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Revision as of 23:00, 15 February 2012

Nancy Dark.jpg
Full Name Nancy Dark
Series Original
Gender Female
Species humanoid


The daughter of an esteemed Council member and inventor, Nancy was born with a highly unusual gift. Much like the nature of Twisted itself she had the innate ability to pull people or places and anchor them to wherever she happened to be, seemingly at whim. Fearful that her abilities would endanger the whole of Twisted, the Council decided to banish Nancy to a pocket dimension where she would live out the rest of her life alone. Little did the young child know at the time, but fear of another child with the same powers caused the same fate to befall her twin brother Seth as well.

For the child her exile was literally an eternity. She was banished to a place where time had no meaning giving her ample opportunity to learn how to use her powers, but as she quickly discovered... no one could leave the pocket dimension. Not even people she pulled into it from random worlds to keep her company. Soon she'd pulled enough people and places in with her that she'd created a small town and a massive cemetery - as again, time had no meaning here. People brought in by her powers aged quickly, compiling her grief for her lost family and shame of things beyond her control with the horrible dwelling guilt of watching these people grow old and die around her, always leaving her alone again.

Eventually the Council members sent one of their number to collect her. Offering her an escape from this eternal nightmare in exchange for her enslavement to the Council as one of it's members. Eager to leave she agreed to their terms and as soon as was able the newly appointed Council woman pulled the contents of the world she'd created onto Twisted, binding it as the area surrounding what is now known as ZekuKari Beach. She even cleared away the memory of Airashisa, the last person she'd brought in out of desperation, so that she could lead a life without memories of Nancy or the world she'd created.

During Diablo's takeover of the Council and the creation of the 'Unified Twisted' she learned the fate of her forgotten about brother. Upon releasing him they discovered that his confinement had taken it's toll on his mind and all of his memories of his old life where gone... replaced with a fictional one he'd created for himself. Nancy never told him the truth, leaving him to go on with his life without the trauma that remembering his past would cause. Even in a world full of people, once again she was alone...

Primary Skills and Abilities

During her exile Nancy learned to harness her abilities to a level where she could pull people and places to her location by conscious thought. This ability lets her act as an architect, able to reshape Twisted according to the whim of the Council, or as the leadership now sits, according to the whim of Diablo. Even though the old Council was disbanded, Diablo has yet to release her from her binding contract, even going so far as to change the status of the Council from ruling party to his own personal enterage just to keep her at his side. Thus far only her own self-imposed fear of going back to the pocket dimension has kept her from speaking against this arrangement.

Nancy is terrified of going back and that keeps her from doing any harm to the people or places currently in Twisted without direct orders. As such the only manifestation of her powers she allows people to see is the ability to teleport in what appears to everyone else as moving through fog, and the constant movement of her hair and clothing even when no wind is present.

Character Statistics

  • PHYSICAL ABILITY: 2 (She's never had to do anything more than walk around her whole life)
  • KNOWLEDGE: 3 (She's never had any formal or informal schooling)
  • MAGICAL KNOWLEDGE: 10 (Despite her frail form and lack of schooling, she's lived enough lifetimes in her pocket dimension to know the very limits of her abilities... or the lack there of. The universe is her playground, but she's too scared to take advantage of it.)
  • SUPERHUMAN ABILITY: 0 (Aside from her magical powers she has no other abilities to speak of)

Threat Level: 3.75


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