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===Twisted Street - Another Way=== __NOEDITSECTION__
===Twisted Street - Another Way=== __NOEDITSECTION__
Following the Twisted Street past the random houses to the west of the center leads you to a small shopping district just on the edge of the wastelands. For those that know their history, the wastelands where once a major part of the city of Twisted before the entire area (and its people) where lost during one of the last big conflicts. Neighboring on that edge has left the properties here cheap and some of the establishments have been known to change hands frequently.
Following the Twisted Street past the random houses to the west of the center leads you to what was once a small shopping district just on the edge of the wastelands. As the barrier keeping the City of Twisted was removed, chaos flooded forth from the Wastelands. Crumbling remains of buildings, with the occasional stubborn homeless living inside them, litter both sides of the street. As you get further away from stability the buildings give way to rows of doors jutting out of the ground as if trying to break free. From here continuing into the Wastelands is obviously a bad idea. Proceed there at your own risk.
[[Another_Way|Read more...]]
[[Another_Way|Read more...]]
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===The Twisted Street - One Way=== __NOEDITSECTION__
===The Twisted Street - One Way=== __NOEDITSECTION__
Putting the wastelands behind you and traveling east from the city center brings you closer to the bay. The air smells better, the temperature is cooler, and occasionally a seagull passes overhead. It's no surprise that the main government of Twisted has been set up here. On the Northern side of the street the Pantheon called the Town Hall rests beside the local clinic. The opposite side of the street sits a convenience store known as the 24*7, and along the side of it is the sandy path that takes you to Zeku-Kari beach.
Traveling East from the center of Twisted brings you towards Plowse Bridge which extends off towards the city of Neo-Edo. Here, at this last edge of what was once called the City of Twisted you find one of the few remaining businesses not fully anchored to Twisted, the 24*7. Behind it leads a winding dirt path which goes down to Zeku-Kari beach along the shore. Across the street, and vastly more important than the convenience store, is a large open courtyard...
[[One_Way|Read more...]]
[[One_Way|Read more...]]
===TASK Building - Southern Courtyard=== __NOEDITSECTION__
''Here you find yourself in a strange piece of Twisted. Even with the ability to fly you can only reach this location by traveling through the Town Hall to the South. It's an unnaturally quiet courtyard surrounded by dense trees which any attempt at traveling through will quickly be found to be impossible. Bisecting the courtyard is a long walkway with several stone archways built at even intervals which direct you to the only real thing of interest here...''
[[TASK_Courtyard|Read more...]]
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[[:Category:TASK|Read more...]]
[[:Category:TASK|Read more...]]
==Adachi District== __NOEDITSECTION__
The Adachi district is the overall name for the Western bank of Neo-Edo which looks out across the bay between Edo and Twisted City. Small shops and restaurants are in abundance here, including the infamous gun-shaped Pizza Cats Pizza Emporium which delivers to all known locations on Twisted!
The streets here are much more modern than the city of Twisted. Crosswalks, electric and neon signs, and billboards on the tops of the taller buildings. Yet there are more people walking the streets than driving them. What is it with this world's aversion to cars? If you travel to the East towards the denser populated 'main' part of Neo-Edo you'll find that the buildings just keep getting taller and taller.
[[Adachi District|Read more...]]
===Akira Institute=== __NOEDITSECTION__
A place that hosts eternal darkness. The skies here are never clear. The daylight never shines. Perhaps it's native world was too unstable, or perhaps the building is simply that corrupt. In this desolate courtyard there is no life. Dead trees hang dead barren branches over top lifeless soil. Pieces of broken glass are scattered here and there from the dozens of windows vandals have come and destroyed. Sometimes storms pass by over head, heavy rain and thunder are common. Even still, here in the shadow of the ominous structure it seems like standing in the rain would be better than going inside. The cool air reeks of death and decay. The only mysteries here concern the strange lights that come on inside the building and the shadows that seem to move on their own. No one in their right mind would possibly want to live here ...so what does that say about yourself?
[[Akira Institute|Read more...]]

Revision as of 00:47, 26 April 2018

This template expands into a featured article preview randomly selected from the included list. Add appropriate entries to the list in <option> tags. If it works out well and once we have enough entries, this template can be used as the body of the "Random Featured Article" part of the main page. See the MediaWiki page for more information about the <choose> and <option> tags.

Stuff that actually shows up begins here

The 24-7.png


The 24*7 is the primary convenience store in the City of Twisted.

With a horrible ding from the doorbell, you find yourself in one of a chain of convenience stores called 24*7. Here amidst the smell of old hotdogs, under the watchful eye of a magazine-reading clerk, you can purchase just about anything you might desire. Just so long as you can look past the horribly-named products they sell here.


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