TASK Courtyard

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TASK Building - Southern Courtyard(#4328R)

Here you find yourself in a strange piece of Twisted. Even with the ability to fly you can only reach this location by traveling through the Town Hall to the South. It's an unnaturally quiet courtyard surrounded by dense trees which any attempt at traveling through will quickly be found to be impossible. Bisecting the courtyard is a long walkway with several stone archways built at even intervals which direct you to the only real thing of interest here...

Stretching upwards into the sky is the ridiculously tall TASK building. The building itself is a massive cylindrical tower with stairs starting at its entrance and winding upwards as far as the eye can see. Every few feet along the outside of the building is a new gateway, a swirling vortex built into an archway with an old, iron-looking gate locked open above it.

Occasionally one of the heavy gates might be pulled down and the gateway locked with a glowing red symbol over the door signifying its status as part of a lock system only a select few understand.

Astral Only Description

If you have the ability to see into the astral plane, what you see will very nearly knock you off your feet. The ground here is literally smashed open. Reality bleeds behind the cracks. The building itself is a living spire, wrapped in tendrils as multiple co-existing worlds are locked and bound to this one location. The skies themselves are in constant turmoil. This isn't an example of stability... this is an open wound on the very fabric of existence! The wind here whips around in a thunderous scream of worlds twisted and warped into a central location.

What's more a powerful energy can be felt rippling out of the main doorway of the TASK building. Whatever has been done here must have had a terrible price to pay to make it happen...

Exits Available

The City of Twisted
Locations Another Way  •  Cemetary Lane  •  One Way  •  Park Road  •  Plowse Bridge  •  The Twisted Street  •  Wastelands
Buildings Mabase Medical Clinic  •  TASK Building  •  The Usual Restaurant
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