Template:Random featured article

From TwistedMUCK
Revision as of 16:01, 25 March 2019 by Marr0w (Talk | contribs)

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This template expands into a featured article preview randomly selected from the included list. Add appropriate entries to the list in <option> tags. If it works out well and once we have enough entries, this template can be used as the body of the "Random Featured Article" part of the main page. See the MediaWiki page for more information about the <choose> and <option> tags.

Stuff that actually shows up begins here



'Borrowed' wholesale from The Evil Dead/Army of Darkness, the S-Mart was created to solve an important question no one was asking: Where did the people of Twisted buy clothes and/or food? Generic fake-shops are fine depending on the scene but it'd be a little weird if everyone was going to a totally random-non-existent place for their everyday shopping or buying groceries at the 24*7.

How long it's been there isn't important. It's there now, and they're slightly cheaper than everyone else by about three cents.


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