2019-08-12 - A small bout of conflict

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A small bout of conflict

Summary: Some unexpected hostiles appear. Luckily someone is there to deal with them.

Who: Cammy, David
When: August 12th, 2019
Where: Higashi Ayase Street


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Higashi Ayase Street

While a welcome sight to those crossing in from Adachi Boulevard, this area is quite the chaotic mess. Several roads appear to have been jammed together, forming multiple half-intersections and unintentional roundabouts fringed by seemingly random trees and bushes. Amidst the chaos, at least the inviting consumerist hulk of a shopping mall beckons, set beside a row of smaller stores and the remains of a few once-distinct parking lots.

Of the visible paths remaining, most run off into literal nothing, simply ending in a gaping void. Adachi is clear to the east, and... some sort of habitable area has been built to the north.

One of the forests near the wastelands can be a dangerous place especially when it is close to the city without a wall protecting it. The sounds of some whooping, hollering, snarls and shreaks can be heard. The smell of fire and blood, if that is blood has a brackish, nasty, foul oder like something that crawled out of a sewer would smell nicer. With the forest thick and heavy it provides a nice dark area shrouded from the sunlight. A natural cover shrouded in shadows, with the sounds of course loud enough to carry far beyond the forest.

The strange noises are unusual. Seems there is no wall here unlike in NeoTokyo, and something out here seems determined to take advantage of it.

New to the place that is apparently just called 'Twisted', Cammy finds herself exploring. Or trying to anyway. The strange noises are unusual. Seems there is no wall here unlike in NeoTokyo, and something out here seems determined to take advantage of it.

it is a fairly large area of the forest with a large shadowy over clearing, and bevfore long one can see various bodies laying around. Deformed creatures where black armor, tusks in the mouth, wielding sharp straight egded blades. Black blood flows from wounds that have only just started to grow cold and stem the flow. Some of them have what looks like a white hand print on their helm, their chest or their faces. They reek of death and foulness. Larger and stronger built that the average man too.

There is the sound of a sword combat in the distance as a man wearing a denim jacket is swinging what looks like blades attached to his forarms as he ducks dodges and rolls slashing through their ranks and armor. He's throughly out numbered perhaps 30 to one but seems to be holding his own as the creatures seem to just swarm him. He's not escaped uninjured as he has plenty of knicks, cuts and signs of injury.

David of course as he is holding his own is able to catch sight of a tall figure with a bow walking on top of a hill as he is starting to knock an arrow and draw back that bow that might have a draw strength of 400 pounds...taking aim at the lone warrior.

"New hostile deteced. Entering combat mode." Cammy says, leaping forward in a sprint towards that hill and launches up at the archer with a spinning backfist. "Threat Data accumulation commencing."

David is of course a very agile fighter, using a high range of Acrobatics, kicks and sweeps. His blades are cutting through the armor nicely but it's clear he has to push more effort that ne is used to. The Archer notes the woman on the battlefield but he will turn his bow in ther direction as several Uruks will lunge at her. Howling roaring as their blades are being swung at her.

It's a woman, what can a woman hope to do? *snerk*

The arrow flies as he only has a three quarter drawn but the arror is nearly two thirds of an inch thick, with a barbed jagged arrow head flies at her.

Grabbing hold of one of the fallen blades of the Uruk and throws it at the Archer hoping to distract him from Cammy long enough for her to really show him the error of his way.

When the woman-- all 5 foot 3 and one hundred and one pounds of her-- can smash cars, bricks, and whatever else, turns out she can do quite a bit. Refined, reinforced Steel shatters under her fist on the regular. So bone and iron from the Uruk-Hai are little more than tissue paper to someone with that kind of force in that slight frame. She is highly trained, and lashes out with strikes and kicks, each with the same force she uses against the kind of fighters who can /match/ her power and ferocity and do so on a regular basis.

"Hostiles incoming. Targets exhibiting little in the way of danger. Proceeding to eliminate." she says, before she launches herself feet fowards and spinning at the face of the closest Uruk.


The Archer is taken back by the jumping kick as her strikes will smash through the Uruk Armor and some of their weapons. Of course they are used to weapon wielding, armor wearing targets so targets that fight with such speed and agility are new to them. But they can stand against elves as well. It's not a matter of lack of skill, it's more sheer numbers for as one is taken down three more seem to replace it. Still david is able to cleave through their armor with his custom blades from his wife's world. Adamantine is wonderfully strong and great at cleaving through things.

The leader of the grow hit and stunned roars at her as if he can't feel pain at all using a spiked shield starts slashing and lunging at her. One of the meanest and strongest uruks. He is also the fastest as well. One benifit is, their armor is only protecting their front, as if they only attack, never retreat....

Cammy is many things, but stupid she is not. Already noting the armor's setup and deducing these things are used to moving in a straight line, she does the opposite. Ducking and weaving, leaping through the air as though it were a casual thing-- and for her it just might /be/-- and as soon as she gets the chance to get behind the Uruk with the spiked shield, executes another Cannon Drill, full force. She's used to fighting. She was literally bred for it, among a few other purposes. And she is unafraid to kill. If this attack breaks the Uruk's neck or back, so be it.

Of course as she breaking necks and killing by back strikes David is of course fighting a loosing battle doing all that can be done to avoid using the Guyver. But then as he spins around, he is suddenly stabbed in the back as the blade comes through his chest, and he screams in pain, and then in rage.


And with a Flash of light as an energy field erupts around him blowing the Uruk behind him into peices as the armor appears for a split second then opens up and encompases him.

Still Cammy is able to get at the Lead Uruk and break his neck as the Uruks seem intend on withrawal at this point back into the wastes.

Quickly regaining her feet, Cammy watches as the Uruks seem to decide they've had enough, but remains on alert until they depart. "Targets exhibited zero ability." She says in her usual emotionless near-monotone.

As he stands up steam ejects from his mask as he can feel the wounds healing on his chest, and he will look around the area those sensors swival and says, "I'm not detecting any more in the area and I don't think stealth is their fortay." and then his armor opens up peels off and fades into the either. His clothes are cut, torn and bloodied, but he himself is not linjured. What he said was true, the armor does heal him.

"Thanks for the help, was hoping not to use the armor....."

"Query: What exactly were those creatures?"

"Uruk-Hai... I think. Sorta like Super Orcs." And looking down at once helms and looks down, at the helm witht he white hand print. "Yeah reminds me of a creature from a movie I saw.

"This unit has no recollection of entities by such a designation. What is their purpose?"

David says, "to destroy the world of men. Bred to slaughter anyone and anything that gets in their way."

".....That appears to be a fairly common occurance." Did....did she just make a joke? With the way she talks and her seeming lack of emotion, who can say?

Popping his neck as he looks in the direction they fled as he asks, "Think we should finish hunting them down and wipe them out?"

"Waste of energy. Their abilities are negligible by modern standards."

David says, "I agree, but I am concerned for the civilians that might encounter them.""

"They appear to be moving away from the city, which would render that issue moot at present. There is also the risk that if none of them return, others may come in greater numbers to look for them, presenting a greater danger to civilians."

"Damned if you do, damned if you don't." And with a sign and will look to Cammy and says, "Alright let's head back to the city. Again thank you for the help Cammy."

"Confirmed." the blonde says. "This city is....strange."

David says, "no worse than Neo-Tokyo."

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