Difference between revisions of "Twisted MUCK Rules and Regulations/specifics"

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* A FC hasn’t been used in a month and has no logs to prove otherwise
* A FC hasn’t been used in a month and has no logs to prove otherwise
* Character has been caught doing anything in a sexual manner towards an underage character
* Character has been caught doing anything in a sexual manner towards an underage character

Latest revision as of 06:24, 21 February 2020


This section has to be broken up into three divisions. Although we’d like you to read over all three, please at least read over the section that most applies to the sort of character you would like to play. You can not play as a character already active on the muck, so please check our Active Character List before creating your own. Please take other players into consideration when creating a character. If your character is going to be a rude, overpowered, loner then you're probably not going to get to participate in much.

Featured Characters

If you choose to play a character from a specific series, that character is referred to as a Featured Character or an FC. FC’s are expected to be played as close to their original source material as you can. Characters powerful enough to destroy a city in a wave of a hand (for example) need to be brought before staff before it’s creation. Failure to do so could lead to termination. It is also very important that you check our Active Character List and speak to anyone else also involved in the same series as you wish to be. This will avoid unnecessary conflicts between players later and may actually improve your characters’ interactions with our worlds.

Featured Characters also have to adhere to what we call Series Wiz. These are members of staff who’s duty it is to make sure players stay true to their characters when their characters are non-original excluding situations where a character has logically and realistically grown beyond the original template. Series Wiz also oversee cast of various series to make sure events remain realistic as well, especially when dealing with interactions between multiple series. This helps in situations where “the earth’s mightiest heroes” meet another person or group with the same description and cause conflict or when a new character joins an existing cast and has trouble becoming comfortable with it. Series Wiz are not police, they are merely guides and mediators. Feel free to contact them for support or general brain storming.

Original Characters

Any character that doesn’t fit into the above categories is considered to be original. Original characters normally only need to be approved when they are overly powerful (just like FC’s.) You can not create an OC for a specific group (like the Police Department, the Council, the Senshi, or Hell) without speaking to members of that group first.

Creating an original character from a featured character is prohibited without staff consent. For example, if someone where to change the gender of Mario or claim to be an alternate version of Mario where he was really a bad guy is against the rules unless you get a staff member to approve the idea first. We realize this is a hassle for all parties involved but speaking from experience, this will help reduce unnecessary drama further down the road for you.

Non-Humanoid Characters

As Twisted has grown we've seen a number of non-humanoid characters come and go. These have included but are not limited to; dragons, dogs, cats, ponies, unicorns, swords, aquatic slugs, and intelligent shades of the color blue. (Seriously, we're not making this up!) While we have no issues with these types of characters being used as NPCs - they do pose a number of unique problems. Twisted in general was designed for bipedal humanoids. This isn't a case of needing to add in extra ramps or special furniture. Characters like these are sometimes very hard to adapt to the setting and the staff like to be sure that all players have an equal potential to have fun on our game.

Because of this we will no longer accept applications for these kinds of characters until we've had a chance to actually speak to these players on the game. We aren't trying to single anyone out, and we certainly aren't trying to make anyone feel uncomfortable. We just want to make sure that this is something the player really wants and to make sure that they understand the challenges they will face on Twisted. Enthusiastic players who submit apps for these types of characters without speaking to staff first will be denied automatically. Please just speak with us first. This is far better than going back and forth with staff resubmitting multiple variations of the same application as it tended to happen in the past with these sorts of characters.

Multiple Characters

A player with multiple characters may @frob them at any time but please remember without staff consent @frobbing a character is considered permanent and they must be re-apped and re-approved to restore them. Players must wait 30 days before requesting a second character and 10 logs MUST be posted in the meanwhile of the first character to show that the original character is being used. This same policy applies to each additional character and the one prior to it. Please see the Character Limits section of our main rules page for more information.

NPCs and Puppets

Players are allowed to 'spoof' as many characters as they want in the form of NPCs. NPCs are intended as BACKGROUND CHARACTERS used to flesh out scenes to make them more interesting. They are not there to make your character look better. They are not there to avoid turning in applications. Going into a store and having a temporary clerk working there? That's an NPC. NPCs that appear in multiple scenes are what goes onto the NPC list of the wiki. Please do not spam NPCs in scenes you participate in.

If you're pre-planning a random walk-on character and it takes multiple nights of planning and discussion - you need to talk to us about getting a PUPPET, not an NPC. A PUPPET is a character which you control that is tied to your characters. It is something staff needs to create for you. Currently we will deal with PUPPETS the same way we do alts and request the short app be filled out. Puppets are automatically considered to be at the same base ability level as a standard NPC. Using our current threat level system these would be civilian level characters. They might win a one on one fight, but if they are portrayed as stronger than that you must speak to a staff member about making them into fully fledged characters.

Failure to adhere to this policy will result in a strike against you.


Over time Twisted has created several factions such as TASK and the various Councils. As these are proper organizations within Twisted with their own spheres of influence special rules must be set aside. That said, in an effort to prevent a single player from having too much influence, and to prevent these factions from becoming RP-restricting cliques, we are enforcing a one-alt-per-faction restriction on players as of November 9th, 2015.

Characters from Obscure or Niche Series

Not everyone likes to play original characters and we respect that. However we cannot be expected to know every series and every wild offshoot of a known series there is out there. If staff is unfamiliar with or is unable to find credible information about a series we will treat them as an original character - meaning if you want to play from them you will have to explain to us all necessary details about this world and it's characters.

Generally that is the rule of thumb anyways because we expect a player to be able to show they understand the world the character comes from even if it's something as widely known as Batman, Superman, Spiderman, or Iron Man. However it should be stressed if we can't look up information easily you are expected to provide it in full. Your approved application is what we judge characters by when something goes amiss. If you left something out because you didn't provide enough information you'll have to get it cleared with staff before it will be allowed.

Policy Regarding Character Termination

Due to events involving players abusing our character creation policy, we have been forced to redefine the policy regarding character termination. This policy is intended to promote role playing and to discourage squatting. Any issues regarding this policy should be taken up with members of staff and not other players. Modifications to this policy from this point forwards will be publicly announced.

Potential Reasons For Termination

  • Character has received three or more warnings from staff over violating our rules
  • Character has gone a month without use and has no finger info set
  • An overpowered character was created without staff consent
  • A FC hasn’t been used in a month and has no logs to prove otherwise
  • Character has been caught doing anything in a sexual manner towards an underage character

Application  •  Application/Statistics  •  In-game Commands  •  Logging Rules  •  Theme and Setting  •  Twisted MUCK Rules and Regulations
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