1999-02-22 Yoko's End

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Yoko's End

Summary: Yoko meets Lucardus and the young girl's life is brought to an end.

Why am I posting this? Because I can, and because this is probably the oldest log I have remaining.

--Marr0w (talk) 14:32, 5 September 2014 (MST)

Who: Yoko, Lucardus
When: February 22nd, 1999
Where: The Interwebs...

The information contained within this log is to be considered information gained Out of Character (OOC).
This information may not be used as In Character (IC) knowledge or in roleplay unless it has been learned in-game or permission has been granted by the parties involved.

Questions should be directed to staff.

Over the past year Yoko Merdick had grown accustomed to life in the world she had begun to call home. She had met many people and had gained many friends, for the first time since her father's death she finally felt happy.

Yoko looked up from her work at Spatula City to see a great whirl wind appear outside the doors. It was as if the gates of Hell had suddenly opened up to her. Then the lights blinked off, leaving Yoko lost in the barely lit store all alone.

Without warning the whirl wind vanished taking with it the only source of light. Yoko sat in the darkness for what felt like an eternity until finally a dim light began to flow around the edges of the front door. Slowly, the doors creaked open to reveal the small figure of a man in robes. In his hands was a large crystal which gave off a strange greenish glow.

The man looked up at Yoko and as he did she realized that is wasn't a man at all, but actually a creature in disguise. Horns of some type tore out of his face at odd angles leaving a demonic grin etched into his face.

"Hello Yoko..."

"How did you know who I am? Who are you?"

The creature began to laugh gleefully, "I am Lucardus. I've come along way to finish what I started so long ago..."

Suddenly remembering the creature from Marrow's stories, Yoko backed away from the creature. Without seeming to move, Lucardus slid across the floor after her. He stopped just inches from her face. His robes hiding any indications of his movements.

"Wh-What are you going to do?, " Yoko gasped.

"I'm going to finally put an end to this Marrow business once and for all. I'm going to personally eliminate all traces of his home world to ensure that this time he will not escape."

"But, what does that have to do with me?"

"Your going to be my warning to anyone who dares to oppose me..."

"What does that have to do with me?"

Suddenly, Lucardus's smile seemed to grow larger. He lifted the crystal up to her face and chanted a strange phrase. In response the crystal began to grow warm. He then pressed it up against her face where it began to grow hotter still.

"Yoko, that means you die...."

Her last thoughts were of the terrible heat of the crystal and the horrible smile upon his lips.

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