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Full Name: Hekit (HEK-it)

Occupation: Assistant to Señor Diablo
Series: Original

Threat Level: Civilian
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Gender: Female
Species: Demoness

Short Description: A young lady who tends to dress in all black with little upside down cross accents. Despite her fiery red hair she somehow manages to blend into any crowd and can rarely be noticed unless she wants to be.

Age: Appears 16 Birthdate: January 1st
Height: 5'4" (163cm) Weight: 120 lbs (55kg)

A fire-haired girl wearing all black, her face caked with white makeup highlighted by black lipstick and black eyeliner. There are inverted crosses hanging from her ears, another on a necklace, and one of the sides of her knee-length boots. Even the painted black nails on her fingers have little crosses which look inverted when she flips people off. Hekit isn't a very nice person, and a smell of brimstone seems to faintly follow her wherever she goes. Perhaps that's why she smokes heavily to try and hide the smell. Despite a grin that suggests she could rip the head off an animal in a single chomp, Hekit can somehow vanish into almost any crowd. But don't worry, she'll find you in your nightmares...

The demon Hekit's lack of care for the living is a major source of conflict for her, especially as Señor Diablo likes to use her to keep tabs on Twisted for him. It's the primary reason she comes off as angry and snarky to pretty much everyone. She's really not, and it offends her when she's called on it to the point of not only dropping her guard but sometimes losing all motivation to continue whatever task she's trying to accomplish.

Her makeup choices aren't purely cosmetic and she typically has white powder caked on to disguise her naturally bright red skin. This means every time she has to draw her unholy weapon or use any form of demonic ability, she has to stop and re-apply everything. Whether or not this affects her ability to vanish into obscurity is not currently known.

Being a demon and being guilty of the sin of pride, Hekit can't help but answer questions truthfully when she's asked. It causes her obvious discomfort not to respond. Her employer might enjoy giving out information but she, however, does not.

Hekit is a Panty and Stocking-style demon who works as Diablo's assistant. She has little regard for the living and is the type to drop bricks into oncoming traffic just to watch the chaos. In fact, she usually has a brick in her purse at most times just for this purpose. Unlike the demons of her home universe, this one enjoys breaking the rules as much as following them. Her innate ability is to transform her bra into a gold etched black bow which fires unholy energy as projectiles. Beneath her makeup she actually has red skin to match her bright red hair and a pointed devil tail exactly like the one you probably saw in your mind when you read that. When she's extremely mad her hair actually begins to burn as living flames. This rarely happens as she rarely stops smiling.


In addition to being able to fire unholy magic arrows from her bow with terrifying accuracy, Hekit can act as a temporary body for Señor Diablo since signing a contract with the Devil. This allows him to get into places he has no business being in, assuming it's possible for Hekit to get inside them herself of course. Her aforementioned ability to blend into a crowd is actually quite literal. She can cast a type of darkness arounds her that makes her vanish from the sight of those who aren't attuned to it. Typically she uses this to steal when she can. After all, she's a demon. Why should she use money?


@HellCat - Posted from: Mobile
Stuck roaming the city on a mission. At least I found a phone I can play with!

@HellCat - Posted from: Mobile
"Moms! Bring your newborn babies and I will pick up a brick and hit your newborn baby with that brick! Come anytime! We will not run out of bricks!"

@HellCat - Posted from: Mobile
I think I like this Dr Tran thing I found on YouTube.

@HellCat - Posted from: Mobile
Laying out near the fountain, in the rain, unable to move. That sandwich was not worth this.

@HellCat - Posted from: Mobile
Met a fellow brick enthusiast yesterday. Looking forwards to next time.

@HellCat - Posted from: Mobile
Twisted Gazette: Three Teens Critically Injured In Airship Theft 😈

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