2020-03-27 - Hyena Blood and Adonis DNA

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Hyena Blood and Adonis DNA

Summary: Urus goes in to get some blood work done.

Who: Johann, Urus
When: March 27, 2020
Where: Mabase Medical Clinic


The information contained within this log is to be considered information gained Out of Character (OOC).
This information may not be used as In Character (IC) knowledge or in roleplay unless it has been learned in-game or permission has been granted by the parties involved.

Questions should be directed to staff.

Urus got the adress from Rayne and came here, just finding it wasnt too difficult. just a small walk away from where he was yesterday. He knocks on the clinic door, his fur looking scruffy and while not dirty the creature could be cleaner, or have a shirt on for pete's sake. he takes a deep breath, been a long while since he trusted a doctor with anything.

Johann soon comes to the door, opening it wide and taking in the figure standing outside. "Ah, a patient, I presume! You're not homeless, are you? I'm afraid I don't offer lodging here, alzhough I could refer you to a few places... ah, I am being rude." He steps aside, letting Urus come in as he will. "Please! Enter, and ve vill discuss your needs in ze privacy of ze examination room.

Which, really, is just the main room, which also has the greeting desk, which is also the doctor's personal office. At least the surgery and recovery rooms are separate...

Urus chuckles. "not homeless, thank you for the offer though." while the doctor is german, his patient seems russian purely from the accent, where have we seen this before? when the doctor mentions privacy he sighs releif internally as he heads inside. "I'm here for most of the normal stuff and a bit of abnormal if I'm honest." he states as he makes sure the door closes behind him.

Johann nods as he walks over to the examination table, patting it to indicate that Urus should get up on it for... well, examination. "I see, I see. Strange zat you vould come to me shirtless, zen. In any case, please sit down here, and I vill begin ze checkup. Vhat exactly did you mean by abnormal, if I may ask?"

Urus nods backing up and putting his hands on the table before jumping back onto it. "honestly its just my prefered look. but my fashion choices are not why I came to you doc." he says sith a sigh. "just going to warn you I have not seen a real doctor in at least 10 years, most of the scars you see are from self work." he has learned feild medicine, at least enough to set a broken bone or suture a cut, but legitimate health medicine, way out of his league. "so the abnormal is that..." he sighs. "I need some blood work done. I think I might have somthing in there that could be dangerous, as such be careful when you do that."

Johann nods again as he listens to Urus, picking up an opthalmoscope from the equipment table and using it to check the hyena man's eyes. "Hm. Nozing out of ze ordinary here." he says, then sets it aside for an otoscope to check Urus's ear cavities. "Clear of obstructions. As for ze blood vork, vell, I can certainly do zat. I am assuming it's not just hepatitis or HIV you are vorried about?"

Urus feels good every time the doctor checks and finds stuff in good order. "well, I used to be human if you would beleive it." he says. "gained 5 inches in height, fur and a tail among other things..." he states trying to stay still for the doctor as he needs it though johann would definately notice the numerous battle scars the mercenary has picked up as well as the nasty healing from acid burns on his chest if he parts the fur a bit.

Johann does the rest of the usual stuff while he's at it, including the stethoscope, the reflex hammer test, body temperature check, etc etc. Usual boring checkup stuff. Finally though, he finishes up and nods. "Alright. So somezing in your blood zat turned you... er, furry, I assume. Bitten by a radioactive hyena, perhaps?" he chuckles, before picking up an electric razor- apparently he's prepared for this sort of thing. As he shaves a spot on Urus's arm to clear obstructing fur, he asks, "You said you hadn't been to a doctor in ten years? I can certainly tell by ze scars. Very unprofessionally handled. Not trusting of doctors, I assume?"

Urus sighs. "my distrust of doctors and my fur go hand in hand doctor." he states. "I'll let you figure out on your own why..." he states with a sigh. "but yes, all personally handled. my own stitches and cures for the common bullet or alien as time goes on."

