to lead happy and healthy lives.

However, this did not come to be, as someone intent on capturing her caused a horrible incident, destroying most of the city she was in. If not for the appearance of her world's Emiya Shirou, she would have been crushed in the collapse of her home. After her rescue, she was adopted only in title by Kiritsugu Emiya. He had his own plans for her powers and only planned to use her as a tool. Despite this, Kiritsugu died before Miyu's power was available to him, and this left a now highschool aged Emiya Shirou to take care of her. Torn between his own feelings on if he should follow Kiritsugu's wishes or treat Miyu like a normal person, Shirou debated within himself for a time, before attempting to take Miyu out and show her the world outside.

Unfortunately this lead to Miyu being kidnapped and Shirou attempting to save her. After a long struggle, Shirou succeeded in reaching her, but used her wish granting power to wish her away from their dying world, into a place where she could live happily and make friends. After this Miyu found herself in a different world's version of her own city. There she was found and adopted by a girl named Luviagelita Edelfelt (Luvia for short), who was looking for a new person to take her role as the master of Kaliedo Sapphire.

In this world there were two staves created to gather class cards that could become dangerous if left be. The staves HAD been being used by Tohsaka Rin, and Luvia, but due to the two girls' constant bickering, the staves deemed them unsuitable of continuing as their masters. As such, Miyu agreed to become the master of Sapphire, thus becoming a magical girl and taking on the role of gathering the cards. In the beginning she and the new master of Ruby, Illya, clashed. However, they soon learned to work together and became friends, leading to the partnership the two staves needed to succeed in collecting the cards.

The two magical girls went onward, facing various dangers and seemingly collecting all the cards, only for another card to appear somehow, and them to barely manage taking it in. Soon after it's defeat people appeared from Miyu's world and kidnapped her again. This time Illya, Luvia, Rin, and some others came to Miyu's rescue, eventually finding Shirou imprisoned and saving him as well. While they managed to fight the force behind Miyu's kidnapping to a standstill momentarily, the enemy retreated to return some other time. It's not long after this that Miyu and Shirou arrived in Neo Tokyo suddenly, discovering another set of cards was appearing here as well.


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