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Full Name: Silencia

Series: Original
Class: Mother Nature's little girl
Threat Level: Civilian

Gender: Female
Species: Half Fae, half human
Age: 22
Birthdate: April 13

Short Description: A black haired girl with gentle violet eyes

The girl before you is rather small in stature. If one looked with care, they would see that she does have some muscle tone in her arms and legs, suggesting a surprising strength from the slim limbs. Two violet eyes, her gentle nature peeking through them, take the attention in her heart-shaped face. Her pale skin is contrasted by her jet black hair, that reaches down to her lower back. Around her neck a thin silver chain supports a small purple stone that gives off a soft shine every time her magic is used. She is dressed in a simple white dress that reaches down to her knees. An observant eye would see that the nature around her (if there is any) seems to react to her presence, though that reaction is usually very subtle.
At the moment, she can only perform ‘pretty’ magic. Little tricks that are mainly designed to entertain and soothe. Summoning butterflies with her touch and allowing flowers to bloom with her voice are her forte. Her voice also has a soothing quality to the ones listening, but she is not aware of this and the effects are minimal because of that. Her emotions seem to affect her magic greatly, strong emotions will affect her surrounding, mainly the nature around her will react to her state of mind. This has a similar effect on the necklace she always wears; it seems to shine a weak little light whenever she uses her magic.

The primary source for her magic seems to be the nature around her, or Mother Nature. Her connection with Mother Nature is slightly more than a source for her magic, at times it seems like the nature around her actively tries to protect Silencia.




Silencia never knew her last name. She grew up not knowing of her bloodline, even though it was something that assisted her all throughout her life. She grew up in an orphanage where she quickly assumed the role of an older sister to the other children. She would read stories to them, comfort them and love them in place of the parents they did not have. The abilities of her kind aided her with this. She realised that her state of mind and her will was able to affect her surroundings. Every time she focused on the image, little butterflies emerged from her hands, earning the excited gasps of her fellow orphans. A soft hum from her lips was able to make closed flowers bloom. That was the extent of her abilities, but it was enough for her. She was able to make the others smile and that was the greatest magic of all. She was perfectly content in her life; the children were her life.

That life would quickly be thrown into chaos. Her town, small and gullible, was gripped with fear for witches. This fear stemmed from the church and grew because of an illness that ran through nearby towns. The townspeople were convinced that it was the work of witches and that their little town would be targeted if they did not take measures to ‘protect’ themselves. Many people knew of Silencia’s abilities, so it was natural for them to target her. She was oblivious to the danger that lurked, until the townspeople stood at the door of the orphanage, ready to take her. The other orphans knew she was not what they thought she was, so they helped her escape. Silencia ran, barefoot and carrying nothing but the clothes on her back and the necklace around her neck, into the woods. Her last memories of her hometown are stained with tears and fear.

Silencia’s bloodline is that of Fae. Being a mixed blood of Fae and human, she is physically stronger than a normal Fae, but has the magical potential of the Fae. She does not know this, but as her understanding of her bloodline grows, so will her abilities. Her will is going to be a strong ally in fulfilling her potential, because she cannot learn without will. The world she’s from is a fantasy town named Arendylle and it’s set in medieval times. Magical creatures exist in fairytales, but most of the normal people do not know that magical creatures are among them. Some, like Silencia, don’t know they are one of them.


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