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Full Name Vergil Sparda
Series Devil May Cry
Alignment Neutral Evil
Gender Male
Species Half-demon
Age Old as fuck
Height About 6'
Weight 200 lbs.


Vergil was the elder twin born to the Demon Lord Sparda and his human lover Eva. The boys were hidden away with Eva after Sparda sacrifised himself locking away his power to seal up the demon world and protect the humans he had come to love. His sons grew up on tales of their fathers glory, one son full of energy and always ready to please mother, while the other became obsessed with learning. The two battled playfully in their youth, always making mischeif and having each others back.

on their 8th birthdays the boys were given halfs of the Perfect Amulet as necklaces by their mother, a gift left to her by Eva. Swords as well left by their father Sparda, Rebellion for Dante and Yamato for Vergil. Soon after Vergil started going into the city to learn more from a wise man in town. It was one of these days that the tragedy that would define both brothers happened. Eva was murdered, when Vergil returned home he found the house destoyed and their mothers dead body but no sign of Dante. Thinking his brother dead too Vergil swore he would never feel as weak as he did in that moment again. He had not been home to protect Dante or his mother how could he protect anyone?

From that day on his thrist for knowlage went to darker things, black magics and deadly combat skills, Dante walked with the humans while Vergil walked the dark path with the demons. He needed power if he was to avenge his mother or to prove himself worthy of the name of Sparda.

Countless years passed and Vergil stayed out of sight of his brother until he appered in a seedy bar his face wrapped up in banages using the name Gilver, a dead give away but it worked. Dante had no idea who Vergil was just some assassin stealing all the good work. This was Vergil's first brush with death, at his brother's hands. He had gone too far and murdered a few of Dante's friends and tried to do much evil. He had to be stopped.

A year later he appered before his brother again this time he was trying to open hell which he needed his brother's half of the perfect amulet for. Played a fool by Arkham Vergil eventually helped his brother to stop Arkham as he could not be the guest of honor. Defeating him with ease the twins faught once more and this time Vergil feel not metophorically. No he truly feel to hell, this was where he tried to take down Mundus the king of the underworld.

Needless to say when he and Dante met again Vergil was little more then an empty drone going by the name of Nero Angelo; the black angel. Encased in a suit of armor only his half of the Perfect amulet gave it away. It was not until Dante killed him again that either relized they were brothers, Vergil's mind mostly gone from Mundus' brainwashing.

But as with Dracula evil never says dead. Vergil returned again.

Weapons and Battle style

Yamato - Vergil's birthright. The powerful katana left to him by Sparda. Not to that punk Nero.

Summoned Swords - Vergil's version of guns, light swords he can shot from above his head. Like lazors.

Force Edge - A sword of Sparda holding great power.

Dark Slayer - As a warrior fallen from grace, Vergil can use the power of darkness to obtain new weapons and skills by leveling the style. The style itself performs much like Dante's Trickster Style


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