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Characters in this category are currently members of the group T.A.S.K..

The badge carried by T.A.S.K. members
Director Kotal Kahn
Headquarters TASK Building


TASK, Task, or T.A.S.K. were a group of people assigned to prevent uncontaminated worlds from interacting with the Multiverse. Generally disliked by the general population who where convinced they where more of a local police force in the absence of one. TASK was the extension of the will of Twisted's Council though it now serves a new purpose in the Unification Timeline.

Any Mal-Travelers (people who have been to one or more connected worlds in the Multiverse) captured by TASK for breaking the rules automatically became members of the group itself as punishment.

Pre-Unification Description

"You've chosen information on Task! Task is the strong arm of The Council, enforcing their laws and doing what they say! Mostly, their job is to catch Mal-Travelers that have been polluting the dimensions that haven't yet been contaminated by denziens from other worlds! They also are in charge of documenting new dimensions that spring up on Twisted, including planets and buildings. Though, they don't do a very good job, since Twisted is always changing around, but they give me all of the information so I can process it along to the proper records! In the course of their duty, they can do whatever they want to apprehend a Mal-Traveler, including destroying them! Although The Council frowns upon it officially, they don't reall care at all! Shhhh, don't tell that I said that!" ~Gegoshi

Ranking System

Angel - The low rank in TASK, so named because they are to the epitmy of good and what is right on Twisted. Angels job is the basic one. Make sure people aren't breaking the laws of Twisted (The Council) and deal with Mal-Travelers. They're allowed to pursue Mal-Travelers into uncontaiminated dimensions, but must never expose themselves to others in that dimension. Instead, they must wait till the Mal-Traveler is alone, and find a way to strike without alerting the natural inhabitants of that dimension. Destruction of land, property, and other places is also not allowed. Angels often will inform a Gremlin or higher up rather than puruse a Mal-Traveler through into another dimension, less they endanger not only losing their job, but also their freedom and being placed in the tender loving care of a Keeper, or simply sealed away if they're not deemed useful enough.

Gremlin - Gremlins are the middle rank of TASK, so named because while they don't always follow the strictest of rules, they'll still do what they're told and get their jobs done, albeit a bit messily. They share the same responibilites as Angels, but have a bit more freedom in what they can do while pursuing Mal-Travelers. If it will only expose a few people of an uncontaiminated dimension to contamination, they may engage in battle in order to apprehand the Mal-Traveler. A few people can equal anything from two to five people. This means the Gremlin can't ever openly fight with a Mal-Traveler in a populated city, unless they receive permission from The Council or a Crow. This permission is more often than not given to a Gremlin, depending on their past record and trustworthiness. Such more open battles are always reviewed by a Crow or Gegoshi in order to determine if the Gremlin acted in the best possible interest of Twisted, and kept dimensional contamination to a minimum.

Crow - The high rank in TASK, so named after the symbolic aspect of crows that take souls into the afterlife. Crows have unlimited restraint in how they go about dealing with Mal-Travelers, where as always The Council prefers there to be no death, destruction, or contamination of and on other worlds and dimensions, it is left to the Crow to rely on his own personal judgement. Only a select few hold the Crow title, and one can only be promoted to it by The Council.

Keeper - Keepers are those that have been given the task of ensuring that the more deadly members of TASK, and sometimes those of Twisted itself, do what they're told and don't get out of hand. Each one holds the -key- as it were, to locking away their captive on a moments notice. Thus, the Keepers keep the Gremlins and lower ranks in check, making sure they don't make things worse by starting unnecessary fights, or simply contaminating dimensions. Keepers in general are very strict with their so called underlings, and have no remorse in removing their freedoms as punishment for any mistakes. Afterall, whoever their keeping is only being let out on the terms that they do as they're told. Keepers are above Angel and equal in rank to Gremlins.

Post Unification

Originally set up by Senior Diablo with Dante Sparda as its leader, TASK saw a revival after the Unification Timeline when an unusually large amount of powerful individuals decided to join the Devil May Cry agency.

Subsequently after the disappearance of the demon hunter, Dante's second in command at the time Huitzilopotchli, or as he is better known in Twisted; Kotal Kahn, assumed leadership of both organizations and has been taking steps to improve them. Since then, he has solidified his hold by merging all DMC activities and resources with TASK, and moved them all back to the TASK building which has been fully renovated.

Unlike its previous incarnation, TASK force has been largely welcomed by the Twisted public thanks to their zealous efforts to protect the city from any dangers that would threaten it. TASK has done away with all its previous policies; it no longer has a ranking system for officers and, with the absence of the Council, it operates individually rather than answering to any one branch of government.


Under Kotal Kahn's leadership, TASK now has an official theme to reflect its resolute determination against the enemies of Twisted.

We are One- Triarii

Pages in category "TASK"

The following 13 pages are in this category, out of 13 total.

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