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''The Usual Restaurant(#1836R)''
''The Usual Restaurant(#1836R)''<br />
''You walk into a very large restaurant with high ceilings that leave the rafters exposed. Fluorescent lamps hang from the ceiling, adding light to the floor and tables. Windows adorn the sides of the place, looking out onto the chaos that is Twisted. On some of the walls are paintings, photographs, and holograms of different movies, and a number of people who tend to visit the UR - caught as they're singing karaoke. The hardwood bar rests at the back of the restaurant, surface polished and shiny and all-together spotless (most of the time). Behind the bar are the various beverages that are serveed, and a giant mirror. There seem to be an inordinate amount of different drinks. A large stage rests in one of the corners of the restaurant, with an amazing sound system and a few microphones strung around it. Multiple round wooden tables are in the room, and a swing door leads into the kitchen. Another door leads to the dance club, and another to the gym. And of course, there's an exit. A large fireplace nestles in one of the walls, with a beautiful stone chimney that flows up and out. A long spiral staircase rests near the entrance to the kitchen, leading to a second-floor balcony that overlooks the UR itself. The lights up there are a bit dimmer than those down below.''
''You walk into a very large restaurant with high ceilings that leave the rafters exposed. Fluorescent lamps hang from the ceiling, adding light to the floor and tables. Windows adorn the sides of the place, looking out onto the chaos that is Twisted. On some of the walls are paintings, photographs, and holograms of different movies, and a number of people who tend to visit the UR - caught as they're singing karaoke. The hardwood bar rests at the back of the restaurant, surface polished and shiny and all-together spotless (most of the time). Behind the bar are the various beverages that are serveed, and a giant mirror. There seem to be an inordinate amount of different drinks. A large stage rests in one of the corners of the restaurant, with an amazing sound system and a few microphones strung around it. Multiple round wooden tables are in the room, and a swing door leads into the kitchen. Another door leads to the dance club, and another to the gym. And of course, there's an exit. A large fireplace nestles in one of the walls, with a beautiful stone chimney that flows up and out. A long spiral staircase rests near the entrance to the kitchen, leading to a second-floor balcony that overlooks the UR itself. The lights up there are a bit dimmer than those down below.''

Latest revision as of 00:58, 21 October 2019

Meeting Ze Doctor

Summary: Doctor Windhoek introduces himself to two new future patients.

Who: Constantine, Johann, MoonShadow
When: October 12th, 2019
Where: The Usual Restaurant


The information contained within this log is to be considered information gained Out of Character (OOC).
This information may not be used as In Character (IC) knowledge or in roleplay unless it has been learned in-game or permission has been granted by the parties involved.

Questions should be directed to staff.

The Usual Restaurant(#1836R)
You walk into a very large restaurant with high ceilings that leave the rafters exposed. Fluorescent lamps hang from the ceiling, adding light to the floor and tables. Windows adorn the sides of the place, looking out onto the chaos that is Twisted. On some of the walls are paintings, photographs, and holograms of different movies, and a number of people who tend to visit the UR - caught as they're singing karaoke. The hardwood bar rests at the back of the restaurant, surface polished and shiny and all-together spotless (most of the time). Behind the bar are the various beverages that are serveed, and a giant mirror. There seem to be an inordinate amount of different drinks. A large stage rests in one of the corners of the restaurant, with an amazing sound system and a few microphones strung around it. Multiple round wooden tables are in the room, and a swing door leads into the kitchen. Another door leads to the dance club, and another to the gym. And of course, there's an exit. A large fireplace nestles in one of the walls, with a beautiful stone chimney that flows up and out. A long spiral staircase rests near the entrance to the kitchen, leading to a second-floor balcony that overlooks the UR itself. The lights up there are a bit dimmer than those down below.

John Constantine comes sauntering into the Usual, adjusting his tie (which doesn't make it any more traditionally adjusted than it was before he started, unsurprisingly).

Sarra_Moon is sitting at the bar, her three wolves laying by her feet. She has a Beer and a Stake diner infont of her

Johann comes in not long after, though he is unaccompanied. Taking a seat near Sarra, he waves to her and John. "Evening, how are ve today? Vell, I hope."

Sarra_Moon looks up and smiles "We are doing well" she says as she pets a wolf

John Constantine drops onto a bar stool not quite next to the werewolf. He glances at the guy with the thick Germanic accent, then lifts a hand to the pack before turning and ordering Jack Daniels and, of all things, a bowl of mac and cheese.

Johann smiles back, ordering a salad and some water. "Zat is good! I am glad to hear it. And you, sir...?" he turns to John, glancing at the alcohol and... mac and cheese. "...Might be scheduling an appointment at ze Clinic soon, if zat if your regular diet."

Sarra_Moon smiles "And how have you been? she asks Johann as her wolves eye John

John Constantine snorts. "I ain't worried about dying of old age anyway, love," he informs the concerned German ordering gerbil food. And turns to down his whisky. He ignores the wolves.

Johann rolls his eyes at John, nodding to Sarra as he answers, "Ze same as any other day. Tired, stressed, and couldn't be happier. I patched up someone who has somehow gotten a bicycle handlebar stuck in... vell, a very uncomfortable place, to say ze least. Not a dignified vay to go out, vouldn't you agree?"

Sarra_Moon blinks at that, tilting her head "Well, that sounds...Unpleasant to say the least."

John Constantine winces a bit. "Ah, so you're a doctor?" he leans against the bar. "I promise, I don't *always* eat unhealthy junk food, but life's too short not to indulge."

Johann chows down on some lettuce while the others speak, then washes it down with a swig of water before nodding and continuing. "Ja, I am a doctor. Johann van Windhoek, at your service... assuming you have a medical concern to address, of course. My friends call me Jan."

Sarra_Moon takes a bite og her steak as she nods "Its a pleasure, I'm Sarra, A werewolf and a Shaman"

"John Constantine, Master of the Dark Arts." His lips quirk at Johann. "I hope *not* to be needing your services any time soon."

Johann eats rather quickly, surprisingly enough. Seems like he skipped lunch today. "Mmmf... Sorry about zat." he says, wiping his mouth with a napkin. "Anyvay, it is a pleasure to meet you two. And don't vorry, you are hardly ze strangest peopel I have met here. Vhy, you should have seen my old girlfriend! I do vonder vhere she vent..."

"I can imagine, there seems to be all sorts of strange beings here, so who was your Girl Friend?" (Sarra said this, but forgot to clarify ICly)

John Constantine is munching on his mac and cheese. "I think the magic ponies are the strangest."

Sarra_Moon nods "You may be right"

"Where I come from they'd be considered dangerous monsters," John muses. "But Rainbow Dash appears, while *very* dangerous, to be quite nice."

Sarra_Moon says, "Im sure id be considered such as well""

"Well, to be fair, the werewolves of my world do have a habit of going on berserker rampages," John notes.

Sarra_Moon nods "Ill try not to do tht" she smiles

"Well, if the target *deserves* it I won't say anything," John quips.

Sarra_Moon smiles at that and giggle

John Constantine shrugs. "Some things call for berserker rampages."

"This is true, though surrendering to a frenzy is not a good thing"

"No, it's not," John muses. "You lose the ability to fight smart, from what I've seen."

Sarra_Moon nods "there is that, and i prefer to fight with my head

"So do I, but then, I'm not fond of fisticuffs except as a last resort," John notes.

Sarra_Moon nods "I can understand that"

"Honestly, the best route is not to fight in the first place, but..." But she must know that doesn't often work.

Sarra_Moon says, "I do agree""

"Unfortunately, it doesn't always work out that way, especially where demons are involved." A wry tone.

Sarra_Moon says, "That was the first demon ive fought"

John Constantine nods. "Then you've been lucky, or they aren't commonly manifested in your world. Or both."

Sarra_Moon says, "Ive heard rumors of such, but never met one, wouldn't say im lucky though, met several other nasty things.""

Johann wakes up, having narrowly avoided faceplanting into his salad dish. "Oh... uh... guess I'm more tired zan I thought." he says with a yawn, lifting up his glasses and rubbing at one eye. "Erm... sorry, vhat vas ze question?" "I don't even remember," John says, amused. "I think I said something about not wanting your services any time soon."

Sarra_Moon tilts her head "Not getting enough sleep"

Johann yawns again, nodding. "I suppose so. Er... Oh, yes, it's not a service many vould /vant/ of course. Zings happen around here though, and injuries occur vhether ve vant zem to or not."

"And I'm not a guy inclined to sit on his couch," John says with a grin. "So I'd imagine I'll probably show up needing to be patched up sooner or later."

Sarra_Moon smiles "I heal fast, usually do not need doctors"

Johann chuckles a bit. "Vell, hopefully later razzer zan sooner. Anyvay, I should get going, I need to catch up on sleep after all." he says, then gets up and leaves a wad of bills on the counter before turning to leave. "Farevell, friends~"

John Constantine snorts, "Go get some proper sleep, love," he tells the doctor. Does he call *everyone* that?

Sarra_Moon waves "see you"

John Constantine watches the doctor go. "Definitely not wanting his services any time soon, but he seems decent."

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