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Characters from the Slayers universe.

Lina Inverse-icon.gif



According to Dante:

Yeah, yeah. Not my series. I've watched and read a lot though and I pack a lot of you guys are going to sit there and listen while I explain this screwed up little world and THEN I'll take my pistols away from your face. Sound good? n.n

In the beginning, there was a lot of darkness and light. You had this dragon god thing battling the forces of evil. Now, at some point or another it was decided that the BEST way to reel in the imbalance going on...was to introduce the most unstable, evil, dangerous, destructive force of 'good' ever conceived. Enter Lina_Inverse....c.c

In the beginning, things were simple. Lina and her crew (Gourry at first. Zelgadis came in later. Then Amelia and the rest, etc...) Let's face it, they stole stuff. I mean, SOMETIMES they'd do something good...usually by accident, but normally that was only if it was going to make them some cash. Trouble has this way of following Lina and her crew around though. Rezo the red priest, MOSTLY a good guy up to that point, but obsessed with getting his sight back...gave Lina and the crew some trouble. After messing with him and his hordes for a bit, they end up releasing a 'big bad'. This becomes a common thread later. u.u

They managed to fend THAT jerkwad off, barely, leading into future adventures against other big bads. These included copies of Rezo and former minions. Now, being that Lina has a huge fanbase AND can...severely injure anyone who tries to STOP her, she managed a few movies too. These movies tend to go off on different storylines though and may or may NOT be reconcilable into the main storylines. Of course, here on Twisted it's doable. O:)

Most of the adventures revolve around Lina trying to make money and secure food (She eats about enough for a small country) through various mercenary means. Usually the whole gang is eventually drafted into saving the world which they usually DON'T get paid for. Story of my life, peeps. So, the moral of this whole story is...

If you see Lina Inverse, run. You'll be a LOT happier that you did. Trust m-Blarg!! *disappears in a huge explosion*

Lina peers down at the unconscious Dante in this newly made crater. She snorts a bit before making off with most of his gear AND sticking his finger in a cup of warm water. "Geez. At least *I'M* smart enough to keep my voice down when I'm acting like an ass." She pats him on the head and heads off whistling, straight for the UR of course.

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