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Characters in this category where once members of the group TASK.

TASK, Task, or T.A.S.K. where a group of people assigned to prevent uncontaminated worlds from interacting with the Multiverse. Generally disliked by the general population who where convinced they where more of a local police force in the absence of one. TASK was the extension of the will of Twisted's Council and has not been seen since the new Unification Timeline was established.

Pre-Unification Description

"You've chosen information on Task! Task is the strong arm of The Council, enforcing their laws and doing what they say! Mostly, their job is to catch Mal-Travelers that have been polluting the dimensions that haven't yet been contaminated by denziens from other worlds! They also are in charge of documenting new dimensions that spring up on Twisted, including planets and buildings. Though, they don't do a very good job, since Twisted is always changing around, but they give me all of the information so I can process it along to the proper records! In the course of their duty, they can do whatever they want to apprehend a Mal-Traveler, including destroying them! Although The Council frowns upon it officially, they don't reall care at all! Shhhh, don't tell that I said that!" ~Gegoshi

Pages in category "TASK"

The following 13 pages are in this category, out of 13 total.

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