Poison Ivy

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Pamela Isley
Full Name: Pamela Isley

Codename: Poison Ivy

Occupation: Eco-Terror-Feminist
Series: Batman: The Animated Series

Tier: Tier 2
Threat Level: Block Buster
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Gender: Very Female
Species: Mutated Human

Short Description: Green skin, red hair, graceful, stylish, sarcastic, and hates you. Also known as seductive, insane, and terrifying. Likes sunlight, plenty of water, and walks in the park.

Not available for parties.

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Pamela Isley
Age: 30 Birthdate: April 19th
Height: 5'8" (172cm) Weight: 115lbs (52kg)

Beneath the cool-and-green-as-a-cucumber surface she's (quite literally) cultivated, Poison Ivy is nothing but a bundle of arguable flaws. Fiercely intelligent, she also had the kind of upbringing that lends itself equally to insecurity and ego, and the events of her life since have created a paranoid, distrustful woman for the most part. Her horrendous racism against human beings is a problem anywhere she goes, leading her to either risk attracting the ire of bigger fish - should she act out on her deepest desire to just eradicate the species - or consign her to acting the detached, sarcastic outsider. As a result, there's just not many people who'd risk anything for Ivy, and she is often left to fend for herself. Though strong in her own right, she mostly despises direct physical violence, her disgust at her own vestigial humanity manifesting in what can be seen as a hypocritical tendency to fight her battles using anything but her own body. A mess of neuroses, she's in control only because she maintains it - and it's a constant effort.

Should she lose control, Ivy is angry to the point of recklessness, her ambition exceeding - all too often - even the mysterious limits of her powers. If she can be baited into a direct fight, unable to scheme or prepare plant-based surprises, she's certainly not a match for many of her peers, or the people forming opposition to super-powered eco-terrorists. In this way her post-Harleen empowerment has become a crutch she relies upon to remain stable and grounded. Which highlights perhaps her greatest weakness, in Harley Quinn. Never was there a love more pure, a friendship more devout than that Ivy maintains with Joker's liberated henchwoman. Though she prefers to remain distant from the affairs of others, news of Harley in trouble will drag Ivy to the bubbly blonde's side with no more query than an arched brow and a cynical comment. The woman who takes few risks will risk everything.

It's plants, however, that are Ivy's biggest weakness. She cares more for them than she does herself, or anybody, with the sole and gut-wrenching exception of Quinn. But they're everywhere, and easy for anybody to harm. The fastest route to turning calm, calculated Ivy into a bugfuck-insane super-bitch is to not keep off the grass. She lives her life in a perpetual state of annoyance, suppressing an infinite rage at humanity's disregard for their planet. It's not particularly hard to pick at that seam.

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Pamela Isley
There's two truths in this world: people suck, and people need plants. They need them to breathe. Breathing is important.

Why, then, do they insist on destroying their own, awful lives by taking others with them? Selfish, murderous, greedy, and unkind, even from a young age Pamela Isley had a low opinion of her fellow man. It's a bleak miracle, to her, that anyone makes it through their childhood without feeling the same way. Watching others through the lens of innocence, a child sees only people that care for it - and people who don't. Those that do care about nothing else. Their worldview is insular. One might deign to call them merely ignorant, but ignorance is no excuse for the pain and destruction they wreak in the name of living another day on this damaged Earth.

Breathing... is not that important. But we digress.

Born with a silver spoon in her mouth, Pamela's path was never going to be a difficult one to find or maintain. Her parents provided more than adequately, in material terms, but were emotionally-unavailable to the point - some might say - of being abusive by default. Ultimately emerging grateful for their callous behavior, the bitter redhead went on to study for a degree in advanced botanical chemistry at Seattle University. For all her burgeoning misanthropy, Isley was a gifted pupil, and was selected by her professors to partake in experiments that necessitated the injection of samples into a living subject. With science foremost in her mind, she allowed the experiments to proceed.

After-effects were swift, and painful. Teetering on the lip of death, young Pamela began a transformation, her complexion paling and then turning great, toxins erupting through her bloodstream and bubbling past her lips. The effect on her mind was worse still, driving her to insanity. Abandoned by her treachorous professor, she was hospitalized for six months, emerging physically stable but under the thrall of violent mood swings. She disappeared overnight, leaving a dead boyfriend behind her...

Enter, Poison Ivy.

No longer feeling any sentiment toward humanity but hatred and rage, a criminal career began that needs not be expanded upon; because humans are lazy, greedy creatures, and nobody wants to read a recounting of far too many comics, cartoons, and video games. Suffice to say, like any warm body that relocates to Gotham City and takes up a life of crime, Ivy suffered the inevitable setback of incarceration in Arkham at the hands of the goddamn Batman. An established eco-terrorist with blood all over her thorns, Ivy was treated as an especially dangerous patient from the first innings, locked away from sunlight and contact with the people she loathed. Thank Gaia for small mercies, in the case of the latter... but with her altered biochemistry, suffering without the sun only drove the green-skinned woman deeper into madness.

Her shining beacon proved to be eager psychiatrist Harleen Quinzel, who - before her own seams cracked - bestowed simple kindnesses on the former Miss Isley that broke through the dense foliage of her bitterness. Dr. Quinzel's therapies, and humanities, caused a slow shift in Ivy. Her fury dimmed, boiling away beneath the surface but ceasing to erupt with the regularity it once did, and with clearer thoughts came better decisions. A little meditation, a little yoga, some deep breaths...