Johann nods, slightly disapprovingly, but understandingly as well. "I see. Some mad experiment gone wrong... or right, I suppose? Vell, you do not have to vorry about such zings here, at least not viz me. Alzhough I assume you must have gotten quite desperate to come to me in ze first place, no?" he continues, dabbing a bit of alcohol on the freshly shaven patch.

Urus nods. "I only thought about it a few weeks ago but... since then I have been worried about the possiblity that... what made me this might still be lurking in my body. and that if I'm not careful, or if someone else is not careful, they would have to go through what I did, and I wouldnt want that on anyone. even my worst enemy."

Johann picks up an empty syringe, flicking the tip as he says, "I can understand ze stress zat might place on you. Alright, stay still now, zis vill sting a little. No more zan a mosquito bite, I assure you." he says, before carefully piercing Urus's skin into a vein and beginning to draw a bit of blood.

Urus flinches at the sting and grabs Johann's arm looking angry as hell before taking a few deep breaths and taking his hand off and closing his eyes. he nods "sorry. last time a needle touched me it was a month of suffering..." he states. it comes up rather normal in coloration at the least, nothing weird with that.

Johann pauses as Urus flinches and grabs him, calmly waiting for the panic episode to end. It seems this isn't his first rodeo with trauma sufferers. "It's quite alright. Take as long as you need." he reassures the hyena man, only continuing once he's sure things are calmed. As he finishes and withdraws the needle, dabbing the wound with an alcohol pad and then placing a small bandage over it afterwards, he comments, "No abnormalities in ze color. Zat hardly means anyzing of course, as I still need to do some testing. If you vill leave a phone number or alternative means of contacting you, I vill let you know vhen ze results are in, ja?"

Urus looks as soon as the doctor is done. chuckling at the bandage, that tiny prick... used alot less on larger wounds then again wasnt as pretty either... "is there... any way I could stay until its finished, will it take long?"

Johann sighs and shakes his head. "It vill be at least a few days. I do not have a lab in ze Clinic proper, and vill have to send it elsevhere, zen have it sent back, not to mention ze time it may take for zem to even start... zhough I may be able to move you up ze list by mentioning ze potential risk involved." he explains, moving over to a scale and a line of measuring tape pasted on the wall. "Last zing, just need height and veight before you leave."

Urus nods. "I see. well, do what you can, and tell them to be careful. it could be nothing, could be volitile, no one who has come into contact with my blood has lived long enough for me to ever find out..."

Johann gives Urus a pat on the shoulder. "It vill be fine, I'm sure. If you are vorried about contagiousness, ve can alvays try to synzesize a cure viz your blood sample. Assuming zere /is/ anyzing wrong, of course." A thought crosses his mind, though. "Ah, I am assuming you have not had any... /personal/ liaisons in zat time? Ve may need to test ozzer bodily fluids as vell, if it comes up zat you /are/ carrying somezing dangerous."

Urus shakes his head. "I'm a monster in my own world and there are not many here who find me interesting so thats a no on the... liaisons." he says. "we'll cross that bridge when we find it I assume." he says.

Johann nods again, moving over to the reception desk once the height/weight test is done. "Yes, I suppose ve vill. In any case, do please fill out zis form, and I vill contact you vhen ze results come back."

The hyena stands and begins filling in his info. "Tell me, what do you think the chances are, off the top of your head?"

Johann shrugs. "It's hard to tell, but it is certainly a non-zero chance. I am not even sure vhat to expect, to be perfectly frank. A viral infection? Some mysterious genetic-altering drug? It could be anyzing."

Urus sighs. "well, thank you doctor." he says. "if you ever find yourself in the need of a surgeon or at the least a feild surgeon I can sub in on busy days.'

Johann chuckles a bit. "It rarely gets zat busy, but I appreciate ze offer. Perhaps I can give you a few pointers to improve your skills, too." he says, offering a hand to shake.

the clawed hand of the hyena comes out and shakes the doctor's hand firmly. "always up to learn somthing new." he says. "as long as its useful that is."

Johann grins. "Indeed. Vell, I hope you have a good day, and viz any luck it von't take very long to get ze results back."

Urus nods. "I hope so too." he says heading out. well... here goes nothing...

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