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|Series=Chrono Cross
|Series=Chrono Cross
|Threat=Block Buster
|Threat=Block Buster
|Alignment=Chaotic Lawful(?)
|Alignment=Neutral Evil
|Species=Wildcat Demi-human
|Species=Wildcat Demi-human

Revision as of 20:11, 21 January 2020

Active characters with this notice are authorized legacy characters from our original game.
Full Name: Lynx

Affinity: Black
Occupation: [Data Expunged]
Series: Chrono Cross
Threat Level: Block Buster
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Gender: Male
Species: Wildcat Demi-human

Short Description: This is a wildcat demi-human that stands at 6'4", looks very physically capable, and wears a black military uniform that has gold trim with a matching hat, gauntlet-styled sleeves, mantle and cape.

Active characters with this notice are authorized legacy characters from our original game.
Age: 36 Birthdate: 969 AD
Height: 6'4" Weight: 176 lbs

This is cat person, a feline demi-human, that stands 6'4" tall yet weighs only 176 lbs giving him a tall lanky appearance. A thin bestial face, cat's nose, and pointed ears give away the nature of the man while his well-defined amber eyes, marked with a natural thin outline of black, gives his gaze a piercing cold element. Not much else can be seen of his uncovered form aside from his strong neck and clawed bare hands while a bit of a brown mane pokes free from underneath the hat that he wears.

The hat is of military origin and style, a variant of a bicorn, that is colored black and gold. He wears a jacket of matching style that is tight, yet flexible, fully revealing his thin build. The front of the fabric's torso might seem to reveal a rippling display of toned muscle, yet this is purely a matter of aesthetic. Even the sleeves are form-fitting, showing that muscle definition is not all a matter of clothing design, save for the ends of the sleeves. The sleeve-ends are designed to appear as gauntlets protecting the top of each hand while otherwise allowing the hands freedom of motion. His jacket extends down past his knees mostly obscuring his pants. The leggings of the pants bunch up just above his boots. These boots are quite large, presumably to work for his demi-human feet, and have thick soles.

Accessories so worn, he has a high-collared mantle over his shoulders with an attached cape. The outside of the cape is black, much like most of his outfit, while the inside is gold like the rest of the fancy trim and ornamentation of his attire. Furthermore, a purple obi (cloth belt) is tied around his waist in colorful contrast to the black and gold worn otherwise.

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For further information, please consult your closest Record of FATE. Remember, knowledge is power and knowledge is available for free when you use a Record of FATE. You don't want to be weak and stupid, do you?

Active characters with this notice are authorized legacy characters from our original game.
[Redacted] was a simple man living in [Redacted] that made a living off of [Redacted], the village's chief supply of [Redacted], that eventually [Redacted] and had a son, [Redacted]. His son was, however, [Redacted] and fell deathly ill. Fearing for [Redacted]'s life, he convinced his best friend, [Redacted], to help him make the trip to [Redacted] by sea for a [Redacted]. An unexpected [Redacted] blew them off [Redacted] and they [Redacted] within the [Redacted] outside of [Redacted]. The [Redacted]'s [Redacted] were shut down due to [Redacted] which allowed [Redacted] to talk [Redacted] into helping him [Redacted] for help. Because of the [Redacted] of [Redacted] and the [Redacted] that [Redacted] it, this was all [Redacted].

Within [Redacted] was a [Redacted] of great [Redacted]: [Redacted], a [Redacted] of [Redacted]'s [Redacted]. [Redacted] was the [Redacted] integral to [Redacted] for which the [Redacted] was [Redacted]. [Redacted] made contact with [Redacted] and was instantly [Redacted], yet this [Redacted] the [Redacted] which [Redacted] the [Redacted]'s [Redacted], [Redacted], from [Redacted] its [Redacted] as [Redacted] became [Redacted].

For further information, please consult your closest Record of FATE. Remember, a wealth of knowledge is at your fingertips when you use a Record of FATE. You don't want to be poor and ignorant, do you?


Active characters with this notice are authorized legacy characters from our original game.

Good Looks
Nam gravida odio in diam blandit mattis. Praesent aliquam tortor nunc, non ultrices eros consectetur vitae. Donec scelerisque elit a metus vestibulum, ut bibendum tortor porttitor. Donec nec elementum diam. Aliquam id ullamcorper sapien. Integer convallis purus a ex tincidunt blandit. In eget neque neque. Quisque at mattis nulla. Fusce aliquet sodales dolor, et volutpat massa ullamcorper fringilla. Etiam vitae leo nisl.

Soothing Voice
In dictum dui at faucibus porta. Aliquam euismod posuere arcu, laoreet tristique ante fringilla sed. Nullam ultricies mollis erat, a pharetra nibh blandit vitae. Etiam vitae mauris in quam aliquet eleifend non eu ipsum. Etiam a efficitur diam. Mauris nec auctor metus, quis auctor risus. Morbi non mauris felis. Mauris iaculis vehicula justo ac convallis. Vestibulum a commodo nunc, et cursus massa. Morbi vel sem dui. Vivamus porta ipsum eget mauris tincidunt, id dignissim mauris dictum. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus.

Dressed to Kill
Nunc at rhoncus ante. In non mauris sed enim pulvinar porttitor. Pellentesque sit amet justo fringilla, egestas erat sed, feugiat libero. In dapibus rutrum facilisis. Integer a ipsum ut augue venenatis volutpat. Aenean ultrices, tellus id varius auctor, nulla lectus accumsan nulla, sit amet vulputate orci nulla et est. Aliquam vitae euismod lacus, ut aliquam ligula. Pellentesque dictum velit at tortor tincidunt cursus. Phasellus tellus lorem, fringilla nec augue at, vulputate dapibus risus. Nullam et porta magna. Aliquam luctus, nisl nec maximus sagittis, felis odio rutrum turpis, et lobortis ante purus vitae velit. Maecenas est felis, aliquam nec sapien id, tempor viverra quam. Etiam posuere nisl purus. Duis sapien quam, laoreet ut odio a, luctus vestibulum massa. In auctor nulla quis convallis gravida.

Winning Personality
Maecenas consectetur quam vitae elementum sollicitudin. Suspendisse egestas mauris at varius venenatis. Sed euismod leo fermentum lacus sodales maximus. Integer iaculis sapien dui, eu tempus ex aliquam tincidunt. Donec interdum suscipit nulla quis placerat. Aliquam in tincidunt ex, eu tincidunt enim. Cras ut felis a leo fringilla pharetra. Quisque cursus euismod orci quis laoreet. Ut volutpat, ante ac elementum auctor, magna libero placerat elit, a placerat mauris orci a leo.

Magic Touch
Duis dui lacus, varius sed nisl non, rutrum fringilla nulla. Aenean sed vehicula lectus. Aliquam erat volutpat. Sed pretium neque libero, at lobortis ligula venenatis lacinia. Cras efficitur libero a justo aliquet interdum. Duis vitae tincidunt ligula. Vivamus sit amet molestie est, id consequat orci. Quisque euismod ac ipsum vel luctus. Curabitur fringilla dolor a facilisis volutpat. Praesent elementum felis ligula, sed lobortis nisi consequat non. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Nunc sagittis urna in velit tempor, in vulputate urna dignissim.

Active characters with this notice are authorized legacy characters from our original game.

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