2020-02-20 - Dusty Old Nerds

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Dusty Old Nerds

Summary: SilverSight and Lucy clean up the library, while talking about the value of books.

Who: SilverSight, Lucy Lacemaker
When: February 20, 2020
Where: Twisted Public Library

Lucy Lacemaker-icon.gifSilverSight-icon.gif

The information contained within this log is to be considered information gained Out of Character (OOC).
This information may not be used as In Character (IC) knowledge or in roleplay unless it has been learned in-game or permission has been granted by the parties involved.

Questions should be directed to staff.

SilverSight has spent a lot of time living in the library, keeping it well protected and trying to clean up. Dusty dusty dusty.

"Wotcher doin' vere, horsie?" comes the high-pitched voice of Lucy Lacemaker from behind Silver Sight, the weird cat thing having either snuck up on him or used weird slasher movie teleportation. Probably just snuck up though. With her /very/ toothy grin on full display, she continues, "Of course I know what you're doing, but it's a conversation starter, innit? Teehee!"

SilverSight looks up slightly grumpy at being called a 'horsie'. That always annoys him. He turns to tell off whoever it was.. but he does suddenly seem less so when he sees.. whatever it is speaking to him. Well that's new. He tilts his head curiously, "I'm um.. cleaning the library of course." He motions out to the place, "The poor thing has been disused and left alone for far too long."

Lucy Lacemaker glances around at the library, tail swaying behind her. "Terrible shame, vat. So many books, so much information, all going to waste wif nobody learning it. Terrible shame." She swipes her tail over a book left laying on the floor, eyeing the dust bunnies that go flying. "Absolutely bloody dreadful, it is."

SilverSight keeps an eye on the creature, but seems to be relaxing a little now that conversation is happening, "Very much so. That's why I've been recently hired to help maintain the location. Makes for a decent place to live too."

Lucy Lacemaker flashes another grin at Silver, wiggling her claws. "Knowledge is power, they say. My kind knew that very well, heheh." A few more swishes of her tail and the book is dust-free, then she picks it up and places it neatly on the shelf. "Vere we go. We can sort you out proper later, but at least you're off va floor." Finally, addressing Silver again, she says, "Sounds like a downright fuckin' noble position, it does. 'Ope the job comes wif a title, not as official wifout va title. Keeper of Tomes or somefin' like vat."

SilverSight gives a soft chuckle to that one, shaking his head, "Not even sure if there's a real title to be given. At best I'm technically just maintenance at this point until the place is fully operational once more." He's still moving about, dusting where he can with a pan and brush held in his magic, "My name is Silver Sight though, if that helps any."

Lucy Lacemaker continues to help out where she can, making quick work of all that dust with her tail... which seems to have sprouted feathers for additional ease of dusting! "Well you should petition for a title, ven. We 'ad titles for everyfing back in va Kivouack, y'know. I was Voice of va Court, for instance. Very 'igh honor, vat." she goes on, then as introductions are given out, she flamboyantly waves her clawed hand and says, "Lucy Lacemaker, dearie. A pleasure, I'm sure~"

SilverSight now seems more curious than before, even setting down the tools to look closer at the critter, noting the change in adding feathers, "It's nice to meet you, Lucy. I'm afraid I've never heard of the.. what was it.. Kiv-wack? I apologize if I'm incorrect."

Lucy Lacemaker places a few more books on the shelves, mentally noting their titles, authors, and locations. As Silver expresses interest in her home, however, she tilts her head toward him, ears flapping with the motion, and laughs again before answering, eyes momentarily drifting apart before snapping back into focus on the pony. "Hahahaha! The Kivouack, dear! My home, what existed before va universe as it now is... or at least, va universe which I come from. A place more beautiful and terrible van anyfing what's existed since, where light ran like rivers and cities were built in spheres. Physics were very different ven, see. Before it went *boom* and created va universe as it now exists from its ever-expanding ruins."

SilverSight's head goes tilt as he attempts to parse some of that explanation, as well as the accent. It takes him a moment to run it all through, "I see.. Sounds like it was a hell of a place then. Mine had mostly clear physics going on, barring certain events, but we ponies also cheated through the use of magic a lot."

Lucy Lacemaker tilts her head along with Silver's. "Your physics are only clear to you because you've lived wif 'em your 'ole life. Va Kivouack's physics made perfect sense to us; it was va new universe's physics vat were confusing. Took fuckin' millennia to get used to it." She then peers at Silver's horn, her red eye widening while the white eye narrows. "Magic? Ovvers 'ave talked about it, but I 'aven't seen it yet. Is vat what you're using to 'old va broom and pan?"

SilverSight nods to that and majicks up the broom again, making it swish about on the floor, "A very minor spell that virtually every unicorn learns, but I do have other magic at my disposal. Every pony has their own special talent that makes them slightly unique, something that they can naturally do slightly better than anyone else. Most unicorns often learn a specific spell tied to this talent."

Lucy Lacemaker watches intently as the broom moves about, noting the glow from Silver's horn and the matching glow on the broom. "I see, I see... Not just somefin' anyone can learn, I'd wager? I could fink of a few uses for vat..."

SilverSight gives a small shrug, "It's possible to teach the spells. So long as a unicorn is patient and dedicated to learn that is. It's often though that a number of spells used to be personal ones that were just too useful to keep, so they were retaught over and over along the years until they became common. But we were also learning a lot of new ones as well, making up the magic as we go!"

Lucy Lacemaker leans against a stack of books. "I meant ovver species. Fings what aren't unicorns. Magic doesn't exist where I'm from, 'cept for sleight of 'and and suchlike. So I was just wonderin' if such fings could be taught to people what aren't born in it."

SilverSight oooh and huh.. pondering that one, "Never thought of that before. I suppose it's not *impossible* to teach our brand of magic to someone else.. but I've never heard of such thing occuring before." A soft laugh, "Not that I even knew there were creatures other than those of my world until about a year ago."

Lucy Lacemaker taps the tips of her claws together thoughtfully. "Really now? Interesting, we'll have to try it sometime. Magic could be very useful in so many ways, heheh..." That gleam in her eye looks downright /evil/, but then again, given her appearance, anything would look evil if she did it. A moment later though, she goes back to her cleaning. "But vat can wait. Vis library is in sorry shape, so let's get to it!"

SilverSight gets back to his dusting, occasionally lifting books to put in their proper place as well, "It's certainly nice to meet another library lover! With the way this place ended up, I was wondering if anyone else had bothered coming in here for years."

Lucy Lacemaker does a bit more organizing as she goes, reshelving books that were left in the wrong spots. "Kivouachians respect intelligence as much as strength, and libraries are a symbol of intelligence. A collection of knowledge gavvered over va course of 'istory, waiting for new generations to learn from it and use vat information to whatever ends vey see fit. Fuckin' poetic, if you ask me."

SilverSight laughs softly and nods, "Oh I fully agree with everything you just said there. I've been interested in books and learning the history of my world ever since I learned to read. Read everything my Stable had to offer a dozen times over before I finally got out to explore my world and find more books to indulge myself in."

Lucy Lacemaker chuckles a bit as well. "I /experienced/ 'istory, so books were more of a pastime for me back home. Somefin' to pass va time, but occasionally somefin' came along vat I missed. And now, I've got fings from worlds I never knew existed to look forward to reading about, so much more knowledge to be gained." She gives Silver another curious look. "For starters, 'ow about you give me some stories from your world while we work? It'll help pass va time faster."

SilverSight shall proceed to tell Lucy some of the tales he knows of from his world. Minor background history of how Equestria came to be, some of the ancient heroes, the rise of Twilight, leading towards the war with the zebras...

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