Pizza Cats Pizza Emporium

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Pizza Cats Pizza Emporium(#3105R)

The smell of cooking pizza flows into your nostrils. Welcome to the Pizza Cats Pizza Emporium! The -only- Emporium that uses a massive gun, mounted to the roof of the building, to launch it's delivery staff at the speed of sound to deliever your food almost as fast as you can order it. Inside things are much the same as you'd expect from any themed restaurant. It looks like a cat-themed pizza parlor with fish hanging from the walls around the counter. Obviously over the counter is the large menu board listing almost any kind of topping you can think of and at least two you couldn't have. Of course, with a menu like this that door to the bathroom isn't something you want to miss.

Don't bother trying to snoop around though, the only way into the kitchen is behind that counter...


Locations Adachi District  •  Fukuoka District  •  Higashi Ayase Street  •  Neo-Edo Main  •  Plowse Bridge
Buildings Akira Institute  •  Coffee of Doom  •  The Arena
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