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Ranma is currently wearing a Tank Police office uniform, consisting of a medium blue collared shirt with rank devices on the collar, and a reddish-purple necktie. The shirt has two pleated cargo pockets on the front, and the sleeves are long, though she typically wears them rolled up. The shirt is tucked into darker blue pants of plain blue wool, with a black leather belt complete the ensemble. A badge is worn hanging from the belt on her left side. Black loafers are worn on her feet when appropriate.
Ranma is currently wearing a Tank Police office uniform, consisting of a medium blue collared shirt with rank devices on the collar, and a reddish-purple necktie. The shirt has two pleated cargo pockets on the front, and the sleeves are long, though she typically wears them rolled up. The shirt is tucked into darker blue pants of plain blue wool, with a black leather belt complete the ensemble. A badge is worn hanging from the belt on her left side. Black loafers are worn on her feet when appropriate.
|Extra2='''Flaws:'''<br />
|Extra2='''Flaws:'''<br />
|Background=Ranma grew up in ... well, on the road, with Genma, Ranma's father, on a ten-year training mission filled with a host of progressively more unlikely things. They wound up in a cursed training ground, Jusenkyou, and fell into different cursed springs. For most people, this would result in Mission Over and returning home in defeat. For Genma and Ranma, it was just one event in a chain of poor decisions that started before Ranma was born. One of the other poor decisions was engaging the cursed boy, now a part-time girl, to the boy-hating Akane, and this plays out poorly, making Ranma's attendance at the local high school problematic. The principal being a nutcase doesn't help, but a particularly virulent rivalry develops, concluding with the destruction of the school and of Ranma's student records, meaning he'll have to re-do -all- of high school, and with the principal's interscholastic influence, no place closeby will take him.<br /><br />
Ironically, his maternal grandmother is Headmaster of an exclusive private high school, St. Gloriana, and Ranma manages, with considerable prep work, to pass the exam and attend the school. Embarassed to be starting over as a freshman at his age, he finds Kasumi had put by some of the age-changing mushrooms 'for emergencies', and reverts her age to that of a high school freshman. St. Gloriana is, he finds out, a ship-school - a school housed in a giant aircraft-carrier-like sea vessel. He is also informed that the school is for girls only. He's been stuck as a girl before, and he's not happy, but at least it's his choice (this time), and so with the help of waterproof soap, to keep the change from reverting at a bad time, he bids his boy-side good bye for a while and attends St. Gloriana High School, eventually drifing his way to their famous Tankery team, where his Tenchin Amiguriken speed is a phenomenal force multiplier, allowing the WW2-era tanks to fire as if they had autoloaders, giving St. Gloriana a huge edge in competition. Some of her old rivals showed up to cause trouble, but it was generally quieter than Nerima and much less crazy. <br /><br />
Having graduated St. Gloriana's, Ranma found his way to NeoTokyo. Unfortunately, the process of coming to NeoTokyo while his curse was locked had the effect of perma-locking his curse, and now he's stuck as a girl. This is not as big a problem as it might be, as in modern times, no one requires her to find a man and get married, and she's basically free to live her life as she likes. Her skill at Tankery gives her a strong in when she applies for a job with NT's Tank Police, and while the modern tanks they drive have autoloaders, they're also quite fast and much more agile than the WW2-era tanks used in high school. <br /><br />
But something happened to Neo Tokyo and she found herself adrift until she wound up here in Mabase, and now she needs to get back started all over again. She's without her old support system, the senseis that could teach her any insane martial arts, but she's also skipped the obligations she had in Nerima, and worried about in NeoTokyo. Two skips, she feels, has left her well ahead of any pursuit. <br /><br />
Personality-wise, Ranma is mostly the same as he's always been - a guy in a girl's body, and still stuck, but with several years of age and experience behind the mask, he's much less panicky in bad situations. The other advantage of being stuck: hot water won't out him. Age and lack of homocidal romantic rivals and parents interested in grandchildren have allowed her to mellow a bit.
|Skills=Besides a wide array of 'standard' moves, Ranma has also mastered a number of unique techniques she's quick to rely on when a fight gets out of control. This includes, but is not limited to...<br /><br />
'''Kachu Tenshin Amaguriken'''<br />
The so-called "chestnuts roasting over an open fire" technique is a rapid-fire punching attack where she can manage to hit an opponent in a blazing series of strikes to a single location. While the actual number of strikes might be in the hundreds to a normal observer his hands simply become a blur lasting only a few seconds. This may seem impressive against normal people, but would likely seem slow to someone from the Dragonball universe. This technique has been revised on several occasions for special purposes, most recently for loading ammo into a tank gun's breech as fast as a modern autoloader. This is a wildly potent upgrade for a WW2-era tank, such as are used in high school matches, though modern tanks with autoloaders see no benefit.<br /><br />
'''Hiryu Shoten Ha'''<br />
A powerful blast of ki energy that launches away enemies in a carefully timed uppercut. This attack is fueled by heat or hot-headed emotions and the more of it available the more powerful the blast becomes. There are many variations of this attack that Ranma has created over the years and it will continue to be modified as the situation requires.<br /><br />
'''Moko Takabisha'''<br />
Another ki-based attack, this one creates a ball of energy based on Ranma's confidence. It's weakness is that if he is sufficiently intimidated by an opponent the attack becomes effectively useless.<br /><br />
'''Saotome Secret Technique: Fast Break'''<br />
Why is this listed here? This is not a technique; it's running away very quickly! Nevertheless it's a named ability he occasionally relies on.<br /><br />
'''Cat-Fist'''<br />
An extremely powerful and dangerous technique that would only be taught to a student by a complete idiot. Thanks to his father's training, Ranma goes into a trance state when his fear of cats is intensified to such a degree that his mind loses the ability of rational thought. During this time he's known to behave like a cat himself with the ability to somehow shred anything in front of him as if it were paper by simply waving his fist around like a paw. He has little to no control over his actions in this state and does not remember anything he's done after it passes.<br /><br />
'''The Ultimate Skill of the Saotome School of Anything Goes Martial Arts: The Crouch of the Wild Tiger'''<br />
This is an advanced groveling technique invented for only the most dire of situations. You cannot comprehend this level of practiced groveling. For use when "I'm sorry" just isn't enough! ...may also be used on rare occasions as an opening to a surprise attack if the opponent is successfully taken in by the groveller's supposed penitence. <br /><br />
'''Esoteric Skills'''<br />
Ranma has a few not-really-combat-related skills related to various Anything Goes challenges. Martial Dining, which Ranma never really mastered, though he knows a few of the tricks, involves opening one's mouth to swallow things almost like a snake does. Martial Arts Tea Ceremony is all about fighting while maintaining outward decorum and never leaving the kneeling position. In NeoTokyo, she was forced to develop Martial Arts Ballroom Dancing, which is regular ballroom dancing, with occasional strikes too fast to be seen my cameras (or observers).

Latest revision as of 00:25, 23 October 2023

Characters with this notice have been brought to Twisted as per our affiliate program.
Ranma Saotome
Full Name: Ranma Saotome

Occupation: Martial Artist
Series: Ranma 1/2

Threat Level: Block Buster

Gender: female
Species: Human

Short Description: A short redheaded girl with her hair in a braid.

Characters with this notice have been brought to Twisted as per our affiliate program.
Ranma Saotome
Age: 18 Birthdate: Nov 25
Height: 5'2" Weight: 108

Ranma is a red haired young lady who stands about five feet tall, with a soft feminine build. Her pretty round face is framed by long red locks, which are bound in a pony tail falling down to her shoulders, and her blue eyes sparkle when she smiles. Unruly bangs sometimes obscure her eyes, and she's got a cute little nose and soft lips that are light pink, her skin smooth and pale. Her neck is slender, and her shoulders and arms are smooth and feminine, giving little hint of the strenth built up through daily martial arts training.

Ranma is currently wearing a Tank Police office uniform, consisting of a medium blue collared shirt with rank devices on the collar, and a reddish-purple necktie. The shirt has two pleated cargo pockets on the front, and the sleeves are long, though she typically wears them rolled up. The shirt is tucked into darker blue pants of plain blue wool, with a black leather belt complete the ensemble. A badge is worn hanging from the belt on her left side. Black loafers are worn on her feet when appropriate.


Characters with this notice have been brought to Twisted as per our affiliate program.
Ranma Saotome
Ranma grew up in ... well, on the road, with Genma, Ranma's father, on a ten-year training mission filled with a host of progressively more unlikely things. They wound up in a cursed training ground, Jusenkyou, and fell into different cursed springs. For most people, this would result in Mission Over and returning home in defeat. For Genma and Ranma, it was just one event in a chain of poor decisions that started before Ranma was born. One of the other poor decisions was engaging the cursed boy, now a part-time girl, to the boy-hating Akane, and this plays out poorly, making Ranma's attendance at the local high school problematic. The principal being a nutcase doesn't help, but a particularly virulent rivalry develops, concluding with the destruction of the school and of Ranma's student records, meaning he'll have to re-do -all- of high school, and with the principal's interscholastic influence, no place closeby will take him.

Ironically, his maternal grandmother is Headmaster of an exclusive private high school, St. Gloriana, and Ranma manages, with considerable prep work, to pass the exam and attend the school. Embarassed to be starting over as a freshman at his age, he finds Kasumi had put by some of the age-changing mushrooms 'for emergencies', and reverts her age to that of a high school freshman. St. Gloriana is, he finds out, a ship-school - a school housed in a giant aircraft-carrier-like sea vessel. He is also informed that the school is for girls only. He's been stuck as a girl before, and he's not happy, but at least it's his choice (this time), and so with the help of waterproof soap, to keep the change from reverting at a bad time, he bids his boy-side good bye for a while and attends St. Gloriana High School, eventually drifing his way to their famous Tankery team, where his Tenchin Amiguriken speed is a phenomenal force multiplier, allowing the WW2-era tanks to fire as if they had autoloaders, giving St. Gloriana a huge edge in competition. Some of her old rivals showed up to cause trouble, but it was generally quieter than Nerima and much less crazy.

Having graduated St. Gloriana's, Ranma found his way to NeoTokyo. Unfortunately, the process of coming to NeoTokyo while his curse was locked had the effect of perma-locking his curse, and now he's stuck as a girl. This is not as big a problem as it might be, as in modern times, no one requires her to find a man and get married, and she's basically free to live her life as she likes. Her skill at Tankery gives her a strong in when she applies for a job with NT's Tank Police, and while the modern tanks they drive have autoloaders, they're also quite fast and much more agile than the WW2-era tanks used in high school.

But something happened to Neo Tokyo and she found herself adrift until she wound up here in Mabase, and now she needs to get back started all over again. She's without her old support system, the senseis that could teach her any insane martial arts, but she's also skipped the obligations she had in Nerima, and worried about in NeoTokyo. Two skips, she feels, has left her well ahead of any pursuit.

Personality-wise, Ranma is mostly the same as he's always been - a guy in a girl's body, and still stuck, but with several years of age and experience behind the mask, he's much less panicky in bad situations. The other advantage of being stuck: hot water won't out him. Age and lack of homocidal romantic rivals and parents interested in grandchildren have allowed her to mellow a bit.


Characters with this notice have been brought to Twisted as per our affiliate program.
Ranma Saotome
Besides a wide array of 'standard' moves, Ranma has also mastered a number of unique techniques she's quick to rely on when a fight gets out of control. This includes, but is not limited to...

Kachu Tenshin Amaguriken
The so-called "chestnuts roasting over an open fire" technique is a rapid-fire punching attack where she can manage to hit an opponent in a blazing series of strikes to a single location. While the actual number of strikes might be in the hundreds to a normal observer his hands simply become a blur lasting only a few seconds. This may seem impressive against normal people, but would likely seem slow to someone from the Dragonball universe. This technique has been revised on several occasions for special purposes, most recently for loading ammo into a tank gun's breech as fast as a modern autoloader. This is a wildly potent upgrade for a WW2-era tank, such as are used in high school matches, though modern tanks with autoloaders see no benefit.

Hiryu Shoten Ha
A powerful blast of ki energy that launches away enemies in a carefully timed uppercut. This attack is fueled by heat or hot-headed emotions and the more of it available the more powerful the blast becomes. There are many variations of this attack that Ranma has created over the years and it will continue to be modified as the situation requires.

Moko Takabisha
Another ki-based attack, this one creates a ball of energy based on Ranma's confidence. It's weakness is that if he is sufficiently intimidated by an opponent the attack becomes effectively useless.

Saotome Secret Technique: Fast Break
Why is this listed here? This is not a technique; it's running away very quickly! Nevertheless it's a named ability he occasionally relies on.

An extremely powerful and dangerous technique that would only be taught to a student by a complete idiot. Thanks to his father's training, Ranma goes into a trance state when his fear of cats is intensified to such a degree that his mind loses the ability of rational thought. During this time he's known to behave like a cat himself with the ability to somehow shred anything in front of him as if it were paper by simply waving his fist around like a paw. He has little to no control over his actions in this state and does not remember anything he's done after it passes.

The Ultimate Skill of the Saotome School of Anything Goes Martial Arts: The Crouch of the Wild Tiger
This is an advanced groveling technique invented for only the most dire of situations. You cannot comprehend this level of practiced groveling. For use when "I'm sorry" just isn't enough! ...may also be used on rare occasions as an opening to a surprise attack if the opponent is successfully taken in by the groveller's supposed penitence.

Esoteric Skills
Ranma has a few not-really-combat-related skills related to various Anything Goes challenges. Martial Dining, which Ranma never really mastered, though he knows a few of the tricks, involves opening one's mouth to swallow things almost like a snake does. Martial Arts Tea Ceremony is all about fighting while maintaining outward decorum and never leaving the kneeling position. In NeoTokyo, she was forced to develop Martial Arts Ballroom Dancing, which is regular ballroom dancing, with occasional strikes too fast to be seen my cameras (or observers).

Characters with this notice have been brought to Twisted as per our affiliate program.
Ranma (NT)-icon.gif


    Ranma 1/2
    Characters Genma  •  Happosai  •  Kasumi  •  Ranma  •  Yoiko
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