And Ivy broke out of Arkham, resuming her career with more subtlety and less (intentional) murder. Meanwhile, not far removed from Ivy's epiphany, Harleen Quinzel had been seduced by the Joker into becoming Harley Quinn, undergoing her own chemical burns and personal transformation into a much less acceptable human. On the occasion their paths crossed within the criminal underworld, or the frantic and all too public overworld, the bond between them persisted. From Ivy's perspective, Harley was the same pure-hearted creature who'd helped her - saved her, to be terribly melodramatic about it. And the less said about the Joker, the better. Satisfied with using men for her own means, Ivy's feelings about other humans generally remained the same as they'd always been; albeit with the wisdom of experience, and damn good therapy, she could hold herself back from being their Earthly judgement. None of which bade well for her opinion of Harley's 'Puddin'. Over the years, she's tried again and again to keep her one friend away from her own obsession with a very shitty man...

That fight is still ongoing. Like the fight to save the planet, it never ends. Ivy's not done with a life of crime, and she's far from done with her errant bestie - whose current insistence that she's breaking free from Joker's shadow seems to be holding, for now. Mostly satisfied of her own volition to make her money more safely, with elaborated schemes and clever financing, and spend downtime caring for her plants, it's ultimately her devout care for Harley that's liable to drag her back into chaos. It's a life debt, based on a sincere love that the mad clownette doesn't share with anybody else. She's BETTER than anybody else, after all. Perhaps even Ivy herself, whose genuine concern has not prevented her from staying home and making her nettles tea while she instead dispatches a plant-based simulacrum to track down and help the wildly-marauding Harls.

She accepts there'll be more trouble to come, with Harley, and alongside her own quest to bring humanity to its respectful knees in reverence for Mother Nature. But, baby steps.

The woman who exists now is a calmer, more centred Poison Ivy. A renaissance villainess, who's honestly done with ALL your bullshit, but knows you can't help it.

Just don't step on the daisies. You... do like breathing, right?


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Pamela Isley
Natural Pheromones - Ivy's body naturally secretes powerful pheromones capable of overwhelming the affected with a form of mind control, or knocking them unconscious. Best communicated through sharing her saliva, she can administer these powers with a kiss, but also specializes in using her scientific background to blend her own secretions into potent toxins, including truth serums and deadly love potions that eventually mutate her victims into nightmarish human-plant hybrids. For incredibly scientific reasosn that are nothing to do with titillating teenage boys, Ivy's saliva remains a critical catalyst for activating these serums, though other delivery methods are possible with sufficient preparation.

Plant Control - The reason Ivy is a heavy-hitter. Simplistically, she is able to exert telepathic control over plants, causing them to change their shape and scale, grow at a rapid rate, or assault her chosen targets. This represents not just a 'brute force' supernatural ability, but a deep affinity and mutual affection for anything that photosynthesizes. Her babies WANT to help her, and will serve also as the conduit for communication over long distances. The theoretical limit on these abilities seems as dependent on Ivy's mental state as anything - if sufficiently aroused and within a short distance of literally any plant, she can connect via root systems and shared soil to uproot a forest on her quest for vengeance. Close work with Swamp Thing has revealed she shares the same connection to the pseudo-mythic Green that he does, but on the average day she's restricted to such minor and unremarkable feats as summoning vast, thorny tentacles to bind entire buildings, save her allies, and entangle and even kill opponents. There's only so much even the likes of Batman can do against a sentient forest guided by a highly-intelligent, vengeful psychotic.

Post-Human Strength - In a world of superheroes, Ivy's pure physical acumen is nothing to write home about. However, her hybridity bestows on her a resilience and natural athleticism far in advance of a normal human. This at least allows to survive against greater threats, and makes her all the more terrifying to mere civilians. However, in contrast to her favorite partner-in-crime, she prefers to avoid full contact sports, opting to use her wits and plants to fight battles wherever possible.

Toxic Resistance - You can't fight fire with fire. Even before becoming Poison Ivy, Isley was a genius botanist and biochemist who could likely synthesize antidotes with ease, but in her altered state she's outright immune to natural toxins. Many of the nastier tricks and improvised weapons that work on others simply don't work on her. Hybrid toxins and anything produced in a lab without any elements of naturally-occurring plant life will prove exceptional, and provide an alternative approach for chemical warfare specialists.

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    @EasyGreen - Posted from: Mobile
    Wow, this place is a dump. Sorry you all live here.

    @EasyGreen - Posted from: Mobile
    Don't @ me. No context, just don't.

    @EasyGreen - Posted from: Desktop
    Found some babies to settle in with. #Goals

    @EasyGreen - Posted from: Mobile
    Why do I keep replacing this coffee table? #BestFriends #DontGrowOnTrees

    @EasyGreen - Posted from: Mobile
    Found a great PSA about recycling, you owe it to yourselves to watch this!

    @EasyGreen - Posted from: Desktop

    @EasyGreen - Posted from: Mobile
    Do you ever miss someone so much you could die?

    @EasyGreen - Posted from: Mobile
    But also you know when you find them you're probably going to kill them?

    @EasyGreen - Posted from: Desktop

    @EasyGreen - Posted from: Mobile
    Goddammit, where are you? I know you pay attention to this crap! #CallMe

    @OuttaPatients - Posted from: Mobile
    @EasyGreen I'm sorry. ;_;

    @EasyGreen - Replying from: Mobile

    @OuttaPatients - Replying from: Mobile
    Nothing! Nevermind!

    @EasyGreen - Replying from: Mobile
    ...what did you do?

    @OuttaPatients - Replying from: Mobile
    Just... stay out of your house for awhile.

    @EasyGreen - Replying from: Mobile
    Jesus. I knew I should have left you tied up.

    @OuttaPatients - Replying from: Mobile
    We can get you a new one!

    @EasyGreen - Replying from: Mobile

    @OuttaPatients - Replying from: Mobile
    I mean, I. I can. The royal 'I' I mean. Stop asking questions!

